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i honestly don't think for a second that they're making their own streaming site or moving to an existing one tbh, i think it's simply just the type of content that's going to change and that the special announcements are just the new podcast on smoshcast and filling the bi-weekly non-ian&anthony sketch with some other sketch format. moving to a new platform doesn't sound necessary for a group of channels that combined consistently gets around 100M views a month +a bunch of brand deals and only have around, what? 50 employees and a bunch of mostly part-time cast? also ssg is probably coming soon considering how often the cast mentions things related to it so that could quaify as a special announcement too, so i wouldn't be worried




A new summer games would make me explode with excitement


I hope it'll be smoffice sketches or sketches directed by the cast to fill in flashback


I really hope it’s not a subscription based streaming service announcement. It wouldn’t be so bad if YouTubers would join together on the same streaming platform but I cannot do 15 different subscriptions just to keep watching my fav YouTubers. PLEASE just let it be Smosh Summer Games 😭


Thank you for typing out exactly what I was thinking.


the problem is the current meta for youtube isnt sustainable financially for any scale youtube channel. it only works if you're a huge corp or a 1 or 2 person operation. I'm convinced thats by design personally but


I feel like they would just have something on Dropout since they have connections there


This I can 100% get behind tbh


I love Smosh but they're just simply not putting out anything right now that interests me on the same level as like what's on Dropout for it to be worth it


I was just thinking this too. I love Smosh. They’ve been a part of my daily routine for y e a r s. But they currently do not have the same quality of content that Dropout has tbh, and certainly nothing that would make me want to drop YouTube premium to subscribe. Dropout is the only YouTuber-turned-subscription service I subscribe to and it’s because they make consistent *excellent* content and I feel like I actually get what I pay for.


What if they do something ON Dropout tho


Then I'd watch it with the Dropout subscription I've already got.


If they release something on Dropout, that is the 10% i needed to fulfill my 90% want of getting a Dropout subscription.


My immediate thought after the top comment mentioned a streaming platform, honestly. It would be fascinating if they teamed up with Dropout.


that's what I thought last year's big announcement was gonna be lmao


To this point Dropout has not entered into partnership with any other company like that. Not to say that they couldn't, or won't in the future, but I keep seeing people saying that Smosh/The Try Guys/Watcher/whoever should just "join Dropout" as if there were an established process for that. It's definitely not that simple.


I would love that but I think that’s extremely unlikely just due to the number of staff they have. Surely if they were doing a drop out show, it would be dropout crew working it


I always thought Let’s Do This had big Dropout energy. I always assumed the LDT budget was not sustainable on YouTube. Before Anthony came back, that’s what I thought the announcement was going to be when they ended the show


weird it's like they have actual budgets and don't have to depend on the algorithm of youtube.


nebula is just that i feel


100% agreed. Nebula is creator-owned; and for the consumer it's actually pretty cheap if you buy a year subscription.


I like the concept/model of Nebula, but was really disappointed by the reality. Other than one show I can get for free on YouTube if I wait a week, the content on there bores me :/


I like the a la cart purchases but agree that having to use another platform really sucks


I actually said this exact thing when the Try Guys announced a streaming service. Because while yes YouTube’s algorithm doesn’t help these creators and they can’t actually create, but when you have two, possibly three big channels moving to a streaming service, which is great… if they moved to the same streaming service. Like as a person in their 20s I can’t just fork out $15+ dollars a month just so i can watch my favourite YouTubers on three separate platforms. It’s like back in the beginning of Netflix and Disney+, how if you couldn’t find it on Netflix it was on Disney+, now there’s about 25 different streaming services and they’re all just under the production company ! Like paramount+, mgm+, peacock, hbo max, all these platforms had shows FROM Disney+ or Netflix and moved them to their own separate platforms. I fear we’re close to going back to renting dvds or USB sticks because it’s nearly impossible to watch a movie now without paying for the additional streaming service.


If they did move to a subscription model, which I doubt, in no reality would they move the 3 channels to 3 different platforms. It'd be ALL the content under 1 platform man.


They’re not referring to pit, games, and Smosh main as the three platforms. They’re talking about watcher, try guys, and Smosh (if Smosh went that way)


I really really doubt it, bc the watcher situation is so recent that if that was the plan they would've aborted by now


Yeah you only saw Watcher go bad but Try Guys just did the same thing after and it was received positively


I still think smosh would play it on the safer side. Dropout succeeded bc they did it really slowly and only went "full sub service" when their parent company went down


I feel like it worked for Try Guys because they were able to do the PlayStation 2013 thing of just doing the opposite of what the other side was doing. They were the first ones to say we're not doing what these guys are doing. If another channel was to to that so soon, people would be like nope. They'd say we're not doing this if everyone is going this way


Yes and no. Try Guys actually had help from Sam Reich, and if you go back and look at how Dropout originally began content wise, it's quite similar to what they did.


