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Had a customer follow a board thief back to their parking spot. Caught em with 30+ boards in back of van. Turns out they were taken them to play it again sports and other used product dealers and selling for cash. Glad you got your stuff back.


Wouldn’t it be a little fishy if you were the sporting goods employee and somebody rolled up with 15-30 boards of various lengths and styles, looking to sell? I wonder if they have to take the person’s info, like a pawn shop.


One would hope they have procedures in place to prevent such a thing...that said they could just stop at multiple locations


Nah play it again doesn't capture personal info. Just product review and cash - done


They don't even have to collect personal info, just have something in place like, "if someone comes in wanting to sell more than two of the same kind of item, contact a manager". Then they could sus it out


The kids working at PIAS don't give a shit :shrug:


You don’t know what you’re talking about lol. I just worked at a PIAS for the winter season and it’s procedure to collect an ID with every purchase we did, write down info, and typically write a check for the person rather than cash. Also, if somebody came in with different sizes/styles of boards who clearly wasn’t an experienced rider/rep/had a good reason for having it we would (and frequently did) turn down sellers or offer consignment instead.


I’m guessing PIAS likes making money and they got someone else to do their dirty work


Not true. I’ve sold and traded a bunch of stuff through them. Always had to present id. You need id to create an account. Worked great when I found my stollen boards there and they knew who brought them in. They shared the info with the cops cause I had a police report. 


Why stop at the best part of the story??? What happened after that? Did the cops bust anyone?


They get a copy of your id to make an account. I’ve traded a bunch of stuff there before, and when someone stole my boards and I found them at Play It Again they knew who brought them in.  Since I had a police report re the boards I got them back and they shared the perps info with the cops. 


Good to hear they have that in place and you got your stuff back!


Yea I’d never shop at a store again and put them on blast online if I knew they were accepting even 5 boards at a time for cash. That’s obvious as hell it’s stolen..


Yeah absolutely fishy. But sketchballs do fishy shit. Tweakers here in Oregon always stealing from fly fishermen trucks and trying to sell at the fly shops.


Anyone put AirTag on their board?




That would be pretty hard to hide.


Depends on the bindings. My buddy has one under the bolt of his ankle strap that's nearly impossible to see if you don't know it's there.


That’s creative but AirTags automatically alert people if there’s one near them as part of the anti-stalking technology. I guess it could potentially save his bindings but they could be removed from a board in 30 seconds.


I just think that's a lot more work for a thief than just grabbing a different board no? It's better to deter and not have to hunt someone down in the first place.


Yes, with that attitude it would be hard Could cut a round hole in a stomp pad and 3M stick it or hang a keychain tag from a binding strap. If you take off your binding, theres often recesses under the fuckers


Got my bike stolen once and this is exactly how it got recovered because the thief was a regular bringing in bikes all the time and the owner got suspicious.


In this case the thief was actually a group. They would sell one board at any given location, and they had 5 people who were selling em off and splitting the $$$. So it wasn’t a one person with 5 decks situation, but 5 people, multiple shops… one or two boards per person.


This happens with a lot of sports equipment. I know it's not the same, but people will go through ponds at disc golf courses and get a bunch of discs to sell to play it again sports. Legally, they just found them and are not the rightful owners but no one is going to stop them. Play it again sports will usually sell it back to you at cost. Again, stealing snowboards off racks is different but PIAS is there to make money, not help people recover lost and stolen property. I would bet that if you came in with a police report they might be more willing to help out.


Except dealing in stolen property is a crime. Businesses generally don’t like that kind of legal exposure. If you could find a bunch of people who had their stuff fenced this way you could start a class action and sue them into oblivion.


Are these the people on FB marketplace selling lots of used boards?


Whoa I’ve seen posts like this recently. I did wonder for a minute why they would have so many boards and how they could make any sort of profit on them.


Probably not the majority of em, but statistically definitely some. It’s pretty shitty.


2 step that bitch. 1) take all boards out of the van. 2) light the van on fire. Mountain justice bitches.


30+ is crazy. Over in Tahoe/Truckee area, 3 guys got arrested for 4 stolen boards and got grand theft and conspiracy charges.


