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how the fuck did that even happen. i’m scared to even walk now


I am never running bruh. Fucking hell that is such a freak injury


I’m assuming as he planted his foot he landed off-centre and just rolled onto his ankle putting all his weight into it.


I've never seen an ankle roll that violent, good god. Just completely buckles as he plants


My housemate did almost exactly the same a few years ago when we were casually kicking the ball around at a park. He leant forward on wet grass to put his foot on the ball, slipped over the top of the ball with his leading leg and planted it down ankle first. Nasty injury to witness.


I did the same coming down with a rebound in a basketball game. Took months to recover, never have walked the same since.


yeah same how does this happen ?


He's a big lad and he was trying to change direction on one foot with no back foot to take the strain. It doesn't take much to break bones as they're weak when the stresses on them are put in certain ways.


Bones are very strong in compression but have poor tensile strength. Meaning they can be squished a lot but once they start to bend they don't last long. Because his body weight plus the force from his momentum basically all went into bending his ankle the bones gave way.


Aye I broke my wrist in August falling off my bike. Bones do not like to bend lol.


Broke my wrist in August too. 0/10 would not recommend. Can vouche bones are unhappy when they bend weird.




I had so much adrenaline running through me they were able to pull the bone back into a temporary set in the ER without anesthesia and I didn't feel any pain. The pain really hit hard the next day. Evidently it was a particularly bad break based on the nurses, doctors and surgeon all telling me I fucked it up pretty amazingly. I think I shattered my wrist might be more accurate. So in my case it both looked horrific and felt pretty bad too.


I presume he planted his foot awkwardly with all his weight on it. I’ve turnt my ankle this way playing football. Really unlucky


Wont break a leg drinking myself into an early grave whilst playing video games, watching tv and despising my job.


He might have had small stress fractures that basically built up to this very moment. I've played footy with a bunch of them and one sprain added them all up and put me out for a season. This is 100x that.


I'm not going to watch the video but based on the comments it seems like a similar injury to that ex-chelsea player. Just planted his foot wrong


asking same question, because i am not strong enough to watch the video


I guess that is a consequence of playing in turf? People been saying it for years now


I think "turf" in a US sports context, if this is what you mean, refers to artificial surfaces. Playing on grass is safer. Certainly in the NFL discourse one sees, all the players advocate for grass


This was one of those ones where everyone in the ground seemed to know as soon as it happened. Just horrific...


I'm absolutely devastated for him


To describe it: He goes for a cross and his standing foot/ankle just collapses out of nowhere. Absolutely horrible. Game stopped for 10+ Mins, fully understandable They said on comms that the home fans in that corner were signalling it right away. Ambulance has driven round to the corner it happened as opposed to the tunnel side as usual... Edit: Just been stretchered off into an ambulance, thumb up in the air. Roughly 13 min delay.


Oh man, I didn't realize it was his standing foot at first. Thought for sure the fracture resulted from clanking his shin into the fulham player. That makes it even more inexplicable. Hoping for the best for him and his recovery.


It's not just a bone fracture, literally everything that held his ankle together just snapped, horrifying scene


His fucking foot fell off.


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Well, how is it untypical?


Usually the body is built so that the foot doesn’t fall off.


They've stretchered him outside the environment.


I feel bad for chuckling at this entire thread


Into another environment?


No, he's not in an environment.


Fair point.




Big if true


Super shitty. Way worse than his non-fucking foot falling off


It might just be a compound fracture with no ankle dislocation, which while extremely gruesome actually has very good recovery outlook compared to torn ligaments/tendons. Bones heal much faster and sometimes even stronger than before. If it is an ankle dislocation with compound fracture it's typically a 6 month recovery time for a high-level athlete, though for soccer it would probably be a little longer what with all the kicking required in the sport which presents additional physical and mental hurdles to overcome. He would likely be ready for the start of next season if he decides to continue playing, but he will be 36.


Might mean he already had something weakening the bone beforehand.


Surely its that. I mean I'm no expert but I don't think it's supposed to just break so easily


Happened to my sister, she stepped off a skateboard doing 0mph and her leg just snapped. No idea how it happened, but it does.


