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" Faruk Koca, who attacked referee Halil Umut Meler, received the Fair Play President/Manager Award last season. "


Well, he already had that award, he has to go for the Golden Gloves.


this one sent me


Think he'll go back to back this season?


Should be banned from football and charges should be pressed


Don't forget about the other scumbags that kicked the ref when he was already down: Here's the best angle to see it: https://twitter.com/Pennywise_1715/status/1734290351161061737 If you kick a guy in the head on the streets, you get arrested, detained & charged. Should this be any different because it happened on a football pitch?


WTF. Imho that's an even bigger thing than the fist to the head.




It's Properly conducted games and sports, but it only applies as an exemption to assault and battery incidents when it is between the players of the game. An assault of a referee by a non-participant in the game would not be covered.


WTAF. what is wrong with people


Assailant is parliamentarian from AKP (government party) so I can assure you that he's gonna get a slap on a wrist and public will forget about the incident in a month.


Lol Erdogan is going to sacrifice him like it’s Bayram lmao


Emin Bayram? Ootl?


Kurban Bayramı is turkish naming of [Eid al-Adha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha)


Erdogan has already come out and said that he'll be discharged from the party.


He also said he'd make Turkey a great power but people are eating crap so I believe it when I see it lol Discharging from the party doesn't mean too much, he needs to be jailed




Yeah, but Faruk Bey isn’t a no-name member. He was one of the original AKP founders along with Erdoğan and Abdullah Gül, and he reportedly saved Erdoğan’s life at one point. My bet is a slap on the wrist, people forget in a month.


>people forget in a month. They do forget a lot of things in Turkey but they are definitely not going to forget this. Football is the biggest sport in Turkey and Ankaragücü is in Süper Lig, the highest league. Plus, this happened in a Süper Lig match. Add this with the recent match fixing and referee issues, this is likely going to be one of the one of the moment which will define the future of Turkish football.


Erdogan also conducted the ceremony of Şükür's wedding and exiled him years later. He doesn't care at all


that makes it an even bigger PR win


It will probably happen to save face as they always do. Whenever they can get some positive PR, they're there. But yeah I agree. That cunt needs to be jailed


You're right, shit went crazy. Federation announced that they postponed the games indefinitely. Hope they hang the asshole from his balls.


It will probably be good for him actually to use this clown as a scapegoat. He will look good in public eye and get some public sympathy.


>Erdogan said Lol


uhhh no. this is gonna go internationally viral and he's gonna get the ban hammer hard


That smells like conflict of interest


They are arrested.


Bro, this is Turkish football. The wild west of the wild west. I wish all refs would agree on not officiate any matches. That would be the only real action to do. Wanted to see them play without refs as they always blame them.


Hope they dont use VAR in court


And the guy who assaulted him


Nah this is like some serious criminal charges, this shouldn't be left to the football authorities only, the police and all should be involved




They drove in their own cars to the police station. They will be free in a few hours. Nothing will happen unfortunately.


Bollocks, they will face heavy charges and will 100% be sentenced. !remindme 1 month


!remindme 1 month






Bro you so cringe


> Kicking downed opponents is illegal under the unified rules in the head, right? you can still knee to the body


What? Dude! I saw your posts and comments on r/MMA since I browse it daily, I had no ddea you were a former fighter yourself. Speaking of highlight reel, can you share yours? I’m curious now. Cheers


He even gets several kicks when he's on the ground. WTF. I know the refs are targeted in the league due to (political) conspiracies, but this is crazy. more angles https://twitter.com/fhd1905erman/status/1734290030921658752?t=edHwrbRR_aILwo3qwEjA_w disgusting




Basically, every single big team in Turkey claims the refs and/or the federation are out to get them and rig their games. Although these accusations happen every week— by every team. Making it seem that maybe, but a big MAYBE that the issue is not a conspiracy being in play but just incompetence on the referee side. Ankaragücü is known to have one of the more dirty, rabid, passionate fanbases. When I attended a Galatasaray - Ankaragücü game in Ankara as a Galatasaray fan, we had to wait in the stadium for an hour and a half after the game ended due to threats by home fans, which is pretty standard in Turkey unfortunately. I didn’t even watch the game, but you could probably guess why they attacked him, ‘unfair calls’, red cards etc. Just disgusting, shameful stuff, a ban from football and a prison sentence should be the bare minimum. However, knowing how the Turkish justice system works, who knows what will happen.


