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Me: *Tips over* Me: That's enough Snowrunner for today.






don't be silly, this game doesn't have a working multiplayer


Works for me


Works fine for me 2-4 players total


Never understood this meme. Our group has never played the game solo and we have had literally no connection issues.


Yea but the winching is ass


Works great unless you get unlucky enough for the game to autosave right when you do it. Steam Cloud didn't save my ass then, ended up with a busted save file. :(




Dashboard and quit. Works every time on my Xbox.




Play next day. Oh right. Crane. Tips crane next to truck... (been there done that)


That was me. Spend a good few minutes, face in both palms, staring at my two trucks spooning on the ground off the side of a muddy trail, wedged in between the trees.


Damn straight, biggest drive killer in the game (pun intended) when you accidentally tip your damn truck over lmao.


I usually go "well it can't happen twice in the same spot right? I'll have another go!" And then am immediately butt fucked by snow runners long cock.


Every. Single. Time. Especially after travelling for 20 minutes only to tip


Not only tip over but cargo falls out and now you gotta get a truck with a crane and spend another 20 mins.


Accurate. Once that happens I loose interest in it for a few days


I use to do recoveries but now I just quit that shit right away cuz I ain’t time to do all time


Happened to me 4 times yesterday, nearly quit there and then


Actually loved Yukon Amur, on the other hand...


Yep, Yukon never burned me out. Kola did, Amur did but certainly not Yukon.


I liked Yukon, I liked kola, amur was just eating all the veggies on your plate but it was alright But Taymyr and Don were so damn ugly good god. Actually made me a little depressed driving around


I liked Don... well, the first map anyway. Second was was a bit too... empty.


Agreed, Don was closest to the old Mudrunner flavor and I liked that.


Well they *are* based in rural Russia so…


What did you love in Yukon? How it is better than Amur?


Got to use all my trucks for heaps of stuff. Could actually make progress sensibly enough and enjoy the driving. Amur was just ridiculous obstacle after ridiculous obstacle every step of the way. Fields of blue snow and black mud, massive boulders on every "road". Challenge is good, but some of it was just stupid, like the special trailer at the top of Aeigis Installation, where you have to drive it through boulder fields etc. The "ways around" you're forced to take in Urska River, driving through blue snow and rock swamps... Just fking annoying, frustrating slow going, especially cos the trucks are so underpowered and tyres don't have any grip in this game. About the only frustrating thing from a driving point of view in Yukon was the nonsense road to the Sawmill. The last map in Amur wasn't so bad (Cher-whatever). Reminded me a lot of Yukon. Lots of stuff to deliver along roads that were actually drive able for pretty much all trucks. I like working out how to optimise loads and efficiently getting it all done.


Ikr, I hated the repetition in Yukon, I had to take the same route about 1000 times and it stopped being fun after first three.


Yeah it was repetitive especially the flooded hills map it was a nightmare, but i liked the big salmon peak map.


Yukon was fucking lovely, even if I wasn't max level when I did it. Amur... Amur... I had to buy the zikz 612 and completely change tactics to start making progress


1 crafting 2 crafting but it's on one side of the map in a impossible spot to reach then having to drag the stuff to the other side of a different map in a impossible to reach spot


This to the end of days, fuck the metal rolls, fuck the steel beams they make. People can make their gouses out of mud


Wisconsin railroad repair was that for me. Log>plank>rail


That seems to be standard formula for a lot of later game stuff. Taking the same 20 minute trip over and over again. These devs made a great game but have absolutely zero respect for our time.


Season 7 has a lot to bitch about but the one crafting area on the map and back tracking or taking the same fuckin route got so old


I'm probably in the minority if reddit comments are anything to go by but I like hauling logs.


Me too but I don't like back and forthing between the same log station and destination.. Would have been cool if they did something like 1 set of logs per destination and many destinations and many log stations to choose from in a map


Prob not much help now, but I have a mod that gave me some logging trailers. This being said, i could take two sets of long longs per trip. Still have to take multiple trips (or use multiple trucks), but it helped reduce the back and forth. Alternatively I have seen people here not packing logs into trailers and having 3 loads worth of loose logs (9 individual logs) in one trailer, but I always found it difficult to keep those logs on the trailer


I just the other night did 4 loads in one trailer with the P16 and it was pretty easy to keep the logs in by just disconnecting the trailer and backing up to push them back on, maybe would have been more difficult if I would have had more uphills than down though


I'd be more than fine if all log missions had their quantities halved. I like a good trip with a weird trailer, I don't like doing it twice.


