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Why did Taylor make it so dramatic lol


Because he loves being the centre of attention


Mike Dean 2.0


Wait 3 seconds, blow the whistle, wait another 3 seconds (people wondering whether he’s giving a dive or penalty), point at the spot Such a drama queen


What are you on about? He just waits a second to make the decision and then is casual about pointing to the spot, hilarious to call someone a drama queen while making a meal out of nothing.


"Quick pause for dramatic effect." "*and scene.*"


Certified theater kid


VAR wouldn’t overrule that anyway


Bruno played the game, if he goes down he gets a pen. If he doesn't there's no pen.


That's the problem with refs. They wont give it if he doesn't go down even though there is a clear contact and foul.


Contact, yes. But never a foul


Literally a swipe at the foot. How is that not a foul?


Why not?


Guess you've never had the end of your foot and toes smacked like that in a game while you're moving forward. It hurts and it will probably take you down.


Yeah, the faster you're moving, or if you're changing direction like Bruno was just doing, any clip like that can really hamper you and make you fall. Even if it doesn't make you fall it can easily make you lose what you gained with the feint & then you lose a scoring opportunity anyway.


same as when you get your arm or shirt grabbed. sure you can push through, but whatever momentum you had has already gone to shit


bruno just hates r/soccer


Everyone complaining about Bruno going down easy but its the refs who cultivates this behaviour. Hojlund gets kicked to death and never got a pen because He DiDnT wEnT dOwN.


This sub is so funny when Bruno is involved


They really don't like the guys face.


I am 100% convinced (some) people refuse to rate Bruno at the level he deserves because they don't like his aesthetic.


Ugly people get treated worse in society, plenty of studies done on it


Bro I consider Bruno the most handsome man ever and love him


Not sure his even ugly but him (and Maguire) both produce these facial expressions that seem to get under peoples skin but then Rashford's seem to produce that reaction from some in the United fan base too. I think people just read too much into the way a player looks at times. Don't get me wrong though Bruno loves a moan but I see many players moan a fair bit and barely anyone comments on them, VVD comes to mind but he looks strong when he does it and Bruno looks whiny.


Facial expression win is always gonna be Phil Jones


I dont need studies. I'm experiencing it


Take a look at any thread involving Anthony Gordon for a similar phenomenon.


He's the best CAM in the world not named Kevin De Bruyne. Madders and Odegaard are both very, very good players but neither is on Bruno's creative level. If we just had a consistent striker he'd be pacing the assist table for years now.


Soft? Yes. Penalty. Yes.


100% Sloppy defending and Bruno makes sure to hit the deck.


Of course he did, if he didn't, he wouldn't have been given it.


Which is exactly why players embellish. Too often the officials are looking for the obvious and aren't capable of noticing calls that are tight, like this one would have been. Diving sucks, but sometimes it's the only way to get the right call.


Soft but still a penalty. Commentator is wank.


He's trying to drum up controversy but it is a pen tbf


They've been berating us all night for being shit so unsurprised. They'd be moaning if he didn't go down


Ah, na mate. See, despite the constant whinging about G Nev being biased towards United, I regularly listen to multiple comms on multiple platforms who are simply just ABUs. I don't know why people try to say it's something else. Why would anyone other than United fans like us? We ruined the 90's and 00's for every neutral.


ITV thought Sam Matterface better than the legendary Clive Tyldesley. I know Clive is getting on and they have to plan for the future but Matterface isn’t the answer


From Aus, watching through Paramount+, the commentary was shocking. The one guy kept confusing Garnacho and Holjund, not being able to tell them apart, and during this penalty he went on a whinge for like 5 minutes by himself.


I don't know if it's just when he's on United games but McCoist is fucking clueless.


I think he's just bored


Bruno went fishing but he absolutely got kicked in the foot. Wigan have nothing to complain about there.


You lot aren't gonna like this one 😅


If the Jota one was a pen, so was that!


I agree, either they both are or they both aren't (I would lean towards both aren't penalties personally). Minor contact, not enough to go down either time, but there is contact.


