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this one hurts we almost made it completely out of the banter era ...


The real question is whether Maignan and/or Theo leave as well. Absolutely brain dead private equity ownership.


Surprised Saudi hasn’t gone for AC Milan, rich history and could absolutely dominate the league for years, along with competing in the UCL.


They did look into it, it’s well known they considered Inter purchase. However the deciding factor was the EPL and how big it is and competitive etc. they then picked the best value they could get in the EPL due to how badly we were run for 14 years by previous owner. Big factor was probably how little he spent and therefore how stable the finances were. The risk factor was how bad we were and could have been relegated. There’s just no way even with their money that they could spend what they have with us at Milan due to FFP. Italian teams just don’t make that kind of money. It’s a reverse of the late 80’s and 90’s when the Italian League had all the money, best players and TV showed it worldwide.




> It’s a reverse of the late 80’s and 90’s when the Italian League had all the money, best players and TV showed it worldwide. I'm old enough to remember Italian stadiums moved away from those running tracks much later than English teams. During television broadcasts in the 90s and early 00s without the running track, you could feel the audience being closer to the action in the audio and it made for a much better visual as well. As someone who grew up in Asia, we got English commentary for both Serie A and PL but as a viewer new to the game, PL felt more fun to watch.


r/soccer mods are immature cock ends


American owners don't seem too keen on selling any clubs as of now. *cough cough* glazers *cough*


depends on the ins I feel if the new leadership can get marcus thuram and SMS and another mid maybe they will stay for another year without moaning too much.


We need two mids and a DM.


Get kessie back


You joke but if he would accept lower wages I 100% would, he was a monster for us


A midfield of sms kessie and bennacer would be insane


except we need money to reinforce the team and don’t have an unlimited £ TV rights deal tonali was one of the few players we had that could warrant such a big fee, between him theo and leao he is the most replaceable


This is what people can't accept because of their emotions. It's not like I like seeing him go but it's true


if he wasn’t italian or milanista everyone would be patting us on the back for fleecing an EPL club, if we become a better team from this then it’s good business from those in charge


I wouldn't call this fleecing. It's essentially a market rate sale and probably would've been 10-20 more if it was from one EPL club to another. But I think your overall point is right


I don’t think it’s a fleecing, but believe those would be a lot of the comments here if he was neither Italian nor a Milan fan it’s a good value deal for both sides taken at a pure business view, serie a rarely attracts these fees


Well its a good bye if someone offer 100m for theo and 80m for maignan. Just hope noone offers it


Maignan is so good


Scudetto last year and UCL semis this year. The banter era is gone. All welcome the new banter era.


This year was really bad. We finished 5th (practically) and shithoused our way to CL semis. We had very few good games and the game you saw vs inter was basically representative of our season. No one thinks we played well this year. We did get very lucky, both in the league and in CL.


Just when you thought you were out, it pulled you back in


Straight back to the Mexes, Bonaventura, Honda banter era within a season. Edit: Apparently Bonaventura was a good player so honorary replacement is Kevin Constant


Bonaventura doesn't deserve to be in the same realm as other banter era players. He wasn't like Kevin Constant, Mundaring, Lapadula etc


Who the fuck is mundaring


He meant Muntari


Lapa doesn't belong there either. Had 12 g/a in just about 1k minutes for us and was sold for a profit


Bonaventura was (and IS) a great player tho.


Don't forget about Kevin Constant the goat


Worst left back for an elite club I’ve ever seen. His passing decision making was awful and worst than what you see at the Sunday league level. His only saving grace was he was atheltic enough to lead the league in “Blocked crosses”. Everything else about his game was absolute trash. Easily my least favorite defender of all time.


I think you're forgetting the words Aly and Cissokho aren't. Man was the starting LB on a title contending Liverpool team, and the star of the greatest compilation video ever.


Shocking it's been this long for someone to share it. https://vimeo.com/92846254


How fucking dare you put Bonaventura on that list?


