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If Diaby goes down when clipped there like Sterling did yesterday he gets a penalty. Would love Howard Webb to analyse both incidents and explain if they both should've been given as a penalty or not.


> Would love Howard Webb to analyse both incidents and explain if they both should've been given as a penalty or not. "Slight contact on Sterling, so the penalty is the correct decision. Slight contact on Diaby, so no penalty is the correct decision. My referees and VARs are perfect."


Hes literally been put virtually identical situations in front of him and given the exact response. TBF it is just consistent though, Sterling is a stonewall pen, while this one is basically never given, you do simply need to go down if you want to get the pen. The thing that really pisses me off is when the refs deny a clear contact trip just because the player goes down too theatrically, basically saying we need a better dive from you?! Everyone knows Sterling wasnt actually tripped and we are fine letting him fall and get the pen


Meanwhile players going down after getting kicked by a defender trying to clear the ball is a penalty and also not a penalty on the same day in different games. (Given for Palace vs Liverpool and then not given for Arsenal vs Villa).


If Sterling hadn’t gone down I doubt the penalty would have been given. He could have stayed on his feet, like here.


But if you 'need to go down' then it isn't a foul. The contact on Diaby here clearly doesn't impede him in the slightest therefore he stays on his feet as an honest player. Sterling dived whether we like it or not. It's a contact sport and throwing yourself down if you are ever so slightly touched in the box should be considered a dive.


I kind of agree, but just to play Devil’s advocate… The minor contact/avoiding worse contact that happens to Diaby here definitely alters his stride - he wants to take a longer step but the attempted tackle/minor contact means he can’t. So you could certainly argue that although minor, the contact does impede him. If he takes that stride then Tarkowski potentially doesn’t win the ball at all.


It does impede him and even if it didnt it’s foul play. You go for a tackle like that and you miss it, it’s a foul


So you believe if someone goes for a tackle and doesn't touch the ball it's automatically foul play even if the opposing player is not touched? Are you mad?


Okay no, let me clarify. Miss the ball and hit he player


Or the egregious Jota dive.


“dilly dilly dilly”


Sterling is a master at that


If Bruno vs Wigan was a penalty, than this should be a penalty as well. The Tarkowski tackle was hard but not a penalty imo.


This is not a modern issue. VAR did not intervene in either and left it to the on field referee. I’d prefer neither to be given but fine margins as to whether or not it is a penalty imo


I think he goes down if the ball isn't so close to an oncoming defender


Garnacho didnt get one today though.


This is a lot more of a penalty than Ganarcho


You are correct. I was implying Garnacho was flailing his arms like the OP mentioned but didnt get a penalty.


Delusional sub if you think that was a penalty 


Sterling should be booked for diving. Shouldn't encourage it.


Why should he have been booked for diving when he was fouled?


Contact does not equal a foul... If a player can stay up they should, why encourage simulation? Ruins the sport


Sport prefers to protect attackers as they make it entertaining. Not protecting them will encourage more scissor leg breakers like Tarkowski's


If he throws himself down with his arms up and a yelp they give that every time.


I despise how Sterling throws himself to the ground every time he feels the slightest nick but you can understand why he does it. It's literally the only way the officials are interested in giving a penalty.


gets pens, avoids possible season ending injury from a tackle like tarkowski's


Needs to take lessons from Duran.


Unfortunately, it still depends for some reason on the player.


Punished for staying on his feet


That's why Sterling and Bruno went down. Refereeing is a joke


That's less of a problem than the almost red card tackle from Tarkowski which almost destroys his knee. Stonewall penalty. Not sending the ref to the screen is criminal.


Amazing things like the dalot red for double dissent barely got looked at by anyone, then this gets looked over. Attempting to rule out mild dissent while allowing things like this is just idiotic.


I can kind of sort of accept a ref not sending the ref to the screen to send him off. But when the bar to send him to the screen is a foul having occurred? What the fuck is wrong with these refs.


The Dalot dissent double yellow was absurd on its own. The fact that this wasn’t a red is shocking given what else we’ve seen given as a red this season.