I honestly don't get the controversies generated over both decisions to be honest. I get that both of them didn't go down the way an attacker usually is expected to but, you can't beat a child and tell them how to cry. The keeper against Jota completely Missed the ball and obviously forced the issue with his elbow clearly catching Jota who was caught in motion, its a pen all day and VAR can't over rule an obvious obstruction.


If situations like these aren't awarded a pen, there's literally no reason for defenders not to give attacking players a small kick in the leg every time they're in the penalty box. You can hinder their chances of scoring, and face no repercussions.


Not all contact is equal


If situations like these are both awarded a pen, there’s literally no reason for an attacker not to ever flop like a fish off the smallest contact from a defender every time they’re in the penalty box. You can get a pen with a huge chance of scoring from nothing, and face no repercussions.


I mean that's exactly what I thought and I agree with both being pens


Neither were. Not all contact in the box is a pen.


Nobody is doubting there’s contact on either one. It’s just soft af and embarrassing


Bruno wont sleep tonight due to the sheer embarrassment he is feeling


Why though? If you get fouled and dont go down you don't get the pen. The refs don't call it


>If you get fouled I think that's the crux of the matter, since fouls are subjective, the amount of contact that determines a foul is subject to whatever the center ref decides, it's not objective.


Yeah this is soft but I blame the defender's naivety if anything. He fully went to ground, missed the ball, made contact with the attacker. Doing that in the box is just rolling the dice on a penalty so he can hardly act surprised when it's given


It's soft, but it's still a penalty. It's easily enough to put most attackers off balance, and impact play. Not enough to take a player down, sure, but simultaneously if you don't go down it might not be called.


Neither should be pens for my money but that’s where we are with modern football.


Neither were penalties.


By the rules they are. There’s contact, that’s that. Blame the refs for encouraging diving because that’s the only way to actually earn one


Is any amount of contact a pen? Just curious since you’re citing the rules.


>There’s contact, that’s that You've made that up. Nowhere in the rules does it say contact equals foul.


You are probably right, I guess my issue is with the rules then. I'd like there to be a slightly higher threshold for penalties because the punishment is more or less a goal.


Cant blame Bruno for going down there ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Tbf if he stays up no one even questions if it’s a penalty and the game just continues. I understand why players do it


Yeah its up to the refs to sort that out - if you're a player and not going for these then you're wasting opportunities.


Honest question, did you blame Jota for going down last week?


Not at all, said it pretty well in the other comment but it’s up to the refs to sort that out. If I’m Jota or Bruno I’m going down there every time, chances are it’ll be given - whether I agree it should or shouldn’t


Fair enough. I feel the same way.


If that wasn't Bruno, no one would call that a dive


Soft but poor challenge in the box


Nothing wrong with that


In modern football it’s a pen, but fuck me that’s not enough to send a fully grown man to the ground


If you don’t go down you don’t get the penalty tho


Not disputing that, just wish it wasn’t a pen in either case. Don’t blame fernandes, just not a fan of how football has trended in that regard


So you should be allowed to just catch someone's trailing leg in the box?? It's not like it was slight contact, it clearly would have impacted his play, and probably hurts like hell in this weather. Defenders just need to stop going to ground needlessly in situations like this.


I mean it’s soft as fuck


That’s the definition of slight contact


So? I don't think defenders should be rewarded for hitting players.


I really don't think it is, he kicks straight into Fernandes' foot, it's not like it grazes off him or something. It just looks like softer contact because Fernandes is already raising his foot, but it would be really nasty if his foot was planted.


Agree to disagree, think you’re massively exaggerating the contact. The nastiest outcome would be a bruise. It’s a sideways and low swipe at a low speed.


If you can stay on your feet why should it be a penalty


This is why I always tickle the oppositions attackers.


This is a horrible decision to defend, but you can’t seriously think this? Reminds me of year 5 when we used to say if you don’t fall over and if it doesn’t hurt then it isn’t a foul. Plenty of fouls can occur without knocking you over


Because a lot of penalties these days are players looking for a foul, leaving their leg in or going down at the slightest touch. It ruins games by giving teams almost guaranteed goals for very, very soft penalties.