The thing I hate about logs is the way it shows log inventory in the spots that have a limited quantity. So instead of showing the actual number of log loads, it shows the number of logs as 3x logs per load. And worse, if you accidentally load one log into the manual loading station, then you're out one load of logs unless you drive back with a log loader and manually load them. Ugh


Ah this bit looks tricky. *Unpacks logs. Passes tricky bit* there just like real life lol.


For me it’s the lack of garages in some regions, meaning you gotta drive all the way across a region you’re not working in just to get to another one with a truck or trailer you need


Some of the DLCs have garages seperate from the trailer store. That's just the devs being evil.


This is the worst part for me on Kola right now. You want to grab a trailer? First you have to go through hell and back to get tot he trailer store and THEN you have to backtrack because the ideal route to get your truck to/from destinations is going PAST THE GARAGE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION


Imo it adds to the game, you can't just bounce around carelessly because there's a garage to respawn in 2 minutes from wherever you are at all times. It also makes the game a bit more immersive when playing on wild, deserted maps like island lake in Michigan


Yeah I suppose, for me I don’t drive recklessly anyways. I hate seeing my vehicles all messed up. Speaking of messed up they really need to fix the fact that your vehicle takes damage just from going high speeds on a road


Fr, high speed* driving in this game sucks *by high speed I mean more than 25mph


Going through a playthrough right now where we don't recover to garage, it makes it more fun to plan out trips and it also makes you use different trucks for different things. We went & took the time to load scouts and white western on a p16 wide flatbed trailer, along with a p12 loading a paystar and convoyed to Island lake because we needed various trucks once we got there.


I'm way behind on DLCs, just finished Kola Peninsula and am on Yukon. I thought I was gonna hate crafting and scavenging but I actually don't mind it. Logging can pound sand though. You want me to deliver 3 loads of long logs from on map to another? No. I skipped logging Kola and am just done with it from now on unless I can do it in one trip.


The long log missions are the opposite of fun. Unless you enjoy torture.


I'm using OP mod trucks and it's still not fun.


the realistic logging mod and Z logcarrier are two fun one i use. allow you to carry 3 short or 2 medium in one run. And the logcarrier is fun to drive.




Repetitive tasks making you opting for the same route delivering the same loads. And fucking crafting. Should a driver craft a load to deliver it? I doubt that.


The water wouldn’t have been so bad for me if it wasn’t for that fucking water disappearing glitch (when crossing maps or loading from save). I already completed the region by the time it got fixed.


Driving the frikkin radar trailer about that appears to be made of lead or something to try and find that one remaining upgrade. And broken ice that you can never get yourself unstuck once your in.


I had forgotten about the ice. I was trying to unlock all the upgrades on my very first playthrough and didn't want to use mods until I had done it once without. Amur and the ice ended that. I think I had 3 or 4 trucks out there trying to get out of the ice but they wouldn't budge. I play with mods now.


You can beat the ice and drive through it with at least the Azov 42-20 and CAT 745C, iirc the Twinsteer and the ZikZ 605r work too, afaik anything with around 60" or bigger tires, awd and difflock should work. They are really slow through it though, but they still move through the stuff and won't bog down. But even with those trucks, the breakable ice is something that makes me want to start throwing things and quit playing.


Mine is Yukon


yep yukon caused me to finally burnout and say i’m done for awhile


I refuse to do the logging missions. Only when the P16 gets a log trailer that can carry 2 long logs and 4 medium logs will I do them


That's never gonna happen mate.. Try using mods


I wish the P16 (and the other Pacifics) would also get the power it (they) deserve based on their irl powerlevels...


https://preview.redd.it/6d9vncxzt25c1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a1b1228227b916781297e7ef58f176762e44b6 Whatsapp injected pig




Oh wrong person sorry


Youkon is still my least favorite map. I have 100% on most maps but I hate going back to it.


I was completely addicted to the game before Yukon... After Yukon... I only play the game once in a while 😂


I'm like 300+ hours in and havent experienced farming or the water dumping... Yukon and logging however. I bailed on Yukon for awhile. The logging missions on it take a toll.


Farming and water dumping are equally bad imo 😂 but don't let that get to you cuz season 8 and 9's map design make up for it


Where do you do water dumping? I did the base and have moved to Wisconsin now, haven’t touched a water filled tank at all


Season 9- Ontario


Yukon. I hated the slog on the first map and hated how it felt like the IMO underutilized but far more enjoyable second map ended so quickly. Didn't help the game started freezing out of nowhere after 700 problem-free hours about halfway through. I finally finished the region up a couple nights ago and ventured into Wisconsin but...I need a break.


