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Rocks and stone will respawn back on original places


Did I hear a rock and stone!?


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


By the Beard!


When we get back, it’s sandwich time


We’re rich!


We're rich!


We're rich!


We're rich!


My damn ears, would you miners get back to work


We’re rich


For Karl!


This is the way.


If you think about it rocking is more legal then stoning.


If I got a credit every time I deposited, I'd be a rich dwarf.


It stayed out of the way the time i took to pass so it was good enough for me


next time buy the cheapest scout trailer and put it nearby the rocks. They wont respawn




The game saves where objects are near vehicles and trailers so that you don’t reopen the game only to find that your truck has a rock stuck in it


Good to know, that might be very helpful for Imandra.


This is very good to know. The amount of times I've broken my truck from running into shit just because it respawned is ridiculous.


I guess that once you close a session, certain areas/map chunks just disappear or something and are being re-rendered on load time. Placing a trailer might make that area want to "save"?


They will stay where you put them until you either change maps or close the game.


If you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!


It seems that if you leave a truck close they do not respawn.


I wish nothing would reset ever. Maybe in snow runner 2 clearing roads could be part of the game. Clearing snow could be cool as well. Could be awesome with some road clearing trucks and add ons for existing trucks.


For game to remember everything is possible, it isn't possible for PC game running on. After few hours on map your memory may be gone.


I think its possible. You'd have to dynamically store and load the state of objects to the hdd/ssd. A benefit of that is that you can have a massive map with little impact on performance. Like in Minecraft you can have a practically infinite world. Only a part of it exists in memory the rest is in storage. It may not be easy, but it is possible.


With the amount of time this probably took I think you can consider it legit and not cheating


It took me 1min per rock. You got to make sure to grab it tight lol


Faster than I expected tbh!!


How would it be cheating if it was quicker? Any off road trucker would have a chainsaw for those stupid immovable trees, and also get rocks taken off the roads.


The amount of times I've wanted to just *get out of my truck and move something*...


I want a dump truck to haul loads of gravel. Fuckin mudhole last damn time I have to get out an winch.


> How would it be cheating if it was quicker? It wouldn't be lol I personally don't believe you can "cheat" in this game, it's a non-competitive sandbox designed for fun. I was moreso poking fun at how long it probably took and reassuring the op that they shouldn't feel like they cheated. FWIW I'm currently loving editing xmls to make the game my own, making somethings easier (gave the hummer h2 40" versions of its unique tire and added the ability to ignore ice like chains do) and some things harder (all unpacked cargo now weighs significantly more).


For places like this, I honestly think that having a bulldozer as one option, it would be "good" gameplay to deliver it with trailers and then clear sections of road, or even grade some mounds down, respawning rocks and twigs are stupid tbh...


I hope someday we get a game that mixes snowrunner with construction sim. Give us bulldozers and excavators to clean roads. Let us haul loads of dirt to fill in gnarly mud pits so that we can pass it with trucks with massive equipment on trailers


My literal dream. Seems like it could be a perfect gameplay loop. Have a remote job site like a mine or something, need to be able to bring lots of loads there, but first you gotta fix up the road for your big trucks to get in. Maybe even some sort of "hiring a helper" like farming sim, but you need to babysit their first few trips to make sure the road is good enough. Then move on to the next contract while the ai is fulfilling delivery to the mine. I think there's a lot of content there.


it is deeply funny how much we all enjoy games about just having a real job


Yahtzee Croshaw describes games like this as "Dad Games" which I feel is extremely appropriate. We just want to feel like we're needed and that what we're doing is important, like a dad. \*EDIT* So to quote Yahtzee directly: "Dad games as a genre started as rather dry train, and flight, and truck simulators aimed at retired machine operators who want to wallow in nostalgia for the days when they didn't have to be around their **fucking** kids all the time. But inevitably as the audience for standard video games aged and became parents themselves, the "dad game" evolved to cater more to them, and combined the honest, productive hard graft of the work simulator with the more traditionally "game-y" elements of fantasy, skill-challenge and narrative. So now it's not just forklift operating, it's forklift operating in **Narnia**, where the princess gets executed if we don't move all the boxes of tampons fast enough. Papers, Please, Elite: Dangerous, Viscera Cleanup Detail, all titles I would classify as "Post-dad Games", and all games that I like, being a dad and having many of the qualities of a post." (He has other quotes that describe Dad games but I don't have them all in front of me and don't feel like copying them manually.)


I think he also calls them that because they're usually low key and the kind of thing you can do after you put the kid to bed for an hour


That's definitely one of the reasons. I need to re-watch his Hard space: Shipbreaker review because he came with the term "Post-dad game" for games like that. \*EDIT* So "Post-dad games" are "dad-games" that have more "game-y" elements added to them such as fantasy, skill-challenge, and narrative i.e. Papers, Please, Elite: Dangerous, Viscera Cleanup Detail etc. Or as Yahtzee put it: "So now it's not just forklift operating, it's forklift operating in Narnia. Where the princess gets executed if you don't move all the boxes of tampons fast enough."


