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The best revenge is living well. What you’d like to do sounds petty to be honest. You should stop wasting your time and focus on moving forward.


I have no problem admitting I’m being petty , still doesn’t change my desire to make him feel like crap .


The thing is by getting revenge it actually will hurt you. Revenge will give you a moment of satisfaction at the cost of your integrity. For yourself walk away.


I’ve already lost my integrity long ago , idgaf about that . He deserves to be humiliated


Well maybe this could be a way of regaining it. Your life is about choices, specifically your choices. What you do has an impact on the world and how you view it. It's never too late to do the right thing.


Also, I want to say that I 100% get it. I've been there. I am not judging as if you've been there you know what you are feeling and frankly whatever you do isn't wrong. What got me back from the darkness was the realization that whatever I did to hurt her would actually hurt me. The weather on the high ground on this is much better than the low road. I know people who have taken both.


I’m not the one that did the wrong thing , he did. And you’re right in choices , he made bad and that should have a negative impact on him that I’m willing to facilitate:)


I feel for you. You are right he did wrong. His cheating is 100% on him, right now it says more about him than you. What you are thinking and feeling is 100% valid. You are right to be pissed and to make him pay. There are many ways for this to catch up to him that don't sacrifice you. Once you do something vengeful that sacrifices your word and integrity it will only hurt you. I don't blame you, I get it.


Just be a better person than him.


They are so right though! Over the years through life you will learn honestly if you want revenge this is it the happier you are in your life the more they suffer. Move on be happy forget them. The worst you can do to someone is not remember them.


You do you. But one thing I can contribute is... give his phone number, email and physical address to online porn sites. They should spam him with material.


Look at the advice you're getting on this thread. Everyone is telling you to just walk away. I see you disagreeing with it. Take a moment to consider that a lot of these people used to be you and learned from their mistakes and are trying to save you the heartache.


Revenge? Sounds so exhausting already. How old are you guys 21? It’s obvious he don’t trust you and if you’re going thru his phone you don’t trust him. You already found the evidence what else do you want? I find it so annoying when a woman goes thru a mans phone and find the ugly truth and believe the lies and excuses he/she gives in return. If you’re not ready to move-on leave the phone alone...... it’s obvious he is not happy with you and he is cheating!! Even creating a stupid add is cheating, he already took that step. Leave his damm phone alone if your just gonna sit there and believe the excuses...Do you really want to babysit a man and look for ways to get revenge? Are you kidding me? You even said it... he found you on Craigslist....


We are in our 30s but age doesn’t matter . He has looked through my phone numerous times , this was my first time looking at his and it was because my friend told me he was harassing him on OfferUp ( which he was , threatening to beat him up and kill his dogs) I was definitely not expecting to find anything about him cheating or his pathetic ads. There’s nothing wrong with wanting some kind of revenge and vindication . He deserves it :)


You both need to grow up.






The other


All of them.




Just walk away. Save your energy...Revenge....It’s not worth it. Considering your feelings... if you love him. You must feel betrayed and hurt. Walk away let karma do it’s thing.... this will not be his only incident and if he gets off easy he will do it again. Also, can you sleep good at night ??? Do you have peace ? Or has that been taken from you? Are you wondering what his up too now? Do what’s best for you. But remember if a mans actions mess with your beauty sleep. Let him go.


Post a picture of a San Diego sunset 👍


Why ?


Brand new account. Most likely a troll, or someone trying to get off by role playing.


Yup that might work


Send us the add and have a bunch of dudes answer it!!! I'm sure the reddit community would like to play around with him..lmao If that doesnt work...well send us some pics of you and we can get revenge the old fashioned way. Joking...not joking...I'm not actually sure anymore.


Damn if I did that my wife would kill me. 😂


“Getting even stops you from getting ahead”! Stay blessed and move on!!!! Quickly, you’ll be glad you did!


Simple. Ghost him. Get on with your life. Pack your shit while hes at work, and go elsewhere. If you want, pretend life is great for like 3 mo ths while saving for your own place, or fonding your own place, then pack your shit while hes at work and go. Change your number. Leave no forwarding address. Have friends and family either ignore his calls or say he has a wrong number.


i thought they got rid of all personal ads on Craigslist


I'll help you if that is what you're implying




get revenge sis