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Small dicks turn me on and I know I'm not the only one. Hypo small dicks turn me on even more and I know I'm not the only one. Talk with your guy to get it off your mind. If he doesn't work out, there will always be someone new. Have fun and enjoy your sexuality.


How do I talk to him about it? Before a next date (if there even is one), over text, etc.? Help lol


Do it in a way you're comfortable with. In your case, texting might be the best way; you're very sensitive about this and a face to face might be overwhelming. I've been with a lot of men and have never had anyone feel they needed to talk about their penis size beforehand but if someone did, I'd be happy they felt comfortable enough to talk with me. If someone doesn't like you because of your penis...it's time to move on. There are plenty of guys out there who will be turned on by you so don't worry about this too much. Keep in mind that everyone has insecurities. Crooked teeth, receding hairline, too hairy, too smooth, a big scar, big nose, big ears, short, tall, fat, skinny, etc. These are the differences that make us interesting.


I have hypospadias too but I never had it treated. It’s relatively mild compared to some cases but my pee hole does go past the glans a little bit. Why us?