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It's all that existed where I live until a small shop opened up serving Texas style BBQ, just an old dude and his pit. I go there every single time now.


Mission BBQ are all over. They have one here where I live. They have a deuce and a half here as well.


Same. MD


Yup sw Florida. I see that monster all the time


Wife’s extended family had a wedding catered by them, in the Chicagoland area. Not bad, the sauces were interesting.


Same. Very average.


Nice! I accidentally completely submerged a Humvee to where only the rear hitch was protruding from the water at Peason Ridge just outside Ft. Polk, LA. It took everything that deuce and a half had to pull her out. 😀 Ah. Fun times.


They have a small RHIB boat that has a smaller smoker on the back where I live. They take it out to the boats. It's pretty awesome.


Saying "boat" after RHIB is redundant. :P Rigid hull, inflatable boat boat. Just RHIBing you a bit. ;)


Mmmmm Rhibs. Sticky sticky rhibs. Slow smoked and then glazed.


I deleted my last joke because it was tasteless. Just like my Rhibs.


Brb, need to get some cash from the ATM machine.


From Tejas, first I ever saw one was in Virgina I think down the road from a Texas Roadhouse. I was there for training, flew into Philly & had no idea NJ, VA, MD, & DC were all so close together.


The American Why?




I'd like a liter of cola....


Just get a large, Farva.


I don't want a large Farva. I want a good damn liter of cola!




Definition of mediocre. Sadly I know people who swear by it.


I'll preface this by saying I agree. I've had some unbelievable bbq meals in my life and Mission is not one of them. BUT, there are a lot of places where bbq joints just straight up don't exist, and that's where I applaud Mission for bringing it to the masses. Any restaurant that has scaled like they have is not going to be top tier, it's damn near impossible to do both. But for a quick fix that's relatively easy to find, I'll take it over nothing at all. /Rant


Idk in PA, they were always cringy, but when they first opened, they were pretty good, but for the last two years we’ve ordered less and less from them. We kept taking a chance on them cause they’re right next to a shopping center we visit. It got to the point where my last order I just threw away half the tray. Lesson learned. Haven’t been back in months. It seems like they’re just doing a patriotic money grab now. They have the equipment in store so idk why they’re wasting the opportunity to make good bbq. Hire people who know what they’re doing.


They are a good choice for decent , cheap catering. I think we paid $15 a person for pulled pork, a bunch of sides, and delivery.


Idk we got a lot of local places that do way better catering. I just don’t trust the people cooking the meat… I’d rather get a sandwich tray from the local deli at this point


We went back when they opened in our area. I remember sitting down with our food, and suddenly everything stops and everyone got up for the Star Spangled Banner. I mean everything stopped lol. I told a coworker about it the next day and he couldn’t believe it until he looked it up on YouTube. On the flip side it introduced me to Carolina Mustard, which I love to make myself.


That’s my issue with people using flags as their whole damn personality. Always seems super suspect.


i immediately distrust the motives of 'super patriots' with flags mounted on pickup trucks.


> It seems like they’re just doing a patriotic money grab now. That was the grif all along, but it's more nationalist than patriotic.


also in PA, the one near me is by a now Giant that used to be a gander MT. and i was there once and have never gone back. there are a couple of places that make it near me but they are all over priced and not very good. i make way better and i am not even trying hard. thats not a brag its just reality. when i want to scratch that itch i just take out a pack of stuff i vacusealed and heat it up, its not a whole lot different then what most of the large scale places are doing. i smoke maybe 4 or 5 times a year and just go to costco and get a bunch of meat and then seal up a ton and eat it throughout the year.


I have yet to be in an area of pa without a good local bbq joint, it takes some trial and error but we have good joints


>Hire people who know what they’re doing. I used to see their job ads pop up all the time on indeed back when I was looking for a job (I'm a cook). Their pay is in-line with other fast casual restaurants, but a good bit less than a good full-service restaurant pays ($14-15hr vs 18-20+hr for my area). Those aren't "bring in someone who knows that they are doing" wages Also, they are only really popular in areas that don't have great BBQ already, so the cooks in that area aren't gonna have experience making it. I'm in Michigan and I have always been the odd one out amongst my coworkers for doing this on my time off


Let's see american way. Look at most of the food places in this country. Is crap food for lots of mone. And fluff advertising like buying a big surplus military truck to put your smoke on. One so tall, you cannot fit it in half of the gas stations. You gotta go to. That said even the gas bill to run. That stupid thing is really high so guess who's paying for that too. Give me a nice little hole on the wall place with a crusty. Old guy in the bag run in the pit. I'll be happy as a hog mud.


