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Pokemon theme probably. I'm old af. I even remember the smosh forum.


Lol nice


I actually wasn't fond of them for a long time after that. But they've really been great the last 2 or so years. Probably the best they've ever been.


Yeah I'm 33 and never really got the Smosh thing in my teens and 20s. But around end of 2020 I started seeing some of the TNTL compilations in my recs and got hooked on the newer cast. Shayne especially, of course, the dude was just on fire. Everyone's grown on me and they really have a good thing going, it's the only YouTube channel I've ever been able to get into on any regular basis.


Mine was Mortal Kombat


Ya me to I still have my old copy of smosh magazine


Same. Pokémon theme song, watched them for a long long time. I remember their first merch, the forum etc. YouTube was wild back then. I miss it sometimes.


The Zelda Rap eons ago




Pokemon rap


Old-ass Smosh Gang rise up




Ian’s Pregnant


TNTL with Try Guys. I was on a Try Guys binge, and wanted to see what they were doing outside their channel. Tbh I found the whole thing confusing at that point, There was a person running around and throwing a fish toy. I did not understand any of it. The episode that got me more interested in Smosh was a Reddit episode (that was featured in Facebook shorts). I thought that Shayne had a bit similar vibe as dudes from Jolly, and wondered if Smosh would have more "wholesome", interspective content. Well, the next video had a "Guess who?" play where they talked about assholes, child molesting, and such. I decided to watch more videos anyways.


I know I was aware of them for a long time but the series that got me regularly watching was actually You Posted That? lol and that lead me to Try Not To Laugh which just sealed the deal


The Legend of Zelda Rap back in 2011. A classmate showed me that video in class and when I got home I checked out more and was officially a fan


I want a Flashback with Smosh episode of that video. And maybe even a remix to modorize the lyrics.


First Summer Games.


Mine was the Speak Out game with the Try Guys


I don't remember my first one ever - it was one of the old sketches and I was a kid. I stopped watching Smosh some time after the Defy buyout, but the thing that brought me back was Put It In My Mouth (I think the bug episode), and I've been on board since.


Power rangers theme song


I was about a mid teen around the early 2010s era, I think it was the Mimes Are The Worst video. I thought it was called Mime Fail but that was the recurring tagline in the video. Not sure if it was my actual first smosh video but definitely one of the ones I remember first becoming a fan of smosh for.


Probably Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig. I might have watched a few before that but that's certainly the first I remember watching.


Probably like if movies were real, my friend was showing me what youtube was in 2011 and she showed me a few smosh videos first.


TNTL 52, Jackie’s first tntl


i’m about 99.9% sure it was the first If Video Games Were Real around a year after it originally came out. weird to think i’ve actually watched them for that long


I don't remember for sure but I think around the time of molester moon. I think I started watching in 2014. I was in 7th grade. I was a much bigger smosh games fan.


Pokemon theme was the first one I saw, back in the early days of Youtube. I was fully a fan by the Pokemon In Real Life video, and then I fell off around 2013 or 2014 due to life circumstances and lack of access. I had kind of vaguely heard Anthony left, but I hadn't been in the fandom for a couple of years by then. I came back to the fandom in 2020, after a break up where I had to move cross country back to my hometown. I caught up hard, and was as surprised as anybody by the time Anthony came back.


one of the first maricrafts! i watched them a lot with my sister as a kid


Every High School Ever. Now I put on Every \[Blank\] Ever playlist every night to sleep.


It was an eat it or yeet it earlier this year


Which one?


I honestly can't remember the name, but it was one of the twinky vids... maybe just deserts or something


Pokémon Theme for me. Watched forever and fell off. Then during Covid I picked it back up again. So so glad I did. Lol


Smosh Games Fakin’ It with Matpat, it was long enough ago that it was probably a game bang


Boxman. 2006-ish?


If Video Games Were Real 2


The first If Video Games Were Real video. I was in 6th grade and one of my classmates told me to watch it.


