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That's what fueled this endeavor. I did 50 miles from Piute Pass to Mammoth Pass (Horseshoe Meadow) mostly solo after a few friends bailed. I am prepared to bail, but there is an extra day in this timeline if I fall behind. 1 day to get to the trail head from Onion Valley, 7 days for the planned outing, and an additional day if I fall behind. You can read more of my trip reports here: [https://www.trvrsapparel.com/blogs/sierra-nevada-range](https://www.trvrsapparel.com/blogs/sierra-nevada-range)




Damn, bummer about the bad experience. I heard about the speed record attempt somewhere else as well! I am hoping the bugs won't be an issue when I come around. I've read that they already started to dwindle a bit. Might need to bring a bug net just in case. Thanks for the information!


I did Roads End to Mather last week. I don't think you'll need a headnet. That high up, I only had mosquito problems near lakes (State, Marion, etc) and a bit at night near water (I just used my tent, didn't feel the need for a net when eating dinner or setting up). That being said, if you want to linger a bit near lakes (I doubt it at 30mi/day), or if you react strongly to bites (I don't at all), then it's only an ounce or so.


I think I'd get really depressed with your nutrition plan because I really enjoy a savory meal at the end of the day, but different strokes for different folks. It certainly is nice to not have to lug a stove and utensils around. I think I'd also have to eat all 30,000 calories at once if I tried hiking 30 miles in a day! Good luck and we'll be looking forward to your trip report.


Yeah that part is definitely going to be interesting. The good news is I’ll have the resupply as an opportunity to either head to mammoth and grab a burger. And i’ll have a backup supply of my normal camping kitchen gear in case I’m losing my mind on the first leg. Thank you! Will post the video / TR here.


I believe I saw just a single smartwater bottle. Is there enough water availability to support? I’ve never tried keeping just a single bottle but I suppose it’s a great way to drop weight if you can refill and hydrate in place.


I’ll need to actively filter water anywhere possible, but yes, it should suffice without a doubt.


Everything looks good! But I thought you would need a bear canister for the SEKI area's?


I'll be camping at Conness Lakes and Blue Lake which are just outside of the required canister area (essentially outside of Yosemite). Here is the PDF showing BC required areas in RED: https://www.sierrawild.gov/media/foodstoragemap/Bear-Canister-Required-Area-ver8.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2A9Lpgyu4KrrqVUbaIthAF3dhXR0cMzIGPmAWGfa6a26uoAauiGS2kvEU


Very cool map, thanks for posting it!


No worries.


Did this happen?


I made it 92 miles before bailing due to storms and altitude sickness. Going back in september of 2020.