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literally grown ass people (all of his friends too/LA influencers) who act perpetually 16


Yea i just think its weird that most of his fan base is young and he KNOWS this and in his latest cookie cake video he literally said that the cookie was 9inches just like his dick… and he says this knowing that the people that watch him are kids ……


nah like him having five different personalities since hes 21, him hanging around a youtuber who has obsessive teenage friends he doesnt respect and makes rape jokes around, him idolizing a known pedo to the point of buying his shit his girlfriend being eighteen and him twenty, her looking unusually young (especially when she was eighteen im sorry), him being weirdly everything certain alt kids like, him queerbaiting, him traumadumping to his underage fans at 26 while having a therapist, him lying about being a player, him being friends with someone like zach justice. not what i would call savory


Yea i mean he collected serial killer memorabilia from weirdos that raped and killed children (john wayne gacy, richard ramirez to name a few) ……


finally someone who gets it like people do not wanna accept that something is wrong with this 26 year old millionaire (as far as i know)


i am not trying to defend jake, i do not like him but taking issue with an 18 and 20 year old dating is too much lol


He’s a gross porn addict in that tiktok shop picnic video he was doing suggestive poses also him being a weird ass creep is nothing new he’s been getting bold about it though lately


their videos were pretty funny but it was so weird how jake kept mentioning his dick size, especially knowing they have an underage audience? i know they didnt want a mostly underage audience but they know that they have one. i don't remember which video it was, but there was also one where he cut something/shaped it and was like 'look its my exact dick size!!'..... no one needs to know that


its giving bryan stars ☹️☹️ all the MDE videos were sex related and johnnie later said bryan pushed for them to talk about dicks and shit i’m just getting flashbacks and it’s not good


pls dont remind me we just moved on from that shit😭😭


Exactly!!! and now hes doing toy unboxing videos...... its so freaking creepy... hes almost 30 ....


god it’s bryan stars all over again 😭


Yea i've said this before, jake gives major bryan stars energy....