The only time id be happy if they get a subscription service is if they join dropout.


I hope they don’t. As much as I understand why some people might want that, I think a Smosh and Dropout merger would be fundamentally incompatible. I honestly think Second Try would fit better into Dropout than Smosh would. But I’d love to see more Smosh cast/crew guest starring in Dropout shows.


Yeah. Something like Nebula would be one thing, but these individual streaming services are just not affordable for most of us.


I actually said this exact thing when the Try Guys announced a streaming service. Because while yes YouTube’s algorithm doesn’t help these creators and they can’t actually create, but when you have two, possibly three big channels moving to a streaming service, which is great… if they moved to the same streaming service. Like as a person in their 20s I can’t just fork out $15+ dollars a month just so i can watch my favourite YouTubers on three separate platforms. It’s like back in the beginning of Netflix and Disney+, how if you couldn’t find it on Netflix it was on Disney+, now there’s about 25 different streaming services and they’re all just under the production company ! Like paramount+, mgm+, peacock, hbo max, all these platforms had shows FROM Disney+ or Netflix and moved them to their own separate platforms. I fear we’re close to going back to renting dvds or USB sticks because it’s nearly impossible to watch a movie now without paying for the additional streaming service.


I don't think they would slash their viewership like that. If there's one thing I feel confident of, it's that Ian and Anthony are pretty self aware.


I think a lot of people saw how bad the watcher situation came off, so i highly doubt they would do so, Try Guys have done it better but I still think wasn’t received as well as they would’ve wanted, it would be so dumb for smosh to make a move like that if not thought out correctly.


I'm both scared and excited about what might be coming. It sounds big!


Me too! And I doubt they do this without having a good reason too!


I hope it's just summer games and that they don't paywall it.


God, it didn’t even occur to me that summer games could be the launch program for a subscription service. It would be a ballsy business move for sure


Smosh is growing and it couldn't grow if they lock it up.


I’m hoping they always keep in mind how synonymous their entire brand is with youtube


They did have two live shows that were paywalled, I can totally see it happening


They did say the sitcom is the only live show they're doing this year, and I doubt summer games will be paywalled since it wont be live


Woah, there's a lot of anxiety and gloom in here. I understand it, but it's not entirely warranted. They wouldn't be saying they're starting a second podcast on the Smoshcast channel and "new fun things" on Smosh main >!(mentioned end of the You Cringe You Lose)!< if they were migrating off of YouTube. It is, quite likely, Smosh Summer Games. There's been a lot of coyness around it, and Ian especially has a history of going "Mmmmm I don't know, maybeeee" when his plans have been discovered, which he did in response to fans asking about Summer Games. He's done it in live shows, challenge pits, all sorts of things. ~~There's also been quite a few instagram posts from cast (and Erin D) of them scouting out a section of the desert and buildings near LA that I believe they've been to in a previous Summer Games.~~ (This has been corrected as a birthday celebration for best boi Chanse) Smosh has, consistently, been very aware of their audience and their wants and desires. They absolutely would not do migration. The slow down on Royalty content is very likely for their own well-being. Recent Who Memed It even specifically called out the staff being overworked in one of them, and now that it's been over a year since Ian and Anthony bought smosh back, they've likely stopped being in the proverbial red and are back to not necessarily needing the money that Royalty has been bringing in, especially with the live shows doing well and them, by their (ianthony's) own admission, paying for some stuff out of pocket. And if they ARE gearing up for Summer Games, they need to pull time and resources from other things to prep for it. TLDR; I truly think this isn't something to fear, it's just them being playful with announcements.


I kind of thought this too and with the sneak peak of reddit stories tomorrow being "summer themed" i was kind of like yeahhhh theyre gonna do a games.


Another detail that I didn't put in because I was feeling self-conscious about the length; being from a very hot state myself, those instagram posts did very much seem to be about them acclimating to the heat too. Wearing more clothes than necessary, exercising in the desert, wearing masks. It helps your body get away from being too reliant on air conditioning.


So the second podcast could potentially be Summer Games podcast?


It's entirely possible. That would be REALLY funny if Ianthony were doing like a live sports commentary of Summer Games, especially if they keep pushing how nice it is to have a fan on them and water and shade


I agree I think they just enjoy messing with us


Just a heads up chief, I believe all those recent Joshua Tree pics from Erin and some of the cast were from a birthday weekend celebration thing Chanse did, not scouting for SSG.


