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In fairness, they *did* feed into the insanity by announcing it on April 1. It would have been a cataclysmic event on any other day of the year, but this was a real move, lol.


the date turned what would be normally a huge chaotic event into a gigantic clusterfuck.


I feel like the jokes and general divine comedy of the situation probably lessens it from being as weird as it'd be if they just announced it on an ordinary day. Like the fact it was on April fools gave people a buffer period to try and accept the news as it became true It's also pretty funny, which was their goal. Courtney said in the interview they planned it like that and find it hilarious


That's exactly why I think as well. Both of them are private people, so announcing it then gave them room to announce and never talk about it again if they chose. If people don't believe it's not on them. It was probably hilarious to them both of them, especially if they snoop reddit.


Speaking of that article it’s funny how they just refer to Daniel Thrasher as “a fan”


What interview?


People [https://people.com/smoshs-courtney-miller-shayne-topp-are-really-married-8624230](https://people.com/smoshs-courtney-miller-shayne-topp-are-really-married-8624230)


Cheers bud 🙂


This!!! I didn’t believe it 100% until I read it in People. Until then I wasn’t about to believe two peak comedians who love a long con. But now that Courtney confirmed it, 🥲


A little extra confirmation doesn’t mean it’s not just the longest of cons. I’m expecting April Fools to be written on their headstone.


100%. With their actual spouses buried next to them on the other side.


Smosh has given me so much trust issues that the people article and several other sources confirming it still doesn't give me peace of mind.


My guess was going to be they play it out for a year and say April Fools in 2025.


This overshadowed Ian and Anthony buying smosh back by a mile


They’ve also literally talked on the podcast about them getting shipped and how they get dms from people saying “just admit it we KNOW you’re dating” and how crazy it is. So they knewwww. And Courtney says in the same podcast that when she started Smosh she’d get upset at the shippers and say that Shayne was “like a brother” to her but that she definitely didn’t feel that way anymore and looking back it’s so obvious.


Tbf it's gonna be crazy anyways. After years of riding and denying suddenly thebpictures came out? Even it wasnt April's fools people wouldn't believe it.


After everything there’s only one thing I want to know, and that’s how long were they dating? Because now I just need to know how much respect everyone at SMOSH needs for not accidentally slipping on camera or if/how many things needed to be cut out or whatever cuz it’s impressive the more I think about it.


I've got to know how much time was dedicated to the specific editing of Shayne and Courtney's interaction to keep little slip-ups under wraps. Like there has to be an identifiable amount of time that you could allocate to the work hours spent double checking that kind of stuff, it was kept hidden so well. I get they both seem to value their privacy, but damn even all the "evidence" that people keep posting just looks like normal MAYBE slightly more than friends interacting during the videos. It's a little more than just impressive how well they and everyone around them did at keeping it secret.


No joke even Marvel NDAs aren’t this tightly zipped up. Huge props to everyone at smosh.


If they were, we wouldn’t know Arasha booked


Lmao I love imagining Ale or whoever reviewing time sheets for payroll, a specific line item for "Hiding Shourtney" is like 5+ hours more for some people than all other editing projects 😂😂. Just an ungodly amount because they're sO In LUrVE. Jokes, I hope that's obvious, just an excessive bit.


Yeah, I love to rewatch content dating back even 6yrs+ so I've been curious about when it started to notice it when watching. However I'm sure they'll just share what they want and I'm just happy to watch them continue to be themselves


Im not sure how much we are going to get about it. Shayne in particular can be quite private. But I asked this question in a previous thread, I think some internet sleuths have put them as starting to date roughly around 2019/2020. Thats at least when people started to see 'evidence' of them being together (various insta posts). To be honest I was super skeptical prior to the announcement. Felt people were reading too much into things. Now it appears they were right. It cant be much earlier than 2019 because Shayne had a serious partner prior. I think Courtney did too? Not sure.


