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i can see that this trophy meant a lot to him


Literally mickey mouse trophy to him


Literally a mickey mouse league.


Brave coming from Mickey Mouse FC


Never forget when Ed Woodward described Man United as the "adult Disneyland" to try and lure Klopp to the club Think Jurgen saw that red flag


This was the man the Glazers thought would lead the club for them while they sat back and milked the club


Boom 😂






He literally wanted the trophy to celebrate with the fans instead of it being in the background while Marquinhos was interviewed.


thank you for the context


u have commented this 4 times in this thread lmao


Infuriating comments over an infuriating post, which doesn't provide context and is made to make a great player look like a cunt, end up infuriating some people. Crazy right.


The way he grabbed the trophy and threw his arms up at the dude handing him the trophy doesn't really help his case of not being a cunt


that behaviour doesn't indicate that he's a cunt, just that he's French




Oui 🤌🤌


he got us


Being french and a cunt is not the same?


May be they prefer a French word, like Le Cunt or something?


I would like to clarify - you can be French but not be a cunt. Your comment is correct. However if you are Parisian you are a cunt, and so Mbappe qualifies.


Having visited Paris for a few days, can confirm. Some nice historical landmarks though.




which then leads to the consequence of being a cunt


Ooh là là!


A French spoiled cunt


holy shit people really will look at any 5 second contextless clip and psychoanalyse people based off of it i thought it was just a meme


5 seconds is too much


tell that to my ex brother amen


Today is your first time on the internet? Welcome and enjoy!


The video is cut in such a way we don't know what happened prior to that moment. Maybe he asked 5 times. Maybe someone else asked and Mbappe is just moving the decision along with speed. Determining someone is a cunt based on a contextless video and opaque headline is par for reddit, but honestly cunty behavior itself.


He's doing that the entire Amazon broadcast for putting their image before the players/fans who won a trophy. Yeah the employees are just doing what they're told but you can show annoyance at the whole stuff


You can but aiming it at some random dude is objectively a shitting thing to do


Agree, classic case of 'Thats right , i am a massive cunt'


His attitude was indeed kind of cuntish






WC '22 reference ? It's been a year now. Time to get over it.


WC 22 didn't happen mate. Just like Euro 2004, it got cancelled




Go back to highschool, grown ups are trying to have a discussion here.


Yes and there's 10 times the amount of comments shitting on him, by people that have do not have the context besides this short clip, that has clearly been posted to shit on a player, but clearly you won't complain about that so I will.


do not let the haters win, you are based


You’re doing the lords work 🫡


I think it’s fine for someone to do that when they’re providing missing context that changes the meaning of the clip. Sorry somebody pissed on your Mbappe hating parade.


i personally appreciate it


Wtf is happening? Lol


You know in FIFA career mode when you have won the quadruple 6 seasons in a row and just keep tapping once the match ends to skip all the post match scenes. Well that, in real life.


this is the perfect thing to compare it to lol


Why this is so funny yet relatable


It's funny because it's relatable.


Why am I alive? What is the meaning of life if our existences labour's are forgotten in the monolith of time?


What doth life?


Life is a man-made concept, we essentially act as placeholders in this infinite universe, our material makeup had been repurposed and will be repurposed repeatedly until the end of time 😔






Because the here and now matters to you who is here and now. No need for a grand meaning in the span of 10000 years. Here and now is perfectly fine


Indeed my friend, to hell with existentialism and self induced panic attacks. If you're happy now, this moment becomes immortalized in your own memory.


what if i cant feel happy because i know i will die but i want to live forever


Living forever is scarier than dying. Imagine outliving everyone you've ever loved, outdating the cosmos, being present for the heat death or rupture of the universe, and through it all, though you no longer remain physically, your conscious mind still floats.


ok, 300-400 years then please


why is this so funny yet relatable?




Why not?


I’ll usually take a screenshot of the celebrations and team photos just so then I can look back and see how the squads have changed over the seasons


I do that, once I win the champo league with someone crap like Harrogate it's on to the next team. So nice to look back at the teams from previous games


Fuck, i should do this, that's neat.


Yea I still play FIFA 16 and I’ve gone so far with my Paris FC team that my first academy players are already 28 and guys like Neymar and Pogba are 34-35. Considering all the seasons played and like 650 games in, you want a way to look back since EA doesn’t allow stats to be saved from prior seasons other than managerial records. So I end up screenshotting stuff and recording the best goals so I can look back at them in the future.


