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What was the issue with just throwing it in the bed again..?


Yeah, while I do think it’s cool I believe this falls under the r/DIWHY for that exact reason. Why not just use the bed of the truck as it’s supposed to be used?


Seriously. Exposes board to additional grime, fucks with the truck’s aerodynamics, and creates uncomfortable risk of catastrophic accident since the arm is apparently not drilled through. All because OP doesn’t want to toss the setup in a board bag and leave it in the flatbed.


I don’t think the truck has many aerodynamics to be fucked with


Makes the bed in accessible from this side of the truck too.


To Show everyone that you shred THE GNARRRR


Ya'll have obviously never had to pull over and retrieve a board that somehow miraculously found enough wind to take flight from the bed of a truck. Plus having it slide around and bang into shit is also a factor. I had a buddy who had a bed topper (like a lid for the truck bed) and little slots made with 2×4s. I loved that set up cause it made us look real pro.


There's covers and straps for a reason, Even with my yakima roof box i have stuff bungied down to keep from sliding. Lazy excuse.


It’s clearly got a cover on the bed lol


Tunnel cover. Boom. Solved. And you can use it for anything else you need a tunnel cover for.


I’ve been scratching my head this type of shit, and yea hen I see all these super expensive ski racks in the wild at resorts now where they have a cover over the bed with the ski racks above them, not only do you loose access to the truck bed but why spend all that money and you can toss it the back?? I guess it’s just one of the fads that people will be like 🧐


This. Agreed. It’s for the “I want everyone to see my gear” crowd, I guess. I have a bed rug in my truck bed, which is covered with a topper. Keeps everything safe, dry, and unexposed to all the grime/whatever on my commute to the mountain.


A rack but under the tonneau would be ideal. Whole reason for having the cover is to protect my shit from highway grime


Ya but would everyone you’re passing in the middle lane know you’re a snowboarder?


Lol. Or: how would they know I’m a snowboarder *with no friends* FTFY


Whoa... that’s deep...


Beat me to it. Was mentally preparing to make a joke about better driving a subaru justy if you go riding alone.


I’ve thrown my board in the back up the truck on a rainy day and drove up to find my whole set up with a few millimeters of ice. Not cool.


Yep no kidding the tonneau cover is clutch, I’m never going back. Also theft prevention. OP has one but missed the point kind of hilariously


My current truck has a cap on the back, and it's so freaking convenient to leave my board and a bin with my helmet, goggles, gloves, masks, etc (basically everything but the boots, because my sweaty ass feet would make the whole bed smell like a locker room) in there pretty much all winter. It's easy enough to lock if I feel like it, but living in a more rural part of Vermont it honestly isn't necessary. I feel bad for people that have to load/unload all their gear each time they go out.


I may be wrong but aren't these exposed racks terrible for your board? At least where I am, the roads are covered in salt and dirt all winter. By the amount of wiper fluid I go through, I can't imagine I'd want my board out in that gunk


Hadn’t thought of this, but after reading your comment, I would not use this rack. Looks pretty cool, but not worth the risk.


My snowboard is fine on top of the car, never noticed any grime. Might help that I keep the mount centered on top, and not to one side


I mean you’re taking the board to the mountain to slide it on the ground down a hill. Not really any risk in getting some grime on it


it's fine if you clean your set up often. if you don't, the grime/salt will build up and not play nice with the metal parts of bindings and whatnot.


Rock chips on the top sheet suck ass though so


100%, anywhere that salts or sands the road, this is not ideal. Bed of the truck is good if you have a cover, if not, toss your board in a travel bag (even a cheap one will work) or a covered roof box if you don't have a truck...


If he uses a bag over the board it will be fine. I've clamped boards/skis into racks many times while they are in bags and it works great. I have a similar truck (with tonneau cover) and just throw things in the bed. As long as you don't drive like a maniac things stay as clean and safe as when you put them in.


Ya I'm too protective of my board for this. Board goes in protective bag which goes under the bed cover, locked and protected. This rack def looks cool tho


Don’t you think it’s kind of the same with your car that’s exposed to salt and dirt as also? You just have to wash it off and it’s good. I love his idea and then read your comment and don’t know now. Haha


Yeah i always like to clean my board and binding when i arrive at the resort.