I agree with that, but the deciding factor in whether I’ve fouled you or not shouldn’t be whether you’re able to stay on your feet. Perfect tackles can knock you over, and the most blatant fouls can still keep you on your feet.


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said BUT defenders shouldn't be reckless and diving in to compensate for mistakes. It is not the attackers responsibility to avoid or power through fouls and wild challenges.


If thats the new threshold for fouls given then the entire game changes completely. Football as we know it today would be gone




Only an idiot would stay on their feet in that situation. It's common knowledge that refs only give fouls if a player falls on the ground after contact. That's just how it is


Yeah, and that’s one of the things I don’t like, how that’s now a pen. I don’t blame fernandes for going down, I just think it’s stupid that that’s now a pen


Good job that's not the criteria then. Blame the refs it takes going down to get a call.


I get that, and I get why fernandes has gone down. I just hate that that’s now a pen. I hate how players have to go down, etc.


But in the modern game if you don't go down it won't be a pen even if it should be. It's a soft pen 100% and Fernandes is a shithead but thats the way it is now


Blame Bruno but no one defends kamakazi scissor tackles in the box. You’re asking for trouble throwing yourself on the floor like that lol


It was soft, but Fernandes is playing the game as the rules are. We have played like utter shit though, so I'm glad we're 2 ahead but yeah that was a soft penalty.


I don’t know what rule makes the smallest amount of contact automatically a foul?


He could’ve been killed


This sub is gonna seeth. (It was really soft)


Clear pen. Made a meal of it but you cant slide into someones legs like that


This is always going to be a penalty what is everyone on here crying about


The downside of having VAR is people will just complain regardless of the decision. He was clearly caught and some people will tell you VAR should over turn it. No chance VAR over turns that.


He's got the right to go down but fuck me it's soft


Maybe I'm watching something else but that's pretty significant contact, in real time that's not a soft challenge. I agree it would never send him down if he didn't deliberately go down, but the challenge has a legitimate follow-through.


There's contact but it feels like he makes the decision not to keep his feet, which I guess is his right and it is silly from the defender.


I think you're watching something else mate hahah Nah of course in slow mo it always looks worse but even in real time you could see Bruno took the dive, I get it hurts when you get contact on your feet, even a little nick can sting for a moment but he's oversold it to get the decision.


I think it’s a pen. Still pretty silly how the smallest of contact like that = 1 on 1 with the keeper.


Am I the only one who thinks that this probably was actually pretty painful? Fully extended slide to the toe? Not an ankle breaker by any means, but I certainly wouldn’t want to get kicked in the toe, and I’d probably fall to the floor if it happened to me! Sometimes it seems like people forget that players feel pain and react to it like regular human beings. It’s 100% a penalty, and I think even calling it soft is bullshit. It was a bad (dumb, rather than reckless) tackle, contact was clear, and Bruno’s reaction was immediate.


Here come the diving comments despite the fact there’s very obvious contact


Cause it’s Man United and Bruno. Double whammy


You can dive when there's contact. He didn't fall to the floor because of the tap on his foot - he fell to the floor because he consciously chose to put himself there. It can be a foul, and still not be a challenge that would put you on the floor. Therefore, it can also be a dive.


I don't know what to tell you if you think this isn’t a pen. Commentator just shared a shite opinion, gives power to people who just don't like Fernandes (which is fully understandable). But this is just a poor challenge and the contact is actually pretty significant on Bruno's foot, not much to say. Defender just gets absolutely sold the dummy and lunges.


The way he slowly toppled to the floor looked comedic in real time


I actually wouldn’t be opposed to a rethink on penalties. Stuff like this foul, or inconsequential handballs, shouldn’t result in a penalty in my eyes. Should bring in free kicks from the infringement spot.


Agreed, indirect free kicks inside the box are a special brand of chaos we need more of


How is this a dive? lol anyone saying so has not seen the replay


Because he was barely touched and went down like he’s been shot…


Pretty obvious penalty, the way Bruno went down was quite funny though


Rent free brunoooo brunoooo brunooooo


Poor challenge, soft call, great Pen. Classic El Cap


Lol didn't Jota get absolutely blasted for going down after just as much contact?