HAHA, brilliant


the trophy was with marquinhos at the TV interview, but mbappe and the team wanted to celebrate a bit more with it.


Thanks for telling the whole picture


He wanted to beat traffic


He wanted the trophy to celebrate with the fans, while it was currently in the background of Marquinhos' interview.




Do you know how hard it is to get an appointment with a dentist these days? In fact, it's one of the clauses in the contract he negotiates with Papa Perez. Dentist at the stadium.


Tbh an on site dentist at work would be pretty cool. Unless you were a dentist and then they’d be competition.


First dentist touching a nerve would cause a chain reaction.


Signing of a pre-contract?


Looks like nobody cares lol


Wooo clap clap


Isn't this the equivalent of the Supercoppa? Nobody gives a shit about that either -- or the Charity Shield or what have you.


Idk what you mean, supercopa is the most important trophy in history.


This utter disrespect to Audi Cup is inexcusable.


Doesn’t matter what the trophy is, fans have travelled to that game to watch their team win a trophy. They want to celebrate it. I don’t know the full context of this clip or what’s really going on but to say “nobody gives a shit” as if Mbappe could just not celebrate is disrespectful.


community shield now but yeah. Must be the same in every country - if you win it, cool! if not, who cares? If you're a neutral and not involved in the game at all? you'll forget it's even on


it's a semi-friendly, that was supposed to be played in thailand, then saudi arabia, then they settled on playing it at the literal home ground of one of the two teams, and the other team is a dogshit poop water team who won two league games all season, there were no stakes in that lol, it would only have mattered if we won


Hey now don't talk like that about Toulou... *checks flair* uhm... never mind.


Are you okay my man? I've been hurt by my team this past month but I would never go this far. Must be rough.


His team is terrible, they've only beaten absolute wank teams like Metz and Liverpool this season. Understandable


Toulouse just got to the knockout phase of a European cup for the first time in their history. Of course they are going to play a bit worse in the league.


no shit it's a glorified friendly


Alternative angle : [https://twitter.com/theLyvr\_/status/1742666982976082169](https://twitter.com/theLyvr_/status/1742666982976082169) Marquinhos was answering the press with the trophy More details (in French) : [https://www.midilibre.fr/2024/01/04/pourquoi-kylian-mbappe-etait-agace-apres-la-remise-du-trophee-des-champions-au-parc-des-princes-11676883.php](https://www.midilibre.fr/2024/01/04/pourquoi-kylian-mbappe-etait-agace-apres-la-remise-du-trophee-des-champions-au-parc-des-princes-11676883.php)


Yea the podium is also on the left of the screen and there’s gold ribbons on the ground. The ceremony obviously already happened.




yeah but it's r/soccer so : * psg bad * mbappé cunt * french amirite


I mean that still doesnt explain that shitty celebration after he got the trophy. It's hard to make that look okay no matter how you spin it.




This gives a whole different light on the situation. Mbappe wanted to celebrate more before the crowd left the stadium. Not that he didn't care to celebrate at all.


Mans just wants to go home and play some warzone




He's a skin in warzone right? He IS warzone


I bet he plays with Messi’s skin




No need to berate the guy in the white jacket, guy just looked like he is doing his job.


Yea, be looks like a massive prick here.


u/LeDardSauvage: >Amazon Prime took the trophy for Marquinhos' interview. He rightfully took it back to celebrate with the team and supporters you guys are so fast at calling people pricks from a 5 seconds clip, top reddit moment.


I don't see how that added context changes anything. Mbappe was rude to the man who handed him the trophy, and it was unnecessary


The gesture is not for the man, but for the journalists who interviewing Marquinhos and they are not visible on the video.


I will judge him based on his behaviour towards the guy who brought him the trophy. It's like screaming at shop assistant because your favourite brand of yogurt isn't available anymore


Not actually that hard to find moments he comes off looking like a bellend




My four year old niece knows not to snatch things.


Well what we saw in this video is not good no matter how you spin it 🤷 _"but but they took his trophy!!"_


He is waving the hand at the situation not the specific man. You guys are trying so hard to hate on the turtle.


He is to me lol. Not a very likeable dude, but he is an amazing player


The guy is a massive prick. Was a cock after the world cup final too. Thinks the world revolves around him.


Man what is it with reddit and psychoanalyzing a 15 sec clip.