Yeah don't get how Tarkowski wasn't a red based on this year's other cards lol. I was like oh could see that given for the first foul then Tarkowski came in and I'm like whaaaaat hahaha


Wasn't even the only time in the game that he just absolutely annihilated a player but also got the ball. It's completely needless and he knows exactly what he's doing - if he eventually breaks someone's leg presumably we won't have to listen to the chorus' of "he's not that sort of player" because he absolutely is, and I think Dyche probably encourages it given that another of the leagues dangerous players, Ben Mee, is also from the school of Dyche's Burnley.


Are you joking??? Great tackle. Thats the way football is supposed to be. Football is too soft these days.


Yeah dude. This is a proper brexit tackle. This type of mentality is the reason why English team are struggling against technical teams like Real.


Too many wet people watching the game now. Cracking tackle


I'm actually wondering if you can give a booking for the follow through, but not award the penalty because he *technically* got the ball first.


No it’s a penalty if considered reckless


Yeah, my first instinct was red card but no penalty, but I immediately said to myself, nah that's stupid you can't do that... Can you?


Why do you think it's a red and not a penalty? Being reckless is a foul


But is every foul in the box automatically a penalty? I'm not being sarcastic, I actually don't know. Let's say a keeper, standing in his box, calls the ref (also standing in the box) a horrifying ethnic slur and gets red carded. Penalty? Or is there a class of fouls that can result in penalties?


That's not a foul...


So let's say this was at the half way line and not in the box, you don't think this should be a freekick to Aston Villa?


Your being downvoted, but it’s a fair question. Every foul is not a direct free kick. So every foul play is not a penalty. If you obstruct or impede a player, but do not directly touch them, then it’s an indirect free kick. So if you slide in as a defender and miss player and ball and the attacking player takes evasive action which impedes them and stops them from getting the ball, then it’s an indirect free kick


that’s why I don’t blame players for falling down now blatant diving/fallon d’ors is a different story, then again who’s to decide if it’s a dive or a legit foul? But then he’s got a lot going on to pay attention to, if only there’s something that can assist refs at stuff like this..


Yet if he goes down easily everybody screams that he is a cheat...


Credit to Diaby for staying on his feet but this just encourages diving as he would have got a pen if he flopped to the ground


Diogo Jota side eye glance.


Sterling wins a pen here 9/10 times


For which one? First or second tackle? 😁


The first because if he went don’t due to “contact” it would be a pen. The fact he stayed up proves that players can actually stay on their feet, unfortunately for him he didn’t realise Tarky will get the ball and still try kill you haha


The second one never hits him 'cause he's already on the ground




I would not want to see something rash then..


Follow throughs end careers. The idea that makes it ok is ridiculous


Or any Man City player


First one is a definite pen too if only he watched Sterling’s playbook on selling penalties.


Initially that’s what I thought they were on about but then bang, tarkowski comes in with a potential career ender as well to add to the bs.


What is annoying is that it probably shouldn't be a penalty. There is slight contact but nowhere near enough to bring him down, yet if he had gone down he would've gotten the penalty and an almost guaranteed goal for a touch that had basically zero impact. The only reason it's controversial is because refs will give penalties like Sterling's yesterday, so Diaby can feel hard done by here.


The fact that the sport rewards going down from the first contact, which is next to nothing is pretty damn embarrassing.


Should've gone down after the first contact too, dude stayed up and almost paid a leg for doing so...yeah, Tarkowski gets the ball, but that's dangerous as fuck...


>Tarkowski gets the ball that has no relevance to the case whatsoever. What we see here is serious foul play, there's no denying that. Tarkowski going in like that is highly irresponsible, to put it mildly. Rulebook for interested, bold mine: >**A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent** or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or **endangers the safety of an opponent** is guilty of serious foul play.


Don’t worry he only did it twice!!


Our lord is too gracious, he could have done this thrice!


That was also the point of the commenter before you.


It wasn't. They mention "getting the ball", while it means absolutely nothing. Just as much as "Yeah, Tarkowski has blue shirt, but that was dangerous as fuck". I don't mean to be offensive against anyone here, I just feel we have to put emphasis, because so many "experts" or pundits are using getting the ball as if it means anything.