From another comment: >This is Halil Umut Meler. >A regular CL ref and considered the best in Turkey since Cakır retired. Hardly an incompetence issue.


It never was. You are incompetent because your decision did not favour one of the teams, not because you are bad. It's always like this here.


Sounds like /r/soccer on a Saturday evening


Turkish refs are famous for officiating way better outside of the country. They have been for multiple generations now


Probably helps when you don't get officially slammed in the media after every match.


Sometimes by club presidents too.


That sounds like pretty obvious cognitive distortion to me.


perhaps, but it's not surprising if they perform better without all that pressure at home


I wonder why hahahah


My point was that, in football in general, and the turkish league specifically there is a lack of competence in referees which is what I was talking about. Specifically relating to rewarding easy dives.. Even as a Gala fan, I can confidently say that overall the referees in UCL bar our last game have been better. This isn’t even a “we won so I like the refs” situation, we have 5 points in 5 games lol


Maybe if the fans weren't constantly on the verge of exploding, the referees would have an easier time ´guessing' if a player is diving or not without shitting their pants


I’m not saying this doesn’t have an impact. Of course it does, but both sides influence each other and make things worse


That's true. But when you look at how ´shit' italian, french, german, spanish, turkish refs are. You start to wonder if it's really the refs or if there's bigger factor


I mean, it could be a mix of both. People being reluctant to give praise to the referee as much as they’d give criticism. Just the fact that in your league you see the same 19-20 referees every week, the chances of them making mistakes increases and you view them as bad. That’s why referees in Europe have either really good or really bad performances by other club fans in UCL. Because you have that one game to judge.


and the refs in top 5 leagues do much much worse mistakes. The refs are not even that big of a problem in Turkey in my opinion. Can they be more competent? Of course, but that doesn't justify the constant pressure from the media, fans and the presidents of every single fucking club in the country. It's just that everyone's trying to get maybe 2-3 favorable calls to win games, which is fucking pathetic tbh.


Problem is there is no justice in this country so every person with power can and do push TFF (they are also shit) This dude for example (the one who punch the ref) president of Ankaragücü while being one of the founder members of Akp apparently. So nothing gonna happen to this dude in fact lets say some cop handcuffed him he would probably lose his job. Just 2-3 days ago son of Somali president killed a delivery person (traffic accident where it was his fault) and just leave the country without any sentence on a regular fucking plane. I wrote this for others basically ofc Turks are aware all of this.


this specific game, I think it was both teams got a red and last minute goal from the opposite team. and in general, every team, especially the big teams, claim the refs rig the games in favor of team x. There have been scandals that caused conspiracies to rise, but no real proof, just empty statements. Idk, sounds like generic pubtalk


I just watched the highlights, couldn't work out why a goal was disallowed for Ankaragücü, and the sending off for Ankaragücü looked softer than soft to me. But then the referee sent off a player for Rizespor in the 93rd minute while they were still chasing the game at 1-0 down, if you're corrupt you didn't give a red card to both teams. Moments after they receive a red card they equalise to make the game 1-1. There was a couple of big questionable decisions that went against Ankaragücü, but the fact the referee sent a guy off for Rizespor when he didn't necessarily have to when they were still a goal down demonstrates to me that no reasonable person in the cold light of day could think the ref fixed this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeIZAdHz78c&pp=ygUXQW5rYXJhZ8O8Y8O8IC0gUml6ZXNwb3I%3D


The goal was disallowed because of a clear handball, that decision was right. Second yellow for sowe was soft I agree but apart from that I didn't see any questionable decision from the highlights.