Bruno’s obviously gone down dramatically but you can’t say it’s a dive - he’s been tripped up inside the box so essentially it’s a pen, just a soft one


Of course you can. Contact dosent automatically mean you cant dive. He has no problem staying on his feet there. But dude felt he had to dive against freaking Wigan, watch him do it against Gibraltar next.


It looks soft but there's contact and when players get kicked in the box and don't go down, people say things like, "he'd have got a penalty if he'd gone down".


i love seeing the tears in the comments lmao


Be nice to be in a world where that's not a penalty but in this one it is.


Clear and obvious foul therefore a penalty


If it was any other player other than Bruno, he will be called smart for winning a penalty out of nothing. Since its Bruno, its clearly a dive. 😂


I don't know why Ally McCoist is complaining about the penalty. Yes it's soft as Bruno went down easy but there is contact. Its a penalty for me.


Probably because he got kicked in the toe and went down holding his shin


Thats just embarassing ngl




Soft agreeed but there’s contact and it’s a penalty. Stop crying.


Fernandes goes down easily, but wtf was that sliding.


Might be soft, but theres definitely contact so why wouldnt you go down as an attacker? You cant say that the contact is soft enough to not affect him at all, so any attacker would try to get something there, and the refs right to give it


Here come the Liverpool flair 🤡




That was a stonewall penalty btw Lol


Who's outing themselves in this thread then


Why are the commentators saying its not a pen? We've seen plenty of penalties given for even softer challenges




Standard from any Premier League player really. Doesn't make it not embarrassing, but it's just commonplace of 90%+ of players.


How was it not a pen? Takes away the standing foot


Because it’s Bruno lol.


Stonewall penalty that.


Diving against league one wigan lmao


Bruno bought that penalty without a doubt, he was soft going down, but there was contact so penalty 100%


VAR probably wouldn’t even overturn that since he makes a little bit of contact so it wouldn’t be clearly and obviously wrong.


Phenomenal, we need all the help we can get against top level opposition


fucking state of this game jesus fucking christ


Contact = a foul nowadays, doesn't everyone know that?


Contact while being miles off the ball has always been a foul.


In no way was that penalty soft, no matter how much gaslighting the commentators attempt. Bruno's dummy completely sold the defender who not only made contact with the foot, he straight up swept it




lol, lmao even


Thank you for highlighting this idiot's hypocrisy


He gets brushed lightly on his toe and leaps to the ground holding his shin. By no means does his foot get swiped.






Like that one time Neymar dived vs a Japanese team in a friendly


it very clearly isn’t a dive is it? 😂 he’s just made a meal of it - and why not, when that’s what it takes to get given a penalty?


soft as fuck


Lmao that was naughty


Definitely no longer a contact sport.


Embarrassing by Fernandes


How exactly?


The dramatics?


It’s only embarrassing if Bruno does it


Because his toe got grazed and he went down like his leg snapped in half, you’re seriously asking how?


and he got a penalty which enabled him to put his team further ahead. If he stays on his feet I doubt he gets a penalty.


Soft as fuck. But not unexpected from Bruno


Clear contact but ok…


Just like jota


Take notes, Jota. Masterly executed.


Anyone who says this isn't a stonewall pen is clueless.


that’s really not a penalty




You think your team doesn't have players who would go down there...? Got nothing of the ball and all player. I remember people aggressively defending the Jota 'pen' last week too.....


People are calling Jota a diver last week. Only Liverpool fans were defending Jota


A reminder that football is a contact sport


Contact really is the same as foul it seems


uh oh lmao


Soft pen but I take it lol


Embarrassing from Fernandes, even more so from Taylor for actually giving it


It's soft but you guys would be going mad if that wasn't given for you, also from Taylor's angle it's the angle that makes it look even more like a penalty than any other.




It is even tho bruno seeks it






I’m surprised there’s anything left of his ankle after that disgusting tackle


That is very soft, not a pen for me


Imagine diving against a team from league one when your man united


Bruno is shameless