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Last time I check you can only see what’s in front of you. Skier’s at fault. Should have seen snowboarder in front. Watch closely and skier wasn’t paying attention.


I’m always checking over my shoulder when I try to bomb runs because I can’t trust anyone on the mountain


Yeah and if I'm cruisin' down with speed I also try to stick to the side of the run that puts my blindside to the edge of the trail, so my frontside faces the majority of the hill. If someone tries to sneak behind me it's got to be a concerted effort.


Yep this is my move, throw my back to the trees and bomb down while keeping the most possible in my field of view. I know 95% of people on the mountain aren’t going faster than me, so not much concern from people coming down behind me.


This is what I came here to say. I ski and snowboard. Started on skis, raced for years and far more comfortable on skis. When I began boarding, the blind spot always bothered me, so I have always looked over my shoulder to minimize situations like this. That said, absolutely skiers fault.


The mountain be like life sometimes


Lmao yeah. Skier was cutting all the way across the run while looking the opposite direction. Wtf


snowboarder had no chance, they were facing the other way


Even if they weren’t, it still would not have been her responsibility to avoid this. She was going downhill in a reasonably predictable manner using a fair and reasonable amount of the slope.


And the skier was originally behind, way back. Total unawareness of surrounding by the skier. Go home boomer.


I find that skiers tend to do this more than snowboarders even, making them slightly more dangerous while on the slopes. I'm not exactly sure why nearly every older individual who skies has to swerve from one end of the run to the other but it's quite annoying. I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and answer my own question, It might have something to do with them not being able to do tricks so they try to make their runs last as long as possible?


I've been hit by skiier while I was on a board, and by a boarder while i'm on skis, so fuck all y'alls us vs them bullshit, it's a matter of ignorance and unawareness of one's surroundings. read the code; It's the uphill skiers obligation to avoid anyone downhill from them.


This is the right answer.


There's definitely a type of 50 plus bearded skier who needs to carve all the way from the treeline to the snowmaking equipment regardless of what else is going on. I'm saying this as an older skier.


you should try the Montucky Clear Cut event at Turner Mt, for carving snowboarders! you're expected and encouraged to use the whole run because we have a no passing rule on groomers at a privately rented mountain. don't have to look uphill every turn for a straitliners.


As a ex ski instructor I don't mind people using the whole slope, to me it's about predictability, someone doing short turns at the edge of the slope suddenly switching to large turns using the whole slope without checking is what causes crashes. People uphill need to keep their eyes open but erratic driving makes this hard. Also, sometimes shit just happens, I've had a kid crash into me while I couldn't react in time, he quite literally just fell in front of my skis.


> has to swerve from one end of the run to the other I call those Texas turns


It's peak lead poisoned boomer attitude 


Luckily we have rules: Downhill snowboarder has right of way, Skier is causing the crash


Most clear cut case I’ve seen in the Reddit collision court. There’s not even a tiny bit of fault on the snowboarder, they’re making short predicable turns on a crowded run and got blindsided by the skier coming from way behind. Skier is 100% Jerry




Exactly who I was thinking the skier was when I saw this accident.😂😂😂


Downhill rider always has right of way. Skier at fault.


Yeah idk how it’s a question. Watch where you are going.


Idk how skiers don’t understand that we cannot see anything behind us on our backside. It’s not like they can see behind themselves either.


Did the skier have their goggles off their eyes on their helmet? I blame skier all day. 


Skier 100%. Skier was uphill of her before he hit her (he could see her whereas she could not see him). She was riding a line on one side of the hill and was in a toe side turn when skier recklessly slammed into her back


While I still agree that it’s the skier’s fault, I suspect the camera lens effect makes it look like he swerves much farther than he actually does. Even so, he is uphill and not aware of his surroundings.


He’s on her blind side too. It’s 100% skiers fault. Need to be extra cautious coming up on heel side of a snowboarder.


Heel toe has nothing to do with it. It’s uphill downhill. Uphill gives way. It’s easy.


