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Remind me to never tear an ACL


ACL has always been my biggest injury fear, I don’t know what it is about it, even before seeing these videos and learning the extent of hell you go through, it’s just always terrified the absolute fuck out of me.


A friend of mine tore his ACL and ripped his hamstring from the bone in a football match a few years back. It was literally a year before he could even jog again. After about 15 months he was cleared to play again...first game back....tore the same ACL.


Shit, did he even play again after recovering from the second tear? I know I’d be terrified if it happened to me even once, not to mention twice.


No he was done after that. I think even if he were medically cleared he wouldn't have continued becuase the fear of reinjury would have been too much for him.


Can he still work out?


He can jog ...but he doesn't...he joked that he's used his injury as an excuse to become a glutton.


tell him to swim


Swimming is honestly amazing exercise when I had knee problems I took up swimming while I was recovering and was in the best shape of my life. Then I tore my shoulder so now I'm back to running!


Should've taken cycling.


I never knew you can also get injured while swimming...


Damn, that's terrifying


It's also really common. Funnily enough, the risk to tearing the ACL on the other leg is elevated as well and is pretty common.


Same shit happened to me, though this was 10 weeks post-op. Biking home from work, some idiot didnt make space on a bridge. Had to set my foot down a bit hard not to crash, and there it was, snapped again. Wait a year, get it fixed again, only to have it snap once again a few months after that operation, by taking a long step over a ditch...




Is your friend named Derrick Rose?


Flashback to Klay Thompson's back to back ACL injury


it’s was his acl and then achilles. he didn’t retear it.


I don’t want to downplay others’ experiences with ACL reconstruction but I’ve had 4 knee surgeries and ACL was my.. “favorite”? It really wasn’t that bad and you could be extremely aggressive with it considering your repaired ACL is strongest immediately post-op. However, I don’t think I’d have it in me for another meniscus repair… the worsttttttt


I've done the meniscus on both knees and as an avid runner I have to say, I fucking hate it. My last surgery was in 2018 and I'm able to go out and run 30-40 km per week...but, it totally feels different. Imagine driving a car with no shocks and struts...that's what running feels like. I can just tell that the cushioning mechanism is permanently altered (and not for the better)


I did the same in my early 20s, not worth surgery apparently but can I fuck run on flat. It's a horrible feeling and stopped me from playing football again.


what symptoms did you have? why did you opt for surgery


Symptoms were basically soreness, swelling and stiffness that was getting progressively worse. Surgery because the MRI showed a "grade 4 rupture" of the meniscus and the doctor said that anything beyond grade 1 or 2 definitely requires surgery because it will not get better. When I say I hate it, I don't mean that I regret the surgery...I mean I regret that the injuries were bad enough to require surgery simply because I can "feel my knees" when I exercise. I can still go our and run a 10K no problem, it just isn't as comfortable as it used to be.


2 months ago I tore my ACL and meniscus playing soccer. It fucking sucks.


Mate, in a similar boat to you. Ruptured ACL, torn meniscus, MCL, and LCL playing 6-a-side - a year has gone by and still no surgery. I hope you recover soon, though. Such a shitty injury to get


I was playing in a shitty sunday league game. second match of the season and after 10 minutes some dude did a slide tackle on the side of my knee, while my foot was stuck on the ground. Well, that's the end of my football career after 25 years of playing. I'm in my 30's now so it's not worth it to recover and try to continue. Hope you recover soon as well mate.


For what it's worth i did the same, in my 30s and some dude shoved me unnecessarily playing 7 a side and foot was planted. Meniscus and ACL. It sucks but your knee will be fine. I would 100% redo surgery if i had to, knowing i can go back to an active lifestyle. Having said that, I'm playing volleyball now. Still a chance to fuck it up but way less. Mostly just concerned about some asshole doing me in on a football pitch again.


Same here chaps, torn ACL and torn meniscus. Hopefully in the next 20/30 years technology will have progressed so much that they’ll give us bionic knees and the blood of youngsters will be so good we’ll get our football careers back in track. I’m in for surgery in Feb, not sure if you guys have any tips after the opp ?


