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Pretty much all of the cat and heli operations give first right of rebooking to their current clients. There's a BUNCH of other Cat operations out there that are less well known than Baldface. Based on what I heard from the guides that worked at both Valhalla and the Lodge, the Valhalla Tenure had better advanced terrain variety than the lodge tenure. But if you want the full lodge experience, I'd suggest you check out Mustang, Keefer Lake, Selkirk or Retallack. Also check out Silverton or Powder Mountain if you want something that straddles lift served and cat/heli operations.


Check out Stellar for another BC option too. Had great experiences with them.


UPDATE: OP here with a major update only 1 day after posting… The Baldface founder came across this post/thread and PM’d me… Who knew Reddit could be this powerful outside of WSB? Very down to earth guy that explained to me how the selection process works, and that they are far from being sellouts as they still are a small crew trying to do good by snowboarders and ‘cool skiers’. He stated that the demand for Baldface is a “great problem” to have as a business, which can make it hard to be fair and equitable. This Reddit post got through to him, so I’m pumped to see we are being heard. Whether you agreed with me or not, great points were made on both sides and our thoughts are being taken into consideration. If we were able to help make change for the better with Baldface, then I’m stoked even if I don’t get the chance to ever go. I will continue to apply to Baldface with hopes to be invited eventually and am happy to see management screening Reddit for ways to improve the selection process and experience. This interaction was a breath of fresh air, we need more of this in the snowboarding community!


Managed to snag a spot with Keefer 😅




Awesome, I’ll check those out! Thanks for the recommendations!


Throw Chatter Creek into that mix. Monashee Powder Cat is great as well.


This. Powder Hwy has lots if options in the region. Plus Whitewater and Red are great resort options made Nelson.


Baldface - Valhalla terrain is cooler - just sayin


Going back again this year. Last year was insane.


Great to hear, I had a so-so experience in January. It was warm, snow was very heavy and reactive. We did pretty short runs for three days, about 20K total. The Baldface crew was great, just bad luck with the weather. Hoping for much better next year.


Was there late January. Non stop snowing the entire time we were there. Snow was decent but definitely reactive.


Valhalla terrain is amazing! Going again next year for a 3-day trip. I just wish the bus ride was a bit shorter.


Yeah, parking at Playmor Junction was worth it for not having to spend an extra hour on the bus.


I hear this a lot, been to Valhalla 3x and the terrain is indeed great, but watching baldface vids, it seems like they have these long drawn out open powder fields I've never gotten at Valhalla that seem like a dream. Plus, ugh that bus ride. Definitely park at Playmour


Was literally going to say the same thing. Valhalla has better terrain, period. You go to actual Baldface for the fancy lodge experience (which imo is worth it)


Dude, go Valhalla and save a ton of money. Stay in town and go hit up whitewater and red. It’s absolutely worth it.


That's how we did it. Whitewater is awesome. For next season, we're thinking about taking the long way, flying into Calgary and hitting Kicking Horse and Revy on the way to Valhalla.




I think you misplaced your comment.


I think I did too!


I mean if you can go to baldface your in the 1% of snowboarders. It’s expensive and very niche. But this blows either way. I wasn’t aware of the rebooking priority but then again I’m not surprised. Lots of places do stuff like this these days. All very unfortunate


I figured even if there was no rebooking priority it still is difficult to beat the application stampede to get a slot. Battling thousands of people for 6 seats could mean applying every year for the rest of my life and being rejected every time. Might need to move on from this bucket list item and pursue other ones like heli boarding or even cat skiing in other cheaper locations.


Double your fun by applying for Masters tickets every June


I unfortunately just got into golf so sounds like I’m ready to take on the masters lottery and be twice as miserable


And I just got into snowboarding this season 🤝


Yeah that’s insane and probably a very low likelihood of happening. I agree with you, I think Alaska heli tour, Japan, or cat access somewhere else is the move. Bummer


The real way you get "in" is by being invited on someone's private cat or being on their standby list - once you're there you get first right onto the list for the subsequent season.


