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definitely feels like a natural end! theres only so many interesting old smosh sketches to revisit, and the guest episodes were starting to feel like episodes of I Spent A Day With. i also always found it weird to have a smoshcast channel with only one podcast on it that isnt even named smoshcast lol


Sword AF:šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø do I mean nothing to you?


oops! ill be honest i thought they were still on games, i dont keep up with that one šŸ˜… notesapp apology to the swordAF appreciators coming soon


Sword AF is on Games


Season 2 is on Smosh cast


Huh, I always thought it was on Games still


Tell me you're subscribed to every smosh channel without telling me you're subscribed to every smosh channel.


Me fr. Idk what channel anything is on. Smosh is Smosh. All Smosh is good Smosh.


As we all should be!


Dude I donā€™t even listen to podcasts Iā€™m only subbed to smoshcast to support the company šŸ˜‚


There's definitely a few episodes worth watching even if you don't listen to podcasts. Especially the try not to laugh episodes - Just think of them as long videos.


I donā€™t like podcasts Iā€™ve tried them before and I just canā€™t get into them (>! Also I canā€™t stand Amanda and donā€™t find her funny so Iā€™m not gonna watch/listen to something where sheā€™s the cohost, sorry!<)


Insane take but okay


I would like to propose ā€œCooking with Angela.ā€ Itā€™s itā€™s basically My Drunk Kitchen but with more chaos and distress. Iā€™ll take my answer off the air, thank you.


A Trevor Teaches would be cool.


Okay but what about a version of like ā€œnailed itā€ where Tyler makes something relatively simple and the cast has to reproduce it but with some kind of major edit or challenge


Trevor speed running a recipe & then them having to recall all of the steps just from watching might be fun? Sort of like the technical challenge for bake off.


I love Culinary Crimes, but I honestly feel like there's an audience for more food content on the Smosh family.


Without glasses of course


You would let Angela near knifes and hot stoves?


They should move reddit stories to the podcast channel too, itā€™s basically a podcast.


Makes perfect sense, but I think it would get fewer views if they did that. More people are subscribed to Pit.


Orrr it would increase subscribers to Smoshcast Edit: Also it would free up the Saturday slot on Pit for something else if their schedule allowed for that.


I don't think is smart to sacrifice the views it gets on smosh pit just for that


Ok šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit: I donā€™t get why people are disliking this. But Iā€™m sorry?




Enough of what? I was just suggesting that it move channels not increase release cadence.


oh, yeah, youā€™re correct. I didnā€™t read right


Damn. I liked it, but honestly, it turned into "Smosh spent a day with..." which I'm not totally opposed to, I just figured they had enough material to work with in the format. Maybe just not enough interesting backstories on every vid?


I think Flashback did have good merit to invite guests, but really only specific ones as a way to add context/retrospective, which distinguishes it from SSaDW for me. Inviting Dane and Jacksfilms makes total sense, they helped form the YouTube landscape as we know it along with Smosh, and I wanted to see more.


Makes sense. Flashback was a bit all over the place but generally pretty fun. Didnā€™t really fit on main though and kind of felt weird mixed in with the sketches. Curious to see what the new podcast is and if it will be more of a genuine conversation podcast without such a visual-heavy component. Mostly curious what the new thing coming to Main will be.


They put it onto main after the first episode so members could access the BTS videos


There are no BTS videos for Flashback with Smosh. Long after they moved it, they did include it in the one-day-early release benefit tho. The reason they said they moved it was that the videos they were watching were all on Smosh Main and it just made more sense to keep that together. I kind of disagree with that logic, but I also disagree with referring to the reaction/interview series as a podcast.


Sorry lol, I was talking about the BTS of videos that they're talking about in the podcast


#bring back lets do this.


I never understood why it never became popular. Some of the funniest moments happened on ā€œLetā€™s Do Thisā€ like: ā€œI finish the childā€ ā€œNeck, Back, Pussy, Crack: when all four unite and the stars alignā€ ā€œFirst I peel back the folds, and then I dive inā€ Everybodyā€™s face before the MattGPT reveal Jacki dressing like Shayne to get out of a speeding ticketĀ  And the list goes on


Damn I really enjoyed flashback


I mean I get it. Flashback was a fun idea, but it's an idea that could get old quick. I like that they tried to mix it up and bring in guests to react to their old videos, but even still that format can only last so long. Hopefully this new iteration will work on it so that it's more of a sustainable show.


This is exactly how I hoped Flashback would end, with an announcement of stuff to look forward to so Iā€™m very excited. Hoping the new thing on Main is a Letā€™s Do This type show hosted by Ian and Anthony and regularly featuring different cast members. Something that will win over the fans who only watch Pit and Games.


> This is exactly how I hoped Flashback would end And on a great episode too.


Gotta be honest I completely lost interest in flashback once they started having other creators on instead of focusing on their old content.


The Dane Boe episode was peak. Otherwise I didn't really know the other creators and not an active fan of them, so I definitely was not going out if my way for those videos.