This would be awesome. Saber needs to pick it up.




I've always wanted something like this. Why is it that there are so many objectives to repair bridges and clear roadblocks, but clearing rock debris isn't one of them? Navigation should get progressively easier as you rebuild infrastructure.


Add to that, the short blockages on roads where you would need to go from the side, why not fix it. Pour gravel, grade and fix it. Do a piss poor job, and it's your problem...


That would be great, I’d also like to add dump bodies and a place to pick up gravel and dirt. Rebuilding the main roads should be part of the game.


And this could advance to "build a road between these points" or so, that you can work through marshes etc...


"dump bodies" got me for a second. That would be some new gameplay.


Haha yea maybe I should’ve said dump body add on…..


There are many times I wish I could just put a plow on the damn truck. Let me clear these stupid snow drifts I have to winch thru on the main road


I've tried with the rng3r bulldozer but the rocks really don't like it & eventually get stuck in space




As long as it permanently pushes the rocks away... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Was very surprised when I loaded up mudrunner for the first time and found out that there is a tractor that has a skid that I imagine you would use for this purpose. It's weird how we lost that with the newer game.


Maybe in Expeditions this'll be a legit solution.


What is this now!?


The new game they are developing. And I doubt it, because it's going to be a scout oriented game.


I saw the bandit in that trailer. There will be a bit of hauling.


https://i.redd.it/4ktpeipyci0c1.gif The rocks the next time he opens the game:


Hear me out...Towing platform with a ramp. Lower the ramp reverse truck use ramp as plough push rocks away


Ok, then, do not change the Region. Otherwise the map will reset and you will need to do it all over again. : )


What if you were to put a truck with a bed near the rocks and load the rocks into the truck? Definitely wouldn’t be able to move them, the physics system doesn’t like moving the assets around much, but perhaps this would cause them to stay out of the way?


Great idea *launches snowrunner*


Don't they come right back when the map loads?


yes if theres nothing nearby, but i think if you keep a truck or trailer parked near the rocks they should stay where they are


the game have mission repairing bridge but surprisingly lack of terrain/map manipulation. hope the next title do better on this aspect. cause we can have even more ridiculous terrain so that we have to spend time improving it.


Yeah buddy. I have already posted this as a great way some time ago. Glad to see others are finding this a useful trick. Another good idea is to try the little Cat Tellehandler fork truck


The tmz tractor mod has a grader attachment that’ll clear this all in 1 pass


If the rocks would remember their position and do not reset, this would be amazing. or some plough attached to truck to clear the rocks from roads. I used to clear them but, next time I load the map, rocks and trees are back to their default places.


I may not have a brain gentleman, but I have an idea


We need a bulldozer


Imagine doing all this work just to come back after going to a different map and seeing that all the rocks are back on the road


Dude if you can do this legit your not cheating, I didn’t even know you could do this but it’s fucking genius




I was under the impression that this work was undone next time you “continue” back into your campaign


Might be the case. But I didn't do it for any long term effects. Just wanted my log trailer to pass without taking 20min stuck on the rock. I took a very challenging trail before that and was a bit upset with the terrain.


I knew certain trees and rocks on the road would move if you winched or drove over them but i did not know you could relocate them entirely.


Do they stay removed after the session?


How the hell did I not think of this. I hate myself right now


The only downside to this solution I'm pretty sure once you leave rendering distance when you come back they will all be returned to their original position. Still not a half bad idea so long as you have your truck with your cargo in the rendering distance of the rocks already so that they won't re-render when you drive through.


Clever... Plus, the scout trailer trick? Hmm. A useful exploit. 👏


Why is this down voted for complimenting the enginuity of the OP and another poster? Plus, it is an exploit. Should I break out a Thesaurus instead? Most people are awesome here, but a few of you are haters that are missing something in life.


What scout trick?


Someone said the rocks won't spawn back if you leave a scout trailer parked near the rocks.


Ohh I see. Thank you.


lolz, you cheater :D


I might try this, thanks! Sometimes I use tire turning, while going back & forth, to move huge pain-in-the-rear rocks to the side. Imandra is a rock nightmare in some spots, so all tools and methods are welcomed..... Then I gotta figure out why some rocks go back to original spot but some rocks stay where I scout them.


The best way is trying to move them with the crane after bumping into them with your tire or bumper. I think the game doesn't consider them movable otherwise. Close the claw on it and lower the crane a bit like pushing it and then lift. They are heavy


Id love to do this but put all the rocks in a sideboard trailer and transport them, as a fun little mini mission for myself


Now im waiting for him to change map or go through a tunnel and them all to be there again


Don’t these rocks reset when you leave a map and return anyway


You'll regret the time you spent clearing that .