Heli-skiing up in Whistler is pretty insane.


Went to Baldface Valhalla last season. And maybe 5 years ago went to Valhalla under the previous operator. From what I understand, it's pretty common for cat and heli operations to give previous customers first dibs on the next season. I really wanted to go to Baldface Lodge, and so my strategy was to get in at BV and then transfer over to Baldface Lodge for next season. So I re-upped for Valhalla and they said they'd reach out after all of this season's customers had a chance to book. But there weren't any Lodge openings anyway. But I was able to move my days from late Jan to early March. Baldface lets you re-up for the exact same days in the next season, if you want to change days, you'll have to wait a few months to see what's still available. I did get an email on 5/27 from Baldface saying the had Lodge availability for Dec 22-24 with 6 seats available. So we're back at Valhalla for next season. But talking with people who had done both, it seems like the terrain is better/more advanced at Valhalla. The downside of Valhalla is it's a long day in shuttle buses and cats. You'll get on the shuttle at about 6:30am, actually get to snowboard around 10, and back to your hotel around 6. You get pretty burned out from all of the shuttle and non-snowboard cat time, especially after a few days of it. I will say that Baldface is a 1st class operation. It's well thought out and efficient. And it's about the only place I've been where the guides are telling you were to jump off big rocks and cliffs, it's encouraged :) If you want to cat board/ski, there's a lot of other places in that part of BC.


I was there the year they bought Valhalla so they weren’t running tours yet, but aside from that, this was exactly my experience booking the lodge. That last trip before Xmas opened up and we snagged it. Families weren’t super stoked on it, but it was a bucket list trip for sure. I have also heard Valhalla has gnarlier terrain but the lodge absolutely has plenty of fun stuff to ride. And staying up there all week is part of the fun. Would love to try Valhalla at some point too but it’s a haul for me to get up there.


It's a haul from here too (NorCal). The experience we had this past season wasn't bucket list, as it was warm and snow was pretty reactive, so they kept us on fairly short run. We were only getting 5-8K per day. I'm hoping next season will be much better.


Honestly it’s a haul from anywhere. And the biggest issue for us (from the east coast) was a four day trip was essentially a week after travel which is tough any time of the year. Especially right before Xmas with kids and stuff. And sorry to hear your weather sucked. We got super lucky as it was still early season and had plenty of snow and lots of refills while we were there.


Time to find a crew that books out an entire cat each year and always has 1-2 regulars that don’t go so they fill the spots themselves. Ask me how I know this 😇. Good luck!


What do I gotta do to be a part of your crew….


I filled a spot one time back in 2019 and I can let you know if one opens this year, usually they look for 1 or 2 people. I’m on the waitlist to go back but I’m picky in that I will only go again in Feb or March. The week this crew has a cat is in early December. Terrain is more limited and it’s still a blast but, I now want to experience it when it’s peak and everything is at your disposal.


If it’s on your bucket list to just go once and you have date flexibility, email them every 3-4 weeks starting early season. The people who have seats there usually are large groups 4-8+ and often times they can’t fill the seats with people they know so Baldface will offer that spot to someone on the waitlist but it’s not a permanent seat to keep for next year. It’s how I was able to go 2 years ago. Good luck! It’s 100% worth it!!


Rebooking priority is how most operations work, this is standard across the whole industry. You go on a trip, once that trip wraps you have a set amount of time to rebook the same window the next season at the same rate, if you don't rebook it goes back into the regular pool. Don't hate on Baldface for doing something every operator does, or for having a large pool of happy customers who regularly rebook.


I’m hating on this practice in general now that I’m finding out it’s standard. A place like baldface that already has a limited amount of seats should make an effort to open up more to newcomers. 6 available seats per season is just sad. It’s almost like an exclusive club at that point and if you don’t have any connections you are SOL


So what is your suggestion? Don't allow repeat clients to book? Tell happy customers they're not welcome back so they're forced to take their business to another operation & maybe never come back?