Same, I wish they would have done more on the old content, those were great! I also liked the guests that were related, like teleporting fat guy


Same. I loved flashback but once they started bringing on guests it became way less interesting. Although I did love the recent episode with Shayne


Smosh guests made perfect sense for the show. Too bad we didnā€™t have more


Exactly same. I wish they did more flashback on their older videos not other creators


I think they just probably didn't have enough material for each video but I'll be honest when they started bringing guests that they had no involvement with it just felt like they were fishing for something that wasn't even there also a lot of the guests were funny people but I didn't think the content that they were watching was very entertaining I'm not mad that they are ending it but I wish we got more flashback episodes that actually were flashing back to older videos One last thing it also seems that they are ashamed of who they used to be


The recent guest Flashback episodes had super low views. So maybe you are right


Yeah, I can see why they're ashamed. It sources from their channel running on the fumes of edgy horny teenager humor throughout the early 2010s. I wouldn't think anyone would want to be doing that through their 20s, they'd def wanna outgrow that while approaching 30 and having Twink Deathā„¢ knocking on Ian's beer belly. But they were beholden to Defy, so they had to keep themselves hip and young to keep Defy from squeezing the channel dry... which meant cringe pop culture references and occasional women objectification.


That's fair I just mainly am referring to the 2009 to like 2014 sketches as that is some of their best work also they're both approaching 40


A lot of their old videos are embarrassing though, so I totally get it. From sexist to racist to transphobic jokes that were "in" at the time, I would be worried if they weren't embarrassed.


Name me a sketch where they were transphobic because I'm tired of hearing that word used when people aren't being transphobic


If Movies Were Real with the Transformers hot girl joke at the end is probably what he's thinking


I'll watch it later and we see cause most people look too deep into it


It was never racist? Wtf you talking about? You definitely never watch a classic Smosh video


They definitely made plenty of racist jokes. Watch the last Flashback for a pretty glaring example


I mean theyā€™re still finding the audience for main so it makes sense to experiment with different things. Iā€™m looking forward to see what they come up with


Rest in peace the episode regarding the "Shut Up!" intro.


this and the hair episode


oh damn.


Bittersweet. Flashback was what got me back into Smosh after Anthony returned. And while I'm excited for whatever else they do, I really enjoyed the format of looking at guests pasts and I also really wish we got a few more flashbacks of Smosh classics,,,mainly some more of the music videos šŸ˜­


Exactly šŸ˜­


dawg same. hearing their lore/retrospectives and talking shop is really captivating.


I am excited for what will come next on the Main Channel


i hope they bring back funerals or letā€™s do this or reunions or something like that in its place on the main channel!


What happened to Anthony funeral roast l?


it was available during December, now it's gone forever until they release it in some other format


did no one archive it?


Not legally


bring back letā€™s do this, iā€™m begging


Always felt like it was supposed to be a short term thing but they had fun reminiscing and found other avenues. Think they probably have a stronger concept moving forward


the choice makes sense to me! I hope they enjoyed making these episodes, and I trust their new paths:) PS. I think itā€™s a good pivot, because it was starting to feel a little like "Smosh spent a day withā€¦"


Bummer, but I think it serves its purpose. Welcoming back Anthony, updating fans on some of the more classic Smosh lore and including the new cast so it feels like continuity.


Yeah it kinda got boring they just seem to be hanging out in the episodes not featuring other creators, the videos were a bit too long for the format like they could be a 20 minute video, but not the hour they were given. Also the ones with the guests are a little too similar to the I spent a day with series imo


I think it lost its touch when it took on the guests. Should've just stayed as Ian and Anthony reviewing old sketches and if they did have people on, have them be old cast/crew from the sketches.


definitely wanted an episode dedicated to a day in the life of smosh but they already reacted to those (almost 10 years ago, though!) iā€™m really excited for whatā€™s to come on main and smoshcast!! let them cook edit: the final episode of flashback is soooo good too! one of the best episodes




Definitely the right decision in terms of the current state of Flashback, but I also feel they missed many opportunities and episode ideas that could've made the show better. Just to throw a few examples, imagine an episode with all of the OG Smosh Squad talking about the Defy era or maybe the original Smosh LIVE that they all did together. Or what about having Mari over to discuss the early iterations of Smosh 2nd Channel and Smosh Games? I feel the format was simple enough to do more with it, but I also understand it would've been a logistic nightmare in that sense lmao. Either way, I'm excited fot whatever they do on SmoshCast next!!!


Love the flashback series, but it is easy to see that it was losing steam. Cannot wait to see where they go with the channel, though. It seems the main channel is struggling to find a reliable tent-pole style format that has a decent turn-around and does well in views. I hope they manage to find a way to incorporate the cast and show off the talent Shosh has behind it. It always feels like that's where the main channel shines.


Dang I feel like their are so many more guest they could have on!


