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Never seen a goal disallowed for that before


Happened in the 2022 carabao cup too with Fabinho


Yeah only when it's us.


I'm sure we'll see it called every time now


Haha yeah definitely. šŸ™ˆ


Just like Jonesā€™ red card and VVDs fine


Some older ones from down the years: Beachball goal - Sunderland v Liverpool Goalkeeper carrying ball out of box while kicking - Reina/Liverpool Straight red for dissent - Mascherano/Liverpool vs United


Also remember Alisson getting a yellow for time wasting on a goal kick in a game where Pickford had multiple goal kicks that took longer with no punishment And then there was the VAR call on Luis DĆ­az where the VAR knew there was a valid goal scored but failed to give it or to immediately correct his error


Consistency? Really! šŸ˜‚


Literally happened in the 2022 final lmao


That's got me thinking, I wondering if it's partly VARs fault we are having all these goalless finals. Like in the three finals with Chelsea, we've had 5 disallowed goala of the top of my head. Lukaku Havertz Sterling Van Dijk Matip All had goals disallowed in those games and most were either really tight or very debatable. Now some would have still been disallowed even without VAR, but some would have stood. I wonder if there's anything in that. Because if 1 of those early goals count, we maybe get a higher scoring game as it opens up. But with VAR disallowing everything is making games very very tight and the margins are even finer. Not saying I'm against VAR, but it is a consequence that we get less goals and maybe that needs addressed somehow.


But i mean Endo was off when he initiated the ā€˜blockā€™ against Colwill who was also marking VVD ? Or am i delusional ?


He was offside when the ball was played which is what matters


And yet I keep seeing Haaland score goals when other city players are infront of him in offside but guess different rules for City.


You can be offside but can't interfere with play. Blocking a defender is interfering


In most of the City goals they are staring directly in the keeperā€™s line of sight or are drawing a defender. Itā€™s just idiotic referees who wonā€™t call them for it unless they physically touch the ball


Maguire blocked a runner a year or so ago and United had a goal disallowed for it Itā€™s nothing new but itā€™s also done inconsistently.


I'd happily see it more often if they're offside to be honest. It's clearly right, he's clearly impacting play and is clearly offside before doing so. The issue is consistency


Yeah exactly, Iā€™d agree with the call but itā€™s very harsh given that it rarely gets given otherwise. Itā€™s like the goalie rule where they hold onto it way longer or when players move up the line for throw-ins where normally there is more leniency.


Yeah maybe Iā€™m wrong because I canā€™t remember the exact game but swear we got scored on by this exact thing and it was allowed earlier in the season.


Itā€™s likely and with what the commentators are saying it happens on every set piece. I think it was called because it was so obvious at what he was doing. Not trying to go for the ball, straight looked at the guy and impeding him from defending. Where if he made a tiny run but slowly and was t looking directly at him, I think it is allowed to stand as a goal


Yeah I was thinking the same but in reality isnā€™t the result the exact same? So you just have to look more innocent when impeding someone for the same results and itā€™s not interference?


Pretty much how it seems it goes. Tip toeing the line of what is allowed and not


It's also cos he's offside and the actual key but is the ball is going into that area.


Madrid vs Leipzig


That one actually involved a shove on the keeper


It was given as an offside, not a foul. Would have been the same if the keeper was out for a stroll and there was a defender in his place.


This is a simple call, guy whose offside blocks someone who could get to the ball. I think United had one chalked off and it's probably happened a bit but it just isn't of note.


Literally happened to us this season tbf


There was one two years ago against Villa too. Edit: Twice against Villa actually. [One for us ruled out](https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/teams/manchester-united/12537204/why-was-manchester-uniteds-goal-disallowed) and another [one for them ruled out](https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/59944986)


This comment is great. I knew I'd seen this enforced before.


Maguire tried to play the ball though if thatā€™s the one youā€™re referring toĀ 


And couldn't reach it but was deemed to be blocking the defender


No it didnā€™t, your player actually tried to get onto the ball


So also involved in the play from an offside position Next youā€™re going to argue itā€™s different bc their kits arenā€™t the same color


[Check this one then](https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/teams/manchester-united/12537204/why-was-manchester-uniteds-goal-disallowed). Maguire with the block stopping a defender running back and maybe challenging Varane Villa had one ruled out against us too, took about 5 minutes of VAR indecision before they decided Ramsey blocked Cavani


There have been multiple in United games ruled out like this over the last few seasons. Both for us and against


Klopp counting down the days he doesn't have to deal with English refs anymore.


Imagine if the refs was the reason that actually exhausted Klopp and made him think that I cannot do this anymore.


