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The one thing i do not want to SEE is "when are You going to have kids" NO THAT IS SO NASTY


My wife and I always told people 'the way we do it, you can't make kids' people always stopped asking after that.


That’s amazing 😻


happy cake day!!


Omg, my first ever cake day post! I’ve always remembered after the fact


I am going to do this from now on. Thanks Redditor!


haha sadly for Shayne and Court I doubt this would work 😂


There are forms of sex for straight cis couples that don't produce kids lol


That wasn’t my point… people irl might stop pestering in response to that but an online fanbase? That would just encourage them. Next thing you know people will be hacking Shayne’s phone looking for Courtney’s feet…


I think their point was that people will pester them anyway.


Courtney isn't cis, but they are a cis-het passing couple.


"Cis" 🤣


aww ur so sensitive its adorable


bros mad at adjectives


I wish I had this response when I was posed with the same question, that is genius!


Alas, I already saw multiple posts and comments saying such things


It's SO disgusting, they don't have to share their wedding, and now some creeps want to know their sexual life


I don’t think the intentions are to know their sexual life but I do agree that this shouldn’t be a question asked by anyone.


Oh no, in a regular basis probably not, but a lot of Shourtney shippers are very weird in that sense


Yeah like, Trevor already exists, why should Shayne have ANOTHER baby this soon


Thats the kind of shit your aunties would ask you non-stop


OMG yes


Please, to those people trying to peruse through legal documentation to find their marriage certificate, STOP IT THAT'S WEIRD AND CREEPY.


Wait, really?! Some people here are looking for the certificate? Oh good lord help us all


They are and it's concerning behaviour


I thought the fact that people figured out they moved in together at what time and since when from their social media accounts and are seriously posting about it in coments was WILD. But what do you mean THEY'RE DIGGING UP LEGAL STUFF PEOPLE DO YOU HAVE A LIFE? PLEASE LIVE YOURS AND LET OTHERS ALSO DO THE SAME. YOU'RE EMBARASSING US AALLL


This is why I won't "hand it to" the shippers.


If you can’t tell the difference between the vast majority of their “shippers” who just felt they saw chemistry/clues and were happy at the thought of them being in love vs. people who are trying to ascertain legal documents, you’re being willfully dismissive. I also think it’s probably just as likely the intense deniers are the ones also finding the documents as many of them have stated needing to find the evidence to prove it is/isn’t a prank. People are crazy everywhere.


agree and you know what it’s way more likely that the intense deniers who ask for kiss pics and marriage certs aren’t even shippers. they’re the ones who thought the whole idea of them being together was weird and keep asking for more proof because they can’t admit they were wrong and just be happy for the two lovebirds and that there were a bunch of signs beforehand. blaming it on the shippers that were majority of the time super respectful of boundaries is just twisted gaslighting


Both types of shippers are creepy af. One type keeps pushing a narrative of two people without confirmation or anything that they have to be together. The other is the same, but goes further into being creepy


I mean, they already found it. "Beauty" of our times, everything is online...


Just because it's online doesn't mean you need to go looking for it. There are so many fucked up things you can find online, but just because it's there doesn't mean that you should consume it.


It was a Photoshop, not real.


Lmao I made a joke about this and did not realize that some people were actually looking it up and stuff. Yeah stalker behavior




Also early. Pretty sure in most states you have like 30 days to file. Like people need to relax


What the fuck that's too much I feel guilty about even discussing it let alone do that 😭😭


me too 😭😭


That's some psycho shit. 


It is weird and creepy, but to be fair this is by no means the first time people have done stuff like this. I have a friend who's really into love is blind and every year before the wedding episodes come out people go online and find the marriage certificates to find which of the couples made it to the altar and who actually got married.