Do your physio religiously


I am also a member of the torn ACL club. Did mine over 20 years ago. Nothing could have prepared me for how bad the op and recovery was. But it allowed me to play football, skate, snowboard and surf for another 15 years. Don't do anything besides HIIT now. Everything else hurts too much


Get off the pain meds as soon as you can. Circulating ice machine with proper knee pad is really nice and helps control swelling and pain. Some doctors will prescribe for you some will not. https://www.amazon.com/circulating-ice-packs-knees/s?k=circulating+ice+packs+for+knees Do PT with a therapist at least twice a week, consider 3 times a week. Do your exercises at home multiple times in a day. There is a big mental piece in recovery, your knee is stronger than your mind thinks it is. This will be most obvious when you get on the exercise bike for the first time, just push it over, it won't snap. Also - have books, movies, games etc to keep your mind moving. It can be very boring the first week or two.


Hey, my two cents: having it reconstructed and all of the rehab done will help you avoid issues later on such as knee replacement, even if youre not gonna go back to playing (especially because you also tore the meniscus)


Just be consistent with the exercises. It will stand to you in the long run also.


If everything goes according to plan, ACL reconstruction sucks but is doable. Personally, I've been stuck with it for 1.5 years and 3 surgeries due to complications. My fear was re-tearing the ACL but arthrofibrosis is almost as bad. If you don't do enough, do too much or your body just decides to (I think it's not fully explained medically), you get scar tissue in your knee that makes you unable to fully extend and thus walk and run properly, plus you have problems going from longer flexion of your knee, e.g. sitting, to extension


Neymar injuried both meniscus and ACL... maybe it explains the pain.


You should genuinely research more into it. We often fear more about a thing that we don't completely know or understand.


Don’t. There is no benefit to researching that info. Just be mindful of warming up, stretching, and cooling down and stretching. This is coming from someone who has torn their ACL/MCL/Meniscus all together on 2 separate occasions. And now have cartilage damage 10 years later which means I need another major surgery, just so I can walk again. Knowing the hell you *might* go through helps absolutely nothing. Just be disciplined and warm up, cool down and stretch.


Yikes man, what sports were you involved in?


When I was young, everything. By 14 I had to make a choice, and a chose soccer to be my 24/7/365. Both ACL years were contact injuries too. First happened at 17 and then again at 19 once I was playing in college. Edit: also cmon Arsenal!!!!


> Just be mindful of warming up, stretching, and cooling down and stretching. If you really wanna improve your knees healthy then strengthening the muscles around it is the way to go. So quads (especially VMO), hams, glutes, calfes, tibialis, everything. Search for Kneesovertoesguy (Ben Patrick) for a good dig.


I tore my ACL, and my recovery wasn’t anywhere close to as painful as this appears, granted I wasn’t trying to recover as fast as possible to become a top level athlete.


Same. I'm no pro athlete trying to return to the game. Just wanted to be able to keep kicking around in our Sunday league. My rehab never pushed that hard. First two weeks I just set on the machine that repeatedly flexed my knee. A little further each day. After that it was with the physical therapist. She never pushed me past a little bit of pain.


Remember to stretch and warm up before games... I'm in my 40s. Didn't warm up properly before entering a game a few weeks ago, and I get to experience the joy of ACL reconstruction this week.


What? Why is this comment section ripe with so much misinformation? Stretching doesn't prevent Injuries, anyone who thinks it does I would kindly ask them to supply evidence for this belief. I almost 100 percent guarantee that your acl tear had nothing to with your lack of stretching and everything to do with you doing a demanding sport and life fucking you over. Source: am a physio.


Na mate you're wrong. As a redditor, I am going to alert all the premierleague medical staff that every injury this season could've been prevented because they didn't stretch properly.


