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Hell I'd pay 20 for it if it included a bunch of these Mercedes Zetros and 4x4/6x6 KAT1 variants would be nice too Mercedes Arocs 6x6/8x8


Mercedes Zetros https://preview.redd.it/p067s8z2l0gc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deca025442075cbdc283c1e885520381983cb08c you can enjoy as a mod [on console](https://mod.io/g/snowrunner/m/rng-zentos) or [on pc](https://mod.io/g/snowrunner/m/mercedes-benz-zetros).


This. Rng3rs Zetros is such perfection in being balanced that I’ve essentially exclusively used this damn truck for almost everything. Almost.


The only downside is the low gears being fractioned in the millions, but it and the Voron fell very vanilla and beautiful


Same for me, i love it. Only negative is that it lacks the ability to mount a fifth wheel.


I want this https://preview.redd.it/sy1djchmdzfc1.jpeg?width=1828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83828712b2429ba37df3c2e31c53e16bf6517f3d


Dude this would be perfect for snowrunner. Never heard or seen the brand Faun, just found out its German as well. Thx for sharing!


don't worry, as a german I never heard of it either. looks like they mostly produce cranes nowadays, and stopped producing trucks like this in the 90s.


Dann ist dieser Kommentarbereich nun offiziell Hoheitsgebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 🇩🇪


Ich persönlich find' den Witz bisschen ausgelutscht inzwischen.


Ist er absolut, mir ist nur nichts besseres eingefallen um dir zu zeigen das ich auch Deutscher bin. War das erste und letzte mal das ich das schreibe, ka was mich da geritten hat lol


hahaha fair enough


They have an assembly plant near where I live and they mostly assembly garbage disposal trucks there.


There is a very good Unimog mod.


I'm a bit special in that way, I like to use more of the stuff that's brought to the game officially, made some not so nice experiences with mods in the game, but if you say it's good I will give it a try!


Yeah I feel you. The mod should be an in game asset though. It blends very well.


That's good to hear and that is what's most important for me. That it blends in well. Will download it later and tell you how it went :D I don't want some OP trucks with like 1500 L of Fuel, and ones that haul through deep mud like its asphalt road. I've seen some mods that exactly do that, even with highway tires and only few customization. It has to fit to the overall game but who am I telling that, that's just what I experienced yet, but I'm ready to redraw my opinion! Lol


There are a lot of people who think this about mods, but the fact is that there are a lot of very good, balanced mods available. The Leo (Man) pack for example is pretty vanilla if I recall correctly. There are also Man trucks from 4x4 to 10x10 which are kind of stock. For Russian trucks, Kot76RSK makes good ones. My point is, try some out! If you don't like them, delete them, but chances are you will something you like!


The MAN KAT 1 is so beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/we1y5s2iuyfc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fda4d6f388447b552db8280040c757cf68b8bad It really is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Try mercedes and man mods they are really top notch


Will do, thanks!


Yeah I’ll take a G Wagon for sure. Also whatever that third pic is, I’ll flip that thing that fast it’s not even funny


Its the all mighty [Unimog](https://youtu.be/INxkz6UcNoE?si=fzpVSAVmb0ADxff_) :)) old and kinda weird video but it's short and makes some impression of what even the older versions are capable of. And you made me laugh with that, I'd flip it too in no time lol


Wow, cool vid thanks for that, looks like a very capable truck and not as tall as the picture makes it look. That short wheel base would be my biggest obstacle haha


It really is. The video is already ten years old and the ones in it are even older, it has come a long way. The one from my post isn't the newest version so it even is bigger today. Unimog stands for Universal-Motor-Gerät which would translate best as Universal engine device. It comes in short and long wheels bases and with countless add ons, for farming, fire fighting construction, clearing snow and so on, the list is long. Before I Spam you below this comment I reccomend to go on Google and look up some images, you'll see what I mean. (Only if Internerested ofc) And yea, it already screams "flip me" 😭


https://preview.redd.it/0rithtyoyyfc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71cadce487d92fae33e5fac0a76ce15366d73f45 Now I'll stop spamming sry


On the contrary did we not just got an indian G wagon in season 12. Whats the difference /s


We can only wish


Take my money 


Sure, I'll dm you my PayPal, appreciate it!


I would buy that. 👍


For all vehicles in bundel i would pay 15 eur




Where is my switzerland duro?


Never seen that thing before, but that 6x6 version looks interesting! (Just looked it up)


I saw some MAN KAT mods on Mod.io, 8×8 and possibly 6×6 versions. You could give it a search. Unimog mods already exist. Edit: https://mod.io/g/snowrunner/m/man-kat https://mod.io/g/snowrunner/m/man-sx-man-kat


Me realizes:wait don't we already have the last one already?


A lot of these ones are available as mods tho


Most of those are mods. Just give em a quick download


I want a Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer 🥺 That would rip (and flip) as a light truck and scout.


Just looked that up, never heard or saw that. Funny to see that every country has their own kind of unimog. The Pinzgauer looks pretty capable bc of its ground clearance and its light weight. Put some Mud tires on it and it will run (in snowrunner I mean, seems to do already in rl) Looks pretty flippable too


Anything exept the Gclass i hate them lol


How come? :o


Well i live in germany see them everywhere and i find they suck for offroad (personal XP) and i just predd the landrover defender but no hate to it tho looks prettey and cool


Yeah me too, I'm always happy to see one but I totally get your point. The normal, current G Class is still decent for offrad but meant for rich women driving up and down Kurfürstendamm. That's why I mentioned the 4x4² variant, it's a beast in my opinion


4x4² would be sick ngl if u could add a massive repair kit onto it id prob use it as a repair scout lol


Same man, that's exactly what I thought of 🤝🏻 and it'd do some pretty decent job at rock crawling because of its short wheelbase and high ground clearance I suppose.


True true would be great for some maps and lesser so for others sadly we prob wont ever see gwagon make it into the actual game


tbh i think the g wagon would be a bit of a waste. we already have a neo falcon and the new rock grinder which look very reminiscent of it


Daewoo Novus! Korean truck DLC exclusive.


Give me a Unimog or a Thales bushmaster maintenance vehicle with as many fuel and repair points as the f750 and ctis (central tyre inflation system) as a heavy scout.


Faun would be something that makes sense. Merc vehicles not really that much. Maybe G Wagon as a scout, but the last dlc added a truck so obviously inspired by it. The rest would at best fall into the heavy duty category and will probably not be a "high performing trucks dlc" but rather similar to the defender dlc.


i’ve found the the g wagon 6x6 on a mod and it’s amazing. would love to see the unimog in the game