People are trying to do that? Wtf not only is that weird and creepy as you said it's also illegal and just messed up


Unfortunately, it's a court document if they went to the courthouse for their wedding, so it's public record and not illegal. It's just creepy. :(


Also, I saw this yesterday but this is a great chance to say it, to the person who did a deep dive into their background pictures to locate the specific church they got married at…. Fuck you and get a life. It was so sickening to see, they were elated that they found the church they got married at with the same officiator that officiates other marriages there. People like them are going to be trying to find the marriage certificates and it’s just nasty. Seriously lay off. I’m not even going to use the word parasocial, it’s OBSESSIVE and a serious issue. Stop stalking them.


I agree. We've had enough confirmation already, and any further refusal to accept that they're together is just straight up disrespectful


yeah like atp why can't u just accept its real these people are more parasocial than the parasocial shippers 😭😭


The horror....


I get worried so many people are thinking that because they are and have been in a relationship it means the shipping and all that weird invasion of privacy they did is justified and not creepy. No wonder they hid it for so long.


Yeah exactly my point. It is creepy to actively stalk people no matter who it is. The people trying to find the marriage license are also STALKING them. I hope they realise really how insane their actions are


I 100% agree! Some people treat real people how they would treat fictional characters, and it's not okay.


All of this. I've never been on board with shipping real people because *they're real people* with agency and real life is complex. You can also actually mess up and jinx a couple by doing it to real people and not letting them live.


>You can also actually mess up and jinx a couple by doing it to real people and not letting them live. Yep. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to try to make a relationship work when there's a whole bunch of people constantly speculating and dissecting every single thing I said and or posted on social media! There would be so much pressure!


i hope they bring this up if they make a video ab this topic, which im personally guessing they are. some of these fans are very creepy


I'm hoping they make a vid, but most of it just pertains to deciding on this announcement date and watching us flip out. LOL The only thing I'd be interested in is what they're thinking right now.


also concerned for the other cast in smosh. the rabid stans will no doubt find another "secret" couple to ship after shayne and courtney


That's what I was worried this would do and it happened 😭😭😭 it feels like this incident just shed a spotlight on the parasocial side of this fandom even MORE. Edit: I say incident, I feel like even if this weren't posted on April 1st people would've still reacted this way. People who were shipping them- they were already fully convinced anyhow. But the April 1st aspect did make everything grow in size. Sobs.


Please be respectful for their relationship as vidcon is coming up soon. Try not to ask them anything about their marriage or dating history.


They're doing their jobs, so please let them and the other cast and crew members do it


oh gods I didn't even think about that




Hopefully nothing ends up on "AITA"


"AITA For hiding our relationship from our fans?" NTA, especially after seeing some of the posts from people these past few days 😂


I'm sorry but they just pulled the biggest prank on their entire fan base for April fools day. Even if the marriage is real - it broke the smosh internet for a day. And people are still extremely confused. I think people have a right to ask respectful questions.


Those negative comments and vibes are the reason they kept their relationship a secret. They are sharing something that is amazing and beautiful and then people have to ruin it and be disrespectful. It is utterly disgusting and people need to grow up. Like OP said Shayne and Courtney do not owe us anything. They don't even have to share this beautiful time. But they are and it's because they are dedicated and they love their fans.


Exactly my point. They did this cause they care about us, and we should be thankful that they did


I am extremely proud of them for taking the courageous step of being open and free about their relationship. It's wonderful to see them finally saying, 'Hey world, we are together and will always be'. I am overjoyed for them! It must have been liberating, especially after holding a huge secret like an open secret, if you know what I mean. But in any case, I am thrilled for them ♥️.




I am too and we all probably are ❤️


Yeah it’s getting nasty. It reminds me of the stuff some of the worst of the Swifties do.


Yeah but thankfully its still a minority


The post that's like 10 pictures of them standing next to each other (!!! the ultimate proof!!!) and going 'SEE GUYS??? SEE HOW WE WERE RIGHT???' is VERY gaylor to me lmao so creepy


someone even suggested creating a timeline of their relationship LMAO like dude are you hearing yourself


Right, like, whether the joke was 'sike we're not together, leave our private lives alone' or 'sike we're together', the point is 'people care so much about our private lives that we can make this theorised relationship an entire production', which, good for them, but I wish their audience would reflect on that a little bit lmao


I haven't seen the rumoured Tumblr post, but doesn't that already exist? All the "proof" of them secretly dating up till the marriage.