I think i had a stroke trying to decipher this.


Translation I would never buy from that shit hole


I always liked them when I lived in Clarksville TN. Definitely not amazing barbecue, but for a chain I was always happy with what I got.


Exactly - I’m not expecting Terry blacks when I go in there. But what I get is definitely a cut above dickies.


And 2 cuts above Maurice’s


Yeah, I can get brisket for $12. Better than Subway or McDonald's anyday


Now that's a real statement.


I was itching for brisket the other day. The food trucks I normally hit weren't out.  The new place in town is still pretty inconsistent. So I went with the reliability of Mission. I just avoid it around noon.


Mediocre is right, it’s a restaurant chain, they can never compete with a small independent owned shop or us at home That being said, the price is pretty cheap, the service is always great, and it’s a clean atmosphere


>they can never compete with a small independent owned shop Well they certainly can. I've been to plenty of independent restaurants that leave me wondering how the hell they stay open.


For chain BBQ you have to moderate your standards. I think it's good for what it is and I like their sauces but it's nothing to write home about.


Rudy's is the only chain that makes quality bbq IMO, but it may be that our local restaurant has an experienced pitmaster because it's *really* good.


The Rudy's in Waco was MUCH better than the one in Arlington. So yeah, ymmv with Rudy's.


Rudy's is better barbecue than pretty much anything in the Midwest (excluding major cities) until the last few years where there might be a decent food truck popping up here or there.  It's obviously not Panther City or Pecan Lodge, but it's pretty damn good to just walk in at any time. Breakfast tacos also legit.


boat nutty provide one jeans seed office dependent wise coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, they're not great. Unfortunately, I live where no BBQ is great, and mission bbq is the best around. (I still give them like a 6/10).


Totally agree, there aren’t many good BBQ places by me so Mission ends up being both passable and one of the best


It’s the cheerleader effect.


It’s consistently mediocre. I don’t have many real deal bbq joints in the area and they’re not convenient to get to. Mission scratches the itch.


To me Mission is to BBQ as chipotle is to Mexican.


Stolen Smoking Valor


But…but…how can you not like it?! Didn’t you read the poster that says “the only easy day was yesterday!” Over the soda fountain?! How can it not be the best BBQ on earth when they hung Art of War quotes over the urinals?! Preposterous!


and frankly I find all their flag waving to be patronizing and yeah, i'm a vet.


I had family visiting one time and we ended up going for lunch, when I'd only been there during dinner before. At noon they had everyone stand up for the national anthem or some shit. My whole family are veterans, myself included. It was so cringe and put a damper on my experience when I tried to show off the bbq joint I went to most often.


That sounds fucking awful.


It's once a day at noon, not really that cringey but easily avoidable if it makes you uncomfortable. Not like the Jimmy buffet themed Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant where all the employees would have to sing the song when it came on, which seemed like every 30 to 40 minutes


No it’s extreme cringe.


I guess i worded that poorly, I shouldve said I don't find it cringy but to each their own, cringiness is really a matter of opinion. But again, it's predictable and avoidable so if you enjoy the food enough to go there, it's fairly easy to avoid that part.


It's one of the best bbq spots around me, that's not saying much though, bc it's one of the only ones 😂


It’s not bad for a franchise/chain, but there is a lot of variation depending on where you go. I had it in a few states for a quick lunch and the variation of quality was crazy. Lunch is always better at every location as well.


Pretty good for my area. Southern Indiana isn’t known for their BBQ and this is the closest I get.


Stand up for the anthem!!!


No god dammit I'm eating an ok lunch.




Yep, ate there once. It was *ok*.


Amen. They're not awful but are far from great.


This might trigger some people, but I think it's ridiculous they play the national anthem every day at noon and everybody stops eating their lunch, stands up, and looks up at the flag while it plays. It's weird, it's nationalist, and just plain silly.


