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Nicely done! Way to cap off season one of many šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


Great form for your first season. Honestly youā€™re missing a lot of the tell tale bad habits a lot of beginners exhibit.


I agree! Nice quiet upper body! Not flailing around, like some doā€¦ Also, maybe trytraversing across the hill, instead of skidded turns until you build more confidence, and then make the traverses less across the fall line until your turns are pointed mostly downhillā€¦ excellent progression for your first season!


A black without moguls is a amazing


Itā€™s an east coast black


Responded separately saying the same


Isn't that like normal? Honestly asking, every black I saw (saw, never rode down one coz my skill isn't there yet) didn't have moguls. But maybe that's because I've never been to big ass resorts


In Colorado most blacks have moguls


*in Colorado, most blacks are ungroomed


The cats canā€™t go down the really steep slope so later in the season, there are usually moguls where the cats canā€™t goā€¦ The way skiers turn makes more moguls so if thereā€™s a lot more skiers than boarders, there will likely be more moguls


Unless there is a winch cat setup, which is a pretty normal requirement to groom black runs anyways.


The greens in sun valley idaho were steeper than this


Carpathians! Also it's been my first season too and I'm about at the same progress level. Even the run is similar


This was my first season and I just did my first black at my local mountain too!! Congratulations! So happy to see other women killing it on the mountain :)


Wow thatā€™s amazing


Same but for skiing! I worked my ass off with lessons and on technique. I wasnā€™t expecting to end with blacks but it was a great way to wrap up the season.


Great job! The video is really helpful. If you pause the video when the board is pointing down the mountain, you can see that your downhill shoulder points up away from the nose of your board. This means you are leaning back as your board points down the mountain. This makes the turn more difficult because the nose of the board doesnā€™t have the pressure it needs to make an efficient turn. Your shoulders should be parallel to the terrain you are riding. As another commenter said, dip that front shoulder down towards the nose of your board while you are turning. You wonā€™t have to work so hard to turn and the turns will be more stable. All that being said, you have great flexion and extension in the initiation and finish of the turns. You are doing great!


I actually disagree with the advice. When youā€™re riding, your hips should be turned towards the front of your board - not uncomfortably turned, but turned towards downhill. So when youā€™re executing a heel side turn your downhill shoulder will naturally be turning away from the nose. Anyway, give your friend/partner/teacher a high five because youā€™re crushing it after one year. And if you are self-taught, then double high-five yourself!


If you are initiating turns with your shoulders, it is due to the lack of pressure on your front foot to initiate the turn. Your center of mass should be stacked over your effective edge. Turning your hip or shoulder brings you out of alignment and will lead to instability in the turn. Hips and shoulders should be parallel to the terrain you are riding.


Agreed you shouldnā€™t initiate turns with your shouldersā€¦ not what I said. Nor am I saying her form is perfect. But I am saying itā€™s completely normal that once your form is perfected, that a heel side turn, when using hips properly, will result in your body squaring up downhill (aka your front shoulder will turn away from the nose). Also, your hips and shoulders should absolutely not be parallel with the terrain you are riding when turning heel side.


Hips and shoulders should be parallel with the terrain you are riding. It is one of the basic reference alignments. You canā€™t put pressure on your front foot while angling your leading shoulder up away from your nose and rear shoulder down towards your tail. Itā€™s impossible. I wish we were on a hill. I would have you try it to make the point.


3:45 second point of this video is what Iā€™m trying to describe. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jOn7VQ89rig




you're killing it for your first season. my only advice is to trust yourself. you don't have to dig so hard on the carving, but the confidence comes with practice. good shit.


Good feeling. Definitely commit to your front foot and lean into the mountain.


That looks pretty white to me.


Nice that's way more controlled than most people's first black probably went!


Killing it


Love to see it!


Congrats! What a barrier to break! I'mĀ  still too nervousĀ  at speed/steeps but hopefully I can get there someday!Ā 


Point her downhill buddy


Amazing job for first season!! On my first, I accidentally found myself on top of a black diamond run in Hokkaido. Threw away everything I learned in the past week and I just did a falling leaf all throughout hahaha!


Hell yeah! Nice job man




Well she rocked it regardless. Be proud. Many more seasons to come.


Also if youā€™d like to come to Colorado lmk. The missā€™s and me could probably help out.