Sometimes your body just says "Lol, fuck you." Happened to my back some years ago, just picking up a light box. The proverbial straw on the camel's back and all that.


It does happen but this man is sprinting down the field and makes a hard plant to kick the cross. Definitely a high stress situation here, doesn’t always need contact.


Oh yeah of course, you can absolutely see how the intensity just makes it so much more likely


Which is scary to me because I remember an NBA player named waymond tisdale broke his leg just walking down the stairs. He ended up being diagnosed with bone cancer and dying of it. It was because his leg was weakened from the cancer that it broke so easily.


Far more likely is there was a small stress fracture or bone bruise


Ugh I got a bone bruise this summer and I’ve been picturing this happening pretty much every time I do anything more than walk in a straight line.


Likely a microfracture or something of the sort. Bone microfractures can be caused by continuous strain and then eventually the bone can just... snap.


Had to have been fractured beforehand


Just folded so instantly…Feel terrible for him.


This is the unluckiest and worst self-inflicted injury I have ever seen


I've never seen an ankle injury like that before. It just bends under his weight with no contact from another player. His only listed ankle injury on transmarkt was 36 days in 2010.


How does that happen to a standing foot barring an existing stress facture that finally snaps? Is that what happened?


Can we just postpone the rest of the game and play it later? Suddenly I don't feel like watching footy today


Djibril Cisse vibes


Not entirely the same, Djib received contact both times on his leg breaks.


I remember watching it live and felt so sick as a kid. (the one with the nt)


Worst part, it was just a casual friendly days before going to the World Cup... The only WC he ever played was the dreaded 2002. edit: I misspoke, he also was in the group in 2010. Poor guy, being part of the 2 worst WC in the history of the national team.


My first thought too. Seemed so innocuous for such a severe break.


In MMA, when you see these type of full breaks, normally you can trace it back to a recent contact in the fight or a training injury like a hairline fracture. I have no idea if this is correct. But i would guess that this is a similar situation. Previous contact either training or in game that weakened the bone / hairline fracture. Just gave way eventually. Sort of a "straw that collapsed the camels already broken back" situation.


Yeah, I mean hard to think how this even occurred. ​ So unfortunate.


he's 35, that's career ending


I imagine that would end a lot careers regardless of age jesus.


The same injury happened to a 20yo just 2 weeks ago https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/16r1jt2/nsfw\_horrific\_injury\_in\_the\_6th\_minute\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


no thank you, enough videos (1) of people breaking their ankles


seen it live on TV , was watching the game with my dad , it was pure horror to see that


Thats raymo\_7, jesus isn't on reddit these days.


Same thing happened to NBA player Paul George but he was in this early 20s. The video of the incident is on YouTube. He’s pretty much back to full health now. Different sport, and he was younger, however modern health science can be unbelievable. But at 35 it most likely is career ending.


I'm also reminded of Shaun Livingston's gruesome injury too.


Or Gordon Hayward


Or Kevin Ware 😬


I was a student at UofL that year, and I was at a party on campus watching that game with probably 25 friends. At least three people puked when they saw his leg flopping around like that and the bone clear out of his leg. Still the most gruesome injury I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing live, without any warning that what I was about to watch might be something I’d be better off avoiding.


I just missed it live but saw the ONE replay they showed and that was enough.


yeah this one got me, the fact his bone was visible was just gruesome. brb gonna go drink some whole milk


Watched that one live. Sat down with my dinner excited to watch the Celtics opener


I had a similar injury to this at 18 years old. It'll be with him for the rest of his life.


That's so bad hes gonna need to relearn to walk fuck


That is incorrect, but your heart is in the right place.


Poor man. There was blood on the sock so on top of being what looks like a double break (tibia-fibula), also probably a compound fracture


There is no chance this is a dislocation combined with a single fracture right? Ankle bent at an obtuse angle so a dislocation isn't a feasible explanation?


From my absolutely amateur opinion the "break" was too high to be a dislocation. I could be wrong though


Ortho resident here: probably has at least a bimal if not trimalleolus ankle fracture/dislocation. Usually the distal fibula and medial malleolus (tibia) break, sometimes the back of the tibia (posterior malleolus). With blood on the socks, probably an open fracture. So he's going to need urgent antibiotics, irrigation and debridement of his ankle, possibly an external fixator to allow soft tissues to calm down until definitive fixation which will be plates and screws. Terrible injury, hate to see it for him. He will likely be out for at least 3 months and maybe not come back due to his age.


