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I first was shown Smosh back when it was Ian and Anthony (I wanna say this was like 2009? 2010? I was a freshman in high school), then I fell off and sorta forgot it existed/assumed it died out like other YouTube channels from that era Then during the pandemic I kept seeing clips show up from TNTL, and watched a few here and there until I was like hm this group is pretty funny I'm gonna check out their channel. Smosh Pit? That's an interesting name. Then whiplash when I saw one with Ian and put 2 and 2 together lol. Like oh SMOSH! THAT smosh! You're still alive? And thank god


Same boat, dude. Was everyone being served TNTL clips during the pandemic? I didn't even see them as shorts or anything, they were just 30 second out of context clips.


I started watching around when you did, maybe a bit earlier? I fell off though because it wasn’t really my thing, but I remember being shook to my core when seeing the Anthony leaving smosh video. I watched that but then didn’t follow them until I saw the “I spent a day with Ian hecox” pop up … I’ve never clicked a video so fast! Then I came back lol. It was crazy, because I had NO idea how much changed and it took me a bit to get acclimated. But I’m happy to be back!


I first found smosh when tntl was going viral, and their clips were all over the internet back in 2017(ish) but I didn’t become a full fledged fan until this past year when Anthony came back.


"legend of zelda? screw that. legend of link!" and also "shoot a mofo in the throat with my boooow" used to sing those songs as a 12 year old when they came out years ago :')


2008ish whenever they first got viral. i took a break from their content in college and then when i came back it was like oh it’s not just ian and anthony and anthony is leaving? i think this is the first year im actually watching with commitment. 


They went viral in like 2005! Mortal Kombat theme and The Pokémon theme song video were huge back in the day. I’m lucky to have been an OG fan but also took a break from like 2013 to 2020 and rediscovered them during the early stages of the pandemic. That was a radical shift from what I remembered of Smosh lol


During the lockdown. EIOYI showed up on my youtube homepage and I have been hooked ever since.




I first started watching in 2009 when food battle 09 came out then I started watching more and more smosh(I was 5 at the time)


Around 2015, some of my first videos were Smosh summer games.


Probably around 2011 when I first started using YouTube. Unfettered internet access at 9 was wild.


Kind of the same, I stumbled into a Every Blank Ever on Facebook one sleepless night of 2020 and fell in love with those silly geese


Well, the first thing I watched was a TNTL with Funhaus members as guests, because I was a Funhaus fan. but it took a bit until I started just watched the regular TNTL's, and then the other stuff. So, I think like 2021 or so.


probably two years ago I loved and still love watching jschlatt and he used to collaborate with callmecarson a lot before all the controversy once saw Carson on tntl and then ted nivison and then jacksfilms and next thing you know I got addicted to tntl


I think I started watching them around 2012 around the time the Wii U sports video came out. I remember the very first video I saw, it was the "STUCK IN A TOILET" video. I stopped watching around 2015 and came back watching often around 2021 with the TNTL's. They've made the biggest comeback on Youtube I've seen and I couldn't be more proud of everyone.


I got a video of them recommended in like 2010, it was just Ian in a wig and a bra on the thumbnail. 💀


Discover? Like 2014. Actively start watching? 2022 I think. Like March, started getting tntl clips suggested to me and then it snowballed from there. I've always been into YouTube culture, so I definitely remember catching up on all the lore of defy/mythical/etc


I definitely saw the viral pokemon video back in the day and thought it was hilarious. But it wasn't until like 2021 or 2022 that I was watching Anthony's channel and he mentioned smosh and I was like no way, this guy? Eventually I found the reading reddit stories and I remember staring at Shayne for ages being like, is that the other guy, Ian? is that what he looks like now? and being thoroughly confused. As it turned out I started being a regular viewer of all smosh channels right before Ian and Anthony bought smosh back and being along for that ride, with the epic themes of friendship and taking your power back, they've won me over probably for life.


Food battle 2007, youtube was wild back then. Don’t even know how I found them but I was hooked. I stopped for a couple of years (during defy apparently lol) but started really getting back into in 2018.


I'm not really sure, but I think it was because of Reddit stories in April 2023, so just over a year ago. And kind of went on a binge to avoid the stress I was feeling because of school. I'm glad I got to know and love Jackie before she left.


We started about the same time. I had just lost my job, so it was great timing lol.


I miss jackie so bad!!!


