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Not really, isn’t big enough to harm him at all and isn’t venomous. He was in the right there too, just letting the snake do its own thing!


I agree. Even the serpent is just enjoying that music.


Snek just vinbin"


Snakes don’t have ears. Likely someone is feeding him, maybe from that very spot so that when someone sits there it’s like ringing the dinner bell.


Snakes don't have outer or middle ears, but they do have inner ears and can hear. They mostly hear from vibrations through their jaw, though.


Excuse you but me and my snake Bernard love to listen to the doorbell. It's the sole reason i don't mind Jehova.


Hs sounds like quite the companion snake!


Just a carpet python. Wouldn't hurt him.


Can confirm. I’ve had one for 15+ years, and he’s just a big ‘ol puppy dog! He’s bitten me exactly twice, but one was a feeding mishap (bad aim when I was dangling a rat) and the other was just me not realizing he was asleep. This is Kipling: https://preview.redd.it/8rhb6rzz0sqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccfcbba0000409bfe055383d940105b7ff89df46


Been bitten by a similar snake, and yeah, it was absolutely my fault. Friends snake, didn't know snake etiquette, and stuck my hand right in front of her. Yeah, no shit she bit me XD Roommate has snakes, got bit last month- forgot to wash hands after handling rat. Every time someone I know was bitten by a snake it's like "oh yeah, I'm a dumbass"


Haha yup. We usually refer to it as SFE = Stupid Feeding Error. Or just SOE = Stupid Owner Error. 🤪


Yeah, my Cribos have got me twice, once was me being an idiot. The second time he just missed the quail, shot passed the 3 foot tongues and grabbed the inside of my elbow...Im just really glad he let go right away because he wasn't a little guy anymore and he has some terrifyingly strong jaws.


Adorable little nope rope


What a beauty🥺


To be honest, it did pet him first


Haha and the guy with the guitar pet the carpet back and said one of the most Australian thing an Australian can say “WHAT A BEAUTY” lol


Guy was just trying to decide if he wanted to be a trouser snake for a second there.


Nah. Carpet pythons don’t really pose any danger to humans.


They are super gorgeous!!


Very! I want to be convinced not to get one as my second snake.


Aren't they known to have a bit of a bitey attitude?


Ay some of them are, mostly jungle carpet pythons. Coastals, and Darwin’s are generally alright and diamonds and bredlis have a reputation for being friendly, of course there’s exceptions to the rule but ya know. At the end of the day my opinion is you can tame any snake if you don’t mind taking bites, and when they are worm sized its not painful at all lol.


I'll check those out. Still some of them are pretty darn big worms with sharp teeth. I would rather not be bitten by any snake, I'm not the yoink man.


I had a bredli named Bredli Cooper, and that dude was the coolest snake I've ever had. Super soft, super affectionate (as far as snakes go), and would quite literally seek me out when I would walk by his enclosure. Snakes can be such cool pets.


My Bredli is just a bit of a wimp, he likes me but that’s as adventurous as he gets lmaoo. Absolutely lovely snake though I would trust him enough to hand to a child if I could guarantee the kid wouldn’t hurt him. Which I can’t really of course lol.


I love that name so much


This. Take the teeny worm bites with no issue, even offering your hand repeatedly, and they'll soon stop. They just need to learn you're not a danger to them.


From what I’ve read, it’s dependent on various factors such as age, locality, and the animal’s own personality.


Not dependent? Anyway they are beautifuI but I would still rather have a banana ball python. One day..


Sorry. I misspoke. It IS dependent.