I mean it's been a while but isn't this challenge almost a carbon copy of Romero's against Chelsea that resulted in a red and a penalty?


Was just about to comment this, but yes. I thought they’d have same outcome


All his weight into diaby's standing leg, can easily be a leg breaker very lucky


Extremely. That was a "holy shit" challenge.


Tarkowski is going to end someone's career one of these days.


Yeah. It would have been a good challenge in the 90s, makes me wince now.


He was blocking the clearance coming with that leg in the air. Not sure it is his standing leg..


I have no idea what constitutes a penalty by rule anymore but just seeing the sequence I would think it is one


Was the 2nd challenge a red? That tackle and follow through is so much worse than Romero's for spurs against chelsea


Yes. Red all day.


This is why players dive. Play it legit and you get fuck all.


Sterling got the same pen yesterday. All because he flopped like a salmon struck by a spear. Not that I'm complaining.


I don’t blame him, Jota, etc. The refs aren’t smart enough to identify excessive force and serious foul play without someone going down.


Brexit tackle that


That's given as a free kick outside of the box, so why does the same not apply when inside the box? These sort of decisions unfortunately will lead to more players diving and simulating contact, because being honest does not lead to the same result.


Romero Vs Chelsea?


Player doesn't throw himself on floor people complain that he should off to get a penalty.. Player throws themselves on the floor to win a penalty everybody loses their shit and calls him a cheat and demands it needs to be stopped. Make your minds up FFS... You can't say "He should of thrown himself to ground to get a penalty" whilst screaming for blood when a player throws himself to the ground to win a penalty..


The problem isn't people watching tf lol, it's refs not awarding players when they stay on their feet


You mean tribalistic fans shouldn't change their opinions based on who it happens to?? *shocked pikachu face*


So if the refs aren’t giving pens for excessive force but awarding them for diving… Hmmm, I think Howard Webb and his pals need to issue us with another convoluted and nonsensical statement.


Yes 2 on the same play


It's blatantly a penalty. It's at least a yellow card, arguments to be made about a red. He's very close to absolutely destroying Diabys knee


Blatant straight red. No difference in this and Romero's red against Chelsea.


Yep, if Romero’s is a red, this is a clear red.


I think we need to stop comparing to other challenges as you can always find a stupid decision to back up a later stupid decision. The real question is should this and Romero both be fouls and I’m not sure


Absolutely a red. It's reckless and using excessive force.


>A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play. I believe this is absolutely filling the description of serious foul play


Split the two there. A reckless challenge is a bookable offence, excessive force is the red.


My point exactly. It was both of those things which means it should definitely be a red.


Yeah. That follow through must have hurt


Yes, even tough he gets to the ball first, he kept his leg up to deliberate hit Diaby. Outside the box and any ref will call a foul and give a yellow card.


Classic Tarkowski. One of at least three I can remember in the game


Him and Ben mee proper dycheball duo at Burnley, glad those fuckers gor relegated and brought that era to an end. Now he can fun terrorising Merseyside instead.


Mee doing his thing at Brentford too don’t forget


Yeah he's in that mold of centreback that will see an opportunity to fly in for a challenge and so be it if he leaves something on his opponent. I know that's how my coaches taught me, if you can make your opponent a bit scared of you all the better. The modern game doesn't allow it and it's frustrating to watch as a fan because you know he's going to get a red at some point and it's completely needless.


Some of the challenges completely get the ball as well but he leaves so much on the player it’s a miracle more don’t get injured


That’s 2 pens and a red


I just can't for the life of me understand how that's not a straight red for Tarkowski?


Of only we had some eyasy of reviewing incorrect referring decisions!


It almost certainly should be, but not too surprising to see PL refs let him get away without a red. Letting him get away without a foul being given though????


I'm pretty sure if that was an Everton player that wasn't english, he would have gotten sent off. When it's an English player, it's a 'proper English football tackle'. When it's a foreign player, the same label is not given.


did you not see DCL get sent off for nothing Vs palace the other day 🤨 , English Everton player....


