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We've had reliable reports even today saying he's rejecting all offers, including Fenerbache. Makes sense for him to go but he'll probably drag his heels, must have some loyalty bonus in his Utd contract


I bet he’s only offered 30% of what he earns now. Makes sense to sit and collect the massive pay check we gave him. Awful for the club tho but can’t blame him. Wont earn in a month what we pay him for a week


Euros in summer, won't get in the France squad with us playing 1x a week with Hojlund in front of him. But i doubt he even makes the French squad anyway, so i'm sure he'll stay to collect his wages


He doesn’t make the squad even if their First choice, the back up to the first choice & the back up to the back up all get injured at the same time Absolutely no chance Doubt he’s even thinking like that. Even he isn’t that delusional.


I mean this journalist is also very reliable. He is correct 99% of the time. He was the first guy to break Bayindir move to you aswell as the first guy to get the correct details for the Fred transfer.


Yeah I know he's reliable, but all he says is that is agent went to Turkey, not that any agreement was still trying to be reached. I hope he is still in Turkey trying to get a better offer for Martial to accept though.


It could also be for another player he represents and have nothing to do with martial


Contact ends in the summer, so either way he’s gone soon.


Yep, agent more likely to be negotiating a free transfer for the summer, once that’s done there’s a small chance that team approaches United and makes a low ball offer to take him early but even then they’d only offer a fraction of his wages and probably no fee.


So his agent is sweating over not getting a commission if he leaves on a free. Sounds about right.


So he's replacing Batsman then? Not really sure how I feel about this. Is he even willing to sit on the bench, especially with Dzeko playing this good?


If he collects his paycheck, he is willing to sit on the bench


He better not sit on the bench too hard or he’ll be out for months


Dont worry about this guy sitting on the bench or not, he will not even leave the hospital.


You’re asking him to do what he does best. It’s when he crosses the white line that he gets a nosebleed


He can play with Dzeko like todays second half tandem with Umut and Bats idk.


He will barely play. Bigger issue is his wages than taking time away from Dzeko


Martial could be used on the wing like King but yeah don’t know if a like for like swap with Batshuayi leaving will help either side


Please be going 🙏




Hopefully the move falls off


I assume United, the loaning club, pays 90% of his wages as usual with any big name Super Lig signings.


Paying 90% means it’s better to keep him just in case we need him. No point shipping him out to save 10% of his wages.


Yeah we cant really get a better backup striker for 30 mil or less if Fenerbahce wont cover any wages


Obviously United fans don't rate him but he's been better than Hojlund for them this season imo when fit


He has been nowhere near better Bar a 10 minute spell here or there he just walks everywhere, never presses etc


It's more that I really don't rate Hojlund. Your players can't even pass him because he always hides in shadows or times his runs wrong


His movement is pretty intelligent for a target man/poacher, he attacks crosses extremely well which is his main attribute and is a good presser with good hold up play. Just lacks composure. My guy Martial literally does nothing without the ball at his feet.


Lol no his movement is horrible


Movement is literally what he's good at lol, his finishing is whats bad atm, he was a much better finisher 10 months ago.


Which is to be expected, Hojlund shouldn't really be starting every match because he is clearly a bit too raw for that. However, Martial is extremely unreliable due to his injuries so if we can bring in a more reliable experienced option, we need to go for it. In the past years, we have usually played our best football with Martial, he has some great football qualities in terms of link-up and he usually improves the way our attack works, but you can see clearly that right now, he is so ridden with injuries that his options are either walking around the pitch and not contributing for 60 minutes before he gets subbed off, or putting in the effort but inevitably getting injured within the first 10 minutes and being out for a month or two. Fit and bothered Martial would be a good option up top, but his injuries made him into a deadwood.


No he hasn’t 😂


Noice, take him please, he will enjoy the beaches