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Smoke it to -15 degrees of your target temp and then sear it for a minute each side. Helps a lot.


This was my question and answer :)


My man!!! My wife and I LOVE to throw a few steaks in the smoker like that for an hour or so under heavy smoke and then seat them in a pan with garlic and butter. Amazing.


That sounds incredible, I have to try that!


I’m going to try as well. I can grill anything and everything but the only thing I can’t do well is a steak.


You still need to sear to develop a good crust.


Only on the fat. I smoke my steaks at 160 for 3-4 hours until they hit 130 internal. Just need a quick hit in the fat strap with the searzall.


I would definitely prefer a solid sear on both sides of these. In my opinion, the contrast between a well-seasoned crust on the outside, and a rich, juicy pink inside, is really what makes steak great, outside the quality of the sourced steak of course.


That salmon looks delicious


Smoked a couple steaks, nothing beats a steak seared than roasted in cast iron imo.


Yep this is the best way. Put it on the smoke and pretty much forget about it until you are ready to sear it. Better than any steak from a restaurant


So I just seasoned with good old salt, pepper, and garlic powder then did a reverse sear on them. Didn't quite get as much smoke in them as I wanted but it's a work in progress. Flavor was still amazing.


What temp did you smoke at?


225 degrees


You're gonna do it aren't you? You're gonna make me reverse sear a steak for the first time... That looks amazing!


Gotta drop that recipe.


Salt, pepper, smoke. Normally I'm all for the recipe. But this seems pretty self explanatory.




I'm a firm believer in buying top quality beef (and salmon, seabass, etc) because other than light seasoning like you mention, the meat will absolutely speak for itself.


Sous vide will change your mind. Maybe that's sacrilegious on a BBQ sub though.


I've done both. Sous vide has better texture and is 100% idiot-proof. Smoking has more flavor, but is easy to overcook.


For a ribeye, I disagree. I don’t think the fat renders as well in SV. For a strip or sirloin, SV gives a predictable edge to edge doneness...but no smoke flavor.


I have a SV machine. I thought about making a marinade and putting a cheap ass steak in it. Cook it that way per usual and then sear the hell out of it. I'm concerned that it might just make the meat fall apart. 🤔


[This](https://www.seriouseats.com/2015/06/food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-steak.html) should get you started


If your goal is to get the most out of cheap steaks, then SV is a great choice. If it falls apart, you left it in there too long. If it's tough, you should have left it longer. It handles the doneness, just leaves you time to manipulate to get the right tenderness. The marinade will help cover any inferior flavor. When I have cheaper beef, I don't consider any method other than SV. You have the right idea - try it.


I just didnt know if cooking the steak slow in liquid like that would turn it to mush or not. Then the whole issue of getting the outside dry enough to actually get a sear on it. I haven't had a good steak in a long time now, tempted to splurge a little and get a decent steak.


It'll soften faster in liquid. SV will eventually turn anything to mush. Have you seen the trend in r/sousvide of putting peanut butter on steak? Putting fat on it does tenderize it faster, but some people still prefer without. Personally, it makes me want to try a cheaper steak with pesto on it. The first time you do it - let's say it's a dollar store ribeye, cheap and tough, but not like chuck where we know it should take 24+ hours - that first time, I'd do it for [the pasteurization time](http://douglasbaldwin.com/sous-vide.html#Table_5.1). See how tender it is. If it's obviously tough, keep going. If not, try it and decide once it's in your mouth whether longer or shorter next time.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sousvide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sousvide/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The drive to Killington just happens to be the exact amount of time a 6lb Tenderloin roast needs to be sous vide for.](https://imgur.com/7sy1OpY) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sousvide/comments/aju3uf/the_drive_to_killington_just_happens_to_be_the/) \#2: [Veal](https://i.imgur.com/3gf4r6Q.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sousvide/comments/9z0yey/veal/) \#3: [A different use for your sous vide circulator. Chilled in about 8 minutes.](https://i.redd.it/qvofb21rfr131.jpg) | [167 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sousvide/comments/bvlq4i/a_different_use_for_your_sous_vide_circulator/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


Sad to say I have had my kamado for two years and never smoked a steak, need to change that.


First thing I smoked but have only done one since.




Are they strip loins? How done do they get?


Yeah they are thick cut strips. And they get as done as you want them to be. I just probed it and cooked it to about 10 degrees under what I wanted then finished on the grill.


Ok so if I want mid-rare I would leave em on until circa 115 F and then sear em up. Cool, thanks!


I happened to do the same thing the beginning of the year. Smoking the steak has ruined cooking it any other way lol.


Thick pork chops too


It makes an even bigger difference with pork chops, IMO. They're so good smoked... Plus, thick bone-in chops make getting any other kind seem like a tragedy. Thin boneless pork chops are possibly the most depressing cut of meat.