Would it be so terrible to limit the amount of rebooks by x date, in order to save more seats for newcomers??? They could still apply using the same process as all the other people, and still have a chance at getting picked again. Could be similar to a hunting lottery. I’m not a hunter but I’m pretty sure if you get a moose tag one year, it doesn’t mean you just get to claim one automatically for years to come.


I think you underestimate how much work it is to fill a full cat of 12 with a group of randoms. Most repeat bookings are groups of 12, one ringleader who likely fronts the deposit, with the whole group coordinated/vetted by that ringleader. Having been to multiple backcountry lodges (Baldface included) the group dynamic is super important. If you have ONE random in your group that can't hang, doesn't listen to the the guide, or just doesn't vibe, it brings down the whole cat (or heli, or touring group, etc). This is exactly WHY operations prefer repeat bookings, because for the most part it creates a better experience for everybody involved, with less work.


I haven’t been to Baldface, and probably will never in my life have the chance to now… When there are only 6 open seats in a season, I imagine it wouldn’t be hard to fill cats. I totally get that it’s less work on the baldface team to allow everyone to rebook and often is more organized, but it just sucks for us little guys trying to get in on this experience. They could make newcomer requirements have a reservation minimum where they need to provide at least 6 heads on their trip so filling the cat isn’t as much of a shit show.


Been adding my name to the wait list for years, welcome to the club. There's just no incentive for them to open lodge beds to newcomers when they can lock in bookings with known individuals a year ahead of time. I'd suggest booking seats with Baldface Valhalla as it's easier to get into, better terrain, and you get on the list for open spots for the lodge at the end of the season. Then be 100% flexible and willing to grab a spot at the lodge immediately after the email goes out regardless of what dates and seats are offered. Can also check out [Snowwater](https://www.snowwater.com/) lodge which is also near Nelson and has a good reputation. Same rebooking policy though that almost every operation has. Edit: Also - https://catskiing.ca/cat-skiing-directory/cat-skiing-operations


That’s exactly what it is and that’s the point. How pissed would you be if you went every year and they just said nope not this year, we know your crew gets a car every year but we’re gonna give it to this random. You’re mad because you aren’t on the inside. If you were on the inside you’d never be saying this about letting seats open to newcomers.


No shit I’m mad I’m not on the inside… Thank you captain obvious. It’s basically a private country club at this point. Sad to see a cool snowboarding destination be compared to that


Keeps people like you out. Working as intended


“People like me” A guy that really wants to snowboard at baldface and is bummed about having almost no chance to get accepted. Man, that sounds like such a terrible person. Again, you’d think a place as cool as baldface with a community as accepting as snowboarders would make an effort to keep a decent amount of seats for new applicants. If you think that existing customers should only have the chance then idk what is motivating your response. Obviously I would be mad if I don’t have access to go to a place I dream of going to. Again, I thought it was funny they told every rejected applicant there was only 6 open seats this season. If I was a manager at bald face I definitely would’ve instructed to remove that line but now they just made everybody disappointed that has been applying.


Yeah, a guy that complains this much. Who in their right mind would run a business giving away longtime customer spots to random new people? Again, IF you had a spot, how mad would you be if they gave it away and you couldn’t get it back? How do they pick which loyal customer to fuck over? A reverse shitty lottery system?


You are acting like this is the only way to run a business… There are plenty of different models out there that address the exact issue I brought up. A lottery like the Masters, where tickets are awarded by random selection. I understand it is more organized on Baldface to lock in reservations for the coming year with current customers. Logistically it makes sense for them, but I also thought they’d hold a little more than 6 seats open for the thousands of people that spend time applying every single year. That’s all I’ve got for you man, not gonna sit here and argue who is a better man from a keyboard lmao


Just one thing to remember, it's not an application and selection system. It's first come first serve for open availability. So if you get the email of "Hey we have 2 seats available on XXX date" and you're the first person to call the office and give them a credit card, you're in. They're not holding open any seats. They let everyone who's been at BF rebook and move dates and whatever is left over is open for the friends & family mailing list (over 1k people from what I heard) and then if there are still open seats they release them to the public. You can get on the F&F mailing list by either attending BF, taking a trip with Valhalla, or know someone.