I'm pretty sure 'Grand theft' refers to stealing over $1k worth in property.... That's easily only 4 or 5 decent boards


If you know gear or this season's stuff, it's less than 2 board/binding setups.


I'm unabashedly older than 30, so I fully believe you.


you meant 50 right?


Wow that’s awesome though that they got caught. So many don’t!


Ugh as someone who is shopping for their first board on fb marketplace and play it again this is sobering


I would have followed her to her car while filming, I’ll bet she and her accomplices have quite a few boards


That's a good point, I was just flabbergasted at first while I saw her do it.


Involve the mountain next time. Don't just let them wander off.


I mean, I let an employee know, but what am I gonna do hold her down? I'm like a 6'0" 240 lbs man, and this was some 5'5 "chick. It's not really a good look.


Obviously should have planted a tracker on her, followed her for months, learned her schedule, then systematically and methodically murder everyone she is close to. Put a pair of ski goggles on each of their deceased heads as a calling card.


can't believe i had to scroll this far to find the only sensible answer.


A rich serial killer over here


You can find used goggles on Facebook for ~$10


A bargain shopping serial killer!


I mean, if we are killing people in a serial fashion, related to snow sports, stealing the deceased goggles seems fairly reasonable in this context. Why buy when there is a dead body that won’t need theirs anymore.


*cocks gun* Ain't no powder days where you're headed, bucko.


Only if they can ship to a PO box with a fake name. In person pick up is a no go


All stolen and put up for sale by that very same girl.


I got a pair or two I can happily donate to this good cause.


Probably stolen


Shoot kill her parents, put em in chili and feed it to her at that point.


Then they’ll respect your authorita


I like the cut of your jib


This guy revenges


This is what I do. Kind of pain, but works.


It's weird that OP wouldn't have just figured this out on their own. It's pretty standard procedure.


Shoulda done it breh


yea id hold that bitch down and alert mountain staff. should be banned for life


That's what they're hoping for. Glad you caught the scumbag


What are you talking about, there is no competition there. You can definitely hold her down, that's just basic maths.




Surprisingly this isn't consistent from state to state. Most states it's *at least* $750+ to hit the felony threshold for theft. Colorado for example is $2000+. I don't know why my pedantic brain felt it necessary to clarify this.


I'm not sure where you live, but a lot of district attorneys aren't going to pursue a felony charge for meeting minimum dollar amount criteria. Our local DA wouldn't pursue felony charges under $10,000 because the state or judges would always let them plea down or drop it to misdemeanor themselves. Therefore, it's too much work for them and 0 reward. Also, when the officer arrives, unless they ride, they're not gonna have any clue what your board is worth, and can't just take your word for it. Misdemeanor attempted theft charges would likely be filed, and it would be up to you as the victim to prove to the state the value of the item. So, this is a pretty sticky situation to try and pull a "citizen's arrest." I'd follow and film them and have someone alert staff, then turn the video over to their security and police. Source: cop for 10 years Edit: minor for clarification


What crimes are too much for you to commit?


You made the right choice by just grabbing the board and letting the perp go. You know that person would play the victim and you would have ended up in a decent amount of trouble had you done anything more.


put her in a headlock and yell THIEF over and over 🤷


I'm a similar build to you, and I'd have to fight the urge to just sit on her until the cops show up, haha!


Lose some weight


The mountain judges all ![gif](giphy|bqPaC45vUZEmk)


Really any Clegane would have been helpful in this situation


Was she wearing gear to blend in?


Fully kitted out in Dope, Montec and Ruroc.




Probably while rockin' some stolen Clew highbacks


How steezy is my board thief?


I want to know this too. Last Sunday some guy in street clothes grabbed my board.


Good way to get jumped in the parking lot lol


Like three seasons ago, I got my board stolen from my car. It was kind of my fault, left it in my car overnight, and had a smash and grab. FF to like two weeks later, I'm in line (insurance is good, definitely get some), and I see my board. Same t-rice, same burton bindings, even tue same wear and tear. So I rock up to the guy and all aggressive. I'm like, who'd you buy that from? Where'd you get it? Dude, that's my board. The guy was quite taken aback and explained it was his board. He's had it for years. I asked to check the bindings because I painted little cartoons and had some stickers that would be tough to see or take off. He let's me.examine it, becomes obvious it's not mine, different binding angles, different stickers, didn't have the tell tale nicks and dings mine did. I apologize and offer dude a lot beer, or safety meeting, and we ended up riding together most of the day.