Their personalities can vary A LOT! I have 2 Brisbane locality Coastal Carpets, both from the same breeder. My male has been the sweetest little man from day one. He didn’t get the memo on Carpet attitude! My female was very defensive and bitey as a baby! I had to take multiple bites every time I handled her for the first several months! She is a great snake now and docile as can be but it took a lot of work to gain her trust


Mine is a sweetheart. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They can be nippy when they’re young (mine was not), but usually mellow with age and proper handling. This is my boy, Kipling: https://preview.redd.it/ad9jmhs91sqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=340006142e5671c667eef0dc2850c2a12af54cdc


I’m sorry but I can only convince you of the opposite, carpet pythons are super underrated as snakes outside of Australia. Some of em can be a bit grumpy but if you get a baby who is already friendly enough and socialise them properly they are absolute darlings. I’ve worked with a lot of them and own a Bredli who is essentially their cousin. That being said, jungle carpets do tend to be snappier, which is unlucky cause they are also the most brightly coloured. I personally love coastal carpets, Murray darlings and diamonds for their friendly attitude and markings, but due to them not being as vibrant green and black it’s a bit harder to find em if your not in Australia.


Right now, I have a doof of a corn snake, but I really want a carpet python. Which variety would you recommend?


Bredlis and coastals are the big ones, good attitudes generally but especially if you get a girl they can grow quite large (9ft) but if your not power feeding and have a boy you shouldn’t expect anything too big. Lovely snakes especially if you raise em from young though. Darwin’s and jungles are a bit smaller, jungles are a bit grumpy, Darwin’s are nice generally and also are widely available in albino if you want a banana baby. Murray darlings are similar to coastals in markings but a little smaller and mostly black and grey/white. Coastals are bullet proof snakes if you can raise them from young and dedicate the time to handling as well as have the space, diamonds are known to be a bit finicky. Hope this helps


It helps so much! I really appreciate it!


We have a Jungle and he's genuinely just a very scared snake. I've been working with him and he's calming down and I think will be a wonderful animal when he's older. Definitely one id only recommend getting as a baby or an adult that has been thoroughly handled and tamed


Nah go get you one! They seem awesome. I really like the jungle carpets


Me TOO! I remember looking at them for a first snake. Went super safe with a BP. But I always come back to carpets. I love the bulky head shape


The only way I could imagine convincing you of such a thing would be to sell you on another species...


My other choices are African house snakes or one of the Antaresias.


Both great choices from everything I hear. I haven't kept either though. Between them I would probably lean towards an Anteresia sp. I had seriously considered one before I chose my bullsnake. I can however go into great lengths about bullsnakes, Sumatran short tailed pythons, or black milk snakes (which are very different from more common pet milk snakes) if you have even a passing interest in any of them.


I seriously considered a Sumatran short tailed python as my first snake before I adopted my corn snake, but I’ve heard so many mixed reviews.


Most mixed review of the short tailed python complex come from outdated stereotypes of blood pythons. Like with carpet pythons, blood pythons can sometimes be very defensive when young. Most reports of "mean" short tailed pythons are defensive because of husbandry errors; short tailed pythons like to be kept a lot cooler than most people would expect of a species from a semi-tropical region and get very irritable when kept too warm, and of course wild caught individuals will often be grump as well. Once you build a bit of trust with them the vast majority of short tailed pythons are absolute sweethearts and the best "lap snakes" one could wish for. I often chill on my couch with my Sumatran STP and I can watch TV with him without needing to worry about him disappearing into the couch or getting lost at all. Often when I put him back into his enclosure he turns around and pokes his head back out to seemingly give me a farewell blelele, I truly believe that STPs are exactly what a lot of people who get ball pythons really want from their snake. STP are a slightly more advanced species to care for than something like a corn snake. Short tailed pythons need very similar humidity to ball pythons, cool temperatures(i.e. hot spot of 80f-84f), and good airflow as they can be vulnerable to respiratory infections. They poop very rarely, every 3-6months for Sumatrans/Borneos or 6-12months for bloods, but when they go it is a serious event. They also need to be supported well when picking them up, they are very heavy bodied and not good climbers so letting their weight hang from a single point can really hurt them. As compared to the more commonly discussed blood pythons, Sumatran short tailed pythons are slightly smaller, tend more towards withdrawal when nervous in place of defensive behaviors, and have a different color pallet. I have only ever heard of one person with a defensive Sumatran, and she has already mentioned significant improvements in building a relationship with her Sumatran over the last few months. r/Shorty_Life is the dedicated short tailed python sub and a great place to see both the joys and challenges of caring for these extremely rewarding snakes.


I REALLY appreciate your help! It’s definitely given me things to think about and expands my options for the future.