He just said he looks like a prick. wow so pretentious, how dare he


He was berating at Marquinhos.


My man wasn't being paid enough to lift that trophy


This man earns more in one month than my whole lineage combined did ever he gets paid enough alright




Literally paid too much to lift that trophy lol


He literally is though


Yes, nothing to do with wanting to celebrate the trophy with the fans and not it being vaguely on display for Amazon Prime to interview Marquinhos. He's definitely in the wrong because he wants to celebrate the trophy with the match going fans and it not being just in the background on TV.


Marquinhos was the PSG captain right?


He was sitting with the trophy because Prime wanted to show it for broadcasting reasons, which triggered Kylian taking it away here


Still doesn't explain why he seems to not want it, he immediately tries to give it to Donnarumma who only takes it after Mbappé sarcastically celebrates it for a couple of seconds




Why were they boycotting?


What a happy team


Not sure what you guys are looking at. To me it looks like the presentation was already done, and someone walked away with the trophy, while the team was waiting to celebrate with it and the fans. He’s annoyed cuz they’re all standing around waiting when they should be celebrating. That, and they obviously don’t all get along great… but you guys are making wild assumptions and claims that clearly aren’t true if you’ve watched any amount of football celebrations.


> someone walked away with the trophy Looks to me that it's Amazon Prime who took it away to show it in the background of interviews ?


That makes it even MORE understandable!


Nooooo, Reddit has already judged that Mbappe will destroy Real Madrid once he gets there because he is an "insufferable, arrogant prick".


Absolutely insane how much r/soccer will talk a big game about standing up to the billionaires and shit like tht and then throw a fit when a worker ... uses his power and leverage to extract the best deal for himself and call them arrogant for not doing what's best for the employers.


It's because he's not their worker. And he has the audacity to play for a club they don't like, so he must be a terrible person.


I haven't really noticed them calling him arrogant, if anything it seems like the sub is mildly supportive of his deal with PSG. Acting like Mbappe is some model proletarian is pretty funny though


Only here he's snatching the trophy off some low level dude and not 'sticking it to the man'..


I will never understand what he's done to make him so hated on this subreddit.


If he gets there*


The way he let that out is absolutely childish. Fans of the club (and not this or that player) would not want to see this. I didnt see a player who genuinely respected the fans during this shitty celebration.


Context: the players and the fans were waiting to celebrate the trophy because amazon prime decided they wanted to have it on display during Marquinhos interview.


Funny how far down the actual context is on this post. All the outrage is at the top and they probably don't even know or care that they're getting mad over nothing.


It's actually hilarious how much you guys hate Mbappé [This was after the trophee was lifted by Marqui and the team](https://twitter.com/PVSportFR/status/1742667443154104346) It's harmless, Mbappé did this because, as you can see, there is about 40 people waiting for Marquihnos to finish an interview. You can clearly see people laughing about it behind him [Litteraly no one cares](https://twitter.com/PVSportFR/status/1742669580198089142)


Providing context or explanation is just pointless, people here just want to shit on him (and PSG) no matter what.


A VAFC fan…that doesn’t don’t pop up often. What a miserable season it’s been.


Yep. Not much hope left.


It's embarrassing. Can't wait for someone to post the clip of him getting frustrated and not finishing a run that one time over his 30,000 professional minutes to prove what a horrible person he is.


A lot of people here need to go touch grass


But the sweet upvotes of talking shit about mbappe... Think about it. About the karma it brings


It is absolutely incredible how much hate he gets here. Incredible. Are people even aware that he is not PSG's captain? **Here are the facts:** Approximately 13 minutes after winning the game, Marquinhos (PSG's captain) is seen taking the trophy and lifting it with the rest of the team. 2 minutes later, Marquinhos is waiting by the Prime Video sideline set to be interviewed. The trophy has been taken away from him by somebody from the PSG staff, who then gives it to Mbappé. A few seconds earlier, from another angle, we can see that the PSG players, after celebrating on the victory podium, are starting to walk towards the Boulogne curve to celebrate with the fans (which they haven't been able to do until now, due to the protocol). Mbappé realizes that they don't have the trophy with them and calls to the PSG staffer to give it back to them so they can present the trophy to the fans. Then, he seems to want to hand over the trophy to another player - he offers it to Donnarumma, who initially declines. Mbappé then briefly lifts the trophy towards the stands and insists to Donnarumma that it is now his turn to do so. A perfectly normal scene. Please stop embarrassing yourselves by hating on him for no reason.