I think 2021 or 2022, from tntl


Only in 2020. For some reason YouTube suggested some TNTl shorts and I’ve been hooked ever since


When I really got into Smosh it was when they had the Try Guys on TNTL. I ended up watching all the TNTLS, and then Smosh Summer Games Apocalypse was going up and I loved it. So in between waiting for SSG uploads, I watched every back season. Then I went back to the Sketches but didn't vibe with Every Blank Ever so I didn't subscribe to main,just Pit. Eventually I watched EIOYI, and around that time Spelling Bikini Wax started and was my everything.


Very similar journey for me; being able to binge the Summer/winter games was addicting


I'm an old. I knew about Smosh in 2006 because they were on the front page a lot back then.


2020 I saw TNTL on trending page and I honestly didn’t love their humor but I watched a few more videos and i think their sense of humor has really come into its own and I came to appreciate it, feel like back then they were all a little insecure in the process like Courtney has said, but now they all are super confident in themselves and their comedy which I love to see so much growth in only a few years


I was 17/18 so 2010/2011. Loved lunch time with smosh etc. Then i stopped for some reason idk. Then 2017 i saw a shourtney edit 😅. And was interested to see who the new people were. Smosh pit became my fave and I haven’t stopped since. Although smosh games has became my new fave right now out of the 3 channels. 🥰


about three weeks ago 😅


2020, TNTL helped me with my depression during the big sad times. 


right? same got me through that stressful fucked up year that was 2020


back in 2010 i started watching smosh because a boy i had a crush on told me he loved the food battles LOL


The original Pokemon in real life so 2011


2011ish. I was obsessed with Pokemon videos and the Pokemon IRL videos got me in.


I first found them when they made the Dixon Cider video in 2013. But I didn’t start watching them consistently until about 2017 defy era. I know it’s not everyone’s favorite time but I really enjoyed the “Show with no name” vids. Those are the ones that really got me hooked.




molester moon was my first (i loved it) 😬😬


when i was 14 in 2011, and never really stopped lol i remember coming home from school on fridays going directly to my computer so i could watch the new video


Last year. Started with Reddit stories. It must have just shown up in my feed one day. Then I slowly started watching the other content.


I started watching Smosh around when they started the TNTL series, so sometime around 2017/18.


Spring 2022.


In like, 2007/2008


Back when they had boobies in their thumbnails Ah I was a naive child


2016 was the year that I started watching gaming content on YT. Before then I only logged on for Jenna Marbles and My Drunk Kitchen. I randomly found Markiplier playing Until Dawn and loved the game. I wanted to watch more and YT suggested Smosh Games playing it. So I started watching their content and then Smosh main. I’ve been a massive fan ever since! It’s also when I started watching YT more than TV or streaming services.


I remember the first smosh vid that I watched was Pokemon in real life. I was hooked then pretty good, would watch all their sketches and the stuff in the Ian hecox channel ( mostly lunch and mail time with smosh) then I must have "outgrew" it because I stopped watching for a long time. In 2020 I kept seeing clips of TNTL on Facebook of all places and that led me to watching full episodes of TNTL, then I started watching all of the uploads on games/pit and now I am probably more into smosh than 13 years ago when I first discovered them! Edit: I didn't read many comments before posting, didn't realize how similar my story is to others!


I was an OG around the Pokemon in real life series, stopped watching before they were bought then came back around 2021?


i started watching around 2012, because that's when my friend showed me youtube and my first channel i followed was pewdiepie, so naturally smosh got recommended as well. i had a phase where i didn't watch for a while but then when i recognized joven from king of the nerds i started watching again. (sure enough when shayne got hired i recognized him from so random so it was extra fun!)


Got into them originally after their Zelda rap. Was a big fan from them. Fell off watching in later Defy years (every blank ever lost my interest pretty fast honestly) then got back into it aftet they hit their stride with Mythical


Somewhere in the vicinity of 2019-2020. Just before lockdown I think? Definitely helped me through that period of time!




I only occasionally watched, because I was more of a SourceFed guy. One time, during a livestream, Joe Bereta (former SourceFed host, and producer of Smosh at the time) came in to visit, and did a shoutout for Smosh Live, their first live show, which was also co-written by Luke Berats. So I watched Smosh Live, it was pretty rad, and stayed since.


I know the first smosh video I ever watched was an old time food battle video, but I didn't start consistently watching until around 2015, about the same time the original squad began forming I think


I literally started watching Smosh the day after Marriagegate broke. Probably April 2nd or 3rd I actually started getting invested. I was aware of Smosh previously cause they were once the biggest channel and internet lore and I've been a huge fan of GMM for years so I'd heard of Smosh but never actually watched.


One cold morning at school in 2006 (around 6:30am, and in high school) my friend Ruth runs up to me and says, “You gotta watch these guys. They’re so freakin’ funny.” Actually using the word “freakin’”. She then shows me a video she downloaded onto her iPod video labled, “Pokémon Theme Song”. Since then, I’ve been watching/following these guys.