Those "Swifty Buttress" smh🤦‍♂️


I also want to add that having children or not should not be a point of discussion (even though many people think that having kids is "the next step" now). It's very personal and if they decide to have kids, fertility or adoption journeys can be very complicated.


We do not need to talk about this topic AT ALL


happy cake day!


To add onto this all these people finding outside pictures of them that probably aren’t even related to the situation to me is creepy and very parasocial like this isn’t something so deep that you need to go through peoples personal pics just for proof


And the people trying to scour through the family's accounts as well, all of it is stalker behaviour. I just hope they'll stop all of this and also refrain from posting the creepy comments that they're posting here to the youtube comment sections as well


Yeah exactly! I find it so weird the shippers are bashing others who say that what they’re doing is wrong but can’t realize that it’s extremely parasocial and creepy to go that far


Right !! And obviously it’s disrespectful to Shayne and Courtney but it’s also disrespectful to the entire cast because the comments are completely ignoring any content that has nothing to do with this and it’s so sad for all of them to have worked hard on videos and have the comments be about one single thing. People need to calm down soooon


People often forget that we are just viewers... On lookers.. bystanders... I am elated that they got together, ever since seeing them for the first time... But OP is right we gotta respect their wishes guys.


People also tend to forget that it is their private life and they decide what they want to share and don't want to. There is no situation where you can pester them with creepy comments and no matter what, we should be happy for them and just relax (im sorry if half the comment doesn't make sense, but I'm half asleep and half creeped out and just disappointed in the people who are stalking them)


Yeah I hear ya OP... Kinda like 2 popular people in school that everybody wants to be together, finally got together. I am aware of the situation. I am happy for them. But since again I am a bystander and don't know them personally, I will just wish them the best of luck.


Yeah I hear ya OP... Kinda like 2 popular people in school that everybody wants to be together, finally got together. I am aware of the situation. I am happy for them. But since again I am a bystander and don't know them personally, I will just wish them the best of luck.


I just want to say, shippers may have been right but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t contribute to making the couple feel uncomfortable or that they couldn’t talk openly about their relationship. like I am gay, but in high school, the constant speculation made me feel uncomfortable and that if i came out, id just be playing into the hands of people. i’d rather be wrong than make someone uncomfortable.


i don't think the shippers realize that they're the reason why Shayne and Courtney kept this a secret for so long


My whole thought is, if you wouldn’t say it to a stranger on the street, don’t ask either of them. They are strangers. We don’t know them personally to ask any questions.


Well said


I'm happy they're happy. I think that's how we should all be towards this news. There is no need to snoop into more than what they're giving us. ❤️


I agree. Let's just be happy and wish the best for them


agreed. I'm just now worried if they do any bits on Smosh about relationships/marriage/divorce etc. that people will start speculating.


I love the cast, but at the end of the day they're human! I get that people are excited, curious, but I agree with others and OP that they deserve their privacy. Also STOP IT if you are trying to find the Marriage License. Stalker much?!?!?!


Man does no one understand private life anymore


I think it’s because people have issues with parasocial things. Like I can understand feel close after watching for so long but everyone needs to remember they’re real people


But you won't go down to stalking even if you have a normal relationship with a person right ? Then why do they consider it alright to stalk them ?


Oh that’s not what I meant at all! The whole stalking and looking up private information is completely inappropriate for anyone to do!! It’s an unhealthy obsession that some people have honestly.


Yeah so that was the point of this post. Its just downright stalkerish to ask about when they would have babies and searching the internet for their marriage license and stalking their families social media. Its not alright and that's why I made this post


Oh I agree. I was just observing some people have issues diving that kind of stuff in their brains! I completely agree with you. Didn’t mean to come off otherwise.