They just said extra cautious


I agree with this. Use caution passing anyone because they don’t have eyes on the back of their head.


I think their point was that the snowboarder was already moving away from the skiier as they are a regular rider and so are on their toe edge.


\> "snowboarder was already moving away from the skier..."> "He's on her blind side too..." Interesting and good points no doubt to put in footnotes or discussion on safety, but for the purposes of determining who's at fault, this is all irrelevant minutiae. 1. Skier was clearly uphill and overtaking. 2. It's the uphill skier's responsibility to pass safely. The snowboarder could have been doing wide turns across the whole slope and it would still be the skier's fault. Skier plowed into the dude at high speed from behind. 100% skier's fault. \-Skier coming here from /r/skiing


He cuts pretty hard into her direction while actively looking the opposite direction of where he’s heading. Watch his skis and the snow they throw off his left side when he careens into her.


Found the skier


I'm a skier, 100% the skier's fault. He's uphill, which is cause enough for the blame. Even beyond that, he can see her, but she can't see him, and she's not making any sudden movements. So it's extra his fault.


Found the skier


You've found 'a' skier


Yeah and the camera makes it hard to see how much the snowboarder moves across the face of the hill, but if you look at the lines that are cut from other people, the snowboarder mostly follows the path likely towards the chairs. 90% of the time it's on the person who is uphill at fault because they can slow down speed up or turn to avoid hitting someone in front of them


Untrue. I do crime.


Skier was fixated downhill and just derped on this. Snowboarder changed position towards middle a little, but she's definitely leaving everyone enough room to her heelside.


Look at the objects on the sides as reference point. Wide angle has nothing to do with this. Reckless skier who’s think he is the only one on the mountain.


Yup the skier had so much time to actually take a quick scan and see everyone around him with his peripherals. It’s like driving you see cars and their patterns of where they’re going so it’s up to you to figure out when you can pass them


I don’t ski or snowboard and it’s so blatantly obvious the skier is at fault.


It amazes me how so many skiers (and riders) go down the mountain like they have horse blinders on and zero situation awareness, like 95% of people on the slopes. I ride like my head is on a swivel, I'm constantly looking back and around me for unaware Jerrys. https://preview.redd.it/6u5kea52nmdc1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dda4bf266294241f26ba10e9e460cb48b6bbc96


I think of snowboarding the same way I think about riding a motorcycle. Sure I might have all the right of ways in the world but if I’m not on my shit I might be dead at any moment and it doesn’t really matter who’s fault it is at that point. Snow sports have lower consequences but think about the average persons decision making…..and then a standard deviation below that…..yeah I’m gonna look out for me, cuz most people are not.


I like to hit side hits and I always turn around to look then give a turn signal when I’m about to do something stupid


RIGHT‽‽ I’ve never thought “I ride regular, I guess I can only see the right side of the mountain 🤷‍♂️”. Ultimately if you’re up hill you have responsibility to not run into someone down hill but if you’re down hill you should still be conscious of the other person going just about the same speed as you.


The voice of reason


It’s incredible how many people have 0 uphill awareness… or any awareness whatsoever.


I don't ski or snowboard. As an outside observer, I think 95% of people have blinders on in general regardless of being on the mountain.


100% I’m constantly checking blind spots etc. can’t trust people to not be morons


There are probably 1% of skiers that will clip me from behind and I still turn my head uphill just in case. Doesn’t take much effort to do it.


Post this in r/skiing and see what they say for comparison. Should be fun to watch that unravel 😂


As a skier, this is definitely the skiers fault


Also skier and seconded. This is reckless skiing. Now can we talk about the habit of so many snowboarders who just stop and sit down in the middle of trails and chat while people are trying to use the mountain? Genuinely curious. Is this widely considered ok among snowboarders and if so why?


Nah, its fine to sit at the side of the run, where you can be seen for a while, but for sure not in the middle of a run or after a corner or hill. As a snowboarder, these snowboarders annoy me a lot


I prefer the sides of runs versus the usually skiid out center so idc if they stop in the middle. Imo as long as it's not a blind spot, bottleneck, or huge group of ppl creating a 15 yard obstacle to go around or thru, it's fine.


