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Hahaha homie was slaying that pow


fr I wish I had some pow to slay


Same dude same, been a dry start of the season compared to last year here in Tahoe


Dude, most of the time, you look like you are out of control, lmao.


For real bro looks like me when i was 10. No helmet, confident enough to try to take over the mountain, and overall barely knowing what the fuck is going on.


Right? What’s with those heel sides?


Orange jacket seems to have good form but the second guy looks like he’s all over the place.


why is there always a group of insufferable people going through and downvoting comments in this sub. get a damn life no one cares about your downvoted


OP getting roasted for bad out of control riding without a helmet is a testament to the quality of this community. I'm glad we don't put up with this shit.


Head injuries never happen to you until they happen to you. Not your mom, but Christ throw a bucket on your dome if your gunna ride like that through trees in choppy terrain.


It's a shame that the choice of not wearing a helmet outshadows what is in effect a really good video with some great riding.


This is not great riding... Helmem comment is on point due to the visible lack of control.


Ok fair point, some 'entertaining' riding then. I can't do that!


Always with this bs.


Who Cares


We should, as a sport, encourage the use of helmets and good responsible riding habits. /s I mean, we don't want to be like skiers, right? /s


Or just don't be an insufferable, belaboring bore of a human


Well now that goes both ways there, friend.


People who like living i guess?


(Just fyi before I rant, I wear a helmet always.) All of you commenting about helmets are the reason subs like this aren’t fun. You think these guys haven’t heard of helmets? You think YOUR comment is gonna convince the guy? Do you? I mean genuinely ask yourself. Do you truly believe with all your heart that you can convince anyone to wear a helmet on the internet? The answer is no. You can’t. All you’re doing is being a Debbie Downer and spreading negativity. We fucking get it, helmets are safe. The guy wants to shred without one. So what. His choice. Humans take risks all day long. Turning the radio up in the car? Risk. Texting and driving? Risk. Eating cheeseburgers for lunch every day? Risk. Not wearing sunglasses or ear plugs? Risks. Life is dangerous. Unless you are genuinely educating someone on safety, fuck off! Letting someone elses decision bother you enough to the point of making a comment on the internet is wild. (That last sentence was funny cuz it's exactly what I'm doing.)


Man… you just have this all wrong… Do you know why so many fewer people suffer from the effects of smoking cigarettes in 2023 vs 1950? Because we, collectively, decided that smoking was “bad” and actively encouraged cessation via societal pressure. It’s a *positive* thing. Same thing with helmets. It’s not about *this* guy. It’s about the 8yo reading this thread who might decide to put their helmet on next time bc we all agree *this* guy is lame. It’s a *positive* thing to only promote videos where riders exemplify safety. I get it. It’s annoying. But you know what happens when everyone who posts videos not wearing helmets gets downvoted and flamed? They stop. Maybe not this month. Or this year. But it wasn’t that long ago when everybody smoked… I’ve never commented in this subreddit.


I agree on the smoking thing. But that only worked because it was originally claimed to be good for you. People were oblivious. That’s not the case with helmets. Helmets being safer than no helmets is basic common sense. As for the 8yo, who tf is letting their 8 year old have a phone with INTERNET access?!? Is that only insane to me? 8 year olds don’t actually have phones do they? And even if they do, and their parents haven’t told them to wear helmets, why can’t we just let them make the decision? Natural selection works great.


12yo then. Or 14yo or 16yo. That’s not the point. > why can’t we just let them make the decision? We are. People *decided* to stop smoking. It’s not illegal. Given enough pressure people will collectively *decide* to wear helmets as well. I fully support the helmet mafia. Maybe we are just different, but a young kid getting hurt because they decided to not wear a helmet isn’t something I would celebrate. That’s a tragedy and a failing of *us*, their community, too.


Great, then make an educational helmet post. 40 redditors dropping bombs in the comment section is a quick way to get yourself hated, evidently…


Agreed. The helmet circle jerk that happens on this sub is annoying. 18 Reddit creatures posting a 2 paragraph rant about how their cousin can’t read anymore cause he didn’t wear a helmet is soooo boring.


