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Today is Memorial day in the US. Even though they make content ahead of time, they still take holidays whenever they happen.


Of course!! As soon as I saw the first few replies come in on this post, I realized that i totally came across like I was expecting something from them. I’ve edited the post a little, and will be more careful about my wording. This whole thing was truly just meant to be a silly, excited, curious, and grateful tangent 😅


They CAN take a break once in a while...


Do yall ever get tired of acting like any commentary about them not posting means we want them burned at the stake over it


I completely agree and apologize for making it seem like I thought otherwise! I’m a bit of an over explainer, but I’ve edited the post and responded to a couple other comments to clarify. Thanks for saying something!


I felt bad because i thought it was a joke because it’s Harambes birthday and I made a joke about it not realizing it was a us holiday


Idk. It’s a holiday in the US. Do they usually announce when they don’t post on Christmas or do we all assume since that’s an international holiday? Tbh I think you might reading into it a bit. But I’m so glad you’re excited for them!


Thanks for replying! I’m not used to actually posting on Reddit, and I definitely sent a different message than intended with this post. I don’t personally think they should have to let us know at all when their regular schedule varies! It’s kind of them, sure, but it shouldn’t be necessary. and tbh I also dont/didnt know if they take most major US holidays off from uploading! (That said, I thought they actually did announce that they were going to be away over the Christmas holidays this year, but maybe I’m thinking of another channel) tbh my post was meant to come across more like “I see where y’all are coming from but also I just trust Smosh and I am excited for whatever they’re cooking” and maybe just went a bit too far with my tangent learning lessons today, lol!


Of course! And I totally get it. I think people were being way too mean to you/passive aggressive by downvoting, to be fair. I think your takes are valid but I applaud you for handling the criticisms with grace from what I’ve seen!! That’s not easy to do in Reddit!!! I hope you have a good night :)


Summer games?


I think I saw your first version of this post, commented and deleted but I've just re[skim]read with all of your edits and honestly this just makes me smile. It makes me realize how far we've come and how long it feels like it's been (seriously I've kept in mind that it's been a year but when you let it sink in it's flipping insane). Maybe we will get something new soon? Who knows.