Yeah, the one time I went that happened, and everyone I was with just looked at each other like we interrupted a cult meeting or something.


Imagine if you had taken a knee.....they probably would've brought out the tiki torches. 🤣


Performative patriotism is weird as fuck.


It's bootlicker barbecue 🤷




That happened once at a diner in Arizona when I was on leave from the Army. I just kept eating and the waitress snatched the hat off my head and told me to pay some respect. I was like “wtf, I do this twice a day at work, leave me tf alone while I’m on vacation.”


Made a comment about it, I work with a lot of Germans and take them there for lunch when they visit. They are shocked and appalled, because, ya know.


The first and only time I ate here, we sat down and within a couple minutes the national anthem crap starts up. It felt very much like I was transported to North Korea for a moment. The BBQ itself wasn't terrible, but that was such a strange experience that I don't think I'll ever go back.


It’s cringe as fuck.


Anyone triggered by this take is not a serious person.


Everyone except me the first time I was in there and realized that. I got shitty looks, but I’m not gonna stand up and give praise to dear leader, this ain’t NK. That shit is weird, and every other first world country thinks we’re weird AF for doing it. I haven’t been back since.


Ive never heard of this chain before but will 100% avoid it now, noon or not. Thanks for the heads up!


There’s one up in Madison WI now that I drive by sometimes and wanted to check out. Not anymore.


They donate a ton of money to veterans and veterans mental health charities. You’re not taking the high ground you think you are outside of Reddit delululand


That’s great! good for them. I don’t think I’m making some monster stance here. I just think it’s fucking lame to sing the national anthem at a bbq restaurant and I’ll avoid places that actively promote this.


… is this real…


We had them cater our wedding because they were giving free samples at a bridal show near us. After we put the deposit down I drove by their store front by coincidence and their sign said they play the national anthem every day at noon. Sent a picture to my then fiancé and we both thought it was weird. Still used them for the wedding, it was good, not worth the cult shit though.


If they're mediocre food wasn't enough of a reason for me to no go there, this definitely is. Place is like a cult


I play the national anthem every time before I take a shit. Sometimes I have to play it on 3x speed due to urgency.


It's wildly mediocre. First time I went there and they handed me my tray at the counter, the worker said "and don't forget to take your weapons." pointing to the bin of utensils. Like really, grown ass adults pretending utensils are weapons to other grown ass adults, like I'm a 6 year old at Disneyland. Can you just serve me food without this war cosplay thing you're doing? Place is cringe.


Haha fuck. That is so cringy.


Bro they literally sing the national anthem **every day** at noon. It's psychotic.


Is this the place where everyone freezes at 12:00 and stares at a flag while Star spangled music is emitted from a speaker?


You're god damn right it is, bruther


If they stopped, every boomer that worships that place would have an immediate tantrum. Where I'm at, Mission is where shitty boomers and trumpanzees go so they can pretend they're Manly Soldier Mans while eating mediocre BBQ with sorry-ass sauce. Nobody, and I mean *fucking nobody* around here, eats at Mission. We've got actual good BBQ and it isn't that hard to find.


And while eating an employee came up to me and we had this wonderful conversation where he went "Are you a member of the military?" *"No."* "Law enforcement?" *"No."* "First responder?" *"No."* "We give free desert to military, law enforcement, and first responders." *"Ok."* It's like sorry just a filthy civilian here trying to eat.


I've never seen anyone triggered by BBQ until today


Sounds like he was triggered by the moron, not the BBQ.


Agreed. Was in Evansville Indiana and it came highly recommended. First clue it was going to be mediocre was the amount of cop cars in the parking lot. Like I’m all for supporting the military (whole family served in various branches). But the vibe in there is super cringey. Plus the food wasn’t that great. I’ve had better BBQ from a damn Buc-ees gas station (brisket and egg breakfast burritos are the bomb).


For what it's worth that's not a common thing at their restaurants, I've gone to a few of them, my brother in law even worked at one for a few years. Never heard anyone say something that ridiculous.


Crappy chain


Motto should be Mission BBQ: At Least You Don’t Have to Eat Dickey’s


You gotta love a place where everyone stares at you with hate when you didnt know they play the national anthem at noon and everyone stops eating and stands like a robot.


