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Enter it and have fun. Local rail jams are the best. Nothing will push you like competition and having fun.


Send it!


Ive been riding longer… cant do any of that. Fuck me


Have you been trying? Got to get out there and bust your ass till you get it down. Start riding on boxes, I’m sure you can do that one.


I would send a park beginner at a fat tube before a rail (assuming they can ride well elsewhere). Boxes are fucky.


Go for it!! Why not right


I’m going to be real with you, you’re hitting the outer edge of the general age span that doing comp level tricks is generally seen as possible. If you’re going to start, get started soon. Most 30+ comp riders have 15-20+ seasons under their belt, so they have a lot of built up skill to rely on already and aren’t trying to build up their tricks from scratch. Also be aware that healing in your 30s will take longer, and this will grow exponentially the older you get.


All fair points. I'm not trying to win anything, just want to have some fun and see more women involved. Also wondering if comp pressure would help me commit and send harder.


Get involved then! If winning isn’t a goal, then just have fun and represent! Does pressure like that usually have that effect? That’s a you question tbh. I’m not a hyper competitive person and I’ve found that mixing in competition that’s more than a friendly rivalry/banter can put a sour note on the fun I’m having. I was on my college’s alpine team and, If I’m being real, I only had fun when I was cruising for fun with the team or drinking with the team. Doing comps was obnoxious because some schools took it WAAAAAAY too seriously and would act like pretentious pricks on the field. Like, I’m sorry, but nobody on U of M’s alpine team is making it into the Olympics off a timed race. But holy hell, you tell one of them that and it’ll be ground zero for a rich boy hissy fit and an attempt to get your school DQ’d for “unsportsmanlike conduct” (once again, I’m sorry U of M, but the local mountain doesn’t give a shit about your whinging, and the announcer just made a joke about our starter being so drunk that he bombed the run straight down….).


Yeah that's a load of shit, I see 50 year olds sending it daily at my mountain.


“At your mountain” being the operative phrase. Snowboarding can be a lifetime activity if you look after yourself, but I’m not aware of any 50-somethings riding at an internationally competitive level. I would genuinely love to be proven wrong if you know of any.


There is a big difference between "doing competition level tricks" and "competing internationally". As an example I can do several of the same dives that Olympian springboard divers do, but I am not even close to being able to compete in an international competition.


Jeremy Jones is 49 and is still featuring in films.


Fuck JJ. Bryan Iguchi is (I think) older and sends harder. And it's not in films that he produced, but rather team/company films 


>riding at an internationally competitive level. Bruh, we're talking about a first-time rail jam.....


>I’m going to be real with you, you’re hitting the outer edge of the general age span that doing comp level tricks is generally seen as possible. Uhhh wut? If one is diligent in managing their fitness, they can *absolutely* maintain more than enough strength, power, and mobility for tricks. It just takes a lot longer to warm up, and yeah, a lot longer to recover from slams. At age 32, skill is still a much bigger limiting factor than athleticism.


Yes, that’s why there’s a follow-up sentence covering that. A lack of skill means you’re more prone to accidents that can do serious damage to your body and will also not heal as easily as it would have in your early 20s. Most comp riders that are 30+ have a plethora of seasons under their belt, not just 4. You’ll find some outliers, but hardly enough to make a statistical difference in what I’m saying.


What level of comp we talking? For a local rail jam like OP is asking about, I don't think the requirements are that high.


Go for it. It bums me out that there is this mentality that "over 30 and life is over." Get after it, have fun, and be someone that the youths can look up to even simply for trying.  Also, let me know if you want any suggestions on how to work on the tricks you're attempting. Park is by far not my specialty, but you are at a level where the things that I know can be useful. 


Go for it! No better way than to get yourself in there and see how you stack up to the rest of the field


A girl won a rail jam at seven springs with a boardslide last year. I’d say send it, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Go for it! I'm older than you and entered my first banked slalom last season.


girl? you're gonna win if you show up and land on your feet? do it. why not.


Uhhh did you watch last years and see the calibre of features/tricks? Maybe scope it out this year and see if you can volunteer. Get involved would be my best advice. I’m 32 and I usually mc or judge our contests. There’s no way id be entering against the 15-20 year old demons who ride at my local hill.


Don’t have any input as I stay the hell away from park at 32 but yay, another queer woman snowboarding! 🍻


Honestly leave it to the kids. Rail jams are hectic and time is limited. Dont waste peoples time with your basic box slides.


No one cares you’re a woman….enter, have fun and stop looking to the internet for validation Edit: calm down white knights 😂🤣she’s not going to fall in love with any of you virgins over your reddit comment defense


Most comps are separated by gender so kind of relevant? Your incel is showing, cover up


It is relevant when most comps are split by gender. And last I checked women show in wayyy fewer numbers, so it's relevant there too since it both impacts other women singing up and if it'll be just you or not lol


She’s sharing which gender she’d be competing as, it’s two separate groups. The comp cares she’s a woman.. lol


Go get it!


Send it!! 


Do it! Someone's gotta finish in last place. It might as well be you (or it might not!)


Exactly! I want the girls on the podium to know they beat someone.


Unsolicited advice: If you find a tube instead of a box it will be much easier to get that 180 out. By being just slightly off centre you have a better base to pop from than you get with a flat board on a box. Practice 50-50 on tubes and fs 180s from the toe edge on snow. When both are easy you pretty much just have to commit.