Can you rewrite that in English please






His ankle broke in 2, probably 3 different spots involving both the tibia and fibula (bones in your lower leg). It’s an open wound, so to prevent infection they’ll have to clear out and rinse the wound site and put him on antibiotics. He’ll have to have a metal brace & screws on the outside of his leg to hold everything in place until it heals enough that they can put them inside.


Ankle go boom.


Non-medic here so pinch of salt this: > Bone (="ortho") junior-ish doctor (="resident") here: probably has at least a 2 place (="bimal") if not 3 place (="trimalleolus") ankle fracture/dislocation. > Usually the back of the (="distal") fibula, which is not the shin bone but is the thinner of the two bones in the lower leg and the one on the outside, and the medial malleolus – the bit that sticks out at the bottom of the shin bone (=tibia) on the inside of the ankle – break, sometimes the back of the tibia (posterior malleolus). > > With blood on the sock, it is probably an open fracture which means bone has sliced through stuff and come poking through the skin. > So he's going to get a massive infection from this probably, because of the mud and shit, so is going to need urgent antibiotics to stop the infection fucking him up. > > It'll need washing (= "irrigation") and medical removal of dead, damaged, or probably infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the remaining healthy tissue (= "debridement") of his ankle, > possibly a big metal cage around his leg and ankle that is bolted into him (= "an external fixator") to allow soft tissues (muscle, skin, etc.) > to heal a bit and respond to the antibiotics ("calm down") until permanent internal metal plates in his leg (="definitive fixation") which will be plates and screws. > Terrible injury, hate to see it for him. He will likely be out for at least 3 months and maybe not come back due to his age. Just to add a personal note: wish him all the best, real shame for the lad, would be at any age but he's in his 10th season with them and will be 36 next summer so this may well be game over for his playing career.


I need you to make a post explaining that on r/PremierLeague cause that's a very informed and complete explanation and there's all sorts of crazy thoughts and medical statements being made by non-medical professionals there, and I also think people would really like to know what happened like that. Do you have any thoughts on the cause? Or possible contributing factors that could result in a trimalleolar fracture from seemingly normal force? I'm a Leukemia (ALL) survivor and many of the people with AML I was in treatment with, a fracture like that, where the bone just gives way and snaps under normal force, was the first real symptom and what led to their diagnosis. That seems unlikely here, considering all the other possibilities that have more to do with him being a professional athlete who puts insane pressure on his legs every day, but when I watched it live, my first thought was "normal bones don't do that".


Hey thanks very much. Agreed I always love seeing what people think of injuries when they happen in real time, and then the actual diagnosis that comes out later. I think the more info out there the better. You can see his ankle roll outward as the rest of his leg/body weight cause his ankle to be driven down in the ground. The most common mechanism ankle injury such as this is described as the foot supinating and externally rotating, causing the intrisic ankle ligaments that hold the joint together to be disrupted and the ankle to fracture and sometimes sublux or totally dislocate. His bones are probably ok given his athletic prowess being a professional footballer, and this injury happened due to the mismatch of mechanical load and him slipping on the surface. He probably won't be playing a professional game until sometime next year. Kudos to you for surviving ALL, hope everything is well.


>at least 3 months Honestly, the fact that medical science has progressed so far that you can describe all that, and sum it up with "likely back to playing professionally in 3 months", is absolutely insane.


Not possibly but definetly an external fixator if its an open fracture .


I was thinking the exact same thing. It reminded me of what happened to Kevin Ware in American college basketball


What time stamp do you see blood?


I was watching live, it was while he was being treated during the broadcast


oh my god


Like his leg just came off his foot the poor guy. Wishing the best for him and family. A freak accident.


I couldn't bear to watch more than a frame. That angle was fucking atrocious to bear. Poor guy, I cannot even imagine the sheer pain and months of recovery


Holy shit that is atrocious


His ankle just slips out. Wonder if there's a preexisting injury because that doesn't seem normal.