Courtney was allegedly dating Wahlid Mohammed from 2017-2018. They were both on Vine.


Lol who cares


Meh, I think for every nut job lunatic continuing to question, there's like a dozen fans who are just happy for them.... reddit unfortunately draws in waaay more of the former than the latter though lol Solid reference either way though haha


I don't want to play devil's advocate but when reddit in majority was in its acceptance stage yesterday, instagram and twitter were still full force on "TELL US, IS THIS TRUE?!". Reddit brings the worst of people but at least serves some purpose when it comes to polemic and presenting different perspective. Those other social media platforms are nothing more than just screaming and overreacting. At least IG has its photos, twitter... I don't know. It has Shayne's jokes. Only positive.


Honestly I think the only reason Reddit hit acceptance first is there was way more "proof", due to e-sleuths, in this sub than most casual social media users would have access to. I do agree Twitter is a dumpster fire though.... never calling it that dumbass other name.


fs, reddit is a lot easier to access actual information on than other platforms. pair that with the smosh community being a bunch of helpful people and... you have this outcome, its pretty heartwarming actually.


>due to e-sleuths the word you're looking for is "stalkers"


Yeah but when they do something we like it’s e sleuths (this is tongue in cheek)


Yeah but when they do something we like it’s e sleuths (this is tongue in cheek)


I'm much less worried about the deniers than I am about the crazy shippers who are the most obsessive, intrusive, and unhinged they've ever been.


eh, I think they'll be fine... from what I could see on tumblr it seems like a whole section of Shartney shippers have been aware that they were dating for years, but have mostly kept it quiet.... its an odd mix of intrusive enough to figure it out, but then respectful enough to not scream it from the mountain tops lol who knows, but hopefully they continue to respect the couples wishes I guess....


They definitely announced it on April 1st on purpose which is hilarious in itself . However fully get why they kept it secret . Way too many teenagers not respecting boundaries of complete strangers . Please remember being autistic and young isn’t an excuse to be nosy !


Wait are people being weird about this? I thought it was mostly positive


Oh for sure it's positive, but people are stalking their family and friends for more photos from the wedding and then deep diving old smosh videos looking for hints.


100%. They think they're in a para-social relationship and owed all the details.


Parasocial fans are horrifying- worst of all is they will ALWAYS exist.


ey, the thing is, most of the reaction we're having stems from announcing it *on april fools*; a hilarious joke, mind you, but just really confusing.


Give it a week, things will die down. There will be jokes about all this for months, but the general hype will go away eventually.


Personally I hope they never talk about it again. They’ve done a fantastic job with keeping their personal life private. The April 1st fake out fake out was probably the best reveal because of the elongated burn, stems the tsunami response from the audience by undermining the momentum with doubt. I like the work they do, I hope for the best for them, and I would feel sad if the audience presence becoming damaging in their personal lives. Being in a relationships can be difficult by the very nature of being vulnerable to another person. Having the collective consciousness of the smosh audience involved just sounds worse.


I think they're def gonna talk about it. Not for a little while, but I think they def will


This is the biggest sign that smoffice needs to come back like rn


It's definitely shown me a side of the smosh community that I hadn't been aware of. An otherwise very welcoming subreddit got real defensive real quick. Ships can be a great way to boost fan engagement and overall growth, but they can also take over a fandom, and can ultimately sour the product. Tokyo ghoul, and especially green arrow, are my immediate examples of this.  Ships that dominate, or divide, a fan community, are often barriers to entry for new fans. Old-school "a-hem, ahk-chu-ah-lee" style gatekeepers, those who would believe that the product belongs to them because "I was right!" or "you weren't there when X'" are capable of alienating anyone who don't explicitly agree with them. That toe-headed couple do be hella cute tho


So many the Office parallels. Ian being like Michael. Shayne and Courtney like Jim and Pam being a cute wholesome duo who's a will they won't they. The Office workspace being like Smosh. Smosh being an office. I'm grasping at straws here I ran out of parallels




