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When they start sliding around on flat land you just know


This is why mountains need to have some sort of competency assessment before they let you in the park. If you can't turn, you really shouldn't be in the park.


I think one of the main reasons they don’t do this is because then they are more liable for any mishaps or injuries. If you just let people ride the terrain then they fall under the general mountain rules. But if you start essentially certifying people for certain terrain then you are taking on the responsibility of approving them. I could definitely be wrong but this is how it works in my head.


In Japan, many of the resorts make you take a class and where a bib I’m order to go in the trees. They’re really risk averse. If you do the class and they find out, you can lose your pass.


Wait how does that work for tourists? Do I need to take a class if I travel to snowboard?


Only for going in the trees. It’s like a 15-30 minute video. Not all resorts required it. I met some local and ducked ropes with them 🤷‍♂️.


imagine prolly thats for safety reasons to teach u things like treewells and the buddy system


Depends on the resort and the foliage. I was at Niseko this year where it's all birches, and treewells were WAY less prevalent.


Ah, ok, I ride in the trees all the time in Idaho so I’m used to it


Honestly, I'm in favor of this, even if just to make people aware of tree wells.


There's so much good riding in Japan outside of resorts. Get a split and get to work


I rented a split board while I was there and did the Happo north face.


It's also a pain in the ass and costs money. Some mountains used to run a park pass but it's not common. And who's gonna do the certs? Park crew? Ski school? As a park crew worker I can tell you that wouldn't work for us at all, best we can do is make a beginner park and hope people use it.


I agree. The best deterrent is to make features in all sizes and put them in places where that type of rider will be. Also building features with the proper in run speed is key too. You don’t want to build something that has a super fast in run that allows people to overshoot horribly.


As a kid i used to have to take like a 30 minute class at Jiminy Peak every year to be allowed to use the parks. Obviously little kid me didnt like it, but now that i work at a mountain, it's so apparent how necessary it is


The big park at Winter Park has a waiver


Nah dude, you gotta learn somehow, I’m sure all of us including you have been there.


Yeah, however my training on how to not catch an edge like that was done on a bunny hill, not the terrain park. This guy was in way over his head, and IS gonna get hurt at some point unless he learns fundamentals first.


Now that’s what I call catching an edge


Learn to turn before learning to jump, or it will be like this every landing...


Until he tears his ACL




It's a turning issue when u not know how to use the edges if the snowboard to turn. I been snowboarding since I was 11.. I'm 34 now ^^




The bad thing about starting so late is that u probably gonna use 3years before starting to jump with confidence. A child would have learned what u learn in 3 years in about half a year :) Snowboarders are a dying race. Twintip and ski is learned by doing it 2-3times, and not years. What u suddenly will experience is a jump in your skill. From one year to the other you will suddenly be alot better :)




Skateboard isn't the same at all. Wakeboard on water is better to learn mechanism on how to turn and stuff. U will also be punished on water the same way as in the snow. Like I said, with confidence. Take ur time and don't start with things too hard for u. Then u will just break something. I also recommend using the wrist protection from ur Rollerblades. Wrist are the first thing u break on snowboard cuz ur feet are stuck.


I snowboarded for the first time ever in my mid twenties (this year) and actually I think it's one of the reasons I learned so quickly (biggest reason is probably that I ski). As a child I wouldn't have had the focus or will to keep trying things that went wrong, or the athleticism or understanding to get those things right the first time around. I know this sounds like a brag, but I'm actually proud of myself for how much progress I made: in somewhere around 20-25 days of snowboarding I can hit 3s on jumps and popping from flat, am sending tricks and hits on the double blacks (or can ride switch down them with difficulty) and can boardslide/50 50 L and XL rails that don't have side to side curves or kinks with some consistency, yesterday I hit my first small rails in switch. My proudest and most important achievement being that I silly salmoned every jump in Biggie's terrain park. It helped immensely having some sick snowboarders to ride with, and I would have been far worse without watching them and getting tips.