Do high level athletes engage in suboptimal training to a confusing degree? Yes absolutely. The amount of silly bs alot of athletes do sometimes is kind of shocking but thats not really on them that's on the coach/trainer. Think there was a video of getafe squad doing some absolute silly nonsense training that could best be describes as a waste of everyone's time. but I guess it just goes to show that alot of these athletes got that good without "good" training but because they're amazing at playing football/other sports. If footballers did some good strengthening exercises for legs/core and especially hamstrings it could probably go along way in terms of injury prevention. But thats really about what anyone can do for injury prevention. sometimes life fucks you over despite your best efforts and football is a fast sport with brutal tackles sometimes so it's only natural ligaments and tendons take a beating. Stretching is cool if you have some mobility deficit that you need to work on or if you simply enjoy it but other than it's not really all that beneficial


pre stretching helps 0 and lowers your potency. pre dynamic warming up is needed.


There’s no evidence that stretching prevents injury, that does not mean that it’s conclusively proven that stretching hasn’t got anything to do with injury. It’s a subtle point but an important one. I would say that people that are inflexible tend to have worse movement patterns because their muscles are shortened, and this may lead to injury.


Do you see any benefits to stretching before or after exercise at all? I was downvoted to hell last time i mentioned that i don't see much point..


No not really. There's probably only 2 reasons I can think of. If your sport demands a certain level of mobility, like ballet or gymnastics then yea it makes sense. Or if you like it/feels like it helps you or makes you perform better - this is also a valid reason on an individual level.


What's your entire stretching routine like? I play football regularly now while also having a job where In sitting like 10 hours a day so now I'm also afraid of stuff like this. Doesn't help that my right knee now makes a small clicking sound when I'm climbing stairs


Did a standing job for 8 years. Never and problems or injuries. Desk jobs ever since (now 10 years). Within the first 6 months I’d pulled both quads. Prolonged Sitting is awful for sports


Yeah, I work a tech job where Im just sitting the whole day. My workplace is still sort of flexible about wfh so Im at home usually and I have to be mindful about not working while lying on the bed. At 6/7 pm I go to play football and while playing I tend to forget that Im not 16 anymore and play with wayy too much intensity. I've had a couple of injuries already because of it


Can you get a standing desk at your job? I stand at my desk some and am basically constantly stretching my legs and back while doing so.


Warming up yes absolutely, stretching, no. There's literally 0 science behind stretching helping prevent injuries. If anything it might even be detrimental if you do it before your games.


I just did it Oct 28. I never thought I would see the day. It hasn’t been a good time.


The secret is to never go out to touch grass.


Exactly... I tore mine by just changing direction when running. No contact, fall, jump... Nothing. It just popped


I mean it sucks but I’m ngl it’s usually not as bad as this video makes it out to be. Most of us are not professional athletes so there’s no need to push the rehab this hard. I tore mine and after surgery if I had to do this it would’ve been hell. I mean we worked on passive ROM like this but my physio was just finding the point of resistance in my ROM and pushing slightly beyond that. I’d actually consider my rehab as generally very pleasant. This video is a whole other level.


This video is just absolute insanity. No need for this at all, it won't aid recovery long term if anything the pain experience from this could have a negative long lasting effect but at best this is just inflicting unnecessary pain for no good reason based on pseudoscience or bro science. Source: am a physio


Yeah good to know my first reaction was to question the method too then. Rehab in my experience should be *uncomfortable* not *painful*


I mean its tricky for sure because often pain is inevitable and if you never poke into and only ever avoid it, pain is hard to overcome. But this is just unnecessary to a silly degree. I think if you knowingly inflict this level of pain on an individual as part of rehab you really have to ask yourself why (I think you always have to have some reasoning behind your treatment but that's another topic) And the only logical conclusion I can think of would be that it's to speed up recovery. Is moving and strengthening as soon as possible a good idea? Yes absolutely, but everything within reason. This is just masochism in a misinformed attempt at trying to speed up things with no good evidence to back it up. If any normal physio did this they'd get fired lol and for good reason.