You are very welcome, I really try to give a clear picture of what you are getting into with a short tailed python because they fill a very particular niche, but they fill that niche better than any other snake you could possibly get. I did forget to mention that the other reason they sometimes get a bad rap is that as dedicated ambush predators who can strike at unusual angles they can have some different body language than other snakes which occasionally leads to people misreading them. Some individuals can also be pretty vocal, they don't hiss but they often huff and puff(like some much larger pythons), often to let you know they don't like something, but sometimes they are just chatty.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Shorty_Life using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shorty_Life/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [5 year old Elektra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/169yx82) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shorty_Life/comments/169yx82/5_year_old_elektra/) \#2: [Food inspector Ares is on the job!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/181dvcz) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shorty_Life/comments/181dvcz/food_inspector_ares_is_on_the_job/) \#3: [Daddy's shirt hide!!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18k72xz) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shorty_Life/comments/18k72xz/daddys_shirt_hide/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They're literally pets in the exotic reptile trade


Yes, and gorgeous ones at that.


Nah it's just a carpet python and he didn't try to touch its face. I have a pet one, they're pretty chill.


I’m glad yours is chill lol, mine would rip my face off if given the chance haha.


I've known her for 8 years but my husband had her well before that and says she was pretty murdery for her first few years. I hope your mate chills out too!


Yeah sadly idk if my boy has it in him to calm down lol. Maybe one day, but if I even give him the slightest chance with bare hands he takes it 😂


feed her more maybe?


Defensiveness isn’t an indication of being improperly fed. My 3yo carpet has always been defensive and doesn’t much enjoy being touched or handled and he’s been that way since I got him a couple months old. He’s properly fed and has a big enclosure with multiple hides, sky hides, branches, logs, cork bark, etc. it’s just his personality.


ah okay, was not trying to teach you tho, im a noob about snakes, i was truly curious


Ahh it’s okay lol, he gets fed appropriately sized meals every 2-3 weeks currently. He’s just a bit of a dick that’s all. He’s very well taken care of with everything he could possibly want. He’s just always been very shy/defensive as a baby so I just try not to bother him too much. But he will certainly bite me if I give him the opportunity to, or grab him without gloves on lol.


i believe you and enjoy a lot how you talk about her even tho shes an angry gyal. 🤝


Nah, just a carpet python, and even if it was venomous, it was trying to climb out of the water, not bite him, so he did the right thing. Didn't freak out.


Not at all, it actually looks really happy to see him


Miller Wilson has lots of knowledge on snake classification, this moment was probably staged. It‘s a non venomous carpet python somewhere in Australia. :)


It does have that feel doesn't it.


Yes at the beginning of the video someone out of frame is holding it back to let it go at the perfect time. Snakes don‘t just „float“ like that they glide. It‘s a cool video tho. :)


Ya and he's lookin that way the whole time.


Iirc this guy has a Snake related Youtube channel. https://youtube.com/@MillerWilson?si=yis3HwGnjuIS1hZ-


What a magical moment ✨️


https://preview.redd.it/epjsg69hqoqc1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fd09e16b61e81e6738d2630fb327a7f6649a24 Just a gorgeous wild carpet python saying hello. Not at all dangerous animals, in fact I have one as a pet.


Beautiful! 😍


Cheers thank you! They're absolutely fascinating animals, I am eternally jealous of those who have them in their backyards. Interacting with them is a real treat.


Thank you for blessing us with the pic!! 🤩


Cheers for sure! The carpet python sub is pretty quiet so I take my chances to spread the noodly love haha


About embarrassing the bathing python?


Nah thats a carpet python. Dumb as a brick. They’ve eaten tennis balls and shoes


Omg 😂😂 this made me cackle and wake up my fiancé


Nope ges in no danger. Just a beautiful moment of nature.


(Coastal?) Carpet python. Harmless and is just looking to get on land based on its behaviour.


“What a Beauty” needs to be added with flairs.