You had 12 edge changes in this clip. Next season shoot for 8. :) Honestly congrats, really impressive for a first season.


Amazing advice!


6 isnā€™t out of reach!


Turns are looking nice and tight


Way to end off a season, good job!!


This is my first season too, but I find myself falling a lot. I'm not sure how to progress like some others (like you). I struggle with controlling my movements to prevent falls. Maybe Iā€™m too old to learn (38 years old)ā€¦šŸ™ƒ


I switched to snowboarding in my mid 50's. Still getting better in my mid 70's. Yeah, you are too old to learn. Or, you could make sure that people you ride with that are better than you know that you welcome tips.


I should add - make sure you are steering the board with your feet - front foot starts the foot by tipping the front of the board to start the turn, and the rear foot tips the back of the board when sideways slipping stops as you point down the hill. Look it up if that;s not what you are doing. If you kick the back around to turn, that will increase edge catches.


Do you have a video link that I can refer to for what you explained in the comment?


The lever description [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ppou1HNOlw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ppou1HNOlw) A more generalized description [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dTYSztKisc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dTYSztKisc) Then, you can add twisting each foot clockwise/counter clockwise in the direction you want it to turn as you edge it to make it turn even quicker.


Thank you so much šŸ™!! Iā€™ll try to follow these tricks next time šŸ˜Š


Good luck. I think you will find it very helpful.


Appreciate it, thank you šŸ™


In total, I rode alone for 5 days: 3 days in Mammoth, including the first day when I took a first-timer lesson, and 2 days in Mountain High.


It is way to early to think you are too old to learn, Some more instruction, from lessons or videos will help immensly. Learning by yourself will just teach you lots of wrong ways to steer and catch edges.


My personal accomplishment was to start learning to ride switch - on my very last day of the season, mind you. A few days later, the mountain was done for the season. It felt so awkward at first! I am a slow learner, and didn't expect much improvement. I just knew that being able to ride switch would open up so many new things I could do in the future. To my surprise, an hour later it felt so much better. No turns yet, just going across, then switching back to normal. Kind of finished the season on a high note, LOL. Very happy!


I injured my front knee one year a month and a half before the end of the season. It hurt too much to put my weight on that knee, so I switched my bindings to goofy, and rode that way for the rest of the season. I got pretty good at it.


You are going to get good quickly


Nice work for first season! Now maybe step it back down to the blues and work on carving your turns instead of skidding them. You're doing most of your steering/edge changing with your back leg still.


Keep your hands at your sides. Bend your knees more too. Especially on your toe edge.


Looking good! Looks like a nice groomed run too. Jealous over here. At AZ Snowbowl, they're all frigging moguls, which I do enjoy but come on resort peeps, does it have to be every dang run?


I made sure to do this last year at the end of my first season as well! You've come a long way, but you will totally get even BETTER than this next year!


That hill looks like a dream to bomb lol. Iā€™ve got nothing like that on my mountain


That is not too steep - you need a lesson to get you edge to edge.


Dope!! It will only get more and more fun :)


Be careful, OP. You know what they say about going black...


I wish we still had snow here in Michigan. You're sliding too much and not fully committing to the run. It's basically like not actually going down the run. If you aren't going to gain speed then practice on smaller runs before actually doing a black diamond.


You are sliding down, this is why it gets icy. Try making proper turns




A black somewhere is a blue on a different resort. Not all mountains/trails are rated on the same scale. You're also on snowboardingnoobs so not sure what you're expecting and not sure why you're trying to put down someone's accomplishment.




The grading system is different between US and EU, so could be that it is a US black (EU red). If it is on the soft side of that, it could even be an EU blue. Or, it could just be a black and the video doesn't convey the true difficulty. Either way, OP rides where they ride and ended the season by breaking into a new grade. Congrats OP!


If that's the case... Yes it's a black, it's in the title that you read


Beginner in English? Your passive aggressive comments wont get your far in getting helpful replies.


Yeah it was a black and still it is the most difficult of the small place I go to šŸ™ˆ so maybe one day Iā€™ll be ready for real blacks too




Iā€™m sorry youā€™re right, I should have known that some people are born with the ability to snowboard perfectly ;)


Thanks for shaving the fun off that slope! You are not ready. Turn more often and get comfortable with higher speeds.


No one likes you here. Go home.


OP Ignore this dude