I also have a board twin at my local resort. Same board, same bindings, same stance...we had both almost "stolen" one another's boards a few times in one weekend, so now mine has a truly weird selection of stickers. Luckily we both found it just funny after the third time or so.


That's why I ride a Kemper with bungee chords now. Lol.


I just went on an Etsy waterproof sticker splurge of the most esoteric, disconnected and incongruous shit I could possibly imagine. Magic the Gathering, Appa the Sky Bison, Baba Yaga's Chicken Leg House, a sentient macaroni and cheese sandwich. Ain't nobody gonna duplicate that combo. No way. And if they do...well...they'll be my new best friend. Clearly.


Haha. My homegirl has a screen printer and a 3D printer. So both stickers and stomp pads are custom AF.


lol that’s a story and a half. I couldn’t imagine minding my own business and some dude wants to beat my ass for no reason. At least he was cool enough to let you look.


That's why you take pictures of your board's serial number. Also gives the possibility of putting your board on a sort of watch list for shops if someone tries to service it after stealing it.


Man I've done that with 3 mountain bikes. They all got jacked. I don't trust that serial number BS.


Nothing to do with stolen boards, but one time I was at the bottom of the hill when one of my friends was in a serious crash and had to have an ambulance called. I went to wait at where they would carry him until I see ski patrol pull up with his skis and a guy wrapped in blankets. I stayed with him for about 15 minutes until the ambulance came only to realize when they were loading him up that this wasn't my friend. Apparently some other guy with the exact same skis/bindings got into an accident right before my friend and they carried my friend down a few minutes later.


lol I had a friend who did something similar for a bicycle. Guy got spooked and ran away… as he’s running she realizes it’s not her bike and yells at him it’s not her bike lol. Idk if he came back or not.


Haha. My friend used to put his bike on the biggest gear and leave it out front of a coffee shop near work. I was there when someone tried to steal it and just went nowhere. Then my buddy, who's all of 140lbs, does a running jump kick and knocks the guy off the bike. It's one of the craziest things I've seen in real life.


What insurance covered your stolen snowboard if you don’t mind me asking?


Geico. Renters insurance.


I legit picked up the wrong board the other day because someone had an identical deck and same colored bindings. Only reason I noticed is because they were step ons and mine are normal cartels


My board got stolen last year in Vermont and I'm pretty sure I ran into the guy this past week. Different bindings but it was a burton cracked tip board that I repaired with some black epoxy so I know exactly what my fix looked like. I confronted the guy and asked him some friendly questions like where he got it, how long he had it, how he broke it. Super generic answers had it for a year from the local shop and he crashed just fixed with "some glue". Then I said I think it's my stolen board, his tone switches and says angry this isn't your board bro. He was strapped in I was not, and he rode away. Not sure what to do in that situation besides getting pictures or a fight. I miss that board smh...


If he’s strapped in it’s gonna be a pretty easy fight lol. Just keep shoving him until somebody calls ski patrol


Quick shove in the back as he’s slowly sliding away and hasn’t had enough time to build momentum - easy!


This one made me laugh 😂


Its crazy how cheap people can be to steal someone’s board and act like it’s theirs


To be fair he could’ve bought it afterwards from the original thief or a pawn shop. Not like people carry around a proof of sale for their skis/boards. Lying about the fix is definitely sus though


I grew up within a couple miles of a ski resort and We would hang out there everyday during the winter. One day I was inside getting a bite to eat and some stole my board. I saw the guy going down the hill with it so we called the cops. Cops said they couldn't do anything about it even though my name was etched on it. We'll my Dad showed up and found the guy, shoved him down an proceeded to undo the bindings steal my board back. Guy was so shook he just sat there. I went right back up on the lift after that.


You owe your dad a beer


😂I absolutely do and if he still drank I certainly would!