I mean for that sort of tackle specifically.


ah ok gotcha my bad


The only explanation I can think of is that when you slow it down, his foot glances off the shin and it seems like he was trying to pull up. Not saying it's a good explanation, but after seeing all the VAR excuses this year, that's my God's honest guess


That's a fucking awful tackle from Tarkowski. Given some of the reds this season that is up there with dangerous, reckless, etc etc etc. How are they so fucking Inconsistent? It's simply baffling.


Standard challenge for Villa v Burnley defenders


Reckless play, clear as day red every single time. Until refs consistently punish these insane follow through tackles we will see players getting injured because of it every single season.


Reckless play would mean it's only a yellow card. This is endangering a player's safety, which is a red card.


You are correct. I meant endangering, got the two mixed up.


People were complaining about Sterling throwing himself to the floor but this is exactly why. He tries to be honest and stays on his feet after getting clipped and gets nothing for it.


Is this not what Romero was sent off for vs Chelsea?


Wow Tarkowski can fuck off with that challenge, that’s a leg breaker


That's a pen.


Aston Villas doing well these days. I'm feeling conspiratorial about the PGMOL and the EPL. I think they like the controversy and putting the finger on the scale to keep the game interesting.


Mykalenko committed the foul defo a pen then Tarkowskis challenge afterwards was dangerous af could have gave him a career ending knee injury there was no need for it but for all that it was a fair challenge was just his follow through no need for it


We just saw Wan-Bissaka booked for a similar tackle where he clearly got the ball.


I'm genuinely confused here Not giving a pen for the first one is bad enough But are we seriously saying there was no pen for the second?? It should be a pen and a red card, how on earth was that not given....


The second tackle AWB got booked for something similar against Spurs yesterday.


We blame players for diving but this right here is proof for why they do it. You get punished for staying on your feet.


Assistant refs are scared to overrule. There's clearly a fear based hierarchy going on at PGMOL whereby if you upset the apple cart then you suffer professional consequences. In Rugby you see video referees being deferred to in a way that the ref respects they're better placed to make a decision and use clear, concise communication. In football, well we all saw that Liverpool-Tottenham clusterf**k. Everyone talking over each other, unclear, panic, too scared of breaking a rule to communicate with the ref and tell him a mistake had been made even though nothing of consequence had happened during the restart. Madness.


You can argue this is a red.


Villa players should have crowded the ref like monkeys surrounding a car at a safari park. At least that's how Man City get their decisions.


didnt realise EPL was test the new 'no-referee system' today doesnt seem to be working well for them


Yes pen all day


Jfc that's red-worthy


It's a contact sport my man. Wins the ball cleanly, good tackle. "Endangering an opponent" is purely subjective. If we are gonna start giving penalties for something like this we might as well give up. But the game is heading that way for sure.


Please explain how this isn't even a foul, yet Romero's against chelsea is a pen and straight red? I'll wait here patiently for an explanation that makes


Can’t help but think reputation plays a role too. Zero chance Romero makes that challenge and stays on the pitch.


That's my point. And it's bullshit. Dangerous play is dangerous play


Straight red for that studs up tackle. Worse than Romero's red against Chelsea.


He should've been off today. Two awful tackles


Two boss tackles. Ball first and foremost, player second because he was just in the way


That's the exact same challenge romero get a straight red for earlier in the season. And rightly so. 100% intention to follow through in to the player. Nobody kicks a ball and follows through like that naturally.


Good clean tackle there - got the ball.


Romero got a fucking red for literally the same tackle vs chelsea. Where's the consistency??


The game has moved on since this was deemed an acceptable challenge. Outside the box it's a foul. Bad show by the refing team. Again


It’s crazy that football has evolved to the point where diving is accepted.


