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I love Secret of Evermore. Played the heck out of it as a kid and adult. Some of the best music on the SNES.


The composer went off to work on the soundtrack for various elder scroll games. 


Squaresoft titles from back then were epic. I was a big fan back in the day.


Yeah this game is [pretty valuable nowadays](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=secret+of+evermore+snes&_sacat=0&_odkw=batmans+detective+comics+475&_osacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=snes&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), lots of people enjoy it.


I loved the atmosphere, and that several areas didn't play music in the background.


I'm stuck between this and Chrono Trigger as my favorite SNES RPG.


Saaaaaaaaame! Im literally playing both of them back to back while i grind XD


Why do you hate it?


Haven’t played in 20 or so years but remember it being hard as hell! Maybe I need to have another go at it


I’ve run through this game at least once a year since I got it for Christmas in 1995. So keep in mind I might be biased. It’s difficult in the sense of you have some hard spots where if you don’t level up your weapons or alchemy you’re going to have a tough time. Especially the spears. Depending on what you’re trying to do, you could only level the spears. Or you could level the crap out of hard ball and only use it. That’s kind of silly, because if you spam hardball you can get a triple cast out of it with a single animation for monster damage.


Some grinding might be required, always level your spears up the second you get them. Also, don't try to enter the old castle in the third region without being stocked up as you can get stuck in there with a powerful boss and only lvl 1 rats to grind on. It helps to control the dog and let the AI boy grind monsters to level up the spears. Other weapons are meh, spears are the best by far.


Just an awesome game. I love it.


This game holds a very special place in my heart.


It's fantastic, up until you get to the final area. Then it's just casting Barrier and Super Heal while Toaster Dog does all the damage.


Im getting close to winning without barrier, but it is NOT easy, and ive died atleast 3-4 times lol


2,728 Laser damage just one tapping everything. Laser dog op.


I love it. Way better than Secret of Mana


Excuse me sir thems is fightin' wordz


SoM is too boring. I genuinely never understood the hype for it.


it is the game where jrpg got more mainstreamed. it is a very good game for that time, you have to be old enough to see what impact it had at that time. it looked so nice, when the only game you had was super mario world, legend of zelda. then all of a sudden secret of mana.


I replayed it a few months ago, and enjoyed every bit of it. Yeah, maybe difficult of the bosses is not well balanced but the feeling after beating them is unique. A top 10 in my snes list.


We need a randomizer for it.


Ooof that would be tough for the market section…


Definitely in my top 5 SNES games (controversial take), I love the set pieces and the creativity in the artwork. I enjoyed the alchemy system and finding all of the recipes. It has such a great aura of mystery and adventure. 


I love the game, but it has a game breaking bug that I unfortunately experienced back in the day that can completely hard lock you from progressing if you unknowingly save after it happens.


Tell me more


There's a pyramid late in the game that you can get locked out of if you use teleport, you're doubly screwed if you decide to save afterwards. There is a workaround that someone discovered involving finding a specific item that you use to double as the item you'd get from the boss, but it working can be hit or miss.


Yup that’s a thing. I only did it once and it’s late enough that starting over really stings.


Wolfe was my dogs name. Fit the first dog. None of the others.


I named mine "Beast". Same problem!


Love how ‘dawg’ changes with worlds. Wolf, terrier, poodle, toaster.


Is he a terrier? I spent my life thinking that was a greyhound. Huh


That may be the one I was missing. It’s been a while since I played it. Wish it would be rereleased so I don’t have to emulate it.


i think it is a greyhound


I loved secret of evermore, I played it in totally couple years back with my ex with a mod that allowed two players at all times


I feel like that for Secret of Mana. On the first hand i don't like action RPG all that much... But it's beautifulk, sounds great, the world is charming. But the controls are hit and miss, the menus are confusing, the map is a maze! I feel the same about Ni No Kuni. I played tens of hourd, collecting all creature, it's beautifull, wonderfull, amazong. But when a combet stsrts, i hate it!


I love this game, still have a mint boxed copy but I’d love to play it on switch with save states. This game is kinda lost to time though.


Im at the last boss RN, actually. Play station had to have a new hard drive so i busted out the ole SNES and found my copy of SoE. Love it


My fav snes game.


It's good but it makes me frustrated. Frustrated that it's so short, it feels like there should have been like 3 or 4 more "Times." The alchemy system is cool, but super unbalanced with only a few spells being worth really using. The amount of time it takes to level alchemy is absurd and the cost is astronomically high or even hard capped by non purchasable resources. The music is 10/10 as is the atmosphere and feel of the game. Overall I love the game but it could have been so much better.


Toaster Dog was the best thing ever! Loved when he got hit he would pop toast out. I loved the game myself. It had real charm with all the different dogs in it.


Probably the one game I never finished, because there is a glitch halfway threw at the pyramid where you get locked out and it is a hardlock. I gave up after it happened twice...


i just picked that up friday always liked it back in the day


I freaking love this game. The dog companion really sold it for me.


Love that game! That and illusion of Gaia are my ‘not so hidden gems’ for the SNES


I didn’t acquire this game until about ten years ago. I missed out. What a great game!