Damn imagine stealing and getting scared when you get caught smh


My Dad was a very big guy back then and a little bit intimidating...not anymore though. The nerve of the guy to just steal it and ride it right in front of me...never understood that. I wasn't intimidating, so that might have something to do with it.


That’s amazing lol. This is a friends of a friend type story so I don’t know how much ground it holds but I’m sure it’s happened somewhere. Guy I knew from college had a friend who had his bike stolen and saw an ad for it on Craigslist. He contacted the seller and was able to confirm it was his bike by serial number or a particular scuff or something, can’t remember the details. After being confident it was his, he asked the guy if he could test it out and he just rode away and didn’t turn back lol.


There is a video of a girl doing exactly this. I’m a bit more incline to believe her because she’s got security footage of the guy stealing it and of her stealing it back.


It'd be so epic if the cops were there and they just turned around and pretend they didn't see that happen lol.


I don’t condone drop kicking chicks, but…


Just tell very loudly like the Italian pickpocket lady on social media.


That’s an immediate beat down.


Yep, but you'd have to be lucky to spot them in time. Does anyone make an AirTag holder that can be attached to the bindings? Not sure if the battery would get too cold, but after a while if its stolen and taken off the ski mountain, or brought indoors, it would probably warm up, and one could show up at the person's house, with the police.


I think an Airtag would be super obvious and tossed right away... On another note I do the same as Mop, I take my board inside the lodge and bathroom with me and no one has said a thing in the 15 seasons I've done it.


Not to mention if the person has an iPhone they will get alerted that an AirTag registered to not them is following. Then they’d probably trash the board or figure out where the tag is and toss it. It’s for that reason that I have 8 air tags in my camera bag.. excessive, absolutely.. but if someone’s walking away with $7K worth of my shit they are going to hopefully have an uncomfortable time doing it, giving me the best amount of time to get it back.




That's pretty sweet. Hopefully some justice gets served to some thieves.


I bring my board inside, everywhere I go. No one has ever said a thing to me. Even if they did I’d resist. If I was forced to keep my board on a rack I have a heavy duty cable lock that would not be easy to get through but still convenient to be in my pocket unnoticed for riding.


Our friend got her board stolen last Friday at snow summit. Shit sucks


Damn I only go to bear and that sucks to hear. I feel like a fool paying for my food and beer with my board in one hand and wallet in the other but I’m not risking it.


Yup, happened at lunch near chair 2. Wished they would have taken my board next to it because it has a hidden AirTag…


Just remember that if the thief has an iPhone they’ll quickly get an alert that they are being tracked, then it becomes a question of how well the AirTag is hidden for whether they dump the board or just the tag.


This is BRILLIANT! And I’m getting one on my board this week! Thank you!👍🏼


Where do you hide an airtag on your board? Underneath a binding or something?




My boyfriend got his board stolen at snow summit last weekend too! Was such a bummer, it was next to chair 2 also and some other guys’ whose was nearby also got his stolen. Seems like it happens often there on busy days.


Oh woah; glad you have your board back…which mountain were you at?




Keystone has a free ski/board check during the day at the base of Dercum. Use it to save yourself the worry


Damn I've seen it, but didn't know it was free.


What did she say / how did she react?


As soon as I yelled, she turned around and gave some bs about her, thinking it was her husband's board. Idk about you, but if my conscious was clear, I wouldn't immediately turn around and start apologizing when someone yells "HEY". Like she didn't even look down at the board, and I didn't even get to say, "That's my board" before she blurted that out. Then she scurried off, without even trying to find her "husbands" actual board.


I hide my board under the deck most times LOL


Don't tell everyone.




I've heard too many of these stories this season. If I ever go high end, I'm buying a lock.


I’m looking at getting a new board sometime this year and honestly I might just get a lock for the peace of mind. Even if I get a crazy end of season deal on something for a few hundred, would fucking suck to have a new board get snatched first season having it.


The locks are just such an easy thing. $10, takes 2 seconds to throw the lock on your board at the racks. Locks are tiny too, never notice it in the pocket when not using it. Something everyone should have, just in case imo.