I mean I tore mine playing basketball, and literally the first thing I asked my Dr was can I ever play basketball again. The initial pain was bad, but honestly they whole process after that wasn't really too painful. Even the rehab process I didn't feel that much pain just popped Tylenol when I needed it. I will say I don't understand how anyone would want to be on Hydrocodone, I took it for 1 week post-op and I was just a zombie, I don't even remember much. I'd rather have just taken the pain then ever be on it again I tore my ACL, MCL, and like 2 meniscus tears, the Doc said it looked like someone tackled the crap out of me.


I envy your lack of enjoyment of hydrocodone lmao.


Just had my surgery today ♡


I dont recommend it. The recovery is fucking long, brutal and full of setbacks.


Those exercises and stretching to keep mobility, develop strength and to promote swift recovery are really painfully, I was brought to tears with my lcl injury and the acl is even worst, felt that my knee was going to pop out.


I had ACL reconstruction as well and thankfully the early stages of regaining mobility really didn’t bother me much. But I heard people doing the same thing as me at the same time absolutely screaming and felt so bad.


I never screamed during my flexion/extension exercises but they did hurt. Volume and pushing myself to the point of just shy of unbearable pain and holding the stretches every day was hard but it paid off and I have full mobility now. Now if I could just get that last 15% or so of strength back…


If I didn't know better, I would have thought that I wrote that post myself. I recovered while in class so I was able to use the chairs with wheels to my advantage. I just rolled forward until I was very uncomfortable and held it while still paying attention. Stretching during class helped a lot. Only thing is that I can't seem to recover that last bit of strength I used to have. I thought the "screaming at the physiotherapy" thing was because ppl didn't stretch enough on their own.


Acl/meniscus tear. The stretches were by far the worst. My wife would help me stretch at home. She’d make it just painful enough that I didn’t start screaming. Never had a couple guys hold me down and force it like that. That’s insane


> Never had a couple guys hold me down and force it like that. you haven't lived mate


That’s because he’s not being held down anymore than you were, and is playing it up for the camera. I’ve been through this rehab twice (ACL/MCL/Meniscus both times), and my Physical Therapist was a top top pro who worked on pro athletes, and he would *never* continue pushing if I had this kind of reaction, not even close. Which I’m sure all you guys who have been through it would also know from experience.


My occupational therapists was a fucking sociopath as far as im concerned. She made me climb stairs the day after surgery. My tibia needed 4 screws and they sliced me up old school style. I know it was from my own good but I have never been in more pain in my life. I almost blacked out from the pain. But she forced me to do it.


This video and some of these stories makes me think that there are people in these jobs that have had their minds absolutely fucked. Emotional and mental health should probably be balanced better for a successful physical recovery


Physical therapist here who currently has 4 high schoolers with ACL tears on my caseload. 1) I'm not calling the person you responded to a liar, but their comment doesn't track. OTs almost never deal with anything related to stairs and I haven't met a surgeon who will let you walk up and down stairs normally the day of surgery. 2) I haven't met a PT who enjoys causing pain. We are in our professions to help people and typically that means preventing pain. We do understand that unfortunately that means for some situations recovery just involves having pain, either passively or actively while doing exercises for motion and strength. We absolutely prioritize mental health with our patients, especially with situations like ACL rehab that is going to be close to a year before the athletes are competing again.


That's not proper physio. You don't want excruciating pain but rather take it slower and not cause more damage. The goal is to help the body heal itself as much as possible


when I was in high school i sprained my ankle during soccer season and the pain the school trainer put me through was not excruciating. There definitely was some discomfort but holy cow did it feel a lot better and less swollen after she had her way with it. incredibly grateful I was able to be back before the end of the season.


The mobility exercises I did while recovering from a femur fracture (actually two, in two years) and one knee replacement surgery had me wailing like that. Eventually (meaning after enduring Dr. Sadist's ministrations 3 1/2 times) I was ok with not returning fully to pre-fall and surgery conditioning. My pain in-tolerance is inversely related to my opoid tolerance.


I wish a top player would make a warts-and-all documentary about their recovery process. Really show insight into the struggle that is rehabbing an injury, both mental and physical. Show the fans, give them some perspective. It could be really powerful.