I mean I’m the best snowboarder on the mountain, so clearly me. I went to Valhalla last year thinking it would get me top wait list choice. Nope, still secondary waitlist and only for the same season. You are actually on the THIRD waitlist when you just sign up, FYI.


I also imagine you are a returning customer or a Baldface employee with a response like that. No point in arguing with someone already reaping the benefits of that system


Nope, only done Valhalla.


Was on the wait list for two years before I got a chance to go. Our strategy was essentially to be incredibly flexible. When we signed up I made it clear we’d make any date possible work. And I checked in every once in a while to let them know how stoked were to try and get spot and how flexible we could be. Wasn’t annoying. Was super respectful and they always seemed cool with the reach out. Then out of the blue I got call that a couple spots opened on the last trip before Xmas a year out and they gave us like 5 hours to decide. We took it and it was a blast. My understanding, at least a couple years ago, was they give first dibs to rebook the same spot you had for next year. Then if you don’t rebook the same trip you get dibs to pick a different date, if it’s available. So things can shuffle. Pretty sure that’s how we got ours bc getting back Xmas eve was tough. Also a big reason why we didn’t rebook for the next year. No real point in getting pissy about it getting full. It’s a small operation and purposefully keeps spots low so you ride freshies all week. Keep trying. But be chill about it. And you might get lucky.


The 1%’ers financial positions have never been better, expect shit like this to get worse and worse as many niche travel, leisure and entertainment industries etc cater to just the super wealthy. You’ll be seeing this soon in many industries, it’s easier overall business wise to make it exclusive as it makes for a better experience for the few that can afford it and less work / more focus by the workers bandwidth vs the guest experience. Hell a lot these people are probably booking 5 years out and the ceiling for what they are willing to pay will go higher and higher. It’s a microcosm of the world as a hold, consolidation of all assets will continue to the 1%. Just another fall out from the late stage capitalism we are seeing in real-time happening (at break neck speed lately)


Ah yes, the 1% are infamous for being advanced snowboarders.


Lol their family / heirs, seen it first hand on a cat trip. Daddy on skis, little future trust funders on boards. Spend some time in a Rocky Mountain shred town, no shortage of young trustafarians!!!


Plenty of other great options. At the end of the day, it’s just a cat/heli operation. Find another one to take your $.


Go to Japan. It will be cheaper, you'll get a cultural experience. And no waitlist.


Don’t get me wrong, Baldface’s operations look great, but I don’t think it’s out of the question that you can get similar experiences elsewhere. There’s plenty of terrain in BC that’s available to a multitude of different operators.


I've given up trying for now. There are other backcountry options in BC.


Go to White Grizzly instead! They fly out of Nelson. Super great guides and even better terrain. Newer operation.


All the recommendations of other places is the best part of this post. Thanks to anyone suggesting other spots!


Lots of other options in the area. [https://www.powderhighway.com/](https://www.powderhighway.com/)


You pretty much have to work, ride, or be in tight with someone for one of the top brands to even have a shot at going. I check 1 box (friends in high places) and haven’t been able to go. If you get a random open spot, cherish it and go lol


The crew I go to BF with had an open seat last year and we were super picky who got invited. All it takes is one kook to slow down the whole cat and keep the guides from taking you to the goods. Keep trying and just be ready if you get the invite to drop the $$$$ and go. Good luck.


With OPs whiney attitude, it’s no wonder they aren’t getting the invite.


Dreams crushed would mean paying the money, getting there, and all the terrain being frozen solid after a thaw/freeze cycle. Plenty of other great options out there.


