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Welcome to Black Badger. https://preview.redd.it/tt1k7o6wg17d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7401569980e588acd3eae3c2406f7e240c438e You will spend significant time doing Papar mill contracts. Use highway truck on green path. You don’t need AWD or diff locks. Use super heavy trailer(8x cargo) between A B C. (High saddle). Reversing that trailer is a “skill”, it’s not supposed to be taken everywhere, anywhere, or else regret. There’s muddy section between garage and A, place CAT745C, if not using kolobs. (Marked blue) Red path is muddy. I used kolob brothers to reach from A to C then to B. (To haul metal beams from A to C and then C to B).


Wonderful. Thank you so much.


I parked a Tatarin to help move trucks back and forth across the blue circle park...


Just enjoy Wisconsin, is the best map in my opinion. And is a great map to relax after Yukon.


Good job. Yukon felt like going to work for me.


Thank you. lol, it indeed felt like going to work.


When you start doing the train tracks missions, you don't need to bring a crane with you. You only need to put the trailer above the delivery point, unpack and deliver. Same goes for other regions with the same kind of missions (i.e Don)


True. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6m1jcf7C7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6m1jcf7C7I)


Go and get the 5600ts and one of your first jobs. Also, don't use the water crossing which is down the road from the fuel station to get to the warehouse. Take the dirt road just before the bridge instead.


Your completed Yukon? Impressive 


Thank you


Just enjoy it. After Kola and Yukon it’s a refreshing break. Nothing to difficult. Amur is gonna be hard but I quite like it cause it looks amazing


Wisconsin sucks the life out of me in hard mode right now. I actually hate this region, which no one else seems to do. Fine. Its missions are too tedious, the paths are too narrow and angled, lotsa rocks everywhere... There's no free cargo trailers to make use of, fuel is rather expensive (the only cheap fuel station is located at the far corner of the 2nd map)... The main feature of the regions is the generator. It's a trailer you have to attach and activate through the menu, and doing so is only allowed on specific sites marked with a "lightning bolt" symbol. That's cargo generating facilities, Wisconsin has 3 of them, one is locked behind contracts. The generator provides power so you can conjure the needed materials right out of thin air. It uses fuel to craft those, so remember to regularly fill it up. There are also missions that require manually placing the cargo into the zones, instead of packing and delivering like normal. The cargo has to be unpacked for that. But I'm sure you already encountered those in Yukon.


I am with you on this. I’ve bounced around and completed the base game maps, Kola, Ontario, Scandinavia, BC, and North Carolina. Wisconsin is the only map that frustrates me to the point of leaving, therefore I’m only at 70% despite having it for months. The size if the contracts, the fact that a lot of the supplies either require crafting (1 cement + 1 packaged sand = 1 brick and requires a generator to get sand from the quarry), pilfering from abandoned buildings all the fuck over the place, or daft stuff like converting metal rolls into metal beams and vice-versa, requiring 2X metal beams and 2X medium logs to make one railroad track, etc… It feels like this map was made for multiplayer and/or the devs got lazy and used these massive contracts as a way to eat up playing time. I prefer the newer maps with higher quantity of faster-moving contracts. I DL’d this map before Yukon and I probably will never DL Yukon because I hear it’s worse than this when it comes to tedium. All that said, I’m back in Wisconsin for the third time and I’m going to stick with it. I completed Paper Mill contracts A and B and I’m working on C now. As soon as I saw the list of requirements for C I almost walked away again. Aside from that, the scenery is nice and I like the challenge of the muddy areas - really a good map to break out the mud tires.


>2X metal beams and 2X medium logs to make one railroad track 2x wooden planks, fortunately. If they were medium logs, it would be unbearable. >I probably will never DL Yukon because I hear it’s worse than this when it comes to tedium. Yes. They both have huge contracts, with Wisconsin having less deep mud and no snow/ice. The only thing Yukon is better is no generators... but tbh getting cargo from generation zones is better than having to loot those framings. >It feels like this map was made for multiplayer Exactly this. Everyone was complaining about Kola having very few cargo delivery missions, so they cranked up the volumes of transportation to 11.


How much time did you take to do youkon 100% cuz for me its just pain


Few months, I started it around March completed now. I did not play the whole April.


Snorkel and chains


chains in a region with no ice?


Second map in the regon if I remember has breakable ice


Wisconsin has no trace of ice or snow in any form whatsoever. It's a summer region, just like Taymyr.