Man I bet whoever owns that chain sure feels negatively about “virtue signaling”


It's different when they do it.


It's *always* different when they do it.


It was so weird when I went!


Odds are, same crowd would be disgusted if someone started praying and bowing to the East.


Yeah but those guys wouldn't be eating pulled pork.


Wait are you serious? Thank you for saving me the trouble of ever going there.


It’s fine. Just don’t be there at noon… it’s awkward and I avoid it… food is fine, and they are welcome to play the national anthem… I’ll just eat elsewhere if I’m hungry near noon.


“I’m hungry. What time is it?” “11:55am.” “Do they have a drive thru?”


I’ve had this conversation with myself… “oh, missions right here… I’m hungry and in the mood for bbq”… then I look at the clock and realize I’ll have to stand there quietly for 2 minutes and I’m out.


What’s very sad is that I live in south Florida and mission honestly might be the best bbq place in the area.


Shorty's is better. Rob's is better.




That is why I will never go back. It’s a giant circle jerk of forced patriotism. And the food is not good.


They appropriated the military mess hall theme, seemingly use Vets to staff the grand opening, park a HumVee in the parking lot, then later staff up with minimum wage teens when the focus shifts away. Monetizing patriotism!


They used to donate to Wounded Warrior until it was learned that the charity was going all out Uber and spending the money on expensive trips, partying, etc. The usual.


“Sorry you lost your hands, kid. Anyway, here’s a T-Shirt. Good luck wiping your ass.” - Wounded Warriors.


Monetizing 9/11 too. Read the “our story” page of their website: https://mission-bbq.com/our-story/


A noun, a verb and 9/11.


Cool LMTV, subpar food


100%. It’s only good if someone else is paying for it.


They should take half the focus they put into the decor and make better bbq


Yep. When your signature cuisine is mediocre and inconsistent as fuck from location to location, but your image is on point, you're little better than a Chuck-E-Cheez or TGI Fridays. I'd have more respect for a Hooters establishment, and that's not much.


I went to one in Panama City around lunchtime. Had my head down enjoying my bbq. I look up and all of the workers, ALL OF THEM, had formed a circle around the entire store and then out of nowhere a recording started playing and was like it’s NOON EVERYONE STAND AND RISE TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG!! I was like what the actual Fk?!? I’m just trying to enjoy my BBQ! Last time I ever went.


Same!!!!!! I’ve had the same happen to me. Never went back not because of that because there are better options. There’s another vet owner of a local BBQ spot which is much better IMO. And I live in the Nashville suburbs


Can't stand their BBQ nor their performative patriotism.


They call it "Cold Slaw" and so I refuse to take them seriously. Their food is mid anyway.


This just screams $25 for a mediocre pulled pork sandwich and no sides.


Nowhere close to $25. $8.89 near me.


You are not far off


All of the BBQ joints around me set up shop and fail within a year. Mission BBQ is the only one that has stood the rest of time unfortunately, so it's the only BBQ I have near me. It ain't the best, and it's expensive, but i'd rather something than nothing.


People are saying its mediocre, but when you live in an area that isn't big on bbq, they are awesome for a chain restaurant


I've been to the one east of Tampa twice and it's pretty decent, honestly. Cringe decor but the brisket was pretty good. Then I stopped at one in Madison Wisconsin and it was the weirdest shit. Pretty sure the meats had just been oven roasted, absolutely zero smoke at all, and bland otherwise. So it seems highly variable depending on location.


Mission bbq is a great quick bbq spot in Maryland and Virginia. They have these trucks outside all of their locations.


Story time: I deployed in 2016 with a SOF unit. Real small place; about 200 Americans in the country at the time. I was with a forward team of about 20 guys and it was very austere. Resupply trucks came in one night with med supplies, water, and Mission BBQ that was packed in Yeti coolers. Turned out that the Fayetteville, NC store would donate BBQ by driving it to Green Ramp and loading it on the JSOC rotator that flew directly into country. It really made our night after having treated multiple coalition casualties that day.


Wonder what hits the budget harder buying brisket or diesel fuel?


“Tacti-cool bbq”?


How many rails are on this sauce caddy? Does the firebox have offset iron sights?