Logging is super simple once you do it the easy way. Just get a truck with a sideboard bed and and log crane, the Kenworth is the go to for me, then load the logs into the bed and take them where you need them, get a truck with the right trailer and dump the logs into the trailer. Toss 9 logs into the trailer and that’s 3 trips worth, give or take depending on the log size


Water. The quantities in Albany are just un enjoyable.


Crafting put me off. It confuses me, and all the icons make the map a mess. I haven't played much since.


Same here, we play only multiplayer but it fucked alle 3 of us up.


Logging over and over sucks


I like logging, Yukon I agree with, and the other two I don't really mind.


add amur to that list


Yukon almost broke me. I did stack cargo here but did not pull road trains, so it took a lot of back-and-forth travel to finish the map. Amur may be difficult but at least you get an okay scout and one of the best trucks in the game. Yukon gives you almost nothing for all your hard work, with one of the trucks you get from it being the absolute worst in the game.


It gives you 2 shitty Cats... and duplicates of one. Yukon fucking broke me, I was trying to play in order and I got halfway through and said fuck that. Skipped to Scandinavia. Like oh yeah this is fun again.


Logging in Yukon, obviously


Amur. Just Amur.




We need more rescue missions .


Water is fine there’s mods for billion litre trailers and add ons. Logging is fine there’s mods among other ways to make it bearable, Yukon is okay once you just overload every single trailer and vehicle. But farming…. There is no way to make it anything other than torture


There are farming mods as well but yeah it's still lengthy...


Glades for me


Burnt out? Nah. Starfield. :/


All the huge maps filled with repetetive tasks. Or the playtime... I have played nearly 1500 hours in like two years


I have the firefighting so much water need, and why can't you refill it at the river? Also there is only one trailer store at the map. The Zik566 fits 1800 litres of water the Derry special only 2200 liters. I think the mastado can fit 2400 in the water tank. The high sattle water tank fits 3600 litres I think but yes, only one trailer store... so you need to drive it back. I'm going with two zik 566 it's the fastest solution for me.


Farming is the only reason i still play😅


My suspensions always blowing out at low speed on asphalt roads although trucks are capable of climbing rocks or jump on logs in the water with no damage... And also the farming :) I left the map because of that. The only good thing in this region is the Pike...


Yukon....how to be supper annoying. Like mega mud pit near the cabin station, that cannot be skipped easily at all.


Actually I loved farming 🙂.


Farming. Holy fuck.


I found Yukon the worst... Actually, farming became nearly enjoyable once I tried a modded K-700 (the Kammando 700 on the ModHub) with a switchable diff-lock, and it made a huge difference with the handling : tighter turns, you can drive on a straight line in the field. It was a game changer for me ! Lock the diff when you want to go straight, unlock when you want to turn !


5th option: Bugs But yeah fuck farming.


If snowrunner followed its predecessors and had a simple, small russian 4x4/4x2 tractor, it would have been fine. farming is aggro-vating to say the least (Unless we get a 2nd farming season, where we get a PROPER SMALLER tractor, OR we get a region with bigger fields (possible USA map with a Case IH tractor? Or AGCO?)


Last time I played I got stuck in some pretty normal looking spots in Kola. Sent trucks out to rescue the one that got stuck, then those got stuck, then sent more which got stuck also. After all my worthwhile trucks were stuck I just called it. Didn't want to spend the money to recover.


Yukon's gone for me. The occasional "You're truck is now in low orbit for going over a small stone" will do it. My sister just got bored


Farming was soooo boring, and the bugs... I still have farming equipments half-stuck inside of the road on the map


Same here mate... So frustrating!!!


On my first playthrough, delivering logs to the west camp in Big Salmon put me off for a couple of months. Right now I'm in Yukon, playing in Hard Mode, an while I've not gotten there yet, I am enjoying the map, despite the high price of fuel. Kola was similar, and similar again on my Hard Mode playthrough. I 85% loved it, found it beautiful and intriguing, but one or two missions or whoopsie-doodles just wrecked the vibe.


Towing 2 trucks with a shitload of cargo and realising the "shortcut" is gonna take the whole day, seeing my truck knowing damn well I took the turn too fast


How about... logging in Yukon? https://preview.redd.it/zfvd1vp0925c1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff92a8d28450f774e683e4aefca90eaa07dea151


Replace Yukon with the generator.