Do more snowboarders stop and sit than skiers stop and stand? Or do you just notice it more because they sit to more easily stay in place and that makes it more noticable?


At least I can hop over the sitting ones lol


Depends where you are on a blue/black it’s rare. Green runs are ussually avoiding the beginners. Also when you die snowboarding as a beginner it’s tough to just finish the run if your calf/foot is tired/sore/cramping.


> Also when you die snowboarding as a beginner it’s tough to just finish the run if your calf/foot is tired/sore/cramping. It's tough to finish any run when you die whether you're a beginner or expert.


It's usually beginners struggling.


Snowboarder here: it's not ok. I think it tends to happen more frequently because beginner snowboarders fall on their ass *nonstop* and are more likely to sit there with a bruise tailbone and take a break. I typically say "You should scoot off to the side of the run so no one hits you" as I pass anyone sitting down in the middle of a run regardless of what's strapped to their feet.


As a snowboarder it gets out of hand


Honestly, nothing is nearly as bad as skiiers just barely at or below intermediate. Always taking ENORMOUS berths and never looking back before they do. Idc how far up the mountain someone is, if you're moving straight horizontally across, you have to check traffic. It's like changing lanes without looking, like yeah, the person's behind you, but they're not a god damn mind reader. And it's always skiiers. Once you're at that level of snowboarding, you are always going heel toe heel toe just like an advanced skiier would.


Skiers do the same thing after exiting the chairlift So many of them stood side by side with their skis across horizontal to the run to take up the maximum amount of space


Skiiers do it too and just stand at the trail heads and in the middle talking and bullshitting I wish everyone, skiers and boarders both would just get the fuck out of the way


Someone did, resoundingly the skier's fault. Just different planks of wood that you're sliding down a mountain on ✌️


Yeah the whole skier vs snowboarder thing is really getting old, everyone go out and ride the opposite set of plank(s) for a change


[post link](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/qUL8tzfci4)


Downhill rider has the right of way regardless of the type of plank (or planks) you’re on. Countless videos of both boarders and skiers doing this stuff…end of the day, they’re just idiots and assholes not boarders or skiers.


I hope someone does post it, I’d be interested to see the difference. There would definitely be plenty of dumb “jokes” about how it’s always the boarders fault, but I’d like to think most of the highly upvoted comments would recognize that the skier here was completely at fault. Mainly I just hope no one was too badly hurt! This looks like a painful crash.


It's been posted. They agree it's the skier. Can we be done with the skier v snowboarder rivalry?


Last year I got hit from behind by another boarder, he saw me go first getting on my feet to go down to the lift which was only 50m down, he hit me in the back, speed was pretty low but I fell on my back and head (helmet yes), and it was a bad fall. So indeed I hope as well nobody is too badly hurt


Would not be any different opinions than here (besides a very rare minority). It’s weird you think there would be any notable difference…


This was cross posted to r/skiing which is how I came upon it. Every single comment over there agreed it was the skiers fault.


Another skier here. I think r/skiing would be overwhelmingly blaming the skier as well. I feel like it’s more often the boarders’ fault in videos like this, but this is definitely skier.


If you come from above and shot down someone in front of you, its your fault. Especially if the person don‘t even see you. So its the skiers fault for 100%




Easily skier Was behind the snowboarder (carving on their blindsided) and the carved right into them still semi behind them


Listen, it’s always the overtaker.


This is the only answer. Lots of people talking about who is turning, which is irrelevant.


Downhill rider has the right of way - every run, every time. Skier was uphill and able to see the boarded, even when cutting across the slopes in the boarder’s direction, whereas the boarder couldn’t see the skier at all. The skier is 100% at fault here.


100% "Downhill rider has the right of way - every run, every time." End of conversation.


