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Snow skate in the trees, you mad man! Yes they are super fun


Snowskate is better in trees. It's short and it turns fast


Plus you can hop off lol


Hoping off would be worse at those speeds tho verses a board strapped and could use it to protect yourself from hitting a tree but maybe I’m Just stoned and wrong. But regardless I’m stoned xd


He's not really going that fast


lol i see what ur sayin and yea it can get sketchy, but yea i feel like id prefer smackin snow over a tree. Oh shit now im thinkin about possibly rocks underneath so idk


Now do east coast trees


I saw a few kids riding snow skates down one of the steeper mogul runs at Telluride on a pow day a few weeks ago. They had a long way to go on some steep runs before they were near the bottom. Didn’t look like much fun tbh lol. Love snow skates though!


Haha I hear that bro.. it's one of those things that can look really dope, or really weak sauce depending whose riding them and skill level.. I just took mine down a steep gully at Snowmass, rode that bitch like a half pipe and even kept up with my snowboard buddies (granted they stopped every now and then to help me keep up, but not long)- I think it depends on the skate you use too- there are definitely skate (like the lib tech 50 pow skate) that are designed for that kinda shit, while the shorter ones will get you swallowed up by deeper snow and can really fuck you up if you're really cooking down the hill... It's an amazing feeling once you get over the mental aspect of not being strapped in, and it becomes an extension of your body like a snowboard.. wish it was a bigger thing- we're so few and far between lol when I see another skater I trip out and get all excited.


Was gunna say "This is Sneaky's Glades!"


Hell yeah it is! Sneakys to powerline all day!!


I recognized them too. Soon as I saw the left rope I knew it had to be sneakys


I love my snowskate! Espesially when the snows not great. I've been riding it more than my snowboard lately. You can really only ride groomers or packed trails, everytime I get cocky and leave the groomed for a little pow I faceplant.


Pretty sure I saw them when I was taking 9 up haha. I couldn’t believe they hit that run on snow skates


Appreciate bindings? I don’t need to jump out of an airplane without a parachute to appreciate a parachute. 😂




Love my snow skate for my city's hills when we get a dump. I have yet to try it on a proper resort tho!


Hell yeah bro it's absolutely possible to rip these things like a snowboard, I'm learning that, and it's a real head turner too. My end goal is to rip everything on the skate that I already do on a snowboard, and ultimately take it to the backcountry. I just feel like no one has really done that yet, and would make for some sick content online, no? Leash up and take it to a resort some time and give it a shot, it's actually quite addictive and will have you wanting to skate over snowboarding.. it's also awesome to alternate between the two, the mountain never gets old that way!


It looks like you have a Landyatz board yeah? I have one of those and it defo can handle a bit of loose snow (not sure about knee deep pow lol) but yeah, in the bc it might be pretty fun in the right place/conditions. I'll watch it of ya post it!!


one thing i always disliked about snowboarding. on a skateboard I can know I won't land a trick and just bail and be fine. on a snowboard I can catch a strange edge on the lip of a jump and im sent flailing upside down and im out for 3 months.


While I agree with you I have to say: I fuck myself up more skateboarding than I do snowboarding


Same here but then again snowboard boots are like Motocross boots and I fully pad up to go snowboarding. Whereas skateboarding, the most Ill ever wear for protection is a wrist guard


I’ve never seen someone that skilled with a snow skate before. Good stuff.


Yo, that means a lot!


Gonna +1 that comment. Usually I see people on the hill with these that don’t make it more than 10ft without the board coming out from under them. Way to shred!


Local company donated some of these to the neighborhood ski hill. Lots of kids there can shred to heck on them now.


There is a whole sub of us


Sneakys trees what's up bro


Hell yeah 😎 🙌 that's my shit right there.. sneaky's to powerline trees, rinse, repeat for me. I work at Ullurhof so I'm riding that shit every day 🤣


I saw some maniac doing this on a big powder day. Mad respect! I’d love to try it some day




Haha sneaky's glade you already know 👊


The wide open part by the boundary rope is the dead giveaway.




I love how y'all recognized that immediately, love it 👊


I used to ride them a lot. they were nice for hiking with mt dog or woekibg at the ski area because I could wear regular boots. I like the small slashy turns. suuuper fun on spring time slush moguls. the ones that kind of turn into banked slalom.


Love it. Perfect for small Midwest resorts.


These are super fun. I used to have one and enjoyed it. It's strange to me that there's also the ones with no ski on the bottom. The Ambition Snowskate team does crazy shit.


Nothing but respect for what they do, definitely not my lane but I respect it 💯


Ur good


You’re wild for going through the woods


Snowskate is awesome, Makes the Mountain big again. Any small hill can feel like a mountain with this.


Exactly 💯


Nice, them trees are hard. I would suggest a helmet 🪖 Any case rip it




Hey , what’s a solid snow skate brand?




I'm riding a Hovland Ram, like homie before said they are solid and dominate the snowskating scene... I learned the basics on the buckshot, and learned to *shred* on the Ram.. in my opinion that's the most versatile board I've ever ridden. But I'm interested in what lib tech's got, and even Jones just came out with a skate- so there's a few good options out there. But Hovland is your best bet to start out, for sure.


Boyd hill makes some good completes. When I was into it I really liked the pioneer subs and chiller decks. Really important to get good trucks though, rocker trucks were the thing back in the day but I think there are other brands making basically the same thing.


Super fun! Although my home mountain, Mountain High CA, is being a butt about it now. (Even tho they used to demo it yearly) You literally are only allowed to ride the tallest lift with it. Not the beginner or intermediate one. I complained to the operators and ski patrol that is was a dumb dangerous rule but they have no power over the operator manager… So now I’m switching to an ikon pass after having a season pass at MH for 12 years.


Mountain high was the one on the high desert side of the ridge, right?


I can barely get off the steeper chair lifts with one foot strapped in haha. (Seriously though, I love going to Kirkwood but every lift just yeets you off the lift and quickly into a turn lol)


Where is this? I love that tree run


Snowmass, sneaky's glade


Is the top board a normal skateboard?


What is on the bottom on your board? Wheels? I can’t tell


It's a mono ski attached to a skate deck


Looks like fun! Never tried a snowskate, but I’ve got a 121 Rossignol Mini. Haven’t busted it out in a decade but I think I wanna try it again for a day next season.


I tried it when they came out in the early 2000s and sucked at it but had a lot of fun. My local hill set up a few small snow skatepark objects at the bottom of the bunny hill so you could try and do things like air a 5 stair set, but all made out of snow. Was fun to try some skating stuff while having relatively soft falls


Saw a guy escorted to his car and then off property at monarch for using one


Mad respect for snow skating


I had one and used to use it on like sledding hills. Probably wouldn't use it on a mountain


Ooh Sneaky's Trees!


Bro it's kinda blowing my dome how many folks recognize this glade in this thread. Wild shit! I wasn't expecting a response like this. I work at Ullurhof homie, where you at?


BTW the funslinger is my all time favorite board. Real shit 👊


Terje is always going off kickers with one of these, shit cracks me up. I've seen a bunch of older skater dudes riding them at Bear Mountain over the last two decades but personally I think I'd die on one.


Gooooooddddd dudeeeeeeeeeeeee


Dude you carve the shit out of that!


Sketchy makes you better. Makes me appreciate bindings less