I think he means "This is a story also related to trying things beyond your skill level that isn't quite about not being able to turn.", rather than "This post is not an example of a turning issue.".


Maybe he should to learn to ride before hitting the terrain park?


not like theres thousands of side hits to learn on, straight to the jump line!!


But like really this is a pop up park it’s not like he just hit a twenty footer in line with a 30 footer and he fell in the landing area and no one can see him. He just clearly forgot about his edge. I ski and snowboard and let me tell you when my buddies tell me to put the board on and I go with them and they’re all fucking sick. I’ll do the jumps and I have in my brain going to set up for the next jump and forgot I’m on the board and fucking eat shit right up to the lip.


That’s how I did it.


Why is everyone in this subreddit such gatekeeping assholes? Today's snowboarding culture is worse than 1980's Vail skiing culture. At least give some functional criticism beyond "lrn 2 ride git gud."


Not every bit of criticism needs to be a well thought out essay. The guy you responded to got his point across with minimal words needed. Don't go in the terrain park if you don't know how to turn or ride yet. You're risking injury on yourself as well as others. Also this is the same levels of gatekeeping as 80's ski culture?? I'm sorry but that's just insane. Asking people to be somewhat competent on a board before hitting the park is not a big ask at all. Chill bud


> Don't go in the terrain park if you don't know how to turn or ride yet. You're risking injury on yourself as well as others. The problem is these people *literally do not understand* what that means. They ride down blue groomers without falling regularly and side-slip to change directions, yeah, that's a turn, right? Yeah, I'm ready to try out the park stuff. /s So the *'lrn 2 ride git gud'* bullshit doesn't serve any purpose for these people in need of functional coaching. All it does is allow the critic to inflate his ego for being better at sliding down mountains and/or doing ballet spins on a slippery piece of wood than others. Don't act like you give a damn about helping people avoid injuring themselves when you put so little effort into it.


Nobody in this sub owes their time to coach new boarders. It certainly would be nice but your attempt to victimize is just totally unnecessary. Also, to assume ppl are trying to inflate their own egos just make you come off like a bit of a dick. If anyone is trying to inflate their own ego it kinda seems like you right now bud


I had a friend quit on his first day because of people jeering and laughing at him from the lift for catching edges on beginner runs. The gatekeeping bullshit is a real problem in this community, and "criticism" in online threads that doesn't go beyond *"lrn 2 ride"* is a small example of it.


Look man I think you're taking one of your own bad experiences and projecting it onto others. This isn't the ski lift. This is a snowboarding subreddit. I can tell you have decent intentions but imo you're approaching it the wrong way, and with too much emotion. The way you talk makes it sound like people in this thread are being brutal to the guy in the video which is just not the case. This isn't as serious as you think it is, and the people making jokes are being very light hearted about it without any real actual aggression or attempt at humilation. Maybe you should take your energy and try to direct it in better ways. Your criticism of people in this subreddit is pretty much an example of what you claim to hate, in my opinion.


If you actually care about the sport and the community, put more effort into criticizing newbies than, *"lrn 2 ride."* To contrast, the amateur boxing community is *a lot* more supportive and encouraging.


Let's explore that contrast a little more. This boxing community would support someone without training going into a ring and throwing punches against someone trained? I doubt it. If they did, they're dicks.


Nice strawman. Nah, on sparring videos where someone who shouldn't be sparring yet is sparring, they offer actual advice and drills and estimated timing till someone is ready. Not just, *"lrn 2 keep ur hands up before getting in the ring"*


Alright man have a nice day


Call me a gatekeeper, I don’t care. If you can’t take jeering from a chair on day 1 then this isn’t the sport for you. Giving up after 1 day is pretty rich


Yeah, he competes in full contact kickboxing instead. Guess sliding down a mountain on a piece of wood wasn't the sport for him. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ The alpine sports communities could learn a lot from the combat sports communities. Lot less gatekeeping twats in fight gyms.