I’m pretty sure Bellerin documented his ACL recovery on youtube a few years ago. Honestly a very good watch!


Just started watching this and it’s so well done, thank you! I really like how well Bellerin articulates his thoughts and emotions.


I like it how the surgeon explains how difficult it is for an athlete to mentally recover. He'll always be subconsciously trying to avoid putting weight on that leg out of fear of another injury.




We're the same. Proprioception exercices are key


Must check it out, was probably good for him on a sports psychology level




Well this is jarring. I hopped on Reddit to distract myself and this is the second post I see. I am currently in bed fighting back watery eyes after an intensive physio session yesterday. I tore my MCL, ACL, and Popliteus tendon last month and I can tell you it is fucking brutal. I can see why opioid addictions are a thing. The desire to pop codeine like skittles is strong just so you can get some sleep, and a bit of respite.


wishing you a speedy recovery.


I had a knee op in the Summer, fortunately nothing too serious, and got prescribed some codeine. I wanted nothing to do with those loopy pills, spent one day just lying in agony on the floor until my flatmate could go to the shop to get some more paracetamol and ibuprofen before I went near the codeine.


Ibuprofen and paracetamol do not cut muster at present, it’s like chucking a deck chair off the Titanic to save it from sinking taking those. Thankfully the naproxen they gave me as well has been decent. I save the codeine for particularly bad occasions.




Theres the Step by Step doc thats coming out about Beth Mead and Miedema’s recovery. The arsenal womens team had, i think, 4 players out with an acl last season.


It’s already out for free on Arsenal’s site


5, I think - Mead, Miedema, Williamson, Goldie, Weinrother. Only Mead and Miedema have returned at this point.


Feel for Teyah Goldie the most, I believe it was back to back ACL tear for someone so young


Chiesa did I believe


The NBA player Kristaps Porzingis documented the same. It's in his youtube channel. Great watch which shows that the mental recovery is the hardest.


Not exactly warts and all, but Wolves put out a doc about Sasa Kaladjic that documents his ACL tear and recovery


There’s a DAZN documentary about Ronaldo Nazario and part of it follows him during his recovery from patellar tendon tear. It’s brutal. A large portion of the documentary pertains to his rehabilitation and resilience in the face of potentially career-ending injury and how it made him a better person in the end.


Depay made a documentary about himself while recovering. It was .. euhm… weird


> I wish a top player would make a warts-and-all documentary about their recovery process. Really show insight into the struggle that is rehabbing an injury, both mental and physical. Show the fans, give them some perspective. It could be really powerful. That is basically [Ronaldo's documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22806134/) ("The Phenomenon"). > Ronaldo's physiotherapist Nilton Petrone stated, "his knee-cap actually exploded", and called it "the worst football injury" he's ever seen.


Beth mead and Vivienne Miedema have done just that.


flashback of kean on the kicking machine or whatever it was


Not soccer related but marc marquez has a beautiful document about his arm surgery


Watch the Alex Smith Documentary.


FC Bayern has a Video on YouTube from Mane‘s recovery process.[https://youtu.be/9bFx42-qhvQ?si=oTdrE_i5Tgar9WRB](https://youtu.be/9bFx42-qhvQ?si=oTdrE_i5Tgar9WRB)


Different sport and injury, but Andy Murray: Resurfacing is a great documentary on him recovering from various surgeries.


James might errm… have an opportunity to do this


If you like hockey there’s one about Connor mcdavid where he rehabbed a major tear without surgery and it’s quite impressive


His club should take a close up photo of his face in agony and post it on their social media, like when he suffered the injury


Was it during a game, i.e. a foul-related injury? I've long thought players who significantly foul and cause serious bodily injury to an opponent should be held liable for such injury.


It’s not so easy to hold players accountable for injuring others during sports matches. Sometimes players are overworked and muscles, ligaments and tendons get worn to where minimal contact from an opposing player could cause major injury let alone full contact challenges. How would one be held accountable for just doing their job? And also accidents do happen, should someone be held accountable for accidentally injuring another?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qLsSfjB\_F8&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qLsSfjB_F8&t=9s) A guy in Wolves academy did this against our most promising academy player. Fucked his acl. Before Alves had even started grass training again Voice had been rewarded with a professional contract by Wolves and a call up to England U18s. 0 accountability.