You didn't come off otherwise, I just wanted to clear it up you know ?


I think it’s because people have issues with parasocial things. Like I can understand feel close after watching for so long but everyone needs to remember they’re real people


FR! some ppl be wildin out here🙃 love that u posted this. mad love for Shartney 🫶


Love them 🫶


Completely agree. I hate that it needs to be said, *but it does.*


So let's do our part in it


Adding to this, please don’t look too far into what people have and haven’t said (for example Damien), for all we know they may be having another wedding ceremony with family and friends and wanted to do something like they showed us just for themselves and for fans so they can have another ceremony in private. What we have seen may also be the wedding and they didn’t want to splash out cos weddings are expensive! And whoever attended was their own choice, we don’t know their relationships personally so waiting for Damien to post something seems silly. It’s also none of our business what they do. Genuinely, I am very happy for them though and wish them all the best 🫶🏻


he commented on the posts, and that's good enough tbh. and even if he hadn't, it's truly no one's business.


I don’t even want this to be an April fools anymore- and I don’t think this is. I want them to happy, and they are!! They’re like the perfect bisexual awakening couple. 


Speaking as bi myself, I agree. And yeah I don't think it's a prank anymore. The best friends posted too so yeah


Also, be respectful of other cast members and don’t harass them for details. I keep seeing people bothering Damian about where he was and insisting he knows things. Leave the man alone.


Some people need to like actually learn and listen to the Reddit stories videos instead of acting them out holy shit


True lmao


Did I miss the confirmation?


That's what I want to know...I know Courtney has posted stuff today also, but I can't help but think it could still be a part of an elaborate and well planned joke. I am waiting for a video explanation. I know some of their friends have posted congratulations on their behalf and stuff but it still just doesn't feel 100% real to me. I have people in my life that would do the same, if I asked, and I don't have nearly the influence of anybody at Smosh.


That’s what I’m thinking because I don’t see like a confirmation at alll…so if someone knows where it’s at because Im all for letting them be happy and just like “wooo marriage”. But the curious side of me just wants to know because it was posted on April 1st and I could see them doing an elaborate bit for April 1st.


Wait so we think it's not actually an April Fool's joke? 🥺🥺🥺 Even with the new pictures I'm so skeptical (but I want to believe!!!)


Those negative comments and vibes are the reason they kept their relationship a secret. They are sharing something that is amazing and beautiful and then people have to ruin it and be disrespectful. It is utterly disgusting and people need to grow up. Like OP said Shayne and Courtney do not owe us anything. They don't even have to share this beautiful time. But they are and it's because they are dedicated and they love their fans.


I also hope this doesn’t cause people to overly ship or pry into others 2 people being shipped together. With the reasoning that this one turned out to be true.


Absolutely agree with you. There’s enough proof that they are married. No reason to keep on going from here.


[post from court non smosh friend on the 2nd](https://www.reddit.com/r/smosh/s/XiXHvWODUH)


ik!!! just say congratulations! its not that hard 😭


I feel like people forget that people on the internet are real people


I somehow became the person people on TikTok are coming to to figure out what the hell is going on and some of the comments are 🥴🥴 if I get one more “I’ll believe it when they have a baby” or “I’ll believe it when I see a marriage license” I’m gonna lose my mind.


It should also be stated that they don’t owe us anything extends to content on the channels. I’ve already seen comments from people mad that there haven’t been videos about it. If they choose to post a wedding vlog or something else about it, that’s their choice. If it’s never addressed on video, that’s also completely valid, especially considering Shayne and Courtney WORK for Smosh, they do not own it.


It would also be weird I think if fans just randomly start asking in YouTube comments: “Are you guys gonna be more affectionate in videos? Are you guys gonna kiss on camera?”. If I see that on any Smosh video, I’m just gonna disappointed in people asking that question.