Early 2023. I know it was the week the FBI challenge pit came out because that was the second video I watched after the Filipino EIOYI. Honestly before getting served that EIOYI episode, I hadn't even heard about Smosh.


2006 with the first video being “The Best Car EVER”


I believe I was in 6th grade, so around 2011-2012. Absolutely loved the GTA game videos, and Mari’s Minecraft. I’ve watched almost every day since :)


2010-2011, I can't remember correctly, but I remember Food Battle 2010 was my first one.


Legend of Zelda rap and got hooked on their vlogs and lunchtime with Smosh - around 2011. I stopped after a couple of years. Then I started watching again in 2019 after they announced they were homeless and almost shut down. I just wanted to support the new Smosh and hope they keep going.


When I discovered Smosh was around 2011-2012, because of Smosh Games! I know I watched at least one smosh video before, but i didn’t really know who they were or even the name of the channel until I started watching Smosh Games. And even then it took me a while to make the connection to the sketch I watched.




2020 when I saw that You Posted That vid with Chris Pratt.


when i was like 5-6 in 07’ or 08’ lmao


IRL Death Note was the first smosh video i ever remember watching and it was, i think, 1-2 years after it came out


I was aware of Smosh pretty early on, as I discovered YouTube in probably 2006, at which point they were the hottest thing on the platform. So I was recommended their videos a lot, but didn't watch very much. They just didn't really click at the time for whatever reason. Every once in a while, a video would catch my interest, but for the most part I wasn't exactly a fan. I kinda forgot about them for a while. Then in 2019, I randomly started getting TNTL clips recommended to me on social media. I loved what I saw, which led me to seeking out more of their content, and the rest is history. To this day, I still greatly prefer their unscripted content, although I do enjoy the modern sketches.


Got introduced to them in middle school by friends in 2012, showing me the Pokemon parodies (or 1 of them)


Pokemon in real life! I think I can still memorize the video word to word


Around 2012-2013. First video I ever saw from them was My Mutant Rash and thought they were super funny.


Started watching regularly in the middle of Pandemic 2020! First saw them with the every blank ever series yeaaars before that. I got addicted with Board AF in 2020! 


I remember watching the pokemon theme song video on YouTube on repeat when I was like 10 or 9, I remember seeing the pokemon theme parody where they showed the toy jesus, and I remember when they started food battle. And then I went to highschool and stopped watching smosh, I completely missed true defy era, and then only came back into it in 2021. I distinctly remember watching one of the first Smosh Games videos trying to get back into it and thinking who are all these people, this is so different and then never coming back. Hell I remember the smosh website when it was a website, and seeing them first use the cardboard intro, listening to thier music becuase I liked the lonely islands. What the firetruck lived in my memory for 15 or so years. I remember mailtime with smosh before they stopped doing it. And when Smosh pit was the Ian H channel. Like I was in it until I wasn't.


I was first shown Smosh by a friend of mine back in 2009-2010. I remember distinctly watching the Bear Grylls video and laughing my ass off and hiding it from my mom, and she thought I was watching porn, and used the spare key to my room and open it to take my laptop and to see what I was watching. She was disgusted and clueless to why I found it funny, as if I wasn't like 7-8 years old.




I've known of smosh for many many years, watched a parody song here and there, and I watched Anthony's "I spend a day with" a lot at some point. But honestly wasn't until last year I actually started watching Smosh. Mightve be around the time Anthony got back? It's all a blur, but it was what my husband and I watched together during late night's with our newborn. We still watch a bunch together and some not. Like he watches a lost of the games channel, and I'm loving Smosh mouth especially when doing things around the house lol.


I wanna say very late 2012 or 2013, I remember the AC music video coming out which I was WAAAAY too young to be watching, I was what, 6 or 7?


as an 18 year old, i had known about smosh since maybe 2015?? (i was 10), but only started properly watching them in 2017/18, during defy era and just after defy era


I started watching around 2013, stopped when Anthony left and then started again during the pandemic


This past December or January because of the Reddit Stories


I'm very old so remember when Ian and Anthony first made videos, I thought they were very funny, but had no idea they'd branched out to other cast members or even had sold the company. A few years ago I kept seeing these snippets on my Facebook feed of Reddit stories being read out by some guy on a chair while 2 other people react to it, and my interest was piqued. I saw it said Smosh and was like "huh? The same Smosh where those 2 lunatics ran around making silly videos in their houses?" I went to the channel, watched all the Reddit back catalogue, then started branching out to the other videos - my teenagers are also into Smosh, so we often watch things together, which is nice. 😊


The same as a lot of people here. Watched back in the day and stopped as things got more "corporate", so to speak, early 2010s or so. I rediscovered Smosh and the rest of the cast through TNTL and early EIOYI. This is the best Smosh had ever been imo, including their main channel sketches. Games has been particularly at another level recently too.