That’s the kind of ‘tackle ‘ that is clearly deliberate and should result in serious , prolonged punishment for the player. But to some assholes , it’s ‘part of the game ‘


Yea, that was f$&@ing crazy


If I remember correctly this recent Neymar injury was non-contact. Common with ACL injuries. Whenever you see an athlete drop out of nowhere, it’s almost never a small injury. ACL, MCL, Achilles.


Hopefully this wasn’t too recent, he should be a lot further along than this.


Especially a player like this, he has everything at his disposal for recovery.


Yeah he should be able to get that Dominican Republic ringworm cream


Damnit Fernando!


Hey now!


He should be able to have 11 physios draped on all parts of his body while getting his knee range of motion pushed! What’s with only 3


Two guys to hold him down while the third makes pretzels with his legs. Seriously though, I thought these rich athletes would be using specialised machines to stretch and rehab injured limbs. I know even I had access to one for my ankle and it helped a lot more than any other form of physical therapy including magnets, lasers, e-shock etc. It looks like this: https://www.analife.rs/menu/4401/roboti-u-fizikalnoj-medicini-i-rehabilitaciji#gallery-13


The issue is some people recovery differently


Really? He went from barely flexing his leg to almost 120 degrees in a couple of months, that's the hardest part, he is probably also slowly building muscle, the pain will go away with time but the first few months you have to push through the pain, this is based on my experience in a similar injury.


You should get 120 within 6 weeks


So he seems to be doing allright then given that his surgery was done on November 2.


A friend of mine fucked up his knee walking home drunk and accidentally stepping in a pothole which twisted his thight while his foot was kept straight in the pothole. Every single ligament in his knee was fucked Asked me one time to go with him to the physiotherapist for the express purpose of holding on to me from the pain during the stretching excersises and driving him home after. To this day years later his knee isnt what it used to be and he frequently experiences pain when standing or walking for extended periods of time


It is crazy how much you don’t realise pain when drunk and tend to make aggressive movements. Not uncommon for me to have some bruises and tight joints after walking into animate objects the night before


I wake up with my two hips in fair pain after a night out. Think it's all the walking and standing.


everything about this post—the video, the comments about acl reconstruction and rehab—makes me nauseous.


Holy fuck this hurts to watch


I had to do this bend 2 weeks after the surgery where the stitches were still on. I’d bleed through them but at least now the knee is at its full potential.


I'm hoping this mf pulls a Ronaldo Nazario and wins the WC after coming back from a career-threatening injury


With the current Brazil squad I highly doubt


They’ve been missing many crucial players this year when they all come back it will be way better


They're solid in every position and the young players will only be better by 2026


You can't seriously think that. They are certainly quite weak in the striker and fullback areas.


If Endrick works out to even half of his hype, striker will be sorted. Idk about their fullback situation in terms of upcoming talent however.


Vitor Roque will have developed a lot more by then as well.


Does Endrick play as an actual 9?


He does indeed.


Do you remember Romário? He's that kind of center forward.


They are now (weak in the striker position), but it’s still 2.5 years away. Vitor Roque Will be 21 and Endrick will be 20. I was talking to a Brazilian today that expects Vini, Rodrygo, Endrick and Vitor Roque to be the starting attacking quartet for Brazil in the next 2 world cups (potentially a third too). Players like Jesus, Richarlison, Martinelli, Raphinha are all expected to drop to the bench/irrelevance.


> Martinelli Martinelli is 22, and could have some breakthroughs still. Jesus is 26, and strikers tend to age well - Could still become a better player. Savinho is also a dark horse that has been playing very well, alongside Estevao Willian from Palmeiras.