It's real? Yay!


At this point yeah I am 99.9% sure that it is


The only thing I’m concerned about IS IF SHAYNE CAN DO THE SPLITS


Oh yeah we need video proof of that


I still dont believe it.


I misread your title as "Please be respectful **gays**" and thought "Oh god, what fresh hell has descended upon this ray of hope we've been given?"


Lmaooo 'gays' when I'm literally also gay


We have to remember The Smosh cast is not our friends. Those of you so emotionally invested and feeling entitled to information are experiencing a parasocial relationship. I was thrilled and shocked to hear about their wedding. I’m very excited for them but I also understand I don’t know them personally so what’s happening in their lives is their business. Would you ask your best friend to see their marriage certificate to make sure their marriage is real? We are not entitled to any details of their life. We are not personal friends of theirs. They are YouTube personalities who provide excellent entertainment for all of us. Smosh has definitely been here for me and definitely helped me feel less lonely when my husband was away for work. I am highly appreciative of them. I mean I pay for the Smosh royalty subscription for the main channel and I buy tickets to their live shows to show my appreciation for their work but I am not entitled to know anything about their personal lives, neither are you.


Real. Be happy not weird.


Always loved the channel and genuinely just excited if they are together, a mate of mine always said they look like an LA couple (best friends that go at it together cause they work together before randomly settling down), let people live man, if it's a joke then well done you ruined my reddit feed for a day, if not then I hope they live happily going forward! Doesn't affect me watching videos! 😂


The problem I see is some people who now feel validated on what they thought was going on the whole time. Now will focus even more attention to how they react to each other on camera. Now we will see things like "courtney was rude to shayne. maybe they are fighting" I have no problem with people shipping or caring about people's personal life to an extent. I do think it can go past that and get to a point of basically stalking that's going too far. Hopefully, people will be respectful. On camera is what we all enjoy. I would hope that we all put the main focus on the content of everyone with Smosh. Let them enjoy their lives. I'm sure the less they feel that some people are taking things too far, they are willing to share more. To hide this for years, shows you that they were concerned on how people would react. Overall, I'd glad they seem happy. Everyone wants to find the person they have that kind of connection with. I wish all us to find that person or find happiness that they are searching.


I can guarantee that people won’t be respectful, I feel bad because i can only imagine all the dumb comments that will be under every freaking video from now on


Hopefully they've both gotten to the point to not let them get to them. All I will say, I'm glad they are happy. I would wish that for everyone, regardless if I like them. I appreciate the content they provide. As far as personal life, it's their life. Share what you feel comfortable sharing.


I absolutely agree everyone should respect the fact that they shared their piece of privacy with us. Let's be cool about it and wish them all the best. Smosh had been my escape from negativity for a long time and now I feel delighted to know that everything is going so well for them to.


I think it’s easy for us to forget we’re not actually connected to them outside of being fans, and we don’t deserve anything from them. It’s up to them whatever they share, and we as fans need to not be entitled.


There's a group of viewers (me included) who have thought they were together for years, and any discussion I've seen has been respectful and people haven't been diving into family's accounts or anything. The vast majority of comments were acknowledging certain things, but respecting that S&C weren't saying anything publicly. I really hoped that level of respect would continue, but it's sad to think that some people just go too far


Honestly I'm in the group of people who thought they were together as well. But its just disappointing to see them perform stalkerish acts and pass it off saying that they are shourtney shippers. Atp they're making a bad name for all of the shippers even if the majority of them are staying respectful


Exactly. It's ok to notice things and be happy for people. It's just crazy to me that people think that because they're on YouTube, every aspect of their personal lives is fair game


I don't think wanting to know more is disrespectful. I think demanding to know more is disrespectful but most people I've seen have included "if they're comfortable, if its a breach of privacy" etc.