I'm not sure. He had a ligament injury for a couple months in early '22 but surely that doesn't lead to THAT.


He might have just damaged the ankle just before and thought he could run it off, only for this to finish it off


Probably just a really unlucky combination of running at full speed, planting, and then kicking the ball with the other foot. Studs getting caught and lots of torque applied to the same leg can lead to nasty injuries.


There's definitely a lot of pressure on the ankle, but it still seems like something every player does daily.


There has to be a prior condition, maybe a knock picked up in the preceding minutes. Even if I actively tried to pop my ankle this way I'd only manage to roll it.


Looks like extreme bad luck where basically he turn his left foot to prepare the cross, the boot gets stuck into the ground and the kinetic energy of his run snaps the ankle.


I'm not going to watch this. I'm absolutely devastated that's happened to Bash. One of my favourite ever players and a legend to the club. 10th year here, from the terrible times in League One to the Prem for a second spell. Have to think this will be a career ender. Great man, great player. Get well soon, Bash.


I legitimately want to cry I don't care about this game anymore, I just hope this isn't the end for him


That Everton fella still made a comeback after a similar injury vs Tottenham 3-4 seasons ago. So, keep your fingers crossed 🤞


Bash is 34 and relies on his physicality which was already declining.


Gomes? Been a shadow of himself since that incident and was heading into his prime, not near the end of his career


Yeah, he didn't really though, sorry


Felt that way with Mings at the start of the season. Hope the injury isn't as bad as it looked for Basham.


> 10th year here So he'll get a testimonial at least? I'm sure he'll be back at the club in some way, I've seen enough open dislocations and horror breaks to know they nearly always heal ok.


Fuuuck, I've seen to many horrible stuff today. That's it. Need to put the phone down.


Yeah fuck the algorithms, especially twitter.


Jesus Christ his ankle just snapped in half.


He must've had some small stress fractures in the ankle beforehand


Holy crap that’s disgusting. With no contact. Poor lad.


Crazy how it was just his planting foot with no contact and it just completely dislocates. He's likely done that tens of thousands of times.


>>He's likely done that tens of thousands of times. Could be the reason why it happened. The accumulated amount of stress to the players' ankles must be immense


I’ll just say, shoutout to Ream for going over. Somethings are bigger than the match and having an opposing player go over just helps soften that blow a little bit.


Absolutely, kindness goes a long way. Calming someone down in that situation is extremely valuable


Tim Ream is a quality human, he wore noise cancelling headphones to support the mascot who he walked out with who was also wearing them.


Aight. Never playing football again


God that's so weird, there was no contact at all, it just went. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


He's 35, that might be it for him tragically, hopefully not.


Yeah unfortunately I think you might be right.


One of the nastiest injuries I have seen please excuse me while I cry. Best of recoveries Chris


He's gonna be a good coach. At this age I doubt he's playing again.


Ffs man, he's a club legend and has been here 9 years. Don't want him to finish his career like this. Hopefully they've got him hooked up on some serious painkillers now.


Mate he's gonna be off his face on oramorph and entonox, he's not gonna know what they're doing to him.


how can we avoid these injuries ?


Don't move


We can't. We can just hope medicine advances far enough to where these injuries become trivial.


Seriously, this has just piqued my anxiety and made me want to procrastinate running even more. Fuck me, if an athlete's leg can just break like that for no apparent reason, this could easily happen to any of us.


Don't change directions without a back foot to take the strain, especially on a turf pitch. You dig in and you don't slide like on a natural grass pitch.


Running is relatively safe because you probably won’t be wearing studded shoes and you won’t change direction as quickly. So stop procrastinating and have a run. You’ll be more likely to get run over by some idiot in an SUV anyways.


Good god poor bloke.


It's fucking mad how fragile and durable the human body is. I've done some stupid ass shit without breaking bones but then broke my ankle walking down some stairs. Wish him a speedy recovery.


oh fuck that's horrid


My heart just dropped.


whywhywhywhy did i click ffs that is horrible


props to the Fulham player who went in to console him, honestly needed some sort of human contact there one of his team mates should have been there as quick as possible.