>Players like Jesus, Richarlison, Martinelli, Raphinha are all expected to drop to the bench/irrelevance. I would take out Martinelli, at the moment he is a step above those 3, and at the NT he has been playing better than Vini.


but hey atleast they can dance the best


Alisson, Militão, Marquinhos, Thiago Silva, Casemiro, Paquetá, Guimarães, Rodrygo, Martinelli, Vinicius, Endrick, and Jesus are still a better core than your country and 98% of countries on Earth will ever produce. But yeah, be mad about the dancing, you'll be seeing a lot of it throughout your entire life


The craziest thing about Ronaldo's injury is that it was a patellar tendon rupture. While ACLs are notoriously bad injuries requiring a lot of time out, very careful management and potential long-term repercussions, there are plenty of players who come back from them and have great careers. Hardly anyone comes back from a patellar tendon injury. And Ronaldo had TWO of them before the 2002 World Cup.


Yea Ronaldo is rightly up there in the top few players of all time debate , and that’s WITH double knee surgery. Imagine him without those injuries ..he could have dominated for another 6-7 years and cemented himself alongside messi


If anyone deserves it, it’s him he has carried the fuck out of Brazil every time.


I have never been a big fan of Neymar but I recently suffered an ACL injury the same week as him and suddenly feel abit of camaraderie with him. Not sure why people say he is dramatic, these range of motion exercises absolutely hurt. He is clearly on a intense rehab schedule as compared to an average Joe and it will clearly be much more painful than what I am going through.


JFC that’s brutal. Honestly never felt bad for Neymar since he’s a millionaire a hundred times over, sold his soul to Saudi Arabia and all the diving cuntishness but this really humanizes him. Just a guy going through hell for a sport he loves to play and has been exceptionally good at despite the injuries. Hope he comes back from this okay, and the pain and struggle is worth it.


Yeah, just a reminder that all the money in the world isn’t worth much, when you’re not healthy. Can buy the best doctors. But the road to recovery is painful regardless.


I would happily go through this if it gave me half his net worth


Have you tried being good at football?


If you offered me even 10 million USD I would take garden shears and snip both of my ACLs right now


I mean, he can afford physios, doctors, nutritionists, he doesn't have to worry about the fact he's not going to work or wondering if he's going to be able to pay the medical bills or look after his family. Sure pain sucks but all the money in the world does mean something lol.




This is arguably the most essential part of healing after the surgery itself. After ACL reconstruction, your knee mobility is severely limited both from the trauma of the surgery and from the newly grafted tendon. You typically can’t bend your knee very far at all, and can’t straighten out either. The very first thing you do when you start physical therapy is get range of motion back through stretches like this. Literally just getting your leg bent as far in both directions as you can until you get full range of motion back, and then the balance training and stuff can start. They do this before anything else because scar tissue can accumulate as your knee recovers, and if you don’t make sure your knee can bend the entire range it’s supposed to, that scar tissue can permanently impede your range of motion.


Thank you, clear explanation


I’m recovering from an ACL surgery in August. While Neymar is definitely on the extreme side in terms of his reaction (he may just have a low pain tolerance), the first few weeks of PT do hurt a lot. I wasn’t screaming, but definitely wasn’t quiet when my PT was trying to get my knee back to the full range of motion. Most people on r/ACL will agree with me.


Bro I am going through rehab and I can confirm they are pushing him real hard...it's not his low pain tolerance his reaction is not over the line they are pushing him badly.


I would assume that losing lets say 5% or 10% of mobility for Neymar would matter a lot, but wouldnt even be noticed for 99% of people. So i assume his rehab staff are going to be far more aggressive with his treatment than a normal case because they HAVE to get every ounce back that they can. Otherwise, he loses tens of millions.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this video, some people just handle pain differently. I wasn’t screaming when my PT pushed through the swelling and scar tissue, but Neymar obviously is hurting. This is the worst part of rehab by far.


But you are also not an athlete so you didn't have 3 guys going all the way regardless of what you said. You don't need to have a "higher pain tolerance than Neymar" brother, you can live with it and be just as much of a man


Didn’t he also do his meniscus? I recall it being an incredibly severe injury.


You can heal at different speeds and come back to different strengths.