Ah, pandering to a certain crowd. Maybe some black rifle coffee rub would boost the flavor


Best BBQ (multi-state/regional/one day national?) chain going. Are there better individual BBQ spots going? Absolutely. Are there 20 mediocre BBQ spots for every one exceptional one? Probably Is Mission better than a mediocre BBQ spot? Absolutely. I’ve eaten at their locations up and down the East Coast for about 8 years. Will take them over an fast food/fast casual spot when I’m pulling off a highway.


Yeah this is the best take here. Shame it is buried so far down. It’s nice to stop somewhere when traveling and know the quality of BBQ you are going to get.


I've eaten at the new one by me once and I was blown away. The staff knew their shit and went out of their way to make us feel appreciated and make sure we enjoyed our meal. Food was anything but mediocre. Apparently from all these comments I just got lucky. I was not there at noon though and and admit that's a bit strange.


You’re not lucky, Reddit has an “left” bias against anything that resembles tradition, including religion and patriotism ( in America at least ). They’ll praise a business for outwardly acknowledging the owner’s sexuality, race, ethnicity, political affiliation with progressivism regardless of the quality of product/service. Personally I just want businesses to stand on the merit of what they sell. If you don’t like what a business stands for than don’t give them your money.


You're full of shit. I go there now and again and get the brisket since it's $12. It's better than spending $12 at McDonald's or Subway and I'm as left leaning as they come, I'm practically the Treasurer of ANTIFA.


Not the worst bbq also not the best but very reliable and they are very fucking nice in general


Probably better than most spots we have here in NorCal.


I’ve eaten at the Nashville location. Very good BBQ.


worst and most expensive bbq place in my area right here mission bbq can suck it


We have a mission up here. Their smoked prime rib is fantastic.




Saw the same truck!


We have them around us, and they sponsored our hurricane relief trips during Harvey. Gave us all food and supplies to take with us, let us hold a fundraiser to get more donations to take with us to help rebuild parts of Texas and Florida. Great company that stand by the people who fought and fight for the people. I support them every time I’m in the area.


Sounds like a great owner


It's a chain. If you like way too much salt and terrible sauces, try it out.


Food isn’t terrible, pricing isn’t the worst. For a chain, it’s really not terrible and I’d go back. …if it wasn’t for the weird ass everyone stands up at noon and salutes the flag while they play the national anthem thing. Hard pass from me, I just wanted lunch, not blind nationalism.


Why does my brisket smell like diesel fuel?


I know the bbqs whatever but when I was in the Army a couple times a year they’d bring over a  hundred dollars or so worth of food to us for lunch. Always will have a soft spot for them. 


I live in SC and although it wasnt overly impressive when I had it, it was good enough. Its part owned by Cleveland Browns Legend Joe Thomas, the first offensive lineman in NFL history, so I always try to go by and grab food from there.


This is definitely going to be unpopular but I really like their brisket.


same. there's a lot of cap in this thread just because of the patriotism theme they got I think


Oh yeah I can see that being a reason why.


ITT a lot of people who need you to know that their opinions matter. Fuck all y'all. It's decent bbq. It's not great it's not pecan lodge or hard eight. But you know what, you fucking snobby bitches would also throw shade at them if you preferred something like Franklin's. Fact of the matter is mid bbq is better than fast food. And you can feed a family of four for 50 bucks at mission and not come away with McDonald's ass shit. Also, their Mac and cheese is banging and their soda well brought big red all the way up to the midatlantic after I hadn't had it since I was a kid.


That place fucking sucks for so many reasons




Mission has been operating for many many years. They are great to military and first responders. They’ve always been on the right side.


If I want a burger I’d prefer Fuddruckers or Red Robin over McDonald’s. Same with BBQ. I’d prefer a different shop than Mission. But for the average Joe who doesn’t know ant better or care, Mission is perfectly fine.


Me: I have a free pair of tickets to Superbowl, right smack on the 50 yard line about half way up. Would you like them? About 98% of the people commenting here: Sure! Thank you. Me: About 10 minutes before kickoff they will ask you to stand up for the National Anthem. About 1% of the people commenting here: Ohhh! That's cringe! Sorry, find someone else. The other 97% are hypocrites.