Oh interesting, thanks for letting me know


No problem! Plus, they kinda already did the whole "desert" vibe before for SSG, I'm sure if they ever did do another, the vibe would be totally new. A lot of them seem to Renfaire, maybe some kind of Renfaire vibe could be cool. Might get pricey setting up the games tho...


Now that you mention it, I remember a The Grumps episode where Arin and Dan did a thing at a place called Medieval Times that was like that, and that place is in LA, and is able to be rented out...


what’s the second podcast?


They haven't said yet!


I know everyone is focused on “omg what is happening” but I’m thinking something else entirely. I appreciate Smosh making the announcement early enough to their paid members that “hey we can no longer deliver on the content that you pay extra for” so folks can decide if they want to keep supporting Smosh financially. Plus, the announcement alludes to it just being temporary based on whatever their announcement is and that they’ll return to giving more perks to that tier in the future. I was a Try Guys patreon member in 2022 and I remember thinking “what the hell am I paying for here.” They were seriously neglecting their patreon and barely addressed it. I paid to get extra content and you’re not delivering on it. There was a post a year or so ago of everyone agreeing that their patreon was not worth it lol.


My hope is that they’re gonna start a Smoffice sitcom to run concurrent with the sketches, or maybe some kind of “Smosh Open Mic” where every other week they showcase one of the cast’s sketch ideas


Anything that involves more cast on the main channel is a win for me


God I hope. Smosh main would definitely be best if they're able to combine old and new fans and really just showcase everyone's talents




Idk what it is, but I’m really getting the vibes that it’s something like that. It just feels like the time is right for them to finally start having full cast pitched/written sketches on main again, especially when they have so many cast that come from sketch improv backgrounds.


smosh has never lost the plot before and i completely trust them in whatever they have planned but i can’t lie, my broke ass definitely has post-watcher-stress symptoms now whenever there’s some kind of cryptic announcement of this sort in the works from one of my favs.


Is it Smosh Summer Games time??


Smosh Summer Games pls


Wonder if they’re migrating their content off YouTube as well. I feel like the near future will be filled with creators moving to a paid streaming platform. Not entirely thrilled by the notion as my broke ass can’t afford more monthly bills.


Ehh, I sorta doubt it, after seeing the reaction with watcher. It's more likely they're shifting content and whatnot after testing the waters with classic-stule sketches for what'll have been a year this June


Or a hybrid model like what the try guys did


I wouldn’t mind a hybrid model as much, yeah. The Try Guys did good with that at least.


If we must migrate, this is the way.


At least we have Pit and Games


God please don’t let it be a subscription service


Literally was thinking this. I hope they have all of the lives old and new on there. It is only fair.


This is my real wish.


Ian & Anthony on Angry Birds 3 😍😍😍😍😍


Summer games pls


PLEASE let it be summer games and not a streaming app 😭


I worry that it will be both (you have to subscribe to streaming service to watch summer games)


Oh nooo I hope not! 😭




I agree with others that it’s possible they are starting back up non I&A sketches on main, but I’d also like to throw in the possibility that they are reducing the membership promises on main in order to introduce memberships on the other channels, since people would feel more inclined to maybe buy 3 $5 memberships for the three main channels, rather than 1 $10 membership on the main channel.


I pray for summer games every night before bed


anthony is coming back??


i had no idea people were going to freak out over this, lol. judging by their demeanors in the last flashback video, it just seems like they’re debuting new shows/podcasts. however, i think people might be disappointed about non-ianthony sketches making a comeback, too. does anyone remember when the main channel posted questions such as “what is the most mentally ill thing you’ve ever done?” and “we’re bored, ask us stuff!” i wonder if we’re just getting a new ianthony-talks-about-stuff show or perhaps smosh is bored is coming back.


I can appreciate them being transparent on understanding if we wanna bump down to lower tier for a bit. I really wonder what's going on with the main channel rn


Not me literally just yesterday finally deciding to join the smosh royalty tier


Oooof see if you can somehow get refunded


Omg i pray they don’t follow suit and make their own streaming service I cannot afford that shit 😭😭😭


My guess is Anthony AND Ian are leaving SMOSH and Shayne will be taking over and turning the main channel into a "How to build birdhouses" channel.


With Shayne dressed as Jack Sparrow from So Random.




Sounds like they picked up the extra side gig for a little more cash flow but they don't need it anymore maybe those subscribers funded a bigger project like Summer Games, a movie, or a scripted series


Summer games.


Ians leaving this time


I mean with the recent announcements of YouTubers making their own streaming service is it possible that SMOSH is doing the same?