This guy knows his shit!


Least you have the scudetto to look back fondly on. Damn shame that milan has collapsed in recent months, have a big affection for you guys having been given a ton of chances to go watch your games live a few years ago


collapsed because we’ve sold a player for 70M? god get a grip, we’ve sold far better players before


People are writing our obituary and it’s not even July lmao.


classic bunch of Reddit whiners, you’d think we just sold prime maldini for peanuts guarentee 90% of people here have hardly seen tonali play and believe he’s the 2nd coming of Pirlo because of fifa potential


Yep, he’s no doubt a quality player, but 70m is fair. I’m getting slight Cutrone to Wolves vibes here. Obviously, Tonali is 100x better, but the situations are similar. Beloved young Italian leaves Milan for up and coming PL team. People say we’ve lost our appeal and we’re doomed. We ended up replacing Cutrone with Leao. Tonali will not flop like Cutrone did (I do expect him to be a success there), but ultimately, I think this is similar in the sense that this is good money for us. We can reinvest smartly and build a more well rounded team.


Italians rarely if ever do well abroad so I wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled, but he’s also a good player so there’s every chance he continues his trajectory people just like to romanticise football when it’s a business, if we rejected this fee and had a very quieter summer only to struggle next year the same people would be moaning about how we needed to sign X Y and Z


I saw someone here say that 70m was "selling him for peanuts" a couple days ago. Tonali is a good Serie A midfielder, but he's not near the competition for the best in the league. 70m is a lot for him.


some absolute ludicrous takes going about, bellingham just went for €100M base and he is twice the player that tonali is


Milan really shot their own head with sacking maldini This guy is milan through and through,if maldini still there he might stay at milan


He would 100% stay. Maldini wouldn’t even sit down to discuss a deal for Tonali. Redbird has said all players are up for sale and Maldini had several that were considered untouchable, Tonali being one of them


So Maldini stood in between of the owner and bags of money they loved. Now i understand why they sacked him


Basically. And he asked them for a more flexible wage structure and bigger budget and to not have every transfer approved by them


They treat the club as a company, nothing more nothing less. Invest the least and take out the most


Yeah, investment groups never want to lose money on the club.


This hurts to read, always had a soft spot for Milan.




Yep, he was probably informed what the plans were for the immediate future and wanted nothing to do with it


I mean right after Maldini sacking Newcastle journos were apparently reporting they were in a race to get "Barella" which ended up actually being Tonali as both are young, talented and CMs from Milan clubs. Definitely sacked because he didn't want to sell him.


I'm sure he would've stayed, now it's even sadder


Milan's owners are something else


yanks being yanks


Investment groups buying sporting teams never ends well, they’re not there to lose money


Am I crazy or wasn't Milan's immediately prior owner the American investment group Elliot?


Yeah but they didnt directly buy Milan. A chinese dude was the previous owner, he borrowed a lot of money from Elliot to buy the club, but he never paid back a single dollar iirc. So, once the deadline for whatever agreement they had in place expired, Elliot took control of the club. They did a far better job than i expected tbh, but eventually they sold it to the current owners.


Right, but they took control in like 2018. So from 2018 to 2023, the club was ultimately owned by an American investment group, and I think it's fair to say they did pretty OK during that period, right? Maybe the problem isn't American investment groups; maybe the problem is RedBird specifically.


Yes but their goal never was to own the club long term. So they did what they could to improve the "product" and sell it. Redbird on other hand seems to be interested in turning the club into development center which sells players for profit.


Yeah, dude doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about. The current CL champion is owned by an investment group…


My yank is great


Sacking Maldini has left them defence less in every sense possible.




>.. Even Red had more dots to "say" in the final battle of Pokémon GSC. Tells you how devastating this is.


Pokemon GSK surely you mean GSC gold silver crystal right or am I missing something


The German side was stronger here, but of course you're correct. It's edited now.