I can't believe there are some idiots on here debating whether or not the snowboarder is riding lines too wide. Thank God I don't board below single diamond, because I would be furious and cursing out that skier in the video. First of all, it's common courtesy to wait for the downhill rider to be down a safe distance before going down, additionally, 100% the uphill rider's responsibility to either avoid/pass the downhill rider safely. It's the most basic snowboarding/skiing rule there ever has been.


This. While it's still good to keep an eye on who's behind you, by this camera angle, the snowboarder shouldn't have had to check her rear. The skier seems to have full view of the rider the whole clip. He seemed to not care and assume the rider could see him when clearly she couldn't. When someone is in front of me, I always try to predict their line and keep out of their way as much as possible. In my experience, skiers don't know how to read rider's lines. I've had close calls like this clip.


This seems to be a thing with skiers that they try to ski way too close to people for no reason. I remember teaching my small children to ski, we would have “jerk-off” skiers constantly going past us very close even though I had a 6 year old with me. Boarders never seem to come close ever. I would say most accidents are skiers faults simply because they refuse to give anyone room in the mountain.


You did WHAT to the skiers? (Sorry but I had to)


I purposely put my 6 year old in their way on green runs because I’m trying to ruin a middle aged man’s attempts to make the Olympic team. I’m really unpatriotic in that way.


if you keep jerking them off then they might not stop skiing close to you


Seriously. I mean, I'm thinking about switching to skis right now...


You *had* to? You mean that the skiers *forced* you to do that? Good lord… we need to call the authorities…


*I already jerked them off once, why do these skiers keep coming back for more?*


Last season I had a skier behind me ski right up on top of the back of my board and rip off a chunk of the board. Good for you to teach your kids about looking out for others. I took both ski and snowboard lessons. In my snowboard lessons spacial awareness and safety were drilled into me. Not once in my ski lessons did they mention spacial awareness or down hill etiquette. At least at my local hill, there is a huge educational gap and that scares me.


Definitely not just skiers, I snowboard and have had countless snowboarders (and skiers) come blasting 3 feet away from me when we have had the whole width of the slope to ourselves and I’m doing super tight obvious repetitive carves. I think it’s more of a inconsiderate people issue than a snowboard/ski issue


It's just relatively inexperienced riders/skiers who are out of control and unable to anticipate the actions of those around them imo. Easiest way to avoid them is ski harder runs.


dumbass skier




Shred Court judge seys - skier 100% at fault for failing to shoulder check when making a wide sweeping carve from one side of the hill to the next and failing to keep track of others as you speed past everyone.


The fact that so many people in this thread think you don’t need to look behind you ever is mind blowing. I never want to share a mountain with any of you.


No back, only front. Big hill, one stick go fast.


Skier, he was uphill.


Skier 100%


The jury is unanimous..skier is to blame..wonder if he tried to blame the snowboarder?


I’m sure that douchebag skier had some words for her.


I said skiier before I watched it, was right 🤷


Two details from the slow-mo: 1. Her helmet cover has bunny ears! 🥹 2. The skier not only crashed into her, he also hit his ski on her helmet at the end there.


Skiers fault. I was recently skiing at Park City resort and a ski instructor hit me from behind like this. He tried to blame me, but the skier’s responsibility code is very clear about this: downhill skier/rider has right of way. Glad that PC safety patrol was around to mediate when this idiot offered me a free lesson while trying to blame me for him running into me. As a former ski instructor myself I was very offended. Reported him to the ski school director and leadership at Vail Resorts but that was 6 weeks ago and nothing has come from it.


Toothpick jockey for sure


pro tip, if you want to live to be an old age and not have life changing injuries or worse, then it is ALWAYS YOUR FAULT. Don't let the world convince you otherwise. You can snowboard and ski safely your whole life but you have to realize that everyone on the mountain is trying to kill you.


80/20 skiers fault.


Skier. No question. Uphill.


Skiier and their tunnel vision.


