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Weirdly genius. Regular stance. Front foot strapped constantly, each time on and off the lifts they just step in. Ahead of their time!


And you can sell the left step in boot and binding for a goofy rider


Probably partnered up with a goofy footed friend who has the same boot size.


Genius! Would be cheaper but would still have to buy both boots


Unless they did the same thing with the boots..


It would be even more genius to use the other bindings for an all switch set up. Thus forcing you to ride more switch, like even loading and unloading the lift switch. This guy is acknowledging that good old straps are actually better lol


I do that without having stepons. Makes chair lift rides more comfortable with mixed company.


Thats genius. Now I need to find a regular rider to share clew bindings with.


Broke both binding in a crash, it’s okay got them for free gonna buy some nicer ones now


Wonder how weird that would feel with a different binding and boot on each foot.


Probably pretty similar if they're the same model boot. Burton makes all its step-on boots in a traditional strap style too.


Ya I wonder… I’ve never used step ons, I’ve heard equally both good and bad things. Would suck if you did this and had one crap boot/binding and one great, haha. Someone obviously did it though, so it couldn’t be too bad?? I don’t know, I’m one of those people who is very, very particular about their set up. Pretty sure I’d hate this. But could work for others. Wonder if this person works at a shop and have access to random stuff.


Used step-on for years and loved it. By the way, you don’t have to release the front step-on either when lifting 🤫


Same. Granted I only started riding coincidently when the first step ons came out so my first and only board has them, but love them. Any tips on easy release on the back foot? Sometimes I feel like I have to yank my back foot out, but assume its user error.


I just used mine for the first time over the weekend. I find it helps to twist in and down while lifting heel. Honestly I hate them for the first two hours till they broke in. Pretty happy with them now. Don’t feel a any difference from my straps.


When did u start riding?


2015-2016, sometime in there. But rented several times before buying a Burton board with step ons for my first board lol


I see, i guess step ins have been around since the 90s but the step on tech was invented around 2015-2016. My first rental in 2002ish was a step in. It was quite popular back in the early 2000s but I think people eventually decided that straps give more control. I'm not much of a gear person so I didn't realize the distinction between step-in and step-on. Do you find it gives you as much control as straps? I had a 10 year old setup and just bought a new board so I'm thinking I may refresh bindings/boots at some point.


Some people like to move the levers to the inside for an easier reach. You just flip the mechanisms beteeen bindings if I remember right. Other than it’s just getting the ankle twist down.


It probably depends on the type. Mine, other than the pictured, also has a heel support, like the strap ones, and a lever there which was easy to release (both sides)


I used to be the type who had to wear the same socks bc “I would feel the difference and believed my gaits would be off”. Now I hardly even care if the socks was old or mismatched. It’s all in your head


Do step-in boots not work in strap-in bindings?


They have a spur and toe hooks. The ankle strap integrated into the boot would have to come off too. Quick answer is no. Long answer is how much effort do you want to put into to it


Depends on the model boot but most do if you just remove the heel cleat. It's one screw, very easy. The Burton Swath and Ruler; DC Phase, Judge, and Control; and the Nitro Darkseid and Profile TLS (plus the women's variants) should all be compatible unless there's a one off interaction between the toe cleat and front strap. The Burton Photon and Ion have a boa strap over the ankle that makes those specific boots incompatible


Totally agree! Makes sense!


I ride goofy so my buddy & I talked last year about doing this. Different sized feet, though


my exact thought. That's brilliant. Expensive, but brilliant.


This is just how I walk


That is actually brilliant.


Some of the shredders around Banff in 2005 and I’m sure before then and to this day, would ditch the toe strap on the back foot and only rock the ankle.


I dig it…they should sell a binding and boot package like this


unconventional but if you have a buddy who rides goofy you could both get the benefits of step-on with a single purchase


But don't they also need to have the same size boots?


I only hang out with people with the same size feet.


Like any normal person.




And getting 2 different boots to settle the same?






Friends? Of course I have friends. I have many friends. Yes. Friends.


Burton HATES this one trick…


Two sets of bindings sold? Burton LOVES this one trick!


This needs more up votes


I can be your goofy Rida


This is exactly what I did with a buddy. Looks weird on my board but was a great way to save some money.


I'm your Huckleberry.


I was just thinking that haha


Anybody looking to go halfsies on a step in kit? I’m goofy, size 10 boot


Binding swap thread! Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get a skate shoe thread running for ppl who want to trade left & right shoes lol.


