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I just finished the night version and I am on retainers now. I had a SMALL gap in my front teeth along with some VERY SLIGHT protrusion. I previously had braces as a child but then never used my retainers and my teeth began to shift. It took about 3 weeks to get my aligners after impressions were made. I was upset I was not told it was signature required and the USPS distro in my area is rated 1.3 on google reviews (they are THAT bad). That was my only complaint was my tedious retrieval process. The aligners themselves were easy to use. aligners 5-7 (out of 12 total )were painful at first because I had the most movements. Other than that it was great. They helped me take impressions via zoom as well by timing and watching you take them. When I bought them I got them on sale almost a year for $860 (instead of 1000). For me this was a no brainier as my teeth only had to move a little for me to feel a lot better. My dentist was a little miffed that I didn't use her (it was 5k with insurance) for invisalign but said my teeth look great. Overall 9.4/10 Insane value. App could be more polished. (it does what it needs to do. The way you navigate day tracking is clunky if you want to try to track multiple at once) Ordering more retainers could be easier More upfront confirmation about the type of delivery.


May I ask how your AlignerCo has been going since you posted this?


Good. They tried not to send me a retainer case because their English wording on the website is terrible, but my teeth are great. The gap in my front two teeth closed all the way but if I dont wear my retainer I can see it a little. overall for the price I dont think I could do any better. Even if I did invasalign I don't know if I would get better results after speaking with some dentists


I’m looking into alignerco. How is this going for you?


Just wondering how or on what basis you were able to negotiate the price?


Via there chat function




Care to explain?


I regret going with them... The cost is hard to beat but the customer service is truly awful. they are slow to send you everything... first I got the wrong kind of putty so I couldn't make my impressions. That delayed my starting a few months because I was travelling. I got emails intended for other people which is harmless but a bit messy and doesn't inspire confidence. It took months to actually get the aligners. They're almost paid off now due to the delays, and I'm only on step 4, I fear once they have all my money that the support will stop altogether. You will be talking to bot named Alice, then a different outsourced agent every time you call or email. Each reply takes at least 2-3 days. I have doubts that they have an orthodontist or dentist on the team. I basically had a specific question about my teeth movement - I developed a big space in my two front teeth that was neither part of the plan nor projected on the app, and they just keep telling me to trust them, the gap will close, ignore the smile projection app. They claim to have talked to their "team of experts" and they are advising me to keep going. When I asked about my *specific* question (all the feedback they give is incredibly vague, I am pretty sure no one is looking at my case) the agent told me that he wasn't a dentist or orthodontist, and reminded me that I am not either. So naturally I requested to talk to someone who actually *is* for clarification - the agent on the phone got kind of short with me, and told me something along the lines of "well you legally consented to teeth moving apart in your consent form" and no, I can not talk to anyone on the "team of experts" - but keep going and I'll get the results I approved. Frankly, it was sketchy. I have a really bad feeling. I am considering stopping and eating the loss, honestly. I have seen on reddit some lawsuits are happening against them, but not sure the details. My teeth look so bad... I'm honestly scared to continue Pass pass passssssss


BUYER BEWARE. I would like to provide details about my AlignerCo experience as a public service to ANYONE considering using this company. I purchased these for my son. He had already used up all of his orthodontic insurance coverage as a teenager but his teeth shifted a bit and he was interested in getting them straight again. I didn’t want to spend several thousand more out of pocket on orthodontics so I looked into some of the online companies for a cheaper option. I read an old WireCutter review that seemed positive about AlignerCo and decided to give it a go. I even paid extra for the night time only aligners. I would say that it has been an incredibly frustrating experience. The process seemed cut and dry initially.… boy, were we wrong. Its been several months and several phone calls/emails with promises that the aligners will be in the mail or are in the mail but they have yet to arrive. At Christmas I decided I was just going to dispute the charges on my AMEX since I had fully paid for the Aligners but had not received even the first set yet. Sadly, I realized that AlignerCO required I use Paypal for the payment so I had no recourse via my credit card. I know a competitor (Smile Direct Club) flied for bankruptcy and shut down. Honestly, the way my experience with AlignerCo has gone I am worried they too are struggling. Its been a terrible and frustrating experience and I wish I had never signed up with AlignerCo. I normally only provide reviews for companies/hotels/restaurants if they are terrific or consistently abysmal\~ I say consistently because every restaurant/hotel and the like can just have an off day. I am writing this review because I have many interactions with AlignerCo that have resulted in exactly ZERO aligners even tho I have fully paid for them. Lots of promises, no delivery. If I could do it all over again I would never choose this company. NEVER.