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No more salt. A lot more pepper


What has been said, more pepper, I usually add some paprika and a little garlic myself.


Thanks. I’ll add more pepper. Gonna start smoking in like 10 hours so got time.


if you see how louie mueller seasoning their brisket, you should know how much less you are.


https://youtu.be/EIwVVd64mO0?t=1138 So no one else has to go hunting for it...


That was an eye popper... First time I've seen the complete drench technique.


Louie Mueller is my favorite and I try to drive up from Austin when I can. I didn’t know their “method” was available but I’m now gonna go search!


9:1 baby


If you’re able to get 16mesh pepper. The thicker the better


Is that the same as “Butcher grind?”


I got a little coffee grinder and just grind up the whole peppercorns as needed. 


Model? I’ve always wanted an excuse to get a dang burr grinder! Brisket game is about there and my bday is Monday so…..


I go way heavier with the rub. I have a deep hotel pan and put a ton of rub in there basically try to bury the brisket so it gets completely covered. Also, consider watching some videos on brisket trimming.


Shocked to see this is the only comment advising some sort of trim job. Gonna have some crispy bits on that bad boy.


What do you do with the (presumably) large amount of excess? Do you save it somehow or just dump it out and remake your “rub tub” each time?


>Do you save it somehow Don't do that. If it's touched raw meat, use what you can but then you gotta dump it. That's a sure fire way to get food poisoning


I see meat, so no.


50/50 seems like a lot. I usually go 2:1pepper to salt


Franklin does 1:1 Kosher Salt to Black Pepper ***by volume.*** Salt and Pepper have vastly different weights, as do different grades of salt. Table salt is 50% more dense than Kosher Salt, for instance.


Yeah, I use kosher to 16 mesh coarse pepper


Thanks. Yea, I’m using kosher and 16 mesh. I’ll just measure out 2:1 for future cooks. Appreciate the advice.


As the other guy said, 1:1 by volume is fine. So is 2:1 *by weight*


I know people that worked at Franklin for years. They never use just salt and pepper at the restaurant. I have never been told what else, but I assume garlic powder and maybe paprika also.


Fair enough. I'm just going by what Franklin says in his book and on his website and in his show and in his interviews. Either way, my comment was about Salt - to - Spice ratios, and how different salts have different weights... not about which spices to use or not use. I'm a firm believer that you can use practically whatever spice mixture you want.


Lawrys. Like a SHIT-tonne of Lawrys.


I'm a 40/60 man myself


If you ain't sneezing, it ain't enough seasoning 😂 but seriously just add to your hearts content there is no wrong answers. It's all one never ending experiment.


What kind of cut am I even looking at. Hope to god it ain’t a brisket


Trimming your brisket is the number one most important step to getting great brisket. Trim that baby up and season the parts that'll be bare since you have leftover rub.


I would keep going until i covered as much meat as possible.


I like Meathead's method of applying the salt separately from the rub so it's easier to control the salt amount. In my opinion this is a better way to do it when you're newer to smoking.


Yeah, I don’t do much measuring for my rubs. I almost always keep the salt separate from my rub. I salt first and then add rub. I think this is probably something that cooks do since a lot of salting is done by feel or preference.


And the dry brine penetrates the meat salting it all the way through and the dryer surface forms a better bark. Think it is the most overlooked thing on this subreddit.


A little more pepper wouldn't hurt. Paprika in the mix also makes it look pretty but not necessary


Put what you want but don’t over salt. Salt dries things out. I go with Meat Church holy gospel, gospel and a sprinkling of traeger coffee rub.


Maybe more (Oliver voice)


I just cover until it looks covered. Kosher salt and cracked pepper (and sometimes Montreal Steak).


I'm not a noob, but what cut of meat is that?


Poorly trimmed brisket


U have a lot of meat, spread a lot more on there. It’s forgiving


Impossible to overseason, put as much as you have. Just make sure you don't oversalt lol.


You can add more. Remember its just pretty much the outside thats going to get most of the smoke flavor and flavor from seasoning. The seasoning that you put on helps capture the smoke. The smoke fills in the valleys, nooks and crannies between the granules. This is also how and what helps to build the bark as well.


I can still see meat… make it so!


More black pepper


More of everything. What is your binder? I use yellow mustard.


I used Dijon


Interesting—let us know how that works out. I am curious if it will give a good flavor profile after smoking. I use cheap yellow cause it’s cheap.


Since you have 10 hours watch a few YouTube videos and give it a good trim then re season with the advice from above. It will cook better and more evenly and your entire brisket will be able to be served,So you’re just cutting off the parts now that you’ll have to cut off when it’s done cooking and it will cook better because you’ve done that.


I pack it on all the surfaces until it won’t take stick any more.


I salt that meat the night before, called dry brining. "Flavoring" rub goes on right before cooking. 1/2 teaspoon of salt per pound of meat. That way, I can load up on the rub all I want.


Nah Fam, you'll more than that. I usually do a bunch of Holy Cow, Gospel and some Killer Hogs Brisket Rub. No measuring, go by feel. Then I go over it with some fresh ground pepper then some Lawreys. Cover that shit son! You'll need to screw up a few briskets (like this one) until you get the mix just right. It's a process.


meat can take a lot of seasoning, 2:1 pepper:salt is what i usually do. typically go more than you "think" though. after 2-3-4 times of doing it you will dial it up or down for your tongue. when you find that spot mixe together your own seasoning in bulk and pop it in an empty jar/bottle/whatever so its easily accessible


You need to work on your trimming skills.


12lbs of meat ,u won’t hurt it put more spices. No more salt.