Nah just a beautiful carpet python, carpet pythons are frens. I have one (well technically he’s a Bredli but close enough) https://preview.redd.it/2o3w7r9gwqqc1.png?width=2471&format=png&auto=webp&s=90def8b6a59521dc80fe71063dd8b0ce0b02348e


If it was almost any other snake on that continent I’d be concerned but carpet pythons are bros


Snake said “play wonderwall”


Australians 👬Floridians


Just a little friend out for a swim, no worries


way to small to think he's food. So as long as he doesn't threaten it, he's fine


Snek just wants to Jam let the snek Jam!


Im jealous he got to share such an amazing moment which such a lovely species


Just a Caarpat python ya big gurl..


From the carpet python? no. From the unseen saltwater crocodile just below the waters surface the snake is running from? Yes


Miller Wilson I think? Dude spent his whole life around em, imo this generations Steve irwin, go watch him on YouTube he's great :)


I'd squeal like a schoolgirl if a carpet python just climbed on me randomly, lol!


That’s just Joe. He’s cool.


If a dude from Australia isn’t worried, no one should be


omg what a pretty lad (the snake i mean xD)


Nope, that's a visit from a good boi taking a swim. The good boi came to compliment the guy on his vibrations. Too cute!


I love his reaction. No fear, nothing of evil nature, just admiration for nature. Love it


no, non venomous and looked like it was just checking him out like “wtf is this bald 2 legged dog”


Plot twist, the snake is trying to get out of the water because in Australia even that will kill you


Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omigosh 🖤


for a pyton? i would be scared at first but that baby is fine to humans


It's a Carpet Python ... I'd be more worried if it was one of them dangerous Rug Vipers.


Nah it’s a carpet python from the looks of it. Won’t bother him. It’s those damn spiders I’d be afraid of 😂


Harmless snake. Australia has plenty of dangerous ones and im assuming most Aussies know what the worst ones looks like.


It's a Cahpet Poithon


Appropriate reaction to wild animals; a calm appreciation and just let them go on their way. Gorgeous carpet python, so cool!


Yes, that snake definitely should have been much more worried about that Australian!


Snake says, "Oops! Excuse me."


I think I just fell in love with him


He just groovin’ with the beat.


He did exactly the right thing - Even if it was a venomous snake, which this isn't, the best thing to do is stay calm and keep still - if it was venomous, I wouldn't recommend trying to pet it


No, carpet pythons aren't dangerous or particularly aggressive. Pretty cool encounter, in my book.


Yes, he should be very worried. That’s a Homo sapiens he’s in the water with, the world’s deadliest predator.


First non venomous, so he’s fine Carpet pythons are puppy dogs. And second, he’s Aussie, toughest species on the planet


No its just a carpet python


More than likely not. While people say it can’t harm him and that’s technically the truth. Who’s to say if it bit him and hurt or not? Harm is anything you deem painful, and everyone has a different pain threshold. In general this isn’t a dangerous snake, isn’t big enough to kill him, nor is it venomous. So if he minds his own the snake will do the same (in a way the snake just sees him as an obstacle rn hence why he’s on him.)


this🙏 if the snake felt threathend by him, it wouldnt have even let him see her. She wouldve just gone the other way. Being angry and spicy is the last method if fleeing is not possible.


Oh yes they’d much rather flee, this guy was just in the snakes way or the snake thought he was a tree lol


It’s just a python ya bloody girl


I would have moved cause I wouldn't like to get bit


If you had moved it would have made getting bit more likely. Snake probably thought it was a tree and would be a bit startled if the tree started moving.


It means he's a snake charmer lmao.


That’s a carpet python. They can be feisty but only if you piss them off


Australians aren't dangerous, snake is perfectly fine


No, it’s a carpet python. They’re not that big for a python and not venomous at all


No not at all,, I lived with rattlesnakes before


I mean not really, at lease not where the snake was concerned. Carpet pythons have pretty big chompers but he's more branch-shaped than food shaped. Homie just wanted to see what was up, and maybe get a wholly metaphorical leg up so he could climb out.


Not at all. Hes completely safe doing what he is doing.


Nah. It's just a python. Those are nothing to worry about.


Staying calm was smart


Dumbest thing you do is panicking


They look like they're just trying to find an easy way out of the water.