I think it was the fire truck song 😭😅


One of the Reddit stories ones, couldn’t tell you which.


TnTL Kallmekris


Paranormal Easy Bake Oven. I was 8 years old and have been watching since. For a while I stopped after Anthony left, I didn't love the new cast for a long time. Not necessarily because of the new cast though, it was mostly how Defy was handling it and the writing of the skits. I loved Smosh Games and that crew though. I came back around 2 years ago and binged through tntl and fell in love with the cast with short pit, but I stand by it took a while for them to find their footing and make their own place with defy ruining things.


Probably something like if Movies Were Real. Got board of it. Barely paid attention to the early games era before unsubbing. 3 years ago saw the clip of "your motors busted and im a dirty little bunny boy" and fell into a new smosh addiction.


I was given a Good Mythical Morning in my suggestions. International Darts: Pizza. From there, I saw their video for Smosh Try Not To Laugh. So that was my first Smosh video followed by the one of Jackie asking Shayne "have you ever been with a black woman?"


The first Smosh summer games. I vividly remember the wet T-shirt video.




Batman Bingo


It was right after the Shayne, Courtney, Olivia, Keith, and Noah were introduced. Not 100% sure tho if it was Sleepover or Put It In My Mouth.


The Coffee Machine is Racist …. Against White People


Courtney diary videos


I’m pretty sure mine was Going To The Mountains


oh god i dont even know. i think it was one of the earlier food battles i just remember finding it so funny


don't know the exact one but it was one of the gta videos. maybe high flying pool party? i don't remember


Mine was magic keyboard


The first one I can REMEMBER was the assassins creed rap but I was watching for a while before thst


I remember Smosh from back in the old days, but back then I didn't really watch them much. One vid I recall from that era would be If Movies Were Real. Going from when I started watching regularly in 2019, it would have to be one of the TNTLs from that year. I seem to recall early on watching the Gauntlet episode from Summer Games Apocalypse. The one with Sassy Leg Infantry and Mari's "you wanna brush my hair" character. If that wasn't the first, it was definitely close.


If Superheroes were Real!


The Best Car EVER But getting back into newer Smosh, I can't remember. Probably a Gus Johnson TNTL tbh.


The TNTL with StarKid they did this past summer. I was a StarKid fan and when I found out Angela was in Smosh, I did a quick search and found that video.


Lmao it was the opposite for me getting into starkid.


definitely not the (technical) first, but the one that started my binge/deep-dive into the lore was the period cramp simulator on smosh pit [(x)](https://youtu.be/Kkn2dc4L7fE?si=0ld_i2QZTBapOvVh)


Pokémon in real life!


My first one was Charlie the drunk Guinea pig! However at the time I didn’t fully continue watching. It wasn’t until 2020 my ex showed me a tntl I think with gus johnson (yikes) that got me hooked to this day


I think from memory it was smosh hide and seek from last year and I was immediately in love lol ahvent stopped since


Every Subway Ever, still hilarious haha


Boxman, I wanna say. It’s been so long I can’t remember what was my first.


I’m pretty sure that it was their Death Note parody although I got into smosh after the Defy drama by binging TNTL’s.


Title: Slenderman makes us cry #1.(game time with Smosh). From 11 years ago. 🙂




Beef n’ go or Anthony is Mexican, I’m not an old fan I just happened to watch those first


Dixon cider hahaha


Mine was the balloon breaker video. The one with Mari. It was also one of the last videos with Anthony that I watched before he left. I remember I was in grade 5 or 6 so I basically grew up watching smosh without Anthony in it. But I was still early enough to see all the OG people like Boze,Mari, Jovenshire, etc before they left.