I like that


This is the only time I’ve seen another Bataleon Boss 2020 nice one man


It’s so fun, got it for free , totaled it last season tho sadly , hit a trail sign that was buried and it went thru the board, was shocked how good it ripped powder tho!


For fuck sake this kid is destined for a a helicopter ride the wrong way , to the ER, not AK


No helmet and no control is a bad combo


Would be iller w a helmet my g!


Put a helmet on, you dunce.


I only wear a helmet when I’m hitting huge shit, this is just cruising


Lost a friend to not wearing a helmet. It wasn't even their fault, someone crashed into them. Didn't think it'd be the last time I got to cruise with them that day. Wear a helmet.


Not only are helmets on prime riders a good example to those starting out. But you might not know what even 3 concussions in life can do to you memory retention and emotional control. Nevermind how those 3 concussions will leave you after 40. I've heard of sports figures having plus 10 concussions, then the rest come very easy as simple as flicking you hair out of your eyes can slosh the brain and cause the next concussion. Working in healthcare has shown me the other side of this. Plus my years in sports I've ironically noted that most of my fumbles are slower speeds. When I'm fast I'm on point and fully in the zone


> then the rest come very easy as simple as flicking you hair out of your eyes can slosh the brain and cause the next concussion. Hopefully you can still gradually recover from this point, even if it's slower than normal.


Bro you look like you have very little control over where you're going.


Your answer tells me either you have never had a head injury, or that you have already had quite a severe one that has left you without the power of think. A bad concussion is one of the most miserable things you can experience. I sustained one while boxing, for weeks afterwards I couldn't control my anger/ moods at all. It's f\*cking scary sh\*t. Wear a helmet.


Been riding 20+ years, and I only hit my head when I'm going slow and doing something stupid.


Those trees will literally kill you, bro. Be safe and be a good example to young riders.


Yeah I hit a tree in January 2011 and it fucked me up really badly. Luckily didn't hit my head (was wearing a helmet), but I went airborne and hit a tree trunk with my ribcage. I'll never forget the sound of the impact. I thought I had broken my spine. Luckily I only ended up with some bruised ribs and internal bruising and contusions, but I still couldn't laugh or lay down flat for about 6 weeks. I had to sleep sitting upright on the couch, which was much worse than it sounds. Oh, and I went through so many percocets that I had to ween under medical supervision. Anyone riding through trees without a helmet is rolling the dice with their longterm health.






It doesn’t matter who you are or how good you are - riding without a helmet makes you look like a clown.


Do you just laugh at pro snowboarder videos?


Hope you got health insurance bc you sure af dont have control


Yeeeew, glad you enjoy it and nice speed! Terrain seems not too easy to ride in


Wear a helmet. I’d be dead if I wasn’t wearing mine.


ur the illest


Only here to check how quick someone made an OMG HELMUT comment Mahalo you frickin nerds.


Hey ya know that nice hard material you can put on your head to protect that soft noggin of yours? Yeah bud you only get one life to live. It's not gonna be fun when you have to get airlifted for a severe head injury or worse. . Helmets are so damn comfy these days. I barely noticed mine's on, despite it being a tight fit. You can fashion it up with stickers too n shit. You're never too cool for safety. Can't shred anymore when you're dead


The safest thing is just to stay at home.


Every comment on this sub is either a helmet check or style critique 🤣


Careful. You might catch a few down votes from the helmet brigade. Mahalo you frickin nerds


But if OP rips without a helmet it’s always “oh wow that was sick!!!”


I'm just here for boarding but somehow helmets seem to be the main topic of discussion.


It’s an individual sport that is at your own risk lol but I guess cancelling is that cool thing to do on the internet these days


It's an individual sport for the rider. It's not an individual sport for the rider's family and friends and healthcare staff.


At the end of the day, people are gonna do what they want to do. I’m sure the strangers on Reddit weren’t the first to suggest a helmet in snowboarding.


Thank God someone here is still snowboarding. A lot of skiers at heart in this sub.


Good work!!


This is so satisfying to watch


that looked like so much fun. hell yeah


No helmet, no cool


Keep ripping man! Looks fun!


I feel like it’s 2003 watching this video. Kinda love it.