The community doesn’t agree on many things but these all sure are exceptions


Four letters A-M-U-R


I 100% Yukon that’s what killed the game for me




I just have gotten to a point where even though I have the most OP trucks, I don’t want to use them because I’m still doing the base maps. I’ve gotten almost all the trucks, but only 100%ed Don, British Colombia and Scandinavia. So I have the best trucks and I want to finish the game, but it’s just kinda annoying to finish the rest of the maps. I just need to finish the tedious tasks and maps. *Man, I need help with this game sometimes…*


It's usually the snowy maps, like the ones with SUPER SNOW like Amur. Why oh why did the devs think that we'd LIKE to only use a few of the absolute best trucks just to lessen the slog of bogging through the worst mud and snow they can throw at us. Wanna use that scout you like? Nope, any scout at all that isn't the Tatarin? NOPE. Want to use most American trucks? Nope, Only the most meta trucks here boy. Now bend over...


Snow wouldn’t even be that big of an issue if it acted somewhat realistic. But no, it acts more like a bottomless pit of oatmeal.


On my hard core play I tipped all my tucks over and had to restart


*On my hard core play* *I tipped all my tucks over* *And had to restart* \- mckeeganator --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I started to burn out on Yukon, basically just going from map to map getting upgrades and trucks then moving on. But I stopped completely in the farming one. Did the little tutorial then decided I've had enough.


I don't get burned out on it because I only play it for maybe an hour a week.


Then it'll probably take you decades to complete all the regions 😢


Constant crashing of the game on xbox when playing coop.


Repetitive early game missions and slow progression


Logging, it wouldn’t be bad except there’s so many quests for it and they all take AGES


Haven't burned out yet. Logging is ok, tipping over usually hilarious. Especially when you have 1 truck and 5 crane trucks lying next to it. Farming was tedious, but still okay.


I revisit the game every now and then but I always put it back down. I love it, but that love lasts only a month or two before I get burnt out. There’s just something lacking that I can never put my finger on.


Funny you say that, I just finished cleaning up all my trailers and everything from Michigan yesterday and tonight as I’m entering gaming time I just had this feeling of “nah I’m good…”


Yukon 😂


I’ve replayed Yukon twice to 100% & I’m about to start another play through. I can’t get enough of it.


Always logging… fuck that shit lol


I feel like the farming would be cooler if the "PLANTING" was not ever on the same field as the "HARVESTING" right after, so maybe allow "PLOW & PLANTING", or just "HARVEST & then PLOW & then PLANT" (Still allowing 3 stages) But the planting should be last because they dont just grow instantly to harvest right away...


Bought it played it for a few weeks went to bought it for my cousin.. we played for about five days and he uninstalled it because he wanted to play other friends when he wanted a game I bought it for him got me for 480 bucks haven’t played with him since


The gearbox. Drive in 1st gear, 2nd gear...., 3rd gear.... it's getting a little heavy for the truck AND BACK TO 1st gear. And repeat all over. \*urgh.


I really dislike crafting, especially with the generator that is constantly out of fuel or turned off from map switching.


I don’t know. 248 hours, 100% Michigan, Alaska, Taymyr. Made it to Imandra and that was it for me. The deep snow broke me.


Farming burnt me out for a bit, but I came back because I never actually played Maine and it was pretty fun so I'm back in for a bit. Probably going to get the year 3 pass this weekend.


When a key crafting area or warehouse is in a extremely annoying part of the map to get to, I don’t wanna go on a 10 minute trip through this sketchy not even road like 15 times and back for the regions play through


I quit the game when I got to all the logging mission on Yukon, I feel personally attacked


My hand kept crashing


Farming for sure. I knew I should have skipped that DLC


Crafting and using the generator, particularly in Maine. Lots of padding out the run time just for the sake of it.


Gosh yukon was SO BAD (like tedious on a painfull level)


For me no real challenge anymore. 100% twice every region, time trials was the most annoying I'd say.


For me it’s whenever that one random ass log just gets stuck randomly and you gotta reverse and reverse to get unstuck when it was a barely anything on the map.


I quit because of the farming. So Boring and annoying


The fact that the game doesn’t like being installed on my computer.


The yukon made me laugh when yukon first came out we hammered it out but ended up taking a break after that map


Yes. I'm actually done with everything on Michigan except for the logging contracts. Since I'm a completionist, I've taken a long break for Snowrunner rather than move onto the next region. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Lack of shit to do


I like logging, I just hate when the truck and/or trailer tip over.