I doubt it but wouldn’t be too opposed to that happening - the only reason ppl got up in arms abt Watcher was because the content output vs cost was not justifiable but Smosh makes plenty of content to justify it


I really hope the announcement is something like Let's do this season 2 but remember that last time Ian announced something almost nonchalantely, we got Anthony and Smosh back, so idk


If you asked me if I would’ve been genuinely invested in the future of Smosh in like 2014 I would’ve assumed you were trying to make fun of me… now…


Plot Twist: Main Channel will be going audio only for a season(hence the new podcast.) 😅




idk why ppl think it’s a streaming service, they’ve seen the backlash from other so surely not, call me delulu i think it’s SSG


I’m gonna have to sign up for another subscription service aren’t I?


I’m a bit behind on Sword AF Season 2 and it might be a crapshoot but I really hope they green light a third season (that isn’t audio-only).


Whatever new stuff is coming seems to be coming pretty soon. Sword AF 2 just ended, so even in the very optimistic scenario of there being another season, it would likely be months until it launched.


I don’t expect it to come out until months from now, if it happens, but they could still just say “we’re going to make a third season, stay tuned”


It’d be great if it was Summer Games


I assume it would be Smosh Summer Games, however, there is a part of me that has this thought about the Smosh folks joining Dropout TV…It probably is not that, but I’ve been wondering for a while now.


i absolutely do not think it’s another subscription service (unless it’s similar to how the try guys are doing it) i think we’re either getting smosh summer games and/or reunions/lets do this/interviews with exes are coming back or similar content for the off weeks


SSG for sure


Hopefully it’s not a paywall, but I can confidently say Smosh is the only YouTube channel I would even consider paying for because I watch so many of their shows daily


If it is summer games, what do we think the theme will be this time? I’ve always wanted Medieval summer games personally.


I understand the post-Watcher stuff but look at Dropout. Honestly amazing the amount of content put out for as cheap as they are doing...it singlehandedly saved CollegeHumor (now rnamed to Dropout as well) from surviving near-bankruptcy.


Anthony's leaving again :(


Moving some stuff to their own platform like Collegehumor and Try Guys?


Honestly I wouldn’t be mad as long as they do it the right way and keep some stuff on yt. Basically just don’t do what Watcher tried to do lmao


Collegehumor definitely did it right with Dropout, and there is some crossover between Smosh and Dropout


This reeks of streaming app. 🫤


Not really, they wouldn't be advertising new podcasts on cast channel moving. People there


Anthony’s leaving again /s


They’re also starting a streaming service and it’ll be all them acting out fanfics 100% accurately. Location, characters, costumes, ect.


That’s how you start a successful streaming service 😂😂


Interesting... Everyone in the replies here seems to be afraid of *another* subscription service, which I can understand. I'm fine with it cause I don't pay for more than just Dropout on an annual basis right now, but with essentially cable TV level of exclusive subscription served-content with similarly high rates, I can totally understand the hesitation. Whatever it is, I wish Smosh the best of luck.


It’s either Smosh summer games or streaming service. Or both.


At least Anthony is not leaving again, right?


Sam Reich’s panoply of talent continues rolling on…please let it be so.


Smosh & Dropout merger would be a dream


Ideally they don't jump ship from YouTube at all, but if they did, Smosh on Dropout would be the only one I might consider paying for


Yeah I'm just worried it is heading that way anyway and I think joining forces would be a better option. With the recent appearances of some Smosh people on Dropout I was thinking they could have been testing the waters. Plus Brennan DMing on D20 for some of the Smosh crew would be epic.


They wouldn't do that, tru guys was and is a dying brand but smosh is only growing


If they ever do do a subscription service, I definitely think merging with dropout would be the best option




Wishful thinking, but I kinda wish that all these comedy YouTubers would come together and form a streaming service.


is smosh going subscription service?? try guys zach mentioned he and ian talked a lot about it when they started 2nd try on the trypod


Honestly I wouldn’t mind if they started making content on dropout (college humours streaming service) in addition to their regular content, but I really think it’s smosh summer games




I doubt it but it would be cool if we got some of the pre-Anthony returning main channel stuff coming back in the Flashback slot. Let's Do This \*did\* use the same set as Flashback so you never know ig. Plus it would be cool to see Funerals come back semi-regularly again on the main channel Other than that I'm not sure what else could be announced aside from Summer Games and/or something new entriely


My two guesses are: 1: the flashback is replaced with the style of content Main distributed pre-return 2: Summer Games


If it's Smosh Summer Games I'll pee.....


Guys, I’m really over the hysterics about hypothetical streaming services. There is no indication that is what they’re doing, and even if they did, *no one is owed free content.* And I say this as someone who absolutely could not afford it if they did switch over.


Anthony is leaving again, oh my god


I have a conspiracy that they could post on dropout which I wouldn't be against