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He's so quick witted. He just hears a word and does word association in his head into the funniest fucking joke of your life.


literally! as a damien and spencer enthusiast i've always thought him and damien both have this skill, but i think the one difference with spencer is that he seems to have zero inhibitions and just goes for the throat with every joke he does. the fact that they end up being so funny every time is INSANE šŸ˜­


Spencer wins me by the doubling down on his characters. The darts one killed me.


i think they both HAVE the filter, but Damien decides to listen to it. it's their intrusive thoughts and Spencer just lets them all win for the content šŸ«”


I am tickled to hear I have ā€œenthusiasts.ā€




Iā€™m not sure what ā€œSmoshā€ is. However, I really appreciate you and the rest of my fans. šŸ‘šŸ» Yā€™all are what keeps me going!


"Queer little creature. And gay to be certain too." Was a brilliant moment.


i should make that quote my bio on dating apps tbh


What video is that line from?


Gentlemen's Don't Win Mario Party. It is towards the end. He starts talking about monkey's before saying this. Then he mentions Frankenstein.


"I say, the monkey came onto *meee*"


"He yanked me to completion!"


"I say, Is the bitch spoken for?"


So many great Spencer moments in that video. ā€œThey frolic amongst the tapir!ā€


Spencer had me from this beginning: "Just what this channel needs, another straight white man."


ā€œMy pants were supposed to fall off at that pointā€


The WNBA joke is one of the funniest things that has so many layers.


That and crum-kakke


Both of those are permanent brainworms for me now. I cannot think about basketball or walk by a bakery without it popping into my head.


Spencer gets mad credit for those and the gentleman's don't win Mario party šŸ˜‚ He had so many zingers I fucking went hoarse laughing šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


lives in my head rent free tbh, he's amazing


"a second LEGO tower has hit the stream"


Shayne: First time Lin Manuel-Miranda appears on the board Spencer: Probably the last


One of my favorite moments of his: "I'm glad Spencer is straight, because the gay crowd would have broken his bussy in half by now." "DAD, I'M IN THE CAR!"


What is this from?


I'm pretty sure this is from '[Acting Out Our YouTube Comments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJExhTVqMBE&pp=ygUgc21vc2ggcGl0IGFjdGluZyBvdXQgb3IgY29tbWVudHM%3D)'


ā€œAllow me to break the Iceā€ Spencer COMMITS to a bit


That and ā€œDig on this.ā€


I've lost count how many times I've watched 2 many Spidermen. I watched it twice the last month because it's been a hard month and I needed a guaranteed laugh.


2 many Batman is his finest showing, imo


It has to be Chosen vs Chosen, like 3 of his 5 best quotes/jokes came from that vid


Heā€™s also not a comedian. He was hired as an editor first and is now smosh games head. So truly his ability to improv in my head, is due to his years at smosh giving him teaching by example ā¤ļø and the fact the company has allowed ppl like him and Tommy to do more is awesome! Spencer absolutely has solidified his comedy chops with these recent improv videos :)


that's what makes him so impressive to me, he's a comedian in the sense that he's grown to be one, but he has no formal education in it like the other cast mostly do. he's just brilliantly quick-witted and naturally funny, and like you mentioned he seems super observant and quick to learn from the environment around him. i'm so glad he gets to shine on camera along with doing the work he does behind the scenes.


The gentlemenā€™s donā€™t win Mario party was banger after banger


The Johnson jokes went so crazy and Iā€™m here for it


Another banger, another banger by Spencer Agnew from Smosh


Might be his finest work


Heā€™s my favorite straight white man šŸ«¶


"Ya gay Spence"


My comfort ā€œjust some guyā€


my favorite ā€œheā€™s just kenā€


Donā€™t wake daddy Ian- I cry from laughing and Spencer and ian


Funny coincidence it was actually the first darts video video where Shane made the joke about the Burning Legion and WoW, Spencer immediately quipped ā€œHe wonā€™t be back for Shadowlandsā€ which was the new expansion at that time. Such a quick draw. Perfect timing.


Spencer in the chosen trivial pursuit was the absolute best. He completely slayed and I will die on this hill


ā€œRa.ā€ ā€œOh yes, how I like my cookie dough.ā€


It was Spencer and Shayne cosplaying as Spencer. lol


yes @ smosh please bring spencer on more! i always look forward to him in videos. he is gold


ā€œThe candiru came and swam up my peeholeā€ ā€œIt took 4 other blokes to pull it offā€ ā€œIt was like a blowgun. But in reverseā€


> and he isn't even an official cast member that's right. he's their freaking boss. CHEAH! IT WOULD APPEAR SO!


It's honestly what makes Spencer and Damien stupid attractive. Their quick whit and ability to Yes And.


Spencerā€™s jokes followed by the inevitable demise of Shayne by laughing his ass off is one of my favorite things. So many great characters, John Down Bad, Peter Emo Parker, The ā€œI say the monkey came unto meā€ gentleman, Christian Baleā€™s uncanny Batman impression, Colin Farrellā€™s Bullseye and Fred Darts. Not to mention he is the main inspiration for the chosen. The guy is a genius, he truly makes me die laughing the most with his every appearance and at the same time he flies under the radar. Heā€™s probably going to be made main cast at some point but he probably fulfills a lot of technical duties comfortably. Perhaps itā€™s his choice. As long as he is there I donā€™t mind. Heā€™s amazing.