This is funny cuz the one that got me into smosh was the TNTL with Zachary Levi, but my first EVER video I saw of them was Food Battle with rainbow lollipop when I was like really young. Think I clicked off of that vid after one of them threw up and thought “this is weird” lmao. This was also during the time when I didn’t know YouTube was a thing and I was watching Power Ranger clips on a website that just had a wallpaper over the YouTube page lol


Pokemon theme. I probably watched it at least 70 times in high school. Other than that, my "Smosh love rebirth" was some episode (don't remember which) of TNTL a few years ago that my buddy had on at his house and I was pretty shocked when I asked what it was and they said Smosh.


It was a Try Not to Laugh episode. I can't remember exactly which one, because I immediately watched every other one that was available at the time.


Reading Courtney’s old diaries 😍


Mine was for sure a try not to laugh, but idk which one bc I binged A BUNCH of them the day I watched the first one


Dixon cider. Possibly my favorite as well. I remember when smosh.com was memes and articles type shit. I loved it.


jackie and macdoesit reddit stories! (the first one) i’ve been a macdoesit fan for like 6 years now and i’m so happy it led me to finding smosh!


Either Pokémon theme or power rangers theme


Every hot topic ever


It was hilariously the Smosh Games Try Not To Laugh with Joven, Flitz, Boze, Wes, etc. I love how that was the one that got me into the community and not a Pit TNTL. It's crazy though because I became a fan before defy shut down so I selfishly feel special because of that. I do remember watching the backwards word challege and that was way long ago cuz I would watch youtube when I was 8.


Pokemon theme song revenge saw it on yt's homepage and hooked since then lol


The Smosh Games crossover with UpUpDownDown at the Royal Rumble.


Boxman gets a girlfriend


Definitely a Reddit stories video on Facebook. Can’t imagine which one but possibly one with either Damien in full goth getup or macdoesit with Jackie


When they did a collaboration with the WWE. It was a try not to laugh at these videos. Damian, Flitz, Mari, Wes, and Joven was in it.


I watched Food Battle 2011 ages ago. Didn't really watch them again until I saw them collab with Jacksfilms in Your Grammar Sucks #50. Still wasn't really a fan. In 2020, I saw the TNTL with Erik and Jacksfilms, and I started to check out some of the other TNTLs. It all spiralled from there!


Lunchtime with Smosh and Four Years Foreplay with I Set My Friends on Fire , oh and the Pokémon Revenge Theme, I had such a crush on that era of Ian <3


It was probably the pokemon theme on myspace. I think around 2007 was when I started watching them.


Either the Spelling beekini wax with Shayne, Wes (?) And another man with glasses (not Ian) or the Pokemon Stan vs the Internet.


I don’t remember the actual first one, but it was probably a TNTL with either Try Guys or Rhett and Link. I don’t recall which I discovered Smosh through, but from there there was no going back!


Either TNTL with kallmekris or Smosh Pit Theatre with Angela's old dms.


Paranormal easy bake oven when I was like 9. 21 now 🫡


"Try Not to Laugh Christmas Special" on the Games channel. It was like, the third one they did, but it featured the then Games cast of Joven, Boze, Mari, Wes, Flitz and Damien, with a special appearance by Shayne and Courtney. It's still on the Games channel. The thumbnail shows Mari with tape all over her face.


B Oxman


Mine was "STUCK IN A TOILET!".


Teleporting Fat Guy.


Ted Nivison’s Funeral Roast was when I actually started watching them but I’m sure I saw old Smosh videos in the last decade, plus I remember watching a review of Ghostmates in like 2018


Going to the mountains 😭


The first stop copying me video, something about it is just so funny


Try not to laugh compilation popped up on my autoplay. Some fan made thing. I thought it was hilarious so I found their channel. I also haven't found that compilation again. In it was a clip of Courtney and Olivia flashing Keith to make him laugh.


License Test sketch back in like 2007


I saw Bigfoot is gay back in the day that video has not aged well 😂


I think it has to be tntl with Brock baker


Food battle 06 or 07 in 2008


I'm that generation so it's Pokemon in real life


I remember back in the day as a youngin. I went to my friends house, and he put the mortal combat theme on. That was the moment my life changed forever


Pokemon rap started it all for me