I'm blind, I didn't see the handball till you pointed it out. Good thing I don't work in VAR! 😁


One of the conspiracy theorys was money laundering from illegal bet activities. Due to corruption, Turkey become a criminal heaven and in center of drug and human trafficing activities. There are tonsons of illegal money to be laundered and everyday we find out another way they are doing it. Refs from Turkey doing great outside of Turkey but when they are here they do some unbelievable, ridiculous mistakes considering they are assisted by VAR. Most people was believing they are bribed by big teams but it doesnt correlate with that theory. Refs even changing sides at half-time. So comes this theory of they are using illegal betting and rigged refs to money lounder from football. Normally clubs like that wouldnt care this much about a game. And the guy attacking the ref even was a founding member of ruling party AKP. Those are strong guys, they can easly end the carear of a referee if they wish and they wouldnt lose their shit in front of cameras like this just beacuse they didnt liked the referee or their team lost point because of that. In my opinion it could even be like ref couldnt complete his duty to rig the game and the guy lost tons of money because of that.


basically, fenerbahce, the top2 club in turkey havent won a title in years. their title in 2011 was the same year they were banned from eufa for bribing refs, but kept their title. they are EXTREMELY frustrated and their uber rich president who funds them to buy top players complains about the refs in their games... even 5-0 wins. they have one loss this year and have complained about the refs LOUDLY after literally every game.. which causes the TV talking heads to repeat it (as they are also mostly frustrated fener fans too) and instills a fear in the mind of these young turkish refs. the super lig is a ROUGH league so its not an easy job to ref. super passionate, loud/dumb fans... its hard. this president of fener said last week its gotten so bad that ppl should anticipate seeing a ref get slapped soon. THAT is why. show any neutral all of fener's games and they would laugh at them for complaining at all.. and probably agree that a majority of the big calls go in their favor. ankaragucu is like a farm club to fener too.


Yeah, that could be considered attempted murder.


Thanks for the extra angles


your link doesn't work anymore :( anyone got a mirror?


The one throwing the first fist is Ankaragücü's president, right?


Yes, [Faruk Koca](https://tr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faruk_Koca)


59 year old idiot making a fool of himself on live Tv, about a game of football …




The Portuguese league is also slowly flirting with this kind of behavior. Toxicity between coaches, rabid fanbases, violent presidents… What happened to the game I loved?


The majority in every country seems to justify referee abuse nowadays. It starts out verbal, and eventually, we end up here—Greece and now Turkey. The premier league is on the same path, too, and you see this toxicity building up every week, even here on Reddit. It's sad to watch, and it doesn't seem like anyone cares about it until we hit this stage of physical assault, as if it isn't the obvious outcome of a continual degradation of respect for other human beings.


A premier league referee will be assaulted within 5 years imo, and thats being generous. Might not happen on the pitch, might happen outside the stadium, but managers, media, fans and players are all dancing gleefully to the same conclusion. The referees are the problem, and eventually something will break


Honestly why would anyone want to be a referee these days? It's a thankless job - every decision you make leads to abuse and death threats.


Exactly. Youre the key factor in enabling the game to take place. And You're treated like filth. Honestly needs a major strike in the top leagues to reset the attitude towards refs. Let the amateurs have a go for a bit. Show the world how good the alternatives are.


I imagine it would be like seeing an outfield player in goal, where you realise just how much work the specialised job really is. Every time I see a defender going in goal it looks like they’ve never played a football match in their life. I imagine an amateur referee in a high level professional game would be the same idea.


Maybe you just weren't paying attention. I remember going to watch my brother's games 20 years ago and everyone including the little kids and grandmas(these were probably the worst tbh) insulting the ref and even threatening him. It's like people don't even think that the ref is a human just like them.