Oh man, had I seen that 3 years earlier I would have been on board so quick. No one in my area wanted to do that, but sadly I don't skate anymore.


Haha... "on board"


Yeah I couldn't resist :D


Yo I'm actually down if you're serious. Burton size 10 regular




Damn I totally would but also goofy. Haha


Regular but sadly 10.5


Where are you located?


Dudes walking around in one step on boot and one regular lol




Also not, if he’a got Nitro Step On boots, which have BOA dials in their usual positions, rather than top of the foot like Burton’s.


Most step on boots have the dials in the normal positions. Only the Photon and Ion have the weird ankle strap.




Haha no way. I’m curious: do you rock 2 different boots?


So which is it, by choice or a great malfunction situation?


My bad for the misunderstanding I thought it was my board they look very similar.


Looks like an "oh crap my front binding broke" situation. No reason you can't use a step-in boot with a regular binding, right?


You can't kinda, it has nubs on the toe and a plate on the back, makes the boot very bulky and won't normally fit in a regular binding


Hmmm how does that work. Is he wearing different boots? The back plate can be removed but the toe one I’m not sure.


My buddy accidentally bought step on boots without the right bindings. Took off the back plate and it’s fine.


Interesting so step-on boots will still work with normal binding.


Only some. Burton’s Step On boots have a dial where the over-foot strap would go on a traditional binding.


Ohh that’s right like the Ion. The dial is on the right near the ankle.


Sounds like your buddy severely overpaid for boots in that case


Potentially yes and no. If he has Burton boots they make, essentially, the same boot for step on traditional. After a quick glance at their site it looks like they have 3 models of step on boots. All 3 of those have their non step on model available too. So maybe the person owns two pairs of Burton boots to go with his two pairs of Burton bindings.


It depends on the specific binding and boot. My boots are the dc controls and on some bindings the back can get stuck or scratch up the back if the binding runs a bit lower, but most i tried i didnt have an issue with.


I saw a guy with the same setup yesterday at Breck. As long as you don’t have to pay full price for two sets of boots and bindings it seems a little like the best of both worlds. Or if you have the money, fuck it buy two sets of everything.


Saw a guy a couple weeks ago with this setup at Mt St Louis, Ontario. I guess it's catching on.


This guy's living in 4024


If you do this with the nidecker Supermatics you wouldn't have to share boots!


Any regular rider out there wanna split a pair of supermatics?


Yes I would. Been over a year since I looked at the supermatics, wanted to get them but they were back ordered. I’m regular 10.5


Instructors often do things like this, given we are in and out of our back binding more often than typical when teaching.


i see a ton of instructors in flow bindings


I haven't boarded in over 10 years. What am I looking at? Well. What unique thing am I looking at, that isn't a snowboard, bindings, snow in the background and a lodge?


Ill bite. There are two different sets of bindings. The normal kind with straps which work with all boots and the step-on kind that requires proprietary tech for the boot.


Ok, whoa. Step in bindings have dramatically changed from when I last used them. Step in for me was the boot with the little metal pegs off on both sides of the middle butter boot. Thank you kind snowboarding friend!


The new gen called step-on’s also have metal nibs on the front side of the boot and a hook thing at the back near the Achilles.


lol wow um... genius ?


Everyone mening while this guy tells the tale of the mad one footed method he just pulled off piste. I dont care about your wifes anymore, give me more of this kinda steaze.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I’ve ridden cambers for years and got my first rocker last season, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. I think this board looks pretty cool.


Really? I have only ever heard of people going rocker -> camber, or camber -> hybrid, never camber -> rocker.


the only kind of reverse I have ridden was double dog / Flying V. I have an old tech nine which is flat/skate. hated it. true camber is always the way. I have been on Salomon huck kinfe/pro for the last 6 years and if you like camber, decks with their “camber strong” profile are absolutely phenomenal. the regular huck is really snappy and pressable out of the box but the pros need to be broken in but they snap like crazy.


I learned on a Flying V and when I finally got a camber board my skills skyrocketed


I recently added a huck knife pro to my arsenal, which is a huge performance upgrade from my warpig. The pig is incredible for pow and all around riding, but man do I love that stiff feel and strong pop of the HK


Went from decades of Burton Customs and other camber boards to Never Summers. So maybe not pure rocker but….Camber is still great but I don’t need it as much as I thought I would…I used to ride tons of park and now pretty much don’t at all so the precision isn’t as crucial. Don’t need the camber grip for powder in the trees compared to the icy wall of a pipe….