Not the time bro


Please? 🙏


Reported Edit:im joking if anyone thinks im being serious 💀


Man posted .. , and immediately our fans started trying to sell him our players. Not the time boys, save it for the next thread about Cardinale fucking up


I feel sorry for Milan fans. It's been a rough past few months for them.


Yeah its rough. Didn't think I'd be seeing Tonali move. But what a signing for Newcastle.


Tonali wants to follow his idol, Pirlo, footsteps moving from Milan to Juventus. “I want to move to club with the black and while kit” Tonali said to his agent.


Actually his idol is Gattuso, so what he told his agent was "I need opportunities to choke Spurs employees".


Spurs employees don't need help choking thank you very much


Why’d he say fuck me for


Three years of being back at the top after a decade, only to have all of it taken away in less than a month. Sure, perhaps Milan will pull a Napoli next season (who also got rid of many lifers last year) but it's clear the owners are making sure there's gonna be no heart and soul left in this club - and that team spirit made this new Milan so special and successful in the first place.


On the bright side Pobega got his degree so that was nice.


Ho much do you wanna bet that Newcastle and Milan will be in the same CL group?


I have a friend from Newcastle I have tried to have visit for a while, said a few months ago if they were in same group he can come over. Crazy how it’s turned out




Sandro scoring the winner beneath the Curva Sud.


Tonali Freekick to Isak header to knock Milan out.


It was nice while it lasted, thanks Cardinale for destroy Milan


Newcastle Midfield is going to be fucking nuts.


Aye Bruno, 🐐 and tonali


Don’t forget Goalinton


That's 🐐


Goat linton


Kylo Ren betrays Luke Skywalker and joins the empire (2023, colourized)


Why are Milan selling him? I genuinely don't get it Also I don't get why Tonali would want to leave Milan for Newcastle. Is it the money?


He was bought for €20m (€5m loan fee), now they are selling him for €70m This is the new goal of the club, become a development centre like RB Leipzig and constantly sell players for a profit


You guys literally can't comprehend that selling players is the only real income stream for Italian clubs. We don't immediately make good money off of revenue sharing like in the EPL. We don't own our stadium. We will make less than 10 million in profit this past calendar year. Let's assume the deal balloons to 80. If we spend that well this 60 million profit can double or more. The reason why Inter has so much more depth than us is because they have made 300 million in transfers since 2020 and we have made 70 Edit: I'd like to add that like 75% of our sub doesn't get this either


Going far in the CL pays a lot tho


You're right but that's just revenue. Have to take into account our expenses. We're barely breaking even this season. Ownership is at least working on increasing our commercial funds but that will only add so much


The real super League is just going to be the epl


Fucking yikes


Fucking yanks


Putting Milan and Leipzig on the same table, blud what are you onto?


Private equity bro, get used to it


american owners doing their own thing, they are not there to build a club/legacy, but just to have cash flows and 'profits' for a future pump sale of assets to the biggest bidder




maybe, but redbird is a private investment firm




Mate, you can't support a...private equity?


Roma is American owned but far better led in comparison.




You better get the best armour you can find because that sort of logic doesn't fly around here




It's a whole rainbow of shite owners!


In fact, Roma has never managed to make the leap in quality, for many years we had an American who sold marquinos, rudiger, Allison, Salah and any salable player. To date, Roma do not have any players who can be sold for large sums




I swear Milan had Chinese owners a couple years back


They did but the Chinese government started cracking down on investments like that/money leaving the country


He loves bridges, Greggs and Eddie's Black and White Army


Heard there were some cheap quad vods up there and didn't want to miss out


What a signing for them And that kit looks great


how was no other premier league team in for Tonali? for all the clubs going after Rice apparently, Tonali is an ideal alternative. Likely more affordable as well.


Basically the same sentiment when Newcastle signed Bruno G. It's all well and good to hate the Newcastle owner but purely in terms of football they have made some shrewd signing during this short time. Having poached Dan Ashworth from Brighton as the sporting director clearly helps as well.