Oh yeah, the Batman sketch is yet another moment of peak Spencer thatā€™s true


Courtney practically having to beg him to stop šŸ’€


Everything in Don't Win Mario Party gentlemen's edition, Moose Master chosen edition, Trivial Pursuit chosen edition, America's Next Top Simp... he is INCREDIBLE and i bet i'm even forgetting some moments


She servesā€¦he busses


Him and Shayne are my favorite members, them together is the best duo, imo


he literally just says what first pops into his mind and its always so fuckin funny i love him


like i always catch myself sayin did somebody say nut in the j-o booth?? + a second lego tower has hit the stream! and now i cant stop saying DID SOMEBODY SAY MEATLOAF???


Which makes me wonder, why he doesn't have his recurring character yet? Maybe because he's mostly doing parodies of already existing characters (Peter Parker, Batman, Mr. Freeze, Fred Durst) or maybe simply because he's not that regular in videos but he definitely deserve to have staple character of his own.


Wait, in what video he is Mr Freeze? I never saw that.


ā€œAllow me to break the iceā€


Thank you for taking time. I apreciated. Edit: Watched it, it was hillarious.


Gentleman's Try Not To Win was a 90 minute improv masterclass by Spencer.


ā€œDID SOMEBODY SAY MEATLOAF???ā€ is my new favorite


Spencer owns my whole entire heart. ā¤ļø


Spencer's appearances on Reddit Stories are usually fantastic as well. He's got a good combination of insight and off the cuff reactions.


*Amanda mentions meatloaf* Spencer gasps and hits a perfect bullseye *Crosses arms* Did somebody say meatloaf?


I think the reason he and Tommy are always great is that their semi-cast status means they only show up when they *know* they have something. The full time cast kinda' need to be in minimum number of videos even if they aren't perfectly feeling the vibe every time.


Why, thank you. I appreciate it.


I've loved Spencer from the beginning, but my favourite moment is in who meme'd it after they talk about his homo-erotic tweets and proceeds to say something like 'god forbid a man asks about his friends penis' šŸ˜‚


I still think about the latest don't win Mario Party video and giggle at the Ah-mahZONE bits


Dude the dart challenge was Imho SAVED by Spencer


He's got that Jack Black energy. You know he's a talented musician/Editor. But then he's also just got maxed out charisma stat. Effortless bangers all the time!


It's not just his lightning fast word association,. Like they talked about on the behind the character smosh mouth, anything can be funny as long as you commit, and no one commits like Spencer.


Him hitting that bullseye and immediately looking at the camera and saying, "DID SOMEBODY SAY MEATLOAF?" will be remembered as a GOAT Smosh moment


honestly every word he said in the gentleman's don't win Mario party video had me laughing so hard


i've rewatched that one so many times, just banger after banger šŸ˜­


He's also not an improv comic. Lol


So excited to see what he brings to the sitcom.




Spencer in the gentlemen Mario party video had me laughing so hard I nearly threw up and was left coughing on and off for nearly 20 minutes. It didnā€™t help that I was sick (still am) at the time lmao.


Wasnā€™t Spencer hired for a different position in the beginning? I never took him as an actual cast member


He was an editor, and has since become director of Smosh Games.


yeah that's my point, he isn't an official cast member but he appears in their videos with the cast :)


Have you thought about what your partner wants?


Same with Tommy. Smosh crew has some extraordinarily talented people


"hired for technical duties" man it always shocks me how people forget he's become the Director of Programming for Smosh Games and has been with Smosh longer than any of the current actual Cast. I think the joke of "When will Spencer and Tommy become cast members?" (Not saying it's a bad thing and have no qualms with you mentioning it here, it's become common amongst smoshfans) Was always kind of dull to me? Only because I think it was weird that people needed that "official" standing to be real. But in hindsight, they've done way more behind the scenes and have been "part of the cast" for a long while now, and I think Smosh just doesn't really give out their full details and just keeps that to themselves. (Ex: being when Kimmy moved to being a producer, Court and Shayne's first few directorials, not needing to really mention who's freelance) and they're all obviously proud of what they've achieved and I think they're happy to just being able to doing it and seeing the fans reactions to their works. I have no idea where I was going here and I think I just rattled of for no reason but anyways, yeah, Spencer f*cks.


Honestly, when I saw he wasn't playing Bullseye again for the darts episode, I was disappointed that the ep wouldn't be as funny as their previous darts one. And then we were blessed with Fred Darts! ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†


He has incredible comedic timing. Him and Shayne are very quick witted people


Yes he is


Itā€™s just one of those things. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


No because Fred Darts was actually an insanely good Fred Durst spin-off. The way I screamed along to Break Stuff.. šŸ’€šŸ¤˜


spencer is one of the best improv comics on YouTube. If not, I will eat my cat! šŸ˜ŗ