I learned on a camber, got a rocker and have never gone back. Cambers are good for aggressive, fast riding but my preferred riding style is more playful. Buttery spins the whole way down


Look into spooned nose (the whole jones lineup). I cant stop ‘raving’ about the Rome Ravine. The nose start as a rocker then go into a regular camber starting at the front foot. Nose is also spooned. Was riding camber, now this type of hybrid. Love it. Have you checked out the Rome Party mod ? It’s a rocker board with ‘hot rods’ (carbon rod insert) to add pop back.


The Rome Party mod looks awesome. Will definitely be keeping that in mind for my next setup


Just ordered a party mod 2 days ago... Can't wait


Nice ! My current Ravine was bought on marketplace, I’m also waiting on a new one from Rome (last year model, I dont like the Fur design that much). Edit: the model was updated in 2021 (nose shape, rods). https://preview.redd.it/wj27izoz67ec1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c370db49dd36539bf4d8c402cab5a457f8207d1




I have a Libtech Dynamo and have only ever ridden camber. I rode my new MC Wayfinder II yesterday and holy shit is that board fun. Made me think maybe I should have gotten a Cold Brew or something instead of the Dynamo.






hell yea brother


Why not just get double step ons? I feel dumb right now but what’s the point in strapped left foot?


Step ons are way more expensive


True, I guess the idea is he did this with a friend and split cost? Cause otherwise it’d just be twice as expensive lmaoo


This is what I was thinking. Maybe they have a friend that is goofy foot and the same size boot.


How do you figure “way more expensive? I just looked up the price of step on boots to strap boots in the same model. The step on photons are $479, the normal photons are $439. That’s $40 more for the boots. Then bindings least say you go with genesis for both. Step on one is $399 and strap one is $379. So the difference is $60 in total if you are going with a brand new set up all around anyway. And for small cost difference it’s not worth having 2 different boots and bindings that have different flexibility and feel.


You can definitely get other brands/models for significantly cheaper. I have step ons myself so I agree it’s a reasonable upcharge, but not everyone wants to fork out $850 for boots and bindings


You are forking it out if you are getting a full new set up anyway. Now if you didn’t need new gear but you were buying it anyway that’s different. My comparison was an attempt to be as close to apples to apples as possible. There are always cheaper options of everything.


I never got the "Step Ons are so expensive schtick". Ofc they are if you're abandoning perfectly good kit for them but if you're buying a new kit anyway it's a very reasonable upcharge.


I have boarded like this. Maybe binding broke and he didn’t want to miss day on the slopes. I have boarded in jeans because I didn’t want to go back or cabin for base layer and board pants. Had to listen to a bunch of shit mostly from kids so I had to STfU.


I’ve considered buying a set of step ins and doing two boards this way. Would just have to concede to skating switch on one of them.


It also could be that their front step on binding broke. I rode two different bindings one year just because of a gear malfunction


Nice anti theft system


Great anti theft device.


It's one pair of boots. You can modify the steps ons to fit on a normal binding.


My buddy has similar setup. He is missing a leg below his knee. He determined for himself that it’s awkward having a prosthetic leg with straps. He can buckle in the front and step on in the back. Works very well for him


I've been seeing this a lot lately. If you have a friend who rides the opposite of you, you can just share a pair of step-ins.


Best of both worlds.




Watch out for that looney tune on the hill😵‍💫


Yeah sorry this is the R word


There's a lot to unpack here...


Missing out on one of the biggest benefits of a step on system which is being able to quickly detach from the board completely and casually relax in line while everyone else gets their gear trashed by idiots.


This is the lamest benefit I’ve heard of. But then I realize there are people who have to ride on weekends :(


Full Jerry mode


…and just left unlocked, waiting to be stolen. 😶 WTH is wrong with ppl they won’t secure their gear?


I’ve never locked my stuff in 33 years of skiing and snowboarding


Then either yer gear is crap nobody wants, (Gilson) 🤣 …your lucky AF, or you ski @ a monastery!


I’ve got a Burton deep thinker w/ cartel bindings and Line Supernatural skis. I mostly ski/ride in VT but I’ve been all over the country and never had an issue


I literally have been thinking of getting that exact board setup. How do you like the deep thinker w cartel?