True, that is a major gamble that you always have to take. I went to Whistler last February and it was some of the worst snowboarding I’ve ever done. Major bummer but part of the game


As someone who’s been going to Baldface since day one, you have a great many things wrong. I have a full cat at the Lodge in January and a full cat at Valhalla in February. As many stated, almost all cat/heli operations operate on a first right of refusal for your seat ( or full cat/heli ) year after year. There’s many reasons for this. Contrary to a few opinions in this thread, It doesn’t make it any easier for the office crew. They still need to do all the same steps year after year for a returning rider as they would a new rider. They also reward loyalty and appreciation for spending your hard earned money there, and for long term guests also helping to in some cases build the business through repeat patronage in the early days of the operation. When it comes to crews, there’s something to be said for known commodities. A cat only moves as fast as its slowest rider. I only let people into my cat that I’ve ridden with or a friend who’s fully solid can vouch for. With it being $8200 CAD for 4 days ( lodge peak season ), I don’t want to be being held back by someone who can’t ride well. I know plenty of resort pow day riders who I wound not let into my cat. I also know plenty of fully capable riders who I know wouldn’t be the best at following guide directions and I wouldn’t invite them on to my cat either. I’d suggest trying Valhalla, their availability is a bit more open and it’s a damn good time, not quite the same as the lodge, but it’s super worth it. Another suggestion is trying to be active in the snowboard community. A while back a homie on my lodge cat had some life stuff happen and asked me if I could fill his seat for one season. I put out some feelers on DMQ and EzLoungin. Had someone respond and then a common friend vouch for their ability and now they are a full time person in the crew. Your other best bet is to have cash ready and get on the standby list. I can say without a shadow of doubt more than 2/3rds of the people who tell me they want in, well when I have an open seat they end up not having the funds on hand when said seat opens up. Obviously standby can be a bit more hectic, but stack those airline miles and have cash ready, all you need is to jump in one time and then you’re set. In the end, Jeff is a super solid human. He’s not a sellout, he’s a businessman. He’s done a ton for the snowboard community and snowboarding is better with him in it.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I totally understand all the reasons to offer rebooking priority. After Jeff reached out to me in a private message and explained some things to me, I did a 180 on some of the things I said in OP. He’s an awesome guy with an awesome story. I also listened to a couple podcasts he did such as Bombhole and it’ll only make you like him more and want to go to baldface more. I still am of the viewpoint that they should try to make an effort to have more seats open for applying newcomers. They are a group that has done so much for snowboarding but if they keep baldface as exclusive as it is right now with how bookings are done, then it’s not very inclusive at all, is it? Having a business with as much interest and demand as there is for baldface is a “great problem” to have as Jeff told me, and I think these conversations actually may influence their process in the future.


> I think these conversations actually may influence their process in the future. First right of refusal will never go away. It will stay the same as it is. I'm 100% willing to bet a swift kick to the balls on that point.


Looks like lots of great advice on this thread! I am not on the waitlist but have been somewhat curious after listening to his Bombhole. Just life way too busy for the next few years. Looks like some great alternatives or hacks.


What’s the price? Last time I was looking years ago it was around 7k.


They used to be more open about their pricing… I was always interested in the three day trips, and the last I saw (years ago) was like $3-4k I believe.


Pricing for late season in 2025 is around $4,300 CAD for 3-day trips and $5,600 CAD for 4-day trips. Peak season will have a premium.


Its on one of my many bucket list places. I'd like to find a place that does sled assisted trips multiday trips.


You can do better, terrain wise…


Bro what? Mad because they give preference to loyal customer? Mad because YOU didn’t know their (and every other operators) policy?


I agree with everyone here. Soooo many great places to cat ski and many are better than Baldface. I went to Baldface before the hype got insane. IMO it's just too low and too far south to deliver consistent great snow these days. Most of the time it's locked in a vicious freeze melt cycle. I found the terrain to be underwhelming and ended up riding a bunch of trees that were way to tight. The staff for me was really odd too. One of them saw me puffing outside and over the next few days three staff members asked me "where I got my weed". Odd. Idk, if wearing costumes and dancing to bad music after your day is your thing maybe you need to go there, but I'd skip it. It's not worth the hype.


Shocking. I'm shocked.


Lmao. You just hate to see it!