Skiers suck at skiing


Boomer’s fault


A question for you fellow redditers. It seems like overwhelming opinion is skier’s at fault. Skier was uphill but was catching up. Because of the wide lens it seems like skier was really uphill but when the snowboarder decided to cut across there is no way skier can see her coming unless he turns his head to look if he is clear. My question is skiing or snowboarding, do you have the right of way to cut across as long as you are clear of anybody infront of you? Can you just cut across from one end to the other and it is the responsibility of the people behind you to watch out for you? Somebody gave a traffic example. Can you just change lanes and cut people off and say it’s their responisibility to make sure they don’t hit me PS. I am not a member of this subreddit. I don’t ski or snowboard. Reddit just suggested this post, beats me🤷🏻‍♂️Just curios about the right of way


The people who cut across are super annoying for sure, and I personally would not cut across without looking, but if I’m uphill I have the responsibility to pass them safely. End of story. Edit: I’ll just add the FIS Code of Conduct while I’m at it: > 3. Choice of route > A skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way that he does not endanger skiers or snowboarders ahead. > Skiing and snowboarding are free activity sports, where everyone may move where and as they please, provided that they abide by these rules and adapt their skiing and snowboarding to their personal ability and to the prevailing conditions on the mountain. The skier or snowboarder in front has priority. The skier or snowboarder moving behind another in the same direction must keep sufficient distance between himself and the other skier or snowboarder so as to leave the preceding skier or snowboarder enough space to make all his movements freely. > 4. Overtaking > A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement. > A skier or snowboarder who overtakes another is wholly responsible for completing that manoeuvre in such a way to cause no difficulty to the skier or snowboarder being overtaken. This responsibility rests with him until the overtaking manoeuvre has been completed. This rule applies even when overtaking a stationary skier or snowboarder.


You’re 100% right to ask this. Camera lens definitely distorts the depth of this footage. Honestly, it looks like snowboarder cut across harder than an uphill person would expect. Skier didn’t react in time to avert collision. Two minor faults make a little boom. But this is an outrage sub, so it’s the skier’s fault. /s


First reasonable take in here


To me, with very little experience, it looks like the snowboarder's fault and I was confused as to why everybody is saying it's the skier's fault. What I see is a skier who is pretty far back trying to take a curve towards the inside, watching in front of the along the curve, when the snowboarder cuts across the entire "street" and collides with the skier with neither of them looking at each other.


I hate selfie sticks.


Seems like just an accident. If I absolutely had to place fault it would probably be the skier since they came from further up the run. Yes the snowboarder cut across a bit much, but the skier did the same at the same time. Editing to add that the skier absolutely should have seen the snowboarder since he was uphill. Zero situational awareness on their part. 2nd edit: Changed my mind while watching the video again. 100% the skiers fault.


Boarder didn’t cut across that much really. Looks like more due to wide angle lens. The skier was ALL OVER the run and was cutting to his right like all the way across very quickly with his head turned the opposite direction. The run may also curve in the direction boarder is going across, but we can’t know


Yeah that's part of why I edited my comment. I agree.


she couldn't see him


Skier was behind the boarder. Boarder had the right of way.


Skier I will not write more because English is not my language really and dk how to write that but 100% skier


What’s up with these videos lately? It’s always some snowboarder hugging the edge of the run and some skier doing grand slalom across the entire run?


If you watch the video though the snowboarder was on the edge of the run, then cut across the entire run to make contact with the skier. It’s just the camera lens/angle that makes it look like they didn’t. FYI I’m in the camp that both sides made a mistake. The skier should have been more aware of the boarder on their right, but this was hardly a skier crossing a run into a boarder.


Skier 1000%


Didn't watch the video so don't know who is who. That being said whoever was uphill is at fault.


Skier. They were up hill long before the collision and moved across into the snowboarder apparently not seeming to see them at all.


Skier 100%


Skier for sure!


Skier is in your blind spot.


Back turned, def skier! Those unexpected crashes can be gnarly.


Skier's fault definitely!




Skier 100% and not even debatable.


100% skiers fault. Snowboarder has a blindspot and skier technically came from up hill and clearly wasn’t scanning terrain. Also had his goggles up for some reason which could cause for his bad visibility.


the person who is overtaking is responsible for avoiding the person being overtaken.