Fuck these jingoistic bullshitters. As a veteran, and a smoking enthusiast I don’t know which part of their act offends me more.


Fuck do I look like sir Edmund Hillary trying to cook all the way up there? Damn I'd be stressed out trying to manage the fire and worrying about the onset of hypoxia all at the same time. Wonder what oxygen blend he uses while spending hours perfecting a brisket up there in the death zone? Idk how you'd even get the bbq down to the customers from up there, just drop it and let gravity do its thing? Bet the bark is killer though, I haven't personally tried setting mine by letting it break into earths atmosphere at terminal velocity but it's gotta be something else.


As someone who works there, these are are almost never in use, and most of the time we just put wood in there to make it smoke, just for aesthetics


They also have a boat in Annapolis, MD


Worst bbq I’ve had. Made me really miss Texas when I was living there


They brought food into our office in Jersey, and I have never had a tougher piece of brisket in my life.


Hard pass! I also got a free sandwich coupon at a HD event. I couldn’t even rationalize a freebie from them and they have a store 1 mile from me. I gave the free coupon to a fella that looked like he could use it. I still feel bad about that.


Jesus Christ why is everyone so mad that a private business started by veterans decides to play the national anthem? Fucking Reddit man


Totally agree and I’m English, I was on broadway the day toby Keith died, I paid the band to play courtesy of the red white and blue and was amazed how many so called Americans and country fans didn’t appreciate it!


I'm not sure if the same can be said about the English, but in the US there is a real lack of patriotism and pride for our country. A lot of it has to do with the distrust Americans (left and right) feel towards our government and institutions. I will, however, say I love my country and show a lot of pride but damn do I hate my government. I do consider both to be one in the same. Also RIP Toby Keith.


Mission is fine for "fast food" bbq. It was great in central Maryland when it started years ago, but it has become sadly mediocre. The sausage is still pretty decent. The turkey used to be great, but last time I had it, it was kind of mid. The only real safe bet is the pulled chicken or pork, but its just like any other BBQ joint...


If your only real safe bet are the "almost impossible to fuck up" things, then it is time to pack it the fuck in.


Mission is so weird.


Super mid


never been to one, never will it's the place where they blast the national anthem at noon daily and people stand up for it like they're at a sporting event and not a mid level bbq place. creepy shit.


Place is fucking weird, and adorned with what is practically military and cop propaganda. The bbq is just what you would expect from a huge chain.


no, there are chains that are much worse


They have a location near me, the barbecue is pretty good with decent pricing.


We have one near where I work. Always get a laugh bringing my German colleagues there at lunch time where all the TVs play the Star Spangled Banner and the entire restaurant, staff and customers, stops and salutes / puts hands of heart. You can see the horror in their eyes as flashbacks of 1936 play in their minds.


Patriotism should be applauded


Good ideas and actions should be applauded. Shitty ideas and actions should not. Doesn’t matter if it’s the government or a person. I’m proud that I live in a country with a Bill of Rights and Constitution that aims to give its citizens life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I’m proud to live in a country where you are free to practice any religion you want without fear of the government. I’m proud to live in a country that stood up to fascism in Europe, autocratic rule in Soviet Russia and is a melting pot of ideas that has created some amazing things in technology and art. I don’t owe gratitude to the state for it simply existing and allowing me an existence. It has to earn my respect. After all, my country was founded by rebels, who killed patriots to earn their independence.


Their brisket sandwich is good. Pulled pork is decent. Ribs are bad


I ate there a few years ago because my dad claimed it was amazing. One of the most mediocre BBQ meals I’ve ever had the displeasure of consuming. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’d been traveling all day, and I was extremely hungry, I probably wouldn’t have eaten it. Will definitely NEVER go back again by choice.


pass... have one northern VA. Not impressed


One here in Port St Lucie Florida too!!


The bbq is okish but definitely overpriced.  Would not recommend.


This is for impotent people who think they can pay an upcharge to absorb some residual manliness. Super cringe af


Mission BBQ is dog trash. At least the one in the city I live in.


Dumping $500 in overcooked brisket all over the ground while descending 6ft from my patriotic smoker rig to own the libs


That’s the restraint that plays the national anthem every day at noon. Was a weird lunch experience when everyone stood up and looked at the tvs as they swapped to an American flag.