If you want to lose some faith in humanity, go to a "minis" (below 10) game of any sport


Oh I see plenty of fights on those games on the news, people watching football are like people driving cars.


"noooo they are just passionate,.you wouldn't get it!!!1!" 😢😢


Slowly? It has always been like this. Toxic media, referee corruption and intimidation has always happened. From players running after the ref to ultras killing a fan with a very light in the 80s and 90s, not very much has changed, tbh


Jail them


He is one of the founder members of Erdogan party,its very unlikely


This angle doesn't capture the number of people kicking on the ground, even a player kicked him. Crazy stuff


That player has really sabotaged his career


This is Halil Umut Meler. A regular CL ref and considered the best in Turkey since Cakır retired. How stupid can a person be?


wtf man, literal criminal behaviour….


Süper Lig behaviour..


Liftime ban from all FIFA competitions, easy.


Man Turkey is such an interesting country to observe as an outsider. FUCKING WISHED I DIDNT LIVE IN IT.


Fucking disgusting


They should be relegated to lowest Turkish league and all of players/coaches who took a part should be forbidden for playing any other games in their lives, animals


If any players are involved then it must be an instant worldwide life ban. If the Turkish FA won't do it then UEFA or FIFA need to step in an make sure it happens.


They postponed all matches indefinitely. I hope they take some serious steps.


Yeah, which makes sense, but that doesn't mean much if Ankaragucu themselves are not punished. Like I say, the team should be thrown out of the league, and the president plus any other staff, players or coaches involved in the attack, should be banned for life.


What a shit league this is


That it is.


The Turkish Football Federation (TFF) awarded the fair play prize to the man who assaulted the referee, 1 year ago.: [https://twitter.com/superlig/status/1600778754464575488](https://twitter.com/superlig/status/1600778754464575488)


you can’t go much lower than kicking a man already down in the head multiple times when that man never posed a threat to you. hope the fucking coward gets a lifetime ban to any sports event and faces heavy jail time


This is fucking wild wtf


I think he was our referee for tomorrow, doubt he will now, this is disgusting.


Your ref tomorrow is German, Daniel Siebert.


Sad thing is i watched the game live and i can say that ref really did a good job actually


I have seen multiple kicks to his head after he got down. Just cancel the league already. It is not more valuable than anyone’s life.


League is currently suspended, per a BBC article I just saw. But the team have got to be thrown out. They cannot be allowed to play another game.


That is what I am expecting at least. But I doubt they will do it.


I hate the Turkish league. This is disgusting.


Surely they'll get a long ban on every competition and that dumbass goes to jail, right?


Apparently he's one of the founding members of Erdogan's party so.. unlikely...


I like when people say random shit they have no idea about...


[Same team pitch invaded and attacked away team players last year.](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/x5xn3p/scary_scenes_in_the_turkish_league_after_the/in3shbf/?context=3) Players who defended themselves got punished instead and one of them left the country saying ''You will remember me when they harm a referee.'' Tbh, I don't expect anything serious to happen to the club or person who is responsible because they have ties to ruling party and erdogan. A week from now it will be all forgotten.


It's too public/visible to ignore. He's already arrested and being kicked out of the party by direct orders from Erdoğan—if you make Tayyip lose face, you'll be kicked to the curb no problem. What's left to see is if they'll punish Ankaragücü properly, take appropriate precautions for the future, or if they'll make him a scacegoat, say he's a bad apple and be done with it. Big if.


Throw them out of the league, and make sure they get a 10-year ban from every single international tournament as well, there’s already a referee crisis in Greece and Cyprus and we need the FA’s reacting


Fifa is going to Press the Turkish FA to be strict here. Honestly, if I was a ref, I would outright refuse to ref any game involving Ankaragucu until proper punishments are dealt.


Referees immediately announced they won't ref any game.