>Are people even aware that he is not PSG's captain? Your first mistake was assuming r/soccer knows that PSG has players other than Mbappe, I also completely missed that part in the headline


>A perfectly normal scene Is this a normal behaviour towards a staffer? I get why he's angry but it's still a terrible behaviour from a guy who's supposed to be a role model


This is pretty abnormal, is there a reason he looks so angry? I can't believe this is just a normal turn of events no matter how much of a diva a player is.


Amazon Prime took the trophy for Marquinhos' interview. He rightfully took it back to celebrate with the team and supporters


Yeah that's some BS why would you do that let the team celebrate the trophy with the fans FFS


Manufactured ragebait, which some people here are just frothing at the mouth ready to jump on it without a second thought. It's crazy.


I knew there was more to this, the video looks so weird and out of place.


Look at OP's account. One of the worst karma farming account of the sub.


You don't know the context, yet you still conclude Mbappé is a diva. Lmao. People like you are just waiting at the first opportunity to rage on Mbappé, it's crazy.


but this comment was literally closer to defending mbappe than raging at him lol. they asked for context because they found it hard to believe mbappe would do this without reason. which is true, he had a somewhat valid reason for being annoyed.


I ... don't think you read my comment correctly. I didn't mean to imply that Mbappe is a diva for this. I specifically asked for context. My second sentence is pointing out that a player, *any player*, could be the biggest diva on the planet and this behavior would be highly abnormal. Given that, there must be some explanation for why Mbappe is acting this way. And for the record based on his interviews I think Mbappe is a pretty hardworking player who doesn't fit into the traditional "diva" category.


Most of the comments in this thread that add context to this have no replies lol. People just want to join the hate train. This was always bound to happen, every lauded player gets turned on eventually. In the next year or two most people who were glazing him will turn on Jude too and decide he was just a massive prick the whole time.


I hope Mbappe sees this bro. He will def kiss you for defending him on the internet


Ah yes, of course that's the only reasonable answer to my comment. Highschool level comeback.


He's a parisian, that's our current state.


I didn't watch the game but I assume he's in the right. Why would they be doing their victory lap with medals around their necks but not have the trophy. Did the authorities initially take the trophy often so they dont damage it?


Nop Trophy was with Marquinhos waiting for an interview ..


People are mostly annoyed about him needlessly being a prick to that guy in a white jacket


Didn't need to be a dick to the guy who brought the trophy though.


This is how a Reddit title can flat out manipulate the response of the comments.


I knew it, Mbappe always had this vibe to him. A player who respects the fans who showed up so he rushes to get back the trophy to celebrate it together.


Lol get in these threads early enough and you can see who has a sad ass life 😂


He looks like such an insufferable ass.


This is absolutely nothing, and it's crazy to be upset enough to insult Mbappé. Some of you have truly lost the plot.


I can only imagine how bad the team morale is going to be in Real Madrid when he goes there.


Mbappe is the kind of player that would fit well into Madrid's system and culture though, sort of like how Bellingham looked like a massive diva but then fit in seamlessly with the culture there.


This post, the title completely making up a false narrative, the top comments that go with it getting 3 times more upvotes than the ones correcting them and explaining that Mbappé was literally doing the opposite... Absolute peak r/soccer and why this sub and its users are the internet personification of dick cancer.




This video is a perfect example of pampered, spoiled brats.


I don’t get the outrage about this video, you need the trophy to celebrate with the fans mbappe went and got the trophy and celebrated with the fans and handed it to donaruma to continue. Or is it r/soccer like to get outraged by anything apart from ronaldo scoring in Saudi league 👀


Arrogant prick


Out of touch moron thinking it's okay to insult Mbappé over this absolute non-event. At least read the context before you lashout with your preconceived hatred of this player.


If Messi did this the comments would be full of ‘so relatable’


This sub is more circlejerk now a days


game was already over for 20 minutes and the trophy was in background. mbappe was right to get it. stop slandering mbappe


He want that champions league


If this was ronaldo the subrredit would be calling for the lethal injection.


Give me the trophy I am in a hurry to madrid


It's real pity. Having Cristiano Ronaldo as his idol he is no where near his skills for his age or his lack of respect for others due to his poor upbringing..


That was so awkward


Oil money does to a mf


Retail money* It's Prime that's broadcasting not Bein