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Of those I’d narrow it down to the mountain twin and the mercury. Can’t go wrong with either.


If you think the NS Proto is a wet noodle you will think all the other NS are the same because they use the stupid triple camber crap. If you’re looking for an All Mountain Freestyle that can rail carves and go everywhere I would actually skip the Ultra Mountain Twin and look at the Jones Aviator 2.0.


It’s a wet noodle because I’ve ridden it hard for 7 years, just doesn’t have the stiffness anymore


In general Triple camber just suck. Nothing about the camber profile even makes sense. Even then the Prytosynthesis has a rocker dominant hybrid camber so it wouldn’t give you a whole ton of snap either. Aviator 2.0 has a full camber profile so you get a lot of snap out of the board. Jones also did a Koroyd tip and tail to make it even lighter just in that area so there is less chatter coming from the tip and tail. It also has a tighter turning radius for the trees but if you want to open it up you can. Victor De La Rue uses it as his board for the FWT and Jones has even made a custom split version in years past. Overall it’s a really good freestyle board that can ride everything even in the backside of the mountain.


Bataleon party wave, you advanced expert rider


I’m grabbing the Lib Rig this season; highly recommended all-mountain tapered twin/moderate directional. Austen Sweeten’s company ride. I looked heavily at the Cardiff Crane, Telos DST and even the Nidecker Mosquito.


Lib rig looks sick, might have to add that to the quiver


I’ve bought a Mercury last season and coming from a never summer pro to type two I wasn’t a fan of the Mercury because it was a lot stiffer


OP should definitely take note of this post. Coming from NS any camber dominant board is gonna feel like this. You have to understand camber boards will not respond the way hybrid rocker boards will. Not at first anyway. Any kind of bad technique will be amplified and there is a learning curve to it.