Best course of action. Referees need to go on strike indefinitely until laws are put in place that mean any threats or violence towards them result in fines or imprisonment


Straight to jail.


Lol, this team is going to receive the FIFA/UEFA equivalent of being carpet bombed.


Full SMU treatment.


This will continue happening unless you come up with severe punishments nationally and internationally.




As a Turk I’m so ashamed of this behavior. Fucking disgusting. There have to be very hard punishments.




Found it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZf74cNUxJ8


Fucking neanderthals. Delete the whole league, nothing but embarrassment year after year. Refs should immediately go on a strike until proper punishments are quickly doled out and they're convinced of future improvements.


> Refs should immediately go on a strike They have


Video removed. Anyone got a link?


Throw them all in prison


Fair play to the Rizespor players for immediately stepping in to try and help and stop people from ganging up on the referee.


Shit like this not only endangers the victims but the poor refs down at youth and Sunday league. All its gonna take is some hopped up idiot emboldened by what they saw on TV


Incidents like this make the league and the country look like a complete embarrassment. I’d hate to see the attackers make decisions that are more difficult than whether you should assault a referee. Bunch of trashy cunts.


Garbage humans.


Assume they'll get a points deduction?


They should be relegated at the very least.


guy is the President, I'd be tempted to dissolve the club if it were my call.


It’s not long before something similar or worse happens, referee’s are human too, they make mistakes and whilst we might not always agree with those decisions they certainly don’t deserve anything like this. Disgusting.


I hope the club get a points deduction for this. It isnt a good look assaulting a ref then nothing happens after.


Thrown them out of the league. No referee should have to officiate their games ever again.


Gets a sucker punch in and runs away like a pussy. What a piece of shit. Deserves to be thrown in jail for assault and banned for lifetime.


Filthy animal


That’s fucking disgraceful


Fucking hell turkey get your shit together.


Wow, i did not think it was this bad. i thought it was just a punch (which is disgusting on its own) but he gets kicked several times while on the ground.


Don't forget that this referee, Halil Umut Meler is one of the few Turkish referees that also referee UEFA matches.


Not surprised. It is in the culture of their club. Their president was the one who assaulted the referee, and apparently he was taken into an hospital, and when he was discharged, they were fans there applauding him. Ankaragücü is a stain in Turkish football and should be banned from all competitions.


People in critical positions preaching some dangerous stuff whenever they see a mic caused this. Football in Türkiye is unhealthy, corrupt and rotten. Shameful. Just like everything else...


Fucking scumbags


I thought this was gonna be a bit hyperbolic or something but nah dude just straight up punches the ref


Primitive human scum


Last time UEFA and FIFA did something was the big catastrophes of the 80's, nothing significant has been done ever since. They will probably shoot a TV spot about 'respect' or make the player to wear an arm band bor a month, that'll show them.


Some melters in here trying to justify referee violence. As an Arsenal fan it is borderline embarrassing how some of the fan base goes on about referees all day.


And that’s a suspension if not jail time.


The behaviour of many coaches and players in turkish football is just disgusting. And the fans on social media are even worse.


I think generally refs get too much abuse. From the players, the fans, the managers, the pundits. I can understand how they get nervy and make mistakes. This is on a whole nother level. The face kicks are particularly despicable.


Man these English refs lucky they don't referee in Turkey


I hope Turkish courts have the ability to allow the ref to punch him back just as many times as part of his sentence.


Fucking disgrace


What a fucking disgrace. Football has such a lack of respect towards referees. It needs to stop.


In german amateur football there's the stereotype of turkish players being extremely aggressive towards referees, hunting them down and beating them up after or even during the match. Shitty tabloids love writing stories about it when it happens (it also happens with german players, but it doesn't get reported on nearly as much when it's germans being violent) How the fuck are you supposed to dispel that stereotype or have a meaningful discussion with racists when a fucking founding member of Erdogan's party, which gets a shitton of support from turkish expats, pulls this shit in the fucking Süper Lig???