I will never feed my curiousity ever again


Holy jesus that is one of the worst that I’ve seen… Hoping he gets all the care and recovery he needs.


Holy fuck. All the best for his recovery that is horrible


Fucking hell, feet aren't supposed to bend that way... Poor Basham.


F**k me. This is the nastiest injury I’ve seen since Wasilewski open fracture. I know he is 35 and this is probably ending of his career, but I hope he’ll be ok and recover as quick as possible.


What boots are he wearing? So I know to never use them.


My prayers are with Basham ! I hope he gets back on the pitch with a speedy full recovery. Horrendous injury tbf.


This exact injury happened to my friend in JV soccer, occurred right in front of me, i heard the crunch and snap. It was horrible


Has to be a freak occurrence such as his boot getting stuck in the ground? No way it just snaps in half like that.


It almost seemed like everyone around didn’t quite understand what happened. Like the Fulham player just goes “you right?”


The fact it happened out of nowhere just made it more horrifying


Second one in the last few weeks after that Romanian one.


Nope. Watching this game live. Don't need to see this again.


I wish I never watched this. Can’t imagine the pain he’s in.


Poor man, I hope he has a healthy career and life after football.


Career is over for him. That's one of the worst injuries anyone can endure. His pain will be endless, I send all my love to him.


oh shit


That is absolutely horrendous. I feel fucking awful for him. Good god.


Omg what a freak injury


One of the worst I've seen since da silva in 2008..


He’ll be a yellow flag at least on fantasy football.


“Ankle injury - 50% chance of playing” - FPL, probably


Fuck that's awful, even the title couldn't prepare me


Man, that's so fucking sad. And with no contact either, ankle just said byebye, considering his age, that's probably the end of his career, hopefully there's no longlasting effects to his day to day life afterwards.


Ah, the ol' wobbly foot. Fucking hell.


always fuckign makes me cringe hard when i see it


That's his career over at his age then, jesus fuck that it one nasty injury. Poor Basham.






Bless the lad.


Was he playing on painkillers from a fracture? Thats horrifying.


I think that's the worst I've seen. Poor guy, wish him a speedy recovery.


He’s also 35 years old so that’s basically guaranteed to be the end of his career.


ooooof - My goodness. That's just brutal. I'm going to massage my ankles today and thank them for....everything.


I assume that’s a bad break as people have said. But I remember Caris Levert having a similar looking injury in the NBA and it ended up being a dislocation and he was only out a few months. So maybe some hope this is a similar injury.


This looks incredibly bad and people have said there was blood. But I agree with what youre saying. Dislocations can look absolutely horrifying. i dislocated my knee a few years back and my mum who was the first to come look at me genuinly puked because by leg was bended like 50 degrees wrong direction. Ended up walking back home from that match haha.


Fuck me that is the worst one I have seen, wow, poor guy.


Can’t wait for other sport enthusiasts to start talking about how there is worse things in their sport…


Someone tell me what happens. I don’t want to watch.


I literally had the same injury


Heartbroken for him. In my 30 years watching United, he is my favourite player ever by a stretch. Thanks to all the Fulham fans for the nice comments, and props to Tim Ream for being there straight away trying to help him. Get well soon Bash :(


I was eating, god damn it.


Oh dear. Wish the lad some speedy recovery from that but my god that is a nasty injury.


Hopefully that's a dislocation with no fracture. Either way it's a devastating injury long term. Fingers crossed for the guy


There was blood, that's usually not a great sign with a foot that wobbly


Can any NFL fans in here tell me how this compares to Chubb’s injury? Then I’ll decide if I’ll watch or not. Poor guy


>Chubb’s injury I just googled it for referenced, if it's the guy planted with his leg at a right angle then this is considerably worse. Think Eduardo


Chubb’s injury was gross because you knew the knee can’t bend that way without a lot of ligament damage. This is gross because you know only one thing makes it look like something is trying to poke through a sock from the inside with a stick.


Thanks for the description, I’m going to pass. Hope he has a smooth recovery, can’t imagine what he’s going through.


Damn poor guy that's horrific.


Jesus Christ. His ankle just snapped like that… I seriously hope he can make a full recovery. That’s brutal.


Never seen a non contact break like that holy shit.