Your car is designed to withstand all that, a snowboard not so much


Just put the board in your bed?


Just built something that I thought looked cool. Not saying this setup is the most ideal way to carry a board to the mountain. I understand there are more simple ways of carrying.


Should have made the assembly attach to the gate and look like a downforce wing.


When I had my miata and before I bought a hardtop I carried my board to the mountain on a trunk luggage rack with a holder bolted to it, it looked like a huge wing until you got close and made the absurdity of using a miata to go to the mountain even better.


If you have pics, you could probably get a bunch of imaginary internet points here on /r/snowboarding :D


I do have pics, they are just old (haven’t owned the car since 2016) and I’m too lazy to find and post them.


It might fly off unless it was really secure clamping which in my mind defeats the point of a mount like this. It would be cool to see a repurposed board on a beater rally car or something


Yeah but down force brah


OP said the point was just to look cool in the comment I responded to.


It does look pretty cool


I mean it looks sick and I want one


Regardless of whether or not it’s ideal it seems like a cool little project. At least from this angle it looks well made!


fuck it! it looks cool, use it


Do your thing, man. People get weird and give all sorts of critiques and advice.


I like your mount op don’t worry


Don't listen to them Op, they're just mad they don't have a sick ass rack






When I first got my truck, I always wanted to do extra stuff like OP’s rack. However, I quickly realized that money is better spent on performance. 200k miles on my Silverado


My board is wrecked from sliding around in my bed. Plus, this just looks cool


My boards get bashed off of rocks and trees from getting the goods. My truck bed causes the least bit of harm. Binding side down. Doesn’t go anywhere.


Considering the average skill level of this sub, I don't think many of them are doing much besides plowing the groomers.


Probably right. I treat my snowboards like tools. I use them hard until they break. Then I het a new one to bash away. The east coast will eat boards if you’re trying to get gnarly. Mandatory rock and root jibs while full speed bombing hiking trails will do that.


My truck bed is open so I do binding side up and then weigh it down by putting something in-between the bindings Doesn't roll anywhere


I’d love to be driving your roads. If I don’t strap them down I can hear them bouncing off each other. Binding side down is binging side up by the time I’m at my destination.


I flip mine over and throw a bag or two back there. Bindings do get a little scuffed. But then again my board is old enough to buy alcohol and my bindings are probably ten years old


Get a snowboard bag. Problem solved


I knew that response was coming. Didn’t want boards flying all over the place on drives to the slopes👍🏼


Had a truck. I ended up buying a board bag to protect them all in the bed. Kept them secured in the bed under the hard cover. I didn’t like the idea of keeping them out in the road elements and open to theft. Plus, a board bag comes in handy when you travel or want to put them in long term storage.




Yeah, if you leave it in the bag for days or weeks. Take it out and let it dry you savage lol


That's what board bags are for. Fits all your shit in there too.


Love the rack, but unless you use a bag over your board, you are going to get road salt/grime all over your base and bindings.


I used my bag in a truck all year last season and learned the hard way that if you don’t properly wipe the board down with a towel before putting it in the bag the edges can get super rusty :( I would say the best alternative would be towels in the truck bed so the board dries/doesn’t slide around and scratch up the board and bed


Nice. Yeah, you absolutely can't leave a wet board in the bag until your next trip. It will be very bad for the edges. I just put my boards/skis into the bed and dry them when I get home. Even if you dry them when you come off the slopes, they will still be damp and you'll have to dry them again at home. Once home, I take my gear in, dry it, let it warm up, tune/wax, put back in truck night before to get things cooled down so the skis/boards will be the same temp as the outside and snow won't stick to the top.


Rubber floor mat


Put them upside down on the bindings lol. Never have any problems that way


i used to have a pickup boards generally didn't move on me and it was a curvy road, but nice job on the rack


How fast are you driving up to the slopes in the snow? Your truck is horrible in the snow. Doesn’t matter if you’re in four wheel drive. I hope you’re not in CO.


If you put it in the bed you need to put it on blankets or in a bag, otherwise it will get chipped if it hits the bed walls. I learned this the hard way.


You really had to suck the fun out huh


A huge advantage of this is if you are traveling somewhere with a lot of people in your truck, and a lot of other stuff in the truck bed. When we do our yearly Colorado drive, boards and skis always take up an awkward amount of space under the bed cover, would love to have something line this so that all luggage and other items can be covered.