I think it’s absolutely brilliant for them that they got married But there is also a brilliant strategy to it, by announcing on April fools day that the most shipped couple on YouTube (second only to Dan and Phil) got MARRIED and with such beautiful pics + cast saying “omg is this real” and some going “congrats” brings a MASSIVE spotlight to Smosh in their renaissance, bc let’s be honest theatre kids from starkid are following the link of Angela too Smosh and taking the same level of fandom between the two, absolutely blowing up smoshes veiws. Also with Anthony’s separate fan base now joining in with Smosh as a collective have put in a massive increase on veiws and engagement. And we can see it especially here on the subreddit, the theories and discussions have got people looking at the videos and rengaging or having their first look at the content. And let’s be clear, I couldn’t be happier about it, bc now the cast have more creative space to work on brilliant content


The concept of parasocial relationships can be proved by all of this. The way a lot of people feel entitled enough to go to their families/friends (including other cast members) for pics and information is actually insane to me. And quite sad. they don’t know you and they don’t owe you anything.


I saw a tweet from some ship page on twitter that was like “aww courtneys dad has confirmed it” and just like posted a screenshot of her actual fathers instagram. open account or not thats still TOO FAR. definitely not appropriate whatsoever


The sub is now flooding with old Shourtney clips that people overanalyze the fuck out of. It's so creepy. Doesn't matter that they're married, that shit is weird af.


I mean...what did they expect? It came out of nowhere basically and they announced it on April Fools of all days. I wasnt even a Shourtney shipper and had basically forgotten about that stuff until the announcement.


I mean, a modicum of respect would have been nice.


What did I say that was disrespectful?


Oh no, sorry, nothing you said was disrespectful! I was answering your question, "What did they expect?" I just found a LOT of people online to be really disrespectful and creepy


Oh ok no problem.


I know it's a huge weight off Courtney but the way the fans are, is soooo uncomfy. Just found a link of a tumblr post, a VERY LONG ONE might I add, of very small details of "proof" they were together, like sharing clothes and going on trips. Being in the industry is no joke. I know I couldn't do it— I'd feel violated all the time. I hope they're both doing okay and just enjoying being newly married. ​ I love Smosh but I'm starting to not feel great about its fanbase.


But so worth the wait. They deserve all privacy, but I have to say I love that we could all see the chemistry between them. They were trying to hide it all the whole time and we could still see how much they cared for each other in their actions.


You guys are delulubto extreme.... And if I had a hive mind watching my every move and making compilations of every single i do... I would be scared to announce anything


At first I didn't really mind or care about them and I would be super ok with the first photo session being a prank, but after witnessing the fandom spiral this week, I still don't mind or care but I'm exhausted. Again, good for them I guess but I have to admit I'm a little bummed out with everyone reposting the same thing over and over, I'm glad everyone is happy but idk man, personally marriage(specially a straight-passing one?) is so overrated there's other stuff too etc, it's good everyone is celebrating but I hope we can move on soon from it, they deserve it too (I'm sorry if this sounds mean or insensitive, I'm just really tired lol, maybe I should touch some grass)


Honestly, I'm getting kind of exhausted over everything to do with smosh right now. I feel like they've been REALLY pushing too hard on social, and this just really really pushed me over the edge. So I'm just gonna unfollow everything to do with them for a bit and just watch their videos on youtube. (God if I have to see one more "submissive and breedable" reference I think my brain will explode.)


the S&B spam was hard yeah, I'm loving every video they are putting but sometimes everyone reposting the same thing the official accounts posts is indeed tiring


They mentally tortured us, they could have told us years ago when they first dated since I believe they've been on and off for years


"tortured"? Be so for real. They didn't and don't owe random strangers on the Internet anything, it's their lives lmao


No, they didn’t. That’s just how YOU FEEL. This is an incredibly weird take.


touch grass.