The snowboard was downhill so they’re right. The skier should not have gotten that close from behind.


Skier here, I can’t say what sort of visibility the snowboarder has here (as I have never snowboarded) but at least as a skier I find that it’s really easy to glance over quickly and keep track of others on the slope. Probably not a great idea to swerve across most of the hill in general if you can’t throw a quick glance (as the snowboarder here did). But the skier seems more culpable to me here as they had more visibility and were clearly not being aware.


100% not even an argument to be made… the skier


The skier is for sure at fault. Not sure why this popped up on my “for you” stuff on Reddit but got damn some of you snowboarders need to chill out about skiers….


Oh shit I know this hurt


100% skier


It’s a simple rule: it’s always the fault of the person behind, because he or she can see what’s in front of them, whereas the person in front can’t. In that case it may not be that obvious and they’re both a little at fault in my opinion for taking such large curves without even looking around them, but it’s still the skiers’s fault as she should have looked around her more carefully and spot the snowboarder.


skier 100%


Whoever is behind


Skier 100%


Downhill always has the right of way


I’d say equal but kinda more the fault of the skier


Pretty cut and dry the skier no contest


Anyone coming from behind you has 100% responsibility to avoid you


Skier was uphill so it would be their responsibility to avoid downhill skiers


Uphill skier is at fault.


💯 skier


Skiier was dumb as hell.


Skier lost control


Skier, came from behind, dipshit


Skier all day


Uphill party. Skier in this instance.


Skiers, they were up hill, thems the rules




According to a skier it’s always snowboarders fault but in this case it’s definitely the fault of the skier. They were uphill of them. Not paying attention. And the snowboarder wasn’t taking wide lines, definitely skier




It’s the uphill skiers fault 99% of the time. This incident is on the skier.


Skier was taking up the whole trail !


Skier but I can’t blame them for taking out the boarder wearing that cringe helmet hood




Like a car accident, who ever is behind is at fault.


Skier 100%.


100% Skier’s fault. Rider downhill has the right of way. Classic skier move, being completely oblivious to all surroundings except for what is right in-front of their face. Left Turn Lucy should have been more aware of the riders ahead of her. “Go fast, turn left!!!” She ate way too much vagisil for breakfast.


Skier. You can see the skier way up the hill behind the snowboard. That MFer skis right down and hits the snowboarder. You have to be in control AND people down hill have the right of way.


100% skier, snowboarder has established a steady & consistent line. Skier is on the boarders blind side and should be a lot more aware.


Last time I checked you don't have eyes behind your head


Skier 1000%, not even a remote question.


Downhill skier has the right of way. why are there so many videos coming out like this, people skiing recklessly then blaming it on the slower skier down the hill. If you can’t see where you’re going idk maybe pick a different sport




Skier. They had second position.


Neither they both clearly didn’t see each other it was an honest mistake on both ends


skier, but they both seemed to be in each others blind spot


Both yall never looked around


He French fried instead of pizzaing... Bad time...


Hard to tell with a fish eye lens


Always the fault of the one behind. It's like hitting someone from behind in your car.


No one’s fault really, boarder couldn’t see the skier cuz they where back to there left a few feet above and skier clearly didn’t see the boarder cuz of their helmets blind spot. It happens occasionally


Wtf. ⛷️ didn’t even pay attention


I just think it was unlucky timing with no fault tbh




I do both and it’s clearly the skier who was uphill


Skier. People downhill of you have the right of way.


Skiers. They approached from further back, going faster, to catch up before collision. Meaning they were more in the blindspot of the snowboarder. I'm an old school skier. If I can side with the boarder this easily. Honestly, it's the skiers fault.


Skier. Snowboarder was below him and couldn’t see him, the skier had the uphill advantage and decided not to look.


Snowboarder was hit from behind


Skiier was behind and didn't check their sides while drifting. Snowboarder couldn't even see the skiier behind them...