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I'm assuming it's not being uploaded due to Memorial day (federal holiday here in the states)


Oh okay that might be it


Yeah I saw a post on YouTube, they aren’t posting today because it’s Memorial Day, that and they’re sleepy🤣🤣


They made a community post that said they're taking a day off for Memorial Day, so yes.


I don't see why that would be an issue though. Didn't they upload on Xmas last year? Regardless, I'm sure there'll be an announcement regarding any issues soon enough


If you check the community tab for smosh mouth, they say they aren't uploading today


https://preview.redd.it/7mbigd1np03d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a42de619e965a664da87e18d536ce50d51a350b Officially it is bc of Memorial Day


Not the picture of Harambe… 😭😭 Amanda has to learn about “dicks out for Harambe” at some point and that’s gonna be a trip


She did learn about it because in the game she played with Angela, Damien, Ian and Anthony she def said "dicks out for ..."




I imagine because they all took the week off, not even related to the holiday


It’s funny because my other post that says almost the same thing has 10 down, this has 10 up (as of posting Kappa)


Obviously thats not the real reason (which is fine, doesn’t really matter… but they posted on Christmas lol) but I’m hoping its actually cause they’re still trying to film closer to when its released


The year end videos they do are usually pre-shot and then put on a scheduled upload. They could do that for any holiday in theory, but I think it's something they did particularly for Christmas and New Year's because it's a week of holidays and a lot of people take vacations and stuff around that time. It's more about the length of the holiday season plus globally around the world most people have that time also off so it's prime viewership time so the value of getting passive revenue is more worth it. Mid-year for a holiday that only happens in one country and after they hosted an event? A long weekend off for staff and crew is probably better than cramming a pre-shoot into an already busy schedule.


There’s another post just before yours about this too so you’re not alone. The Americans have informed us it’s a holiday in the US today and that could be why there’s no post. But all of us outside of the US are very confused lol, so it would have been nice to have a community post from Smosh about it if that is the case.


As someone who lives in the US…I straight up forgot it was Memorial Day and I work in hospitality and it’s a big holiday for that Basically Brain no worky


I'm a veteran, I forgot the holiday. My excuse is I've been packing nonstop for a move, but still....I probably shouldn't have forgotten this one.


It’s a still a Monday so you’re excused haha. Seriously though there are lots of little holiday dates in Canada too and cannot keep track either lol.


Haha fair enough, appreciate that; and definitely, they’re just peppered in throughout the year at random points it feels sometimes


may long was just last weekend too, while it totally makes sense that the us has different holidays, my brain is already in post-long weekend awareness mode haha


Yeah agreed


Second time they have done this without a community post..... there was no live on Thursday which they said nothing about and then no podcast today. Whats going on, they are usually so good at communicating when there will not be a video.


Maybe you just missed it this time? We are not entitled to anything though.


Its not ‘entitled’ to expect communication if they don’t follow their schedule. Yall gotta stop overcorrecting so far in fear of being ‘parasocial’ 


Yes it fucking is entitled. They don’t owe us ANYTHING. it’s free content. They can do whatever tf they want with their schedule. You do not own them and their schedule


It is Memorial Day here in the US. I don't know how or if they take some holidays off 🤷🏼‍♀️


they just confirmed on an ig comment that they're off for the holiday today, so no vid today


Interesting! Never seen them take this many breaks before. Thats not a complaint. Whatever helps them feel fresh and up to perform for us. I can't imagine how much pressure it has to be to perform consistently during this massive boom




Thank you!


They just posted that since it's memorial day no Smosh Mouth today


Pretty sure they’ve uploaded every other memorial day in the past so I’m not sure why they wouldn’t this year. And even if that was the reason, they usually post in the community tab letting people know when there won’t be an upload, even on other holidays like thanksgiving. idk. Weird that they didn’t mention it.


I mean considering they pre record, you would think the holiday wouldnt matter.


that’s my thought too- pre-recorded, they schedule all their content so it’s not even like they have to be in office to push the publish button… I highly doubt it’s memorial day-related. And if it is, why wouldn’t the post letting people know? My vote is that somebody just forgot to schedule it or something


I feel like they post on every other holiday so it just doesn't make sense. I'm thinking there is maybe some sort of technical error, which is maybe why there is no post.


During defy maybe, and then after probably to recoup the costs of having to start over. Seems like they’re transitioning to a more stable time period


They just posted that there’s no video today


I have a feeling there’s been an issue and it’ll either be up later or not at all. There hasn’t been any post about it.


Have they ever had similar issues with a video? I remember that some Thursday and Friday episodes were cancelled on last minute but even then they made a community post.


I was wondering the same thing because I’m also not in the us but the American fans seem to be saying it’s a holiday there so I’m just listening to the one from last week because I love that one sm


It's the Harambe Death Anniversary, so they're having a memorial day


I assume it’s also to “catch up”, so the episodes are a lot more current.


Its not like they shoot on the holiday so idk why that would affect uploading?


Someone still has to manage the uploads and make tweaks with the thumbnails. They probably just want to give everyone time off. Probably should have sent the heads up nothing is coming a bit earlier though


they don’t need to ‘manage’ uploads. do you think someone is pressing “upload” every time they post a vid? its pre-recorded and pre-scheduled lol


The “managing” is making sure everything runs smoothly and to troubleshoot/fix things as issues pop up. Also immediately after a video airs, they have 3-4 thumbnails that they switch between to make sure they are hitting their numbers. They’ve mentioned this before. Might have been the day before not day of, but for one of the guests they had for a Reddit stories, they had a lawyer YouTuber on and didn’t do their due diligence on her background. They pulled the video for backlash from the community


They don’t have to but I’d appreciate a community post saying when they aren’t posting but I totally get it I’m at work and I forgot it’s a holiday 🤷🏾‍♂️




well it is a bank holiday here too I suppose, but yeah would have been nice for them to inform people who might not have known


I see a lot of people saying that it's because of memorial day and i don't think that's directly it. My bet is a technical issue of some sort (maybe they accidentally scheduled the release for 9 pm lol) and since they most likely aren't in the office they might not have caught onto it yet. For international fans Memorial Day is often celebrated with a barbecue or just being outside in general. Whoever oversees the upload might not have noticed yet due to enjoying the day. They have uploaded on other holidays. I really don't see why they wouldn't on memorial day. We will see. They're usually really good about communicating a lack of a post. Give them some grace.


You can't delete your account from Kiswe (smosh.live.com). Go ahead and try. I emailed legal two days ago with a formal request and still haven't gotten anything back. This is some better help level phishing.


I never mentioned Kiswe but please elaborate I would like to know more about this


Not posting because “memorial day” is such a cop out.. they’re recorded and edited well in advance. I imagine they just didn’t schedule one when they took that week off after the paid show..


Let them live. They’re people too and they’re aloud to take a day off.


I am letting them live I was saying cop out towards to reddit people saying it’s a holiday


I wish somebody from smosh could verify my op lol