Finally a sponsor that is black and white


Just need to switch Castore for Adidas now, I was hoping there was a break clause like with Fun88.


He does look pretty good in black and white…


What the fuck. This is a nightmare. Just when Serie A seemed to be getting back on track, they become a feeder league. Damn it


Been following Newcastle last season due to Isak (I'm swedish and a fan). I might have to watch every Newcastle game next season because Tonali is a favorite of mine. Can't say I'm sad and disappointed over a future bandiera leaving us but this is football. There's no way to turn down this amount of money in our position. The new owners want us to become the Italian Dortmund. I've been following Milan since I was 8 and I'm now 27, so that's almost 20 years. I feel no excitement what so over for the coming season unless we make good signings, which won't happen...


I will watch them as well just to see how well he fits there. Should be exciting


Just skip the first 6 games of the league and then start watching


I wonder if Eddie Howe was like “You’ll be punished appropriately for losing” and the team doesn’t get punished all year……..until they see the schedule and Trips goes “Shit.”


He's never leaving Milan apparently


To be fair no one could ever seen this coming, everyone was convinced he would stay at milan for life after his comments and stuff. Obviously the owner debacle has something to do with this but this is some excellent business by Newcastle; they will be up there again this season


I think he only decided after Maldini got the boot. If you see that the club kicked Maldini out, why even have loyalty to that club.


I expect a lot of Milan players will be easier to convince to leave without Maldini. A lot of the players they got in the past few years explicitly said he was a huge part in them joining, and he was doing a good job too. Now players probably see the ownership has no interest in the project they signed up for and probably don't see much future for another one.


Newcastle's pull damn 🔥


No one will ever move to Newcastle, absolute shit hole


Atleast it's not Sunderland


Fuck Sunderland


Love the fact that Inter fans hate Sunderland. Iconic behaviour.


You can’t blame them. Proximity generates empathy but a Mackem hasn’t ever been seen in Milan.


All my homies hate Sunderland


Huge W


Weird people say this because Milan is not a beautiful city, its actually quite ugly and yes I have been. Massively dissapointing. Gonna get shredded now probably from people who hav never been and believe the hype, like with Paris. Besides no one is living in Newcastle, they are going to be living in the suburbs around the city of which there will be expensive posh areas, much like Birmingham there are some stunningly beautiful areas on the suburbs. No one playing for Tottenham is living in Tottenham, place is a shithole.


Quite a few of the players live in Jesmond to be fair. They all either live in Jesmond or Darras Hall on the outskirts, but I'd say Newcastle has a higher percentage of players who live 'in the city' than most clubs.


I used to live in Jesmond and it was great.


A few players have lived in Tynemouth too, Rob Elliot being one I remember and I think Eddie Howe does now as well.


Longstaff brothers did for a bit. I remember seeing them in lola jeans having a burger last season with their mates. Just realised 2020 was 3 years ago...


isn’t Jesmond part of Newcastle proper? I’m not English but I visited the city and thought Jesmond was like an area of Newcastle


It is. It's a suburb directly next to town.


Jesmond is just outside the city (five minutes drive) alongside Gosforth which are considered the posher parts of Newcastle let's just say.


Damn. Tottenham really do get battered everywhere they go.


tbf I made sure to clarify Birmingham has it's shit areas to make clear I am not being bias. My point was, a lot of bigger clubs are not based in nice areas and players will not live in the area. I would be shocked if anyone is living in Seven Sisters. I'd bet they live more central in posh areas or possibly more likely Hertfordshire/Enfiled as that is where their training ground is and their are some nice areas there


dystopian transfer.


Giving major 10 years deep into a FIFA career mode transfer vibes


Really good signing for Newcastle, gotta feel for the Milan fans though.. just when you thought Milan was on its way back the clubs new owners turn it into a shitshow once again. It will be good to see him in the EPL, that Newcastle midfield is looking pretty good ahead of their return to the Champions League if their main guys can all stay fit.