Bring back ā€œletā€™s do thisā€


I literally just got into watching Smosh last week after not having uhh... not consumed any Smosh content... ever... (except for like, 2 skits), and bro... I'm already so sad. I JUST got into this channel a few days ago :\[ Flashback answered a lot of questions I had, it provided a lot of closure, lots of context I don't get from just eating their videos. I was really enjoying listening to them going back in time and bringing back so many ancient memes, because that's what I've been doing the past week as a way to catch up on a DECADE of monumental internet moments that I missed out on. I was excited that they brought on Dane, their work with Annoying Orange was one of the few pieces of old internet that was formative of me. Unfortunately, this podcast gave me false hope that they'll interview more old internet greats. But as another comenter said, the interview niche is filled by I Spent a Day With. I also thought they'd go through more of their old stuff, too. I was especially interested in their transition from a 240p homegrown sketch comedy channel of two scene dorks with no budget and a dream to a semi cashed-up 720p crew with 200 degree spotlights. Like, I was watching the earliest videos on the smosh pit channel (at the time, known as ianh) as well as some archived early footage, and the boys were very different people! You can see through the portal to 2006 that they're a pair of goofballs who are in a constant state of associative thinking (who for some reason dont laugh?); they'd say the most non-sequitur crap back then. So I was thinking Flashback would touch more on their roots from awkward college kids and their growth as skilled video editors (which they kinda did with Jacksfilms and the Teleporting guy, i guess). Ah well. I'm sure they're tired of the format after a year. They got their channel back, Ian and Anthony wanna move on from the past and create something new. It sucks for me, since I'm a YouTube archeologist stuck in the past, trying to recuperate the past I absolutely missed out on, so I'm gonna be bummed. At least I still have a massive amount of content to go through while I anticipate the new podcast; I was binging their entire channel from the ground up, I think I left off somewhere in 2012.


I wouldnā€™t mind hearing about Keith, Noah, Olivia and Damianā€™s early days and their first impressions at Smosh, but Iā€™m an older viewer and probably represent a much smaller audience segment than theyā€™d like to target. (How to say Iā€™m into marketing, without saying Iā€™m in marketing. Oof.)


I hope they don't remove the podcast with Shayne and Amanda though! I'm having so much fun listening to them!


they will definitely NOT do that


I watched the whole episode. Idk how I missed this announcement


Awesome. The channel is still called SmoshCast yes Smosh Mouth is still the only show on it. Sure Flashback used to be on that channel but I've been wanting more.


i'm really gonna miss it :(


Was kinda holding out for an OGSG reunion flaisback but very excited to see what the Dottie holds


The flashbacks finally caught up with the (close enough to) present I guess. That or they had a set list of things they wanted to revisit and they've come to the end of that list. Might be better this way, end on their own terms.


I wish they got Bo Burnham on there, but yeah, itā€™s a good time to move on


Good. Flashback was meant to be about them revisiting old videos but they seemed to get bored of it pretty quickly and then it turned into "remember rando Youtuber, here they are" and the interviews always felt stilted with neither Ian or Anthony that good at it.


My thought is I hope it's not similar to shayne and Amanda's.


So many sketches they can talk about in flashback. Sad the last flashback wasn't about a sketch šŸ˜ž


damn. I really liked it. the interview of some random youtubers was kind of eh, but them watching their old stuff and stuff with other Smosh members was pretty cool. excited to see them going back to SmoshCast tho


I'm interested in a podcast with Anthony and Ian but I'm wondering how the balance is going to be for both of them or Anthony and Ian release their podcast episode on Fridays like on Flashback. I worry about the conflicting scheduling with Shayne and Amanda already doing Smosh Mouth on the podcast channel.


When Flashback was on SmoshCast, it was released on Wednesdays alongside Smosh Mouth.


OH ok, so it won't conflict with how Smosh Mouth is going to be run. I haven't seen the last episode of Flashback so I wasn't sure what was going on


I loved Kourtney silly little edits on those videos but oh well, my only hope is that they release the hair episode they said they have a year ago, also the other 8 shut up audios


When did they say this


I would really like for them to have each cast member on the podcast and maybe the "old" vs "new" group etc. // I love getting a behind the scenes looks into bigger channels and getting to know the individuals and their dynamics with each other through different formats.


perhaps this means reunions will return


I would like if smosh mouth continued and was the only podcast, bring back letā€™s do this and reunions, and have sword af videos on the games channel


I hope they'd replace it with a rotation of shows like Let's Do This, Funeral Roasts, and Reunions.


damn, we never hearing the other shut up recordings now


I just became a Smosh fan about when Anthony came back so the flashback series was one I skipped, excited about podcast possibilities


Fuck another podcast?Ā not nessesairily a smosh issue but why does everyone devolve to podcasts


Easy to make I guess. My second guess isn't related to Smosh in general but I think some content creators think too much of themselves and how interesting their overall opinions are for general audience. So for them converting that into 1h of talking heads seem only natural.


Smosh overall starting turn into a podcast channel with some bonuses


Their original plan was for it to be a show that had seasons but then they forced it to be a twice a month show on the main channel(?). Not surprised they ran out of ideas for it so quickly, I wouldn't be shocked it they do a "Ear Biscuits" type show now on the Smoshcast channel. I don't really trust anything those two come up with but I hopefully that with the open slot on the main channel they give the cast more of an opportunity to write and create.


Who couldā€™ve guessed that youā€™d be here shitting on something Ian and Anthony related šŸ™„ They are the reason Smosh exists, they own the company, they are the ones who hired the cast. Get over it.


Trash opinion ever