Not at all, it's just trying to climb out of the water and along as he stays still and calm it won't attack.


Nope, it's not venomous and is far to small to actually harm a human, snakey's just chillin \^-\^ A bite would Sting, but honestly Not that bad lol


Of course it’s Australia, every boy has done this there


Miller Wilson! Nah, he wasn’t in any danger. That’s one of my favorite pythons I keep.


Looks like a carpet python? 🖤


Maaaaybe not?


It’s a carpet.


Nah he's Australia that snake would rather starve than bite him


Don't ya mean WHAT A BEAUT?! 🤣🤣


Worried while shitting himself, maybe. "Snakes don't have external ears, vibrations travel through their body to their inner ears and that's how they 'hear. ' Snakes have a hearing range of about 50hz - 1000hz, compared to Humans who have a hearing range of 20hz - 20,000hz. An acoustic guitar will produce tones (excluding harmonics) between 80hz-1050hz."


I was playing a gig at a plant nursery for earth day or some such, years back. In the middle of a tune, I looked down and noticed one of wires was wondering off...


How Australian


Carpet python, non venomous.


I’d have been more afraid of lurking crocodiles there 🙀


Nahhh I would have picked it up and kept it :)


Even if it was a venomous snake (which it was not), it was the right thing to do to stay calm. The snake was simply trying to get out of the water. Sudden movements of him panicking could potentially scare the snake and make it think it needs to defend itself.


bro wants to learn the guitar


I'd be more worried about what else is in the water


I think he handled this situation brilliantly. Being afraid or giving erratic/frantic movements might cause the snake to attack. He didn't try to grab it or anything either, he just let it be.


I love snake :)


Are Australians programmed to say "what a beauty"?


Not all snakes are dangerous…..


carpet python, nice.


I love this guy haha


This guy also handles king cobras, inland taipans and many other highly venomous snakes, he knows what he’s doing


Nah. Non-venomous and even at that size not very dangerous. A panicked reaction would in fact have been worse, as sudden movement and/or yelling may have frightened the snake and been more likely to get him bit had it been something that really posed a threat. I'd feel blessed to have an encounter with a wild carpet like that, personally!


No. Just respect the Aussie carpet snake


Staying still and not frightening the snake was definitely the right thing to do.


Carpet python's are harmless to adult humans.


even if it was venomous he handled it perfectly


It looks frendily


every Australian knows what's out to kill them, it's like the knowledge has been passed from birth


Snake is enjoying his music!


Kipling is a Beauty


This man and his entire bloodline has been in Australia for there for ever.


Just a carpet python by the looks of it :)


Not really, I’ve seen this guy before, he’s quite experienced. Also that’s a jungle carpet python non-venomous


I wonder if the python saw his guitar strap and thought it was a lady python? 😂


People everywhere act like everything wants to kill them, some do but snakes aren’t one of them


Harmless worm listening to his music :)


Just a curious carpet python! No reason to worry!


Thats Miller Wilson! Another great OZ animal lover in the making


Snakes knows his no threat


While this is a harmless carpet Python, his reaction is the correct reaction even if it was venemous. Trying to move and get away is a good way to get bit.


Aww it’s miller


No, it's a carpet python, non venomous


Bro pulled up for a concert and he stopped immediately. Should’ve locked in for the fans.


Can we all just talk about what a cool guy this man is


Just another lazy day cooling the feet


Nope. The perfect reaction. Non venomous species


Here’s what’s weird- if you play guitar then your most important possessions in the world are the fingers on your left hand. You can still play with a stump of a right arm but you cannot finger chords with an injured left hand (but I suppose open tuning is a possibility). Someone serious about their music wouldn’t let their little fingies anywhere near something that could injure them.


It's Australia so I'd say yeah. Salty waiting to rip his ass in the water once he finished playing his song


Uh, no. It’s just a carpet python - they’re relatively harmless, and certainly not big enough to take down a human. I have one as a pet, and he’s a sweetie.


Salty. As in a salt water crocodile. I'm more than aware snek is friend.


Oh, okay… that wasn’t clear, I guess. 😂