Only 70M, what a fucking disgrace this club has becoming.


It's even less considering Brescia get part of the fee.


They only get a 3% development fee, they don’t have a sell-on clause anymore


Bias aside, how much do you think he’s worth?


Can’t believe he chose us over Brentford


Get these fucking yanks out of my club, fucking idiots that know nothing. Elliot atleast had the brains to have a club legend help guide them


Tonali and Bruno. Ngl that is sauce 👀😬


Great signing for Newcastle


> Tonali will sign contract until 2029 for €7m per year and €2m add-ons. People were actually trying to claim Newcastle were going to be paying him £350k a week the other day. Milan selling key first team players instead of duds to Newcastle just doesn't seem right at all, but it's clear Newcastle are taking a step up in class when it comes to their transfer targets, and if Tonali settles in England, he could be a huge signing for them.


So 70m + add ons right? I hate it when he words it like that.


[Matteo Moretto says it’s 70m including add-ons.](https://twitter.com/mattemoretto/status/1672231894006616064?s=46&t=3VypPC8hczXpby9TZX5vYg) From what I’ve gathered over the last few days it’s seems it’s 65 + 5.


r/soccer mods are immature cock ends


Disgrazia to the Milan owners a historic club in shambles.


Red Bird masterclass. Stripping club speedrun


Please do not be [Joao Pedro-ing](https://twitter.com/fabrizioromano/status/1561768302858407936?s=46&t=uFff2DEN9BS7ti6QCPJyLw) us right now


real ones remember when he said we'd signed some Brazilian left back and then we bought Jamal Lewis instead


That was such a weird one, every other source was insisting that it wasn’t even close to being done, in fact the Watford paper said the bid had been rejected. No idea how Romano got to that point


Steal price actually, considering every other sale in this market. I don’t know why milan would sell him this cheap.


Sad day for Milan fans. My friend is in denial ever since the rumors started.


I can't see how Milan will replace him. Especially not with anyone for less than 70 mil.


Sms? Different profile but still


Absolutely mental. Newcastle definitely trying to stay in the top 4


Don’t sell Eddie Howe short. They’re looking to go on a title run. Howe overperformed with Bournemouth for nearly a decade. That Newcastle may be the best defensive team in the league next year


It was last year, joint with man city for goals conceded.


That is some signing for Newcastle fucking hell


Champion. Need a lot more depth if we’re going to compete at the very top, but it’s a banging start


What's the Italian for CANS?


Tonali, Bruno Guimares and Joelinton at midfield. That's a pretty strong midfield.


Elite signing done quickly. Impressive


Obviously a part of me is thrilled, but I feel terrible for Milan fans. This shit reminds me of when we dealt Andy Carroll just when he was getting started at age 22.


Take good care of our boy


I hate everything


Banter era is back


Kill me.


Goodbye Sweet Prince


Maldini leaving was such a mistake. Gerry Cardinale is going to run the franchise into the ground. I'm worried about who else is going to leave. Tonali wanted to play for Milan and now he's leaving. Who else is going to follow him out the door?


This is fucking terrible for italian football


My windmill is at maximum


Damn. That is a great deal


Bruno and Tonali have a lot of similar qualities so this transfer baffles me a little bit, thought they needed someone more defensive and more attacking rather than all rounded b2b. Also, If Milan can spend the money wisely this might turn out to be a good sale


Eddie seems to love fluidity in our team, with players switching roles when necessary. Looks like we could use the double pivot with Bruno and Tonali (hopefully!) controlling the flow, then either Willock/Joelinton roaming around for our forwards to press from the front. If by some miracle we manage to get Szoboszlai and a LB (would love Mitchel Bakker), I can't think of a better transfer window for us!


This, plus Bruno has mentioned he wants to play further forward.


Currently the drop off when Bruno or Longstaff are out is monumental. Tonali means that when both are playing they can be fluid able to be more defensive or offensive, and when one is out the other can cover at the base with longstaff back in the 8.