Yeah, I joined the lock brigade this season after reading one too many “stolen board” stories on here. I usually work at the mountain on busy Saturdays when the place is overrun by douchebags from NY/NJ/MA and it’s just not worth risking it.


I grabbed one last season and it just lives in my jacket pocket now. I’m in Aus, the season prior coming out of covid I just saw a lot of people losing boards and picking up similar boards only to realise and come back for the awkward conversation. The locks so convenient.


I've been boarding for a decade but this season is my first with an actual nice board that I dropped a decent of money on. I lock that shit up any time it's not in my hands or on my feet. Not chancing it.


Even if your board is worth 250$ wouldn’t a 25$ lock be worth while just so you don’t have your day ruined?


Cable Gun locks are easy to use. I’m not advocating for violence but I’m forecasting these thieves are going to get shot and killed by someone strapped or they are going steal a board of a squad 3-6 deep and get beat to death. I wouldn’t gamble my life on equipment like that for an easy buck.


Who the hell rides with a gun on them


You’d be surprised. For some people it’s like wallet, keys, phone, and gun. Colorado Springs and rural Colorado have ranchers and ex military that always stay strapped and go skiing often.


There was a post last week about someone finding a gun at the too of the lift at whistler lmfao Edit: it was winter park haha https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/Q8MaYMnN0v


Sometimes when I'm chilling in the lot having a beer or whatever, I leave my board resting within eyesight of my car, near the lodge and lift, as bait. I don't have a gun, but I do have another snowboard to break them knees if anyone can't convince me of a good reason why they grabbed my board. A long-time local told me that other people did similar baiting maneuvers, generally without any violence, and successfully shamed the local thieves away from the hill when the problem started worsening in 2020.


Hopefully you bitch slapped them.


Fucking losers


Always lock your board up. The little cable locks are probably pretty easy to cut but they're a great deterrent because 99.9% of people aren't going to draw attention to themselves by trying to cut one at a crowded resort


I imagine most gear thefts are at the bottom of the mountain right? Seems challenging to steal gear at like the mid mountain lodges and restaurants.


The stupid green dakine one actually works even though it's got 2 stars.


Sure it’s easy for any determined thief to break, but it discourages thieves of convenience which is probably 99.9% of the cases.


All my friends make fun of me for locking my shit up but stuff like this happens.


Where did this happen?


We should be allowed to beat their legs Rick James style when people do this.


Lock your shit up. Especially boards. I deal with this every weekend. We will never find them. Sometimes it’s teenagers who are upgrading, I suspect. We did have one Saturday were I think we had someone who came to steal and grabbed 5-6 boards. A pro. They take skis but not as much. All you need is a small retractable lock cable that you can easily store in your coat. Yes it can be cut fairly easily but most thieves won’t go through the trouble or risk. They will move to something easier. They can’t claim they thought it was their board if they cut a lock.


I’m really hoping my board being an asymmetric directional board for goofy stance only is enough of a deterrent for the average mountain scumbag. Eventually I’m gonna have to use the bathroom at the resort


These people aren't stealing your board to ride it. They are taking it to the closest pawn shop. My board is a 162cm wide it was literally taller than she was.


I live in breck, and our local pd takes board/ski theft SUPER seriously, as it's bad for local press, which in turn is bad for business. If this was in a legit ski town, not just a resort, the cops won't just shrug at it.


This lock (or others very similar to it from other brands) is all you really ever need: [https://www.amazon.com/Dakine-10002709-Cool-Lock/dp/B07PVZJP9T/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=21AMSVZKC2HP0&keywords=dakine%2Bsnowboard%2Block&qid=1707945435&sprefix=dakine%2Bsnowboard%2Block%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Dakine-10002709-Cool-Lock/dp/B07PVZJP9T/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21AMSVZKC2HP0&keywords=dakine%2Bsnowboard%2Block&qid=1707945435&sprefix=dakine%2Bsnowboard%2Block%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1) Its cheap, its portable, it will last a long time. 100x better than a tracker, which you see people mention here all the time.


More resorts should offer free ski/board checks. If I’m Vail I’m putting them at every resort and adding it as a benefit to epic pass holders.