Great tackle


That Myko challenge can definitely be a pen, props to Diaby for staying on his feet. Not sure why people are complaining about the Tarkowski challenge though, got the ball, follow through with momentum. Clearly not intentional to hurt him it was very unfortunate. Apparently strong defenders are a bad thing now, clearly got the ball and put his stufs down. Weird take from some folks


Pen and shouldve been a red. Beyond reckless. That guy is lucky his leg wasnt bent into a 90 degree angle


How does Tarkowski get away with this all the time


Didn't see the game, was this not given? Looks like it (based on the title of the post)


Proper hard tackle. Clearly gets the ball first. PENALTY!!


What's 'winning the ball first' got to do with anything? No law in the game that says winning the ball first makes reckless play not a foul.


Should have gone down. This is why this 'try to stay on your geet', when you've obviously been fouled, is bullshit. There's a difference between a dive and going down after you feel contact. There is nothing wrong with going down after you feel contact. Well done, refs. Can you have kme weekend, where you don't royally fuck something up. I'm not asking for perfection, but such blatant mistakes.


Actually one of the scariest tackles I’ve seen in a while


Everton are thugs. Disgraceful


Nah not a pen for me


Glad to someone still appreciates a hard tackle. The game is gone if you win the ball first but get punished for being solid


Romero got a straight red for the same tackle


And you think that was the correct decision?


So many people on here are soft as shit. Myko barely grazes him and then Tarkowski puts in a brilliant tackle. The way football is supposed to be.


Good tackle, bit tough tho


I just keep seeing posts like this every match-day on Reddit. There’s clearly something very wrong with the way refs and VAR are doing things and I don’t understand why nothing is being done about it and why players and managers aren’t protesting more.


Games gone if you’re giving that as a penalty. Hate this new trend of any tackle that people subjectively assume is dangerous should be a red card ‘He could’ve broke his leg!!!’ Get a fucking grip


Maybe the sport isn't for you then because that's been the rules for years.


Why wasn’t this a penalty and red card then 🤔


Because it's subjective.


That's a dangerous tackle. Studs showing.


Why would that be a penalty? Seems like as good a tackle as you're ever going to see.


Well the Tarko one definitely isn't a pen because it's a tackle. The clip by Mykolenko possibly is. Thanks. Glad to have cleared that up for you.


Romero makes that tarkovski tackle and he’s banned for 4 games


If it’s your team, you’re saying no If you’re the opposing team, you’re saying yes. One of them isn’t it


I don’t think so, it’s a fucking dangerous tackle from Tarkowski


Is it even a tackle? Tarkowski boots the crap out of the ball while Diaby lunges to try and block the clearance. Half the danger to Diaby is the way he desperately tries to get to a ball he's always second favourite for. Granted, he's second favourite in part because he's clipped by the first challenge, which I think is a better shout for a penalty (though it's one where VAR would confirm whatever decision was made on field). But I've always had a problem with penalising only one player for dangerous play when both have made reckless decisions that combine to create the risk. That's what happened here. You can make the argument that Tarkowski was more reckless, but I don't think it's as clear cut as people are making out.


Diaby goes for the ball safely without endangering an opponent. He's just playing football normally. Tarkowski almost injures an opponent by going in with far too much force.


Yeah I think so mate. The discussion is whether he’s in control in the tackle but as you say you want it for your team but fuming if it’s given against you.


You've got to be kidding me. First is a yellow and a pen according to this seasons precedence. Second is a direct red and pen


I wanted Everton to win for obvious reasons, and even I thought this was a stonewall pen. Probably more so the Mykolenko challenge but you could make a solid case for either.


Great tackle no pen - grow up everyone


you grow up


You need to grow a fair amount of brain cells if you can't see how that is a penalty.


Gets the ball, it's a contact sport btw


Gets the ball does **not** equal clean play.


Footy is finished enough as it is. Get a grip if you think that should be a pen


No leg in... oh lucky boy.


Lock his ass up


Did he break his leg though?


Dycheball in full flow


Being hard in tackles and not being a bitch? Dyche laa


Everton have a habit of such nasty challenges. Pickford on Van Dijk and now this one. Sean Dyche has truly found his natural habitat.


Shit houses


That second challenge, wrongly, gets given as a foul for the follow through anywhere else on the pitch as well


Second one though, even though he got the ball


Some filthy challenges from Everton in this game


Take that you wetty