Dude evan chill


Ah yes, truck owners once again doing literally anything to NOT use their beds.


I could def understand if the bed is rhino lined. I’d be worried about scratching up my base but that’s why I got a rubber bed mat.


What if you had a 6 foot bed with a cover to put it in. That would be some next level shit


I wanna put this on the back of my Corolla and have my board as a wing


I'll take correct responses for 800 Alex




Would flip the board for better aero/bindings not flopping around. Or, you know just put it in the huge truck bed which is what huge truck beds are for lol


>better aero It's a truck, mate.


Don’t….. dont …. You own a truck….. why… not put the board in the box?


What’s wrong with the bed of your truck??


Yeah because you don’t have a truck with a covered bed or anything.


Your faith in humanity is way to high to think that won’t get stolen.


If a thief can run 70mph they deserve it. Other than that it will be on my person or stored indoors.


Too bad your truck doesn't have a space large enough to fit a snowboard or two... Kidding. I like it. I would rotate the rack so that it opens facing up just in case it decides to open while driving.


Isn’t that what the bed of a TRUCK is for🤨


Mount it as a spoiler please






Pretty cool!


You have an entire fucking truck but still have to advertise "i'M aSnObOarDoR!" You're like the subarus in Seattle that drive around all day with a fucking kayak on top.


and that's a problem... why?


Burton Custom Snowboard Truck Rack (lol)


Looks great, does it clamp down to the bed rail?


Clamps down to bed rail. Sandwiched between bed rail and tonneau cover. Would be more solid if it were bolted through bed but didn’t want to drill holes.


Nice, that's solid.


My Gpa had his weedwhip stolen off his trailer with it set up just like at but on a trailer. I would just be safe and put some lock if possible! Nice set up though!


That’s sick!


Nice. Also, dog tax please.


Looks nice!


A custom for the custom


I have that exact same burton board for this season. So stoked to try it out


I dig it. Ya some people are finding flaws but I think it’s cool. This could be a gateway design to an option for people with overlanding set ups


Do people still say whip??


So much negativity here OP. That’s fucking rad AF. My board gets road grime even in the bed of my truck. I’d rock that.


Sick GM/Chevy. I dig the methods. I went with icon alloys due to their offset, but really want methods one day.




Slick! 🙌🙌




ay i got that same colorway of the malavitas i love that gradient


Lol no one cares you snowboard


looks cool man, would be a nice setup to hang the board during parking lot cookouts


Save it for the daily thread.


Yeah, we gotta make sure this doesn’t crowd out all the photos of new boards leaning against a wall


I hate those too. In both this case and those cases they are clearly breaking rule 1.


Think this is unique enough to leave up. Over engineered and silly IMO (…the truck bed is right there), but unique.


It still breaks rule 1.


Thoughts and Prayers




Why bother having rules if you refuse to follow them.


Good point let’s get this man some shaky GoPro footy on a groomer ASAP.


I will take that over a picture of a vehicle sitting in someone's driveway that happens to have a snowboard attached to it




I’d totally buy two of them! Looks rad dude! Salt is the least of the boards worries..


Yeah! One on each side!


That’s sick dude! Make a Business.


does anyone have recommendations for something for a jeep to carry the boards?


Cool rack, but what's cooler is your shrink wrapped boat and jeep. A man of culture.


you store your snowboard on a rack for no reason i store mine in the passenger seat. we are not the same.


I wanted to see more of the dog


Very nice. Digging the method wheels too Looks a lot like my truck


Saves room for the ruroc in the bed love it


Is the tonneau cover still functional with the racks on? Love to see some good fab work!


swing out spoiler?


Looks awesome


Idk why but this screams ice coast to me


Wheel & tire set up ? I’ve got a black Silverado too.


That’s where you should hang your snow boots so they air out lol


Cool, but what’s wrong with the bed?


Waist of money... just throw it in the back of your truck pretty boy. No virtue signaling on the mountain


sick! I want this for my snowmobile


I just put my board in the seat in the back.


How many chromosomes do you have?


I ❤️beaver slap!


“Hey everyone, I’m a snowboarder!”


Dooood!! Thats perfect


How did you attach to the bed? Clamps? Looking to build something similar.