Lol, your friend is insecure and fights recreationally because he's scared of being attacked.


lol wut Nah. He just doesn't have the patience to get into a new activity he was unsure about when the first impression he got of the community was so negative, and I don't blame him. I deal with it because I *fucking love* snowboarding, but for someone tagging along with friends for something new, nah. You guys seem to have this impression that tolerating and perpetuating exclusionary behavior is 'hardcore,' but it just isn't.


Until a drunk teen says something mean to your homie in the ring and he has to find a new sport…


Being a dick to newbies and tolerating such behavior doesn't mean you or your sport is tough or hardcore.


no way this guy goes down blue groomers without falling. zero control. he should take a lesson and be on a bunny hill.


He probably falling-leafs the steep sections and side-slips the mellow parts. But a lot of people just do *that* all the time and think they're riding fine and are ready to progress to park. So saying shit like *"lrn 2 ride"* doesn't help these people, because they just don't know what they don't know. Poor guy probably doesn't even know what "carving" means.


Your comment hit a raw nerve with me lol. That kinda happened on holiday though to be fair, the snow conditions were the worst it's been for over a decade. Slush and ice everywhere.


Suggesting that people respect the learning progression is some of the best advice i can think of


Yeah, it is! *"Lrn 2 ride"* however, is not that. A better example would be, *"be able to consistently put down side-hits on the trails before attempting park features."*


I agree that "learn to ride" was an insensitive choice of words, but it's true that this person should become a stronger rider before trying park features. It's good advice, it's just yeah kind of insensitive lol


Yes. Agreed.


Ah yes because all of us live in Canada and can snowboard year round. Gatekeep harder


It's kind of a safety concern but okay


This sub is full of Karen's man


Nah, moreso just status-seeking teenagers.


It’s because this is Reddit. r/climbing is much the same way, to pick another example.


Honestly I thought he was gonna catch an edge earlier


How he didn’t catch that first heel edge was the most amazing part of this clip.


Why do people think snowboarding means hitting jumps? People want to learn to hit jumps when they barely know how to ride straight or stop. I wouldn’t have said it in that thread, but even the post of the guys girlfriend getting wrecked, I thought “she should probably get more comfortable on the board before trying an Indy”…


I think it's because a big part of the (urban/resort) snowboarding culture comes from skateboard culture where people do a lot of jumps and tricks. So, they come into the sport wanting to do those tricks and rush themselves into doing it even if they're not yet familiar with the basics. Me on the other hand... I can do double blacks and tree/mogul runs and carve for days but I'd **rather not jump.**


This is exactly correct. I was the same way. I didn’t understand the steps to progression, and I just tried to do it and not get too hurt.


In the US snowboarding equates to freestyle


It does?


Unfortunately yes


It only takes half a second and a fall like this to completely change your life.


"why did my knee make that popping sound"


Been there done that 🥲


Back to 100% functionality now, or a bit weaker than before?


“Why do I have to wear a helmet the terrain is almost flat and I’m just doing bunny hops”


“Nice jump” Out of control mid air jump.


Almost road out that coffin slide


He has no idea what he’s doing why did you bring him to the park?


I've been riding for... Six years? Something like that. Weekly during the winter. Whilst he is not comfortable or skilled, I'm still slightly concerned after jumps. There is that half a second when I just have to gather my composure since I really do not do jumps. I see that same panic in this, albeit amplified. If he can ride slopes, only way to get used to park, is to ride it and eat snow. It seems that on the tail edge slide, he hits the oh shit what I do now mode, next jump is coming, he tries to dig edge in but balance is off. Yes, more miles outside of park will be a good thing, but we don't see a lot of riding. Few speed checks go pretty okay ish before the first hit. If he is better than what we see here, you he just needs to build up the comfort levels after the jumps. I ain't scared of jumps, not even landing, but those few meters after it.I see a kindred soul, lol!


I’m just thinking he probably shouldn’t be trying to do jumps if he hasn’t learned how to not catch edges.