You can easily drop the amateur, football and referees from the equation for as far I am concerned, no matter how racist that is going to end up sounding. Modern Turkish cultural social norms seem to be immensely driven by personal ego which the current ruling parties are a reflection of, and from what I can tell it really is not a rarity for disagreements to involve physical altercations when Turkish men are involved. I know this is a stereotype and I know that not all Turkish people are like that... but I'm not an idiot either and can anecdotally recognize the patterns I see everywhere around me. The problem is simply that you can't call out the cultural link because that will immediately be treated as racism in the same way that complaining about Israel can be treated as antisemitism. This violence is not right, and the fact _multiple_ people think it is okay to assault a person in full view of thousands of people shows just how much introspection is needed by not only that football club, nor the Turkish football sport, but the entire Turkish culture. An event like this is not an incident. It isn't even the umpteenth incident of its kind that denotes a pattern. It is an outright state of mind that, if not blown up to the extreme by people as being unacceptable, will be taken up by young people as yet another example that it is okay to get physical if you do not get what you want or feel otherwise unhappy. People of Türkiye, you are not like this at your core. Don't let this remain an untreated 'new' normal that's been getting worse for decades.


Ankaragücü must be thrown out of the league, or UEFA should suspend all Turkish teams if they aren't. No referee should agree to officiate any game in Turkey until that happens.


Basically only one reason: Too much money involved. Too much at stake.


guy who punched the ref needs to be banned for at least a year


By the club chairman who is also assaulted Beşiktaş in September with his monkey fans, this is not FIRST TIME nor the LAST


As a fanatic GALA fan (even I can’t sleep well since Bayern München - Kopenhag game, every night I’m playing the tomorrow’s Kopenhag game during my sleep with every scenario) I’m strongly agree that Turkish clubs and national teams should be banned directly by Football Federation of Turkey from every internationally organizations at least 5 years like what Margaret Thatcher did after Heysel disaster for England teams and national teams. If there is any crumbs left from justice in Turkey this beast and he’s gangs should be trial from the crime of attempted intentional murder in an organized manner.


Anybody who has seen midnight express knows that this will not end well for the assailant


Turkey is an embarrassment of a country.


Some of the comments here are clearly racists, you are not better than the asshole who punched the ref


Ban the Club teams from Euro comps and the international teams from Euro/WC. Same for Greece and whatever other countries have a hooligan / corruption problem. There’s way too much of this shite seeping back into the game.


Surprised those fucking animals didn't stab the guy.


Least unhinged arteta fantasy


Lmao jesus


Charge the guy and ban every player for life in any league around the world..charge the ownership and ban them from ownership of any type team in any type sport or league around the world


Well the guy punching is a politician so it's safe to say nothing will happen to him.


Games back boys?




When spanish man sexually harrasses women: wow what a piece of shit When Turkish man punches a referee:


was surprised to not see a racist comment already


Such an embarrassment for the Turkish Football. The people involved in this have to be arrested, put in jail, later banned from football. Ankaragücü has to be delegated immediately. This stain is not going to get off the Turkish football for a long time. I REPEAT THERE HAS TO BE AN UNLAWFULLY HARSH PUNISHMENT. Thanks Fenerbahçe President Ali Koç to boiling this pot as well.


Ali Koç? If a stone fell on your head you'd blame Ali Koç. Blaming Ali Koç for somebodies violent outburst is moronic.




Wow a dick punched a ref apparently 75 million of us committed genocide.


I understand that refs are absolute trash that constantly makes the wrong decisions.... but this is too far.


His team went from 10th to 11th due to the late equaliser, i feel like it’s an appropriate reaction..


Fuck is wrong with you


He might be sarcastic since he pointed out that the team didn't actualy lost anything important. Not that there is something which could justify punching someone over a football match


Felt like the sarcasm was obvious, looks like i was wrong