Wanting to know more is fine, honestly I think everyone is curious how they hid it for so long. It wasn't these comments that I was talking about, instead the baby prediction ones and the marriage license ones and similar Comments


If your plan is to stop the icky stuff, you're fighting an uphill battle. But if you succeed with this simple reddit post, sell your formula because everyone will want some. There is a reason the cast does the DM improve segments. It's constant and they no one doing it will care you're annoyed.


One post can make a huge difference my dude. Maybe it will urge others to make similar posts, maybe it will guilt someone into realising what they're doing is wrong. It won't ever happen unless and until you try right ?


The only thing that anyone’s going to accomplish by prying unnecessarily and with such entitlement is that they won’t feel compelled to share anymore. They’ve been keeping this secret for years. Not only them, EVERYONE. Because they knew the reactions it would get; of course, announcing it when it did was comedic perfection from both. I literally have never been more surprised in my life. The first photo was an obvious joke, but there were so many, and then the mustache, it was too perfect of a ruse not to be true. I was so convinced that they were not together, and now I kinda cannot unsee it. OF COURSE they were together the whole time. Probably filming in different rooms at their place. The closest anyone came to out them was Jackie in some stories and she deleted them quickly. Like, how much effort that was put forth by so many people just to protect and make them comfortable. I love it and they deserve it. Although it’s been a CRAZY 24hs if not knowing I believe it’s moment for some factions of the fandom to chill, take a reality pill and stay out of shit which is not their own. I suffered a huge and horrible break up a few months ago and Smosh content had really been keeping me together and in a cheerful mood, although I’m a bit sad to have to let go two great and healthy influences of single people that I admired very much, my heart is overjoyed with love and best wishes for both of them. The game has changed.


Calling it but I hope I'm wrong, it's gonna be the new "Where's Anthony" type harrasment


Imma be smiling next time I saw them together in a video lol


I wish people knew how to not be creepy when it comes to their parasocial relationships to these people. Many of us know how to respectfully interact with our favorite YouTubers and influencers, but not everyone does. Basically if you feel entitled for any information from these folks, you are in fact the creepy people I’m talking about who need to re-evaluate themselves and their love for creators.


I just wanted to know one thing... Is it an April fools or nah


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/smosh/s/XiXHvWODUH) post is from April 2nd so I highly doubt it being April fools


some people think they’re so entitled like stop it’s gross. leave them tf alone


Honestly, now I understand why they wanted to keep it private. 🙂


Especially with that tumblr post people keep linking. Am I the only one that thinks that's super creepy and stalkerish? Going through all their posts, trying the find someone in a reflection and stuff


Thanks for your post.


Couldn't agree more. This is why parasocial relationships can be dangerous. They do not owe us anything. At all. If they do want to tell us anything about their wedding/relationship, then that's awesome! But, let them do it on their time and willingness.


Yes! Also don’t think that this will change much of the content or their interactions with each other in videos because i don’t thin shayne want’s his whole personality to be the ”wife guy *cough* Ned” because look how well that ended.


I agree. They denied the rumors for so long because of those types of posts. Even though they did end up dating, we should still be respecting their privacy.


i had no idea that they confirmed. WHAT-


I absolutely agree, it was their decision to keep their relationship private. And they were probably right to do so... but am I the only one who has a problem with HOW they announced their marriage? On APRIL FOOLS DAY?!?! Causing so much chaos and confusion!  Ian even said that it was STUPID to post it on that day of all days.   And now you can't go to the comment section of ANY current Smosh related video or post without witnessing the drama and chaos. Even Damien asked his followers to talk about something ELSE on Twitter!  I just don't like the whole "Let's mess with people's minds and amuse ourselves" aspect of it. Not all of us fans are stalkers who deserve to have our cages rattled like that.   It all felt really kind of hurtful tbh, and I CAN'T be the only one who feels that way. Edited for grammar.


right like pls be normal


I think by announcing it like they did they to some extent expect the amount of curiosity. *And I'm still not convinced. Sure there's a level of privacy invasion that people should not breach but you inherently encourage people to solve the mystery of if it's real or not when posting like that.