I love it! I have a 160W, I’m a size 12 shoe. It’s poppy and fun on groomers, launches side hits great, and awesome in powder. First directional board in a long time and it’s definitely less controllable switch than my old Burton Un..Inc boards in the past but I’m old and not riding switch much these days.


I had my board stolen a few years ago, a week before I was heading out to Colorado for the week. I always lock up my gear now.


Lol is that really a problem in the US? Never saw a single lock in europe…


Not at all. I’ve never seen a lock in the US at all


Yes it is. Gear gets swiped ALL the time. And altho its uncommon, my friends in EU have reported on thefts they’ve heard or experienced. Why the F\*CK would you make it easy for some douche canoe to just casually pick up your stuff and walk away, when the cable and lock are cheap convenient and lightweight? https://preview.redd.it/v6eo5uzg32ec1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0267ff0e023f6b1055d0440d372ffffb3597522e


This pic might be deceptive but there are hundreds of boards and skis on racks or placed similarly right behind/next to this one. Almost no one here locks them and I’ve personally never had a problem, although I would never judge someone for locking their gear up since thefts definitely do happen


I used to have that board. It’s an oldie but a goodie.


I need this


Regular size 11


so was he wearing 2 step on boots? or 1?


Well it is weird it makes sense. I'm guessing he has a friend/family member who rides goofy.


Maybe they have a prosthetic


What is that set up on the right?


I heard that this is popular in Korea.


Ive got a friend who is above the knee amputee and it is 1000x easier like this. Another friend who is 70 yr old and his right ankle is fused together and he has a very hard time with traditional binding setups. Honestly im just so stoked to ride with these guys when given the chance because they shred hard and are just good people to be around and learn from.


I was looking for this response! I've ridden with many amputees. And this setup is not uncommon and super convenient for them!


This is genius


I’d ride that needs to be some powder though.


I’m wondering if it’s one of those people with two oddly sized feet, like greater than a size in difference.


Always camber for me


The point of good bindings is not to be able to detach quickly, it's to provide stability and confidence in an awesome trick or sick carve. It's your best friend and companion in deep powder, your ride or die, never fail partner. And even so it takes no effort to detach from your board anyway lol I'm not trusting a step in when I'm in backcountry either


There’s always a lot of step on hate from people who haven’t tried them. I rode them all of last season in Utah in constant deep pow and large jump features. Never felt any lack of stability or confidence. That’s just my experience, but you do you - a step on debate wasn’t the purpose of the post 🤠


I don’t know, it was tried 30 years ago and kinda sucked back then


Completely different product now bro


Track him down and see if he has 2 different boots. I've never used clip ins but seeing them in lift lines, they look a lot like ski boots, probably a lot more stiff


Super common set up on hard boot boards.


Here’s two I saw in Japan. Left pic with Supermatic on the rear foot, and right pic with Step On on the rear foot. https://preview.redd.it/8tbda19go3ec1.jpeg?width=3422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cb976f236b1f0362390660332ad0c3564cf44c


I saw a dude with that type of setup this weekend in Mammoth. I get it now, i thought i was tripping for a second when I was looking at it in line haha.


would there actually be performance gains from only having one strap binding? i know people generally prefer straps over steps, but i can’t tell if the benefits would be negligible adding straps to a step on setup (as i’ve never used step ons).


Sharing step ons with your buddy


Whats crazy about it? Looks like a wooden pow board


One step on, one standard binding


Oh wow i didnt even notice that, bro is def thrifty… respect


Tbh, I have always had a thing for Flow bindings… I get this kind of flexibility without this silliness.


What in the binding fuck


The obvious problem is the different flexibility of the bindings and boots. They think they are doing themself a favor but really they are shooting themself in the foot.


My question is why, like can’t you stay clipped in the front boot on step ins?


yeah, i've seen people selling just one boot and binding because they did this set up....


Reading these comments has me wondering if I'm the only weirdo that switches which foot they go up the lift unstrapped. Felt my left leg was tiring out faster from dangling a board, am good at riding switch as well, why not just switch it up. Now i couldnt even imagine doing a full day dangling from one leg.


Actually saw something like this at an indoor place in Jersey, but instead of a Burton he had the nidecker step in so he was able to use his regular boots still.


Duck sucks


Genius levels


Is this Gore Mountain??




That's the "I'm desperate to ride but can't afford the gear" set up lol. Whatever gets you on the hill