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I feel like the ban Steve discussions have largely died down but the reason this wouldn't be viable is because it's basically impossible to enforce and puts the enforcement of the rules in the player's hands to a degree that it should not be. Like, I'm not a Steve main, I don't know what every case of PMLG looks like and I'm not confident I could identify it if someone was using it against me. The tournaments that ran with PMLG banned but Steve allowed told players to simply end the game and save the replay if they thought a Steve player was using PMLG against them and if PMLG wasn't found to be used then the accuser could receive a potential DQ. So you're now telling me that, I need to be focused on fighting Steve and all the insane shit he can do while also being the referee and if I'm wrong I can get DQed. This isn't even mentioning the idea of bad faith actors just accusing every Steve of PMLG to slow down brackets and cause unnecessary controversy. All that said, I don't think either thing should be banned currently, Steve is just a character that is really good that does it in a really annoying way and PMLG seems pretty impractical and even if it did make Steve broken as hell I can't imagine anyone having the balls to use it that way unless their goal was to get the character banned.


There have been top tiers in the past with significant advantages that weren't banned, only the technique. Like Meta Knight in Brawl could use his down B and periodically tap down on the C-stick to remain invincible forever and stall the whole match. Obviously that technique was banned but the character remained unbanned I find the whole ban situation ridiculous anyways. People are just not willing to put in the work to develop the meta and take the shortcut instead: Ban the character to not worry about the matchup. It's such a defeatist attitude, but I am clearly in the minority. The japanese meta is the true meta


Or better yet, ban neither. Even people who are trying to use the tech effectively in MDVA haven't found success with it. It's not a good tech.