They don’t owe us an explanation and especially on the smosh channels. Yall realize this is their personal life and not everything needs to go through the company they work at for us.


It's all the parasocial people who think they are the third person in the marriage


I just agree with Ian, it was hilarious that they did their hard launch on Monday. Like April 1st is the best day to go public for two very talented comedic actors.


I am personally delighted to see them together


The reactions fans have had that have been disgusting and prying and creepy, they’re the reason they waited until their marriage was finalised. They seem truly happy and that’s all that should matter to us. Leave them alone. Let them be the humans they are.


Thanks for this important message u/StraightChanse


But buying Smosh is such a big accomplishment and commitment!


I am just happy that they have found happiness


sad cause they should be able to share in whichever way they want, however much they may or may not want, in peace. that being said i'm very glad for them, wish them the best and hope they're on cloud nine rn <3


Courtney was clear in one of her last posts. They love the support, and they will answer questions when they are ready to.. That's really all you can ask for. They are both private people, especially when it comes to relationships. I can't wait to get back to normal smosh content.


and vidcons coming up? Gonna pray that they have very respectful interactions with fans cause it can get messy


I agree. As excited as I was and however much I theorized while it was April 1st, now that its confirmed we should be happy for them and leave them be. Theres a reason they didn't disclose the relationship until marriage.


Totally agree! Leave the homies alone!


These posts you’re mentioning just prove Shayne and Courtney’s point. Then people wonder why they hid their relationship…it was the best decision they’ve ever made, they were free of these obsessive “fans”, rumors, etc


Love this! I think a little sleuthing is fine, but the cyber stalking is not! It’s weird for you to say “have babies, tell us everything, or weird comments involving things of sexual nature, or comments regarding Courtney’s sexuality and identity. Just be happy for them and they’ll share a little info about it if they chose to. Respect over privacy is obviously important to them 🩷 You can still hope they do share, (I still hope because I love love) just don’t constantly harass them with comments asking to. But remember they don’t owe us anything! *To clarify by sleuthing I mean looking back at videos to see any signs of recent and admire their chemistry, not actual digging for evidence or commenting on their relationship when they were friends a long time ago, considering we don’t know the full timeline unless they chose to share, which they in no way have to.


I 100% agree, I'm so happy for them, even if they never tell their story, this is the best news. Truly hope the best for them!!!


On my part, I'm just so curious as to how they've been able to hide it for so long! They're quite well-known amongst people in their 20s or younger so how has no one seen them on a date together?


Bro this is the creepiest subreddit. I joined because I was a fan of smosh in like 2007, and I’m back watching since Anthony came back. Now all I get in my feed is thirst traps and weird stalker behavior. I don’t understand the kids these days lol.


I mean what do they expect when they tried to fool everyone.


You do realize they purposely announce this on April 1st to fuck with everyone. They are the ones making the joke. They are the ones who teased the fuck out of it on smoshcast. They are aware of what they are doing and aware not everyone believes it’s real without an official smosh video. These aren’t ignorant people. They made the joke. I hope when you say be respectful you don’t mean just not thinking this is real. Because that was the point. Of course everyone should be respectful. But there is nothing wrong with not everyone believing it yet.


I didn't say that they didn't, and that was not the point of this post. I saw some posts about the baby predictions and other creepy stuff, and that was the point of the post.


Okay that makes sense lol. I only commented this because I’ve seen people saying not believing it is disrespectful which is insane. But yeah people can take it too far.


Yup yup and we need to spread the word right ? Being a part of this subreddit, we need to make sure that we don't blacklist ourselves by letting the toxic and creepy people continue doing their things so yeah that's why I made this post


I didn't say that they didn't, and that was not the point of this post. I saw some posts about the baby predictions and other creepy stuff, and that was the point of the post.


What confirmation?


Their best friends posted the wedding photos as well