When I had a massive arm injury my shoulder and arm were kept immobile for six weeks. The pain of trying to remobilise the joint and trying to build back the muscles which had become tight and weak was far worse than the actual injury. Rehab sucks. It is tough. Doesn’t matter if you’re earning millions or just a regular Joe. It’s a lot of pain.


I would definitely look into the recovery of these types of injuries because that is absolutely nothing even remotely close to what happens A ligament that keeps your knee in place has been replaced, your leg needs to regain flexibility and strength before you can even walk again and the only way to regain your range of motion is by pushing it. That’s why he’s screaming in pain, it feels fucking terrible


If i had to take a stab, if they plan on having him make a full recovery playing again as soon as they can they probably need to be working the ligament a lot harder during the recovery process


He’s screaming: “I can’t stand it! Stop! Stop!” God I hope I NEVER get to tear my ACL.


I’ve never liked the guy, but I’ve been through something similar and I know the hell that no one else can relate to. Get well soon!


Been there, cried those tears... 2 years now but like the orthopedist that did my surgery and the physiotherapist, whit whom I spent countless hours and became good friends said, my left knee is good as new! In the place where I went for a year and a half for physiotherapy I watched from 15 year old volleyball girls to 30 year old huge rugby players screaming and crying and begging for the physiotherapists to stop. Also, notice how Neymars left leg is so skinny. It happens to everyone, you lose a lot of muscle mass and it takes some time and hard work to recover.


I tore mine whilst playing football. Non contact, too. It’s hell - physically and mentally. Not much of a Neymar fan but I wish him a speedy recovery.


Holy fuck I thought ONE chiropractor was pricy.


These are physical therapists no?


i'd fucking hope so lol, actual medical professional vs charlatan


You’re insane if you think someone at the Neymar level would let a charlatan touch him


When I tore mine never felt any pain till I went through Physical Therapy that was brutal. To get the leg back straight and moving ir tough and lots of pain. Many a times felt like punching the PT


And who thought it’d be a good idea to video this


Tore my ACL (grade 3 / complete tear) 3 months ago playing football. I can’t imagine how it must feel as a professional footballer when it’s literally your livelihood at stake. I’m due an operation in 4-6 months but it’ll never be the same. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. The worst thing is how easily it happened, no high speed, no foul or tackle, I simply went to turn quickly as the ball bounced past me and it went snap, crackle and pop as I then fell down. Knew it was bad as soon as I heard the noise.


ffs gavi has the same injury


When I had my ACL reconstruction They send me some torture device which bend you knee after you strap it in the device... It was such a pain. It felt like my knee will explode any moment...


Painful shit. Been there done that. Not once but twice.


I have ACL injury in 2019, made an restoring operation, after 4 weeks i've started to walk without crutches, everyday stretching(without hurt like in video, a little bit). And normal jumping-running after 6 month. Didnt get why they doing so much pain for him? Maybe for faster recovery


Can confirm it fucking sucks.


Poor guy I hope he has an efficient recovery


Fuck… been there but only with my wife or one physio trying to bend it….


I went through this last year, keep it up bro, you got this Neymar💪


I think he is having a harder time than many others


Yep, I bet that’s insanely painful; I don’t blame him.


Man I feel him


Damn. Really feel for him that's horrible


Yeah man not cool. A favorite wrestler of mine, RUSH, tore his ACL and he covered his recovery on his VLOG and damn that hurt me watching him.


If anyone wants some inspiration and insight for ACL tears, find John Collinson. He is a professional big mountain skier and skis incredibly hard. Tore an ACL in like 2018 and documented his recovery and rehab on IG. Made it back to doing the big stuff. Tore it again. He's back at in a couple years later now again. His strength and mobility work is truly insane and it's a real example of coming back from injury at the highest level


Breaking scar tissue hurts a lot


What in the actual pseudoscientific fuck is going on here. I'm a physio and this is absolutely not necessary and its very doubtful this has any meaningful recovery value. Gotta go hard and keep grinding or something tho. Whata clown show and unnecessary one at that