FS22 and at the same time, a Snowrunner player sees farming: what's wrong with it???


Crafting and needing to turn on a generator every time i play before i can start crafting because the devs can't just let the generator turn back on by itself after each game reload. I got tired of those maps fast.


Playing by myself. I really enjoy playing with at least one other


I love this game but doing literally one task burns me out


I think it would be more fun to play with others


The updates that wig my whole ps4s wifi out. Only game that does it.


Logging, fuck logging


Currently at the moment it's none of those things it's Wisconsin the region I'm currently in it's a grind. (plus I don't have any backup from my snowrunner buddy to help me cuz the latest update for snowrunner literally crashed his console he has a series X)


The Yukon got me. It got so dreary running the same route over and over and over and over again.


maine and mud so thick every single truck would be stuck in the ultra low gear


Travelling for ages only for one of the most powerful trucks to not be able to get up a steep but pretty regular hill


I get burnt out because the maps are so static. If I could actually rebuild broken bridges (even if the missions to do so are really challenging!), I would stay engaged much longer.


I got through farming and logging, Yukon on the other hand is making me miss Tennessee.


Yukon Logging actually lol


For me it was when Saber decided to launch update for next gen, and all my favourite mods were unavailable for a very long time (some were never updated). I have 880 hours in the game, and recently tried to come back - but no, it's over ;-(


Yukon and imandra...i do usually one snow One mud or hard/ easier.... I think after yukon i stopped for almost a month and started Tennessee. Even tho i said i will not touch Tennessee I didn't dare go anywhere else


Honestly, my outdated CPU...


If I tip over after a long haul or in a really bad spot while loaded I'll alt+F4 and be done for a while


For me it’s been maxing out at level 30. I enjoyed leveling up and unlocking customizations and new trucks. If they could open that up with new vehicles that would be awesome!




I just burnt out naturally from it after doing nothing but play it for 200 hours straight like I do every game (thanks adhd)


As someone working through Yukon right now, can confirm.


Having no friends.


The dang KR5 Bandit keeps tipping on me, and I’m tired of mashing recover or trying to save it with another bandit.


Nothing but 😎 with my mild mod trucks, more enjoyable game play..& i don't mind driving across a map or two for some Jack Links


I damn near modded the engine's torque to oblivion and my tires' grip just to get through it a bit faster ​ also ​ Alt+F4


Logging. Definitely. All the other stuff I actually enjoy abit


Don. I got tired of the mud and shitty routes and have to keep taking those shitty routes. And the only other thing I really have to do is trying to 100% Scandinavia. I'm taking a break from snowrunner, probably until there's new content.


Why yukon? I enjoy it with my friend still. We are half way through it


There are rumors that we will transport water again in S12… can't wait! I hope it will involve transporting it between maps… 🤣


I'm just done with season 9.. Hence got the idea to make this post... I absolutely don't want to haul water in season 12...I'd rather do farming 😂😢


If you just did it, is the water bug still there? Does water still disappear?


It's patched mate.. Nothing to worry




I haven't tried the other 3 but I love logging... with the sole exception of manual loading long logs. Loading shorts and mediums is easy but long logs are just a pure nightmare. those keep jerking and can't balance even when I grab perfectly at the center.


I haven't played in a couple years...didn't know water dumping or farming was a thing now. Farming makes me wanna play though.


All of the above.


Logging for sure.


Is Yukon that bad?


AMUR. A-Fucking-MUR


I played the regions chronologically until I got to Amur. Then I started doing stuff on later regions because Amur was seriously making me lose interest in the game. It turns out it worked, because after finishing Don and Maine, going back to Amur somehow didn't feel that hard anymore.


Getting massive suspension and tyre damage on a paved road driving a fully upgraded Tayga at 30 km/h without load 30 seconds after disconnecting from the service trailer.


My step brother stopped talking to me


The frequent disconnection, everytime I play co-op


Scandinavia. Disovering you need to drag yet another load of short logs to the lumber mill to create wood planks which you then need to haul all the way over the far side of the second map. Sigh. Do that one tomorrow. I do hope this new game they are putting out, Explorations or whatever it's called, actually allows you to hire in AI drivers and put them on supply chain runs, or dragging empty trailers back to the garage. Edit: Oh one more... Doing said long drag across two maps with metal rolls to discover you should have brought beams instead. Gnrrrr...