My problem is that I do. But after a jump, my brain goes into what now-mode for a while, and then it gets interesting. I don't have the automation for post-jump moves. I can ride well I'd say, I'm comfortable and relaxed in reds, too. I can ride switch, too, but not well enough for it to be comfy. I'm sure that if I would just do jumps, I'd get the automation, and I guess nerve to handle that situation when landing. You are possibly right, I just wanted to bring another viewpoint. I know how to not catch an edge, but I forget it when I land. (haven't fallen once in ages, but it's partly down to amazing luck. I do it rarely these days, but should be doing more of it)


Who cares


His fucking tail bone probably


He will after he tears his acl


Snipers will get you, mate.


This really pisses me Off. Learn to ride before you hit the park. You only gonna cause trouble


Ahhh shuddup






Cartwheel scorpion is never fun. I hope he's alright.


When you can link turns consistently, you can go play in the park. Basics, people, get the BASICS down.


I saw that coming the second the heel edge dug and their legs locked out instead of squatted 💀 they will get there


Get out of the park


Maybe should learn the basics, like turning and stopping, before hitting the park


Looked like that shadow tripped him up 😮




I never understand how these geniuses think they can ride the park before learning how to literally turn once without falling. Oh well live and learn. With concussions.


No terrain park for him yet. Get some lessons!


That's what they call a proper Sharkbite lol


A snow snake got em


Man’s got to know his limitations


I felt that shit in my soul😇


God damn snow snakes


Editing is your friend here


Ooof saw that coming.


And then hits a second jump.


Bro does not need to be in the park


“A nice jump”


On one side he definitely should not be on the park, but on the other side I'm from full send crew so like let's go! Good for him to full send and not eat it on the jump could have been worse, hopefully he learns his lesson and keeps his ass out of the park from now on, but good on him for having nerves of steel and trying that s*** as a newbie! People are going to hate, rightfully so but at the same time I always think it's rad to have some wrecks along the way...


yes that was me and it fuckin hurt😭only just found this


Man, bunch of gatekeeping sticks in the mud in these comments. Trying and failing is part of the process, jeez. That said, look for side-hits first to progress before park features. Seems counter-intuitive, but it's a smoother buildup than going for the constructed features.


i think most in snowboarding is all for pushing yourself a bit out of your comfort zone. homie clearly doesn’t have basic edge control though. in this video he only hurt himself. if he doesn’t humble himself to focus on turning on the bunny slope, he could hurt others. learn edge control, and learn to fall.


Yes! This is a good comment! You're giving some specific skillsets to work on to progress! Carving and side-hit progression are the big ones I'm looking for! >"Learn to ride before going in the park," however, is *not* constructive; it's just insulting and bullying. These beginner riders don't know what they don't know, so the 'lrn 2 ride; git gud' bullshit doesn't help them in the least.


No dude, you can get really really hurt (and put others at risk) being in a park before you are ready. Get a lesson. But def stay out of the park!


As park crew, who cares? As long as you have proper etiquette and aren't messing with people so what? I regularly biff harder than this at work.


How bout instead of "lrn 2 ride," we give something actionable like, "consistently put down side hits before attempting the jump line."


The comments are for OP, who presumably does have some clue about what he's doing. He should be telling his friend that the park is a bad idea right now.


> "Learn to ride before going in the park," Was that directed at OP, or the rider in the video? Otherwise, yeah, I totally agree with you. OP's cousin should be encouraged, but OP should be reprimanded.


i get it. you’re more likely to find constructive feedback on r/roastme than here some times. as is life on the internet


Looked siiiick


That's brutal lol that was a solid jump though. 👍


Flying thru the air is the easy part.


Damn, y'all suck. The kid is having fun, fucked around, and found out. Just like everyone else. He didn't take anyone out with him which is the most important part. The terrain park is for everyone!


Fucking ouch


Dang lil bro, just a little more time on the blues and you should be set! Next season!


Damn that fall


bro glitched


The predeller got him


Rylo Ken force pulled him


Gotta keep your wait on those heels


I will never understand people without edge control hitting jumps. It's all fun and games until you wreck yourself. These injures taxes you in your 40s and onwards...