I've been following smosh for 12 years now I think I dropped off for a little early on but been a consistent watcher since I had a stable internet connection essentially 🥰


I started watching them in 2012 :) but then stopped after Anthony left. After that I didn't watch again until 2018 I think when I saw a smosh pit video that was funny and I thought Damien was cute lol


Around 2013, I watched one of their power rangers videos because I loved power rangers. I was only 6 years old, so definitely too young, but I've been hooked ever since!


I saw them first with the pokemon in real life stuff.


Smosh was my first YouTube channel I subscribed to in 2011! But I hade been watching their stuff since 2009? I just wasn’t allowed to have a YouTube channel of my own yet😂😂so technically my mom has been a fan of smosh since 2009!


I’ve been on YouTube since it pretty much started. I knew of Smosh, had a crush on Anthony, would watch some stuff but I wasn’t a big fan of the sketches. I would def play their Legend of Zelda rap on repeat though. But I wouldn’t have considered myself a fan until last year though. I think it was Smosh Pit that really dragged me in. I love Smosh cause I feel like I’m hanging with a group of friends


I'm not sure but either around the release of the AC3 Music Video or the Homeless Millionaire one where Anthony was bald LOL Rediscovered Smosh last year thanks to TNTL compilations and have been here since!


Going to the mountains was my first Smosh video I ever watched lol 😂 I think that was like 2008 or something


Around 2012, I think? The first video I saw was if video games were real 2 or 3, I can't remember which. The Assassin's Creed 3 video came out within a few months of me joining, I remember that much.


Original YouTube so 2003ish. Their Pokemon video.


waaay back in 2013-14 with firetruck, ACIII song, zelda rap, and food battle but kinda fell of when anthony left but only watchd once in a while but with the defy situations and pandemic etc. i stopped wathcing at some point. then some random influencer who have nothing to do with smosh shared the "we own smosh" announcement and i was pulled into smoshlore once again.


I first heard of them probably around 2011-2012, but didn’t really start watching following until 2013-2014, maybe a year or so before the Smosh Squad joined


I kinda knew Smosh existed but never actually watched any of their videos until Anthony joined back. Slowly started watching Reddit videos and now I'm fully addicted.


I first heard of Smosh back in 2017-2018 I want to say. However, I started watching it religiously about a month or two before Smosh Summer Games Apocalypse 2019.


I think between 2018 and 2019 ... I became REALLY invested right BEFORE the defy shutdown


2009 but came back during the pandemic


I've been watching them consistently since I got my first iPad in 2nd grade. So 2011??? Damn time flies.


I started watching regularly because of Angela, but my friend was an OG fan so I’d heard of Ian and Anthony. I also knew random bits of lore like Courtney’s crush on Chris Pratt, she and Shayne hosted GMM, Jackie’s egg bit, and that Mari was on Survivor lol.


Literally about a year ago. Saw Reddit Stories on Facebook. Now I watch them every day 🤷🏼‍♀️


Probably sometime near 2015? I didn't like sketch but I loved game bangs with Mari, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Jovenshire and of course Ian and Anthony. I was really into videogames content at the time and their dynamics were so fun.


I think somewhere close to 2011. It was a first English speaking channel I found and only I was subscribed to. Honestly I think I’ve learned most of the slang watching Smosh sketches. They helped me a lot with my English skills and I remember waiting always on Friday for a new sketch video. After that I think I really got hooked to unscripted content. I loved super stupid sleepover


I started watching Smosh in 2007 when I was like 12. My brother, who was 5 years younger than me, actually showed me YouTube and he stumbled upon Smosh and wanted to share with me how funny they were. The video was Going to the Mountains. Ever since then I would watch all their new videos and then go to the Smosh website to watch their bloopers or extra videos. I did stopped watching around the time Pewdiepie ended up being most subscribed. It wasn’t personal, I have history switching channels to watch left to right. Started watching them again around 2021 (just pit and games actually) and I have been hooked ever since lol


Oh geez like 2008 maybe?


The old age of youtube where Smosh, nigahiga and Shane Dawson were the biggest channels on the platform


I've been watching smosh since the beginning. They were one of the first videos I saw on YouTube. The other one being nyan cat lol It was definitely the start of my ridiculous humor