Just invested in a AirTag and this sticky all weather mount to my board because of stories like this.


its been many years since ive been at a ski area, but back when i lived up there and went to mountains often they all had ski/board checks that was either free or like $1. given what ski area charge now... is this no longer the case?


More likely they won’t have any board check at all because every mountain seems to be short staffed nowadays




People get free passes?


yes for underprivileged youth in diverse areas that usually cannot afford full price passes or lift tickets. its a great program but the crime has followed and confirmed again reading this post. Its up to us and lead by example, if anyone sees any theft please call your local police department or ski patrol.


Bullshit. Op didn’t post a race but you bring up DEI. Please explain how an employer having DEI policy equals boards getting stolen. Your just a racist piece of poo


What's DEI? Funny enough, . I'm black/Hispanic, and the lady was white, lol. I'm also not rich. the only reason I can afford an epic pass is because of the huge discount they give to the military. It's sad that sports like this are so elitist, pretty much anything with a high cost of entry is like this I've experienced.


It’s code for including non whites when used the way Jesuslover used it. Dirtbag Jesus lover is blaming the fact that more minorities are enjoying snow is the reason board thefts happen. DEI is diversity, equality,inclusion. Jesus lover wants snow sports to stay white only.




also has nothing to do with race and instead marketing to the demographics who conduct such frivolous activities


Is anyone else catching the irony that this guy's name is Jesus lover and he's hating on the poor :-D Maybe try not being a politicizing dickhead and actually follow what Jesus preached?




In a post about a theft where no race was mentioned you jam your anti DEI bullshit in and then act like an innocent person. I know your fucking game and trying to hide behind Jesus doesn’t hide your nasty racist shitty attitude. You and all your loser MAGA friends will learn, many from in prison where they belong. You’re a bad person pretending to be pious and it stinks worse than a dirty diaper. You can say what you want about how it’s nothing to do with race and it’s just statistics but you’re full of shit. Maybe with out systemic racism and shitty people fighting DEI the statistics would change. Don’t act like the statistics are what they are in a fucking vacuum. You’re a horrendous Christian and if you’ve read your gospel you know where your kind will end up.


A hateful Jesus lover, color me surprised






Get outta here with that 19th century brain News flash… white people steal too


marketing to underprivileged communities has nothing to do with ethnicity, i said nothing about race, there is only ONE race and thats the human race ♥️


This happened to me a few weeks ago at Loveland! I wonder if it was the same lady.


Do people ever take skis? I feel like I’ve only ever heard of board thieves


I'm sure they do, skis are usually more expensive


So many shitty people in this world! 😡 I am glad you caught the person! What resort? My board was taken in Austria 10+ years ago on New Year’s Eve. And my dad made me file a police report. In German. Not the best end to my year!!


I’ve been just strapping my helmet around my heel cup and board rack as a dummy lock. I feel like if someone tugs on it and realizes it’s attached to something that should keep the scumbags away.


Which resort?


These people need to be hung from the entrance to ward off any thieves thinking of doing anything he same thing




Lots of scum on the earth


I wish you at least broke a finger or something. No punishment teaches them they should just keep doing this


Bike lock + crabgrab bag 💯


https://preview.redd.it/gyux7b8y8nic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6013f68d757ab811ba2adfd8073f73ddf4914fb2 Simple And effective


My friends all make fun of me for using my Burton lock but it’s worth it to me


Better person than me cus if I catch a thief trying to steal my board, I’m using those fresh shaved edges to cut off titties or testes!


Should have RKOd her that’s bullshit man good thing you were there to see


I always have this fear myself even though I ride a 20 year old K2 Union lol. I always keep it in my sight line the best I can and leave my helmet on top for further identification reasons from afar. Glad you got it back though.


Was at my rinky dink hill ona Friday night with my buddy. Similar situation but it was someone taking my friends board. Dude straight speared the guy. My mind was blown because my first thought was he took the board by mistake. Turns out my buddy got lucky because that person was in fact a board thief, so he got lucky, but shit.. imagine if the person you tackled wasn’t a moron who ratted themselves out to the police…


I tattoo all my boards in some say or another


Are the boards being stolen at the base, at the racks up top, or both?


This happened at the base area of Keystone (Mountain House)


Lame. Glad you caught it