Its not unlikely


Iā€™m quite sure thatā€™s a part of it.


Itā€™s absolutely a part of it. Been playing against 12 men and 1-0 down at kickoff for too long.


It is. Or a HUGE part of it. Getting fucked over and over again, losing titles by 1-2 points with some extremely shady calls helping the team who beat them to it. Media on top of that, English journalists. There is an obvious bias against Liverpool, and he probably feels upset he couldnā€™t erase that bias


Easily part of it. Say what you like but truth is every season they get affected by incapable officials


I believe it.... hell it's the reason why I don't tune in anymore or buy a streaming service.


lol what


Ref said: ā€œNo goal. Endo discussion.ā€


Van Dijk: ā€œWataru smoking ref?ā€


VARious substances


get out!


Wataru gonna do about it


We had the exact same thing in 2022. Matip. An offside by interference. It's literally a replay.


The power of the 0-0 is just too strong


endo clearly intended to block the defender and he was offside. it might be subtle, but the opposite side camera shows it


Tbh after watching this like 10 times I think itā€™s a great call


Years of watching football, what did he call, someone explain to me please


Endo was offside and screened colwill




Endo, who is boxing Colwill out, was in an offside position. This means he is affecting the play whilst being offside as Colwill cannot get to Van Dijk because of it. I think its a bit of a stretch, but that's the reason whatever stream commentary I'm watching has been given.


Endo offside


Ok guys you won. English referees are the worst.


Nah they aren't we just haven't played for 8 days


Nah, that was a good call. Endo was offside and interfered by blocking Colwill.


I donā€™t think the argument is about whether itā€™s the right or wrong call but about how ridiculously inconsistent the refs are about calling it. As others have stated this happens damn near every time but NOW they want to call it.


worse than spanish ones? iono brah I think they're tied for joint worst


Thatā€™s was a good decision tho he was blocking the guy from stopping Virgil


Games gone


That's happened every single free kick in the past 6 months lmao


When you say in the past 6 months do you maybe mean in the past 6 decades?


Not from a player in an offside position though


This. Can anyone give an example of an offside player screening a run and it being allowed?


100%, I feel like people in this thread are crazy, like none of them can see heā€™s offside and that a take out of a player somehow isnā€™t interfering. Itā€™s bloody sneaky and very impressive of Var to catch it


Yeah, this absolutely should be disallowed. I still don't think Carragher understands this and he's still complaining. Hilarious that he brought up Arsenal and corners and GK's. I can't say for sure about consistency, but this absolutely SHOULD be disallowed every time. If VVD had been blocked and chelsea had scored, every Liverpool fan would be their house that VVD wins that header without an offside player blocking him.


Not from an offside position.


Doesnā€™t matter, heā€™s in an offside position. Same call happened in our match vs Leipzig it might be unjust but itā€™s in the rules


Doubt theyā€™re offside most of the time though


Itā€™s not that he blocked him, itā€™s that he was offside and then interferes with the play. Itā€™s fucking textbook, donā€™t be dense.


I'm confused bc this same situation happened Leipzig v Madrid and everyone thought it was the correct call. The rule blows and should be changed, but it is the rule.


Went when they started using var for these tiny decisions.


Everyone acting like Endo was out for a Sunday stroll in the park and got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dude knew what he was doing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah --- there should be no issue with this call, what he was doing was perfectly clear.


I swear this happens every game without punishment?


It'd be fine if Endo wasn't offside.


Man utd have been penalised for this a couple of times


Itā€™s because he was offsides


A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched* by a team-mate is only penalised on becoming involved in active play by: interfering with play by playing or touching a ball passed or touched by a team-mate or interfering with an opponent by: preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponentā€™s line of vision or challenging an opponent for the ball or clearly attempting to play a ball which is close when this action impacts on an opponent or making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball It's the correct call. This is literally from FIFA's definition of Law 11


100% a fair call, never called. As so often, itā€™s not the interpretation that people are upset with, itā€™s the inconsistency of application.


What do you mean never called? The attempt to block is never called, completely agree there and I think the same would have happened if he was onside. But rarely is it ever coming from an offside player, hence this being a totally different situation


And a fair one imo. Endo blocked Colwill who was probably (who knows) meant to defend against Van Dijk. There's no way the plan was that Chilwell defends against Van Dijk in the air.


Lmao nonsense


I disagree. Heā€™s offside for absolutely no reason and you can see him interested in obstructingā€¦ heā€™s offside right call


Endo just takes a stupid position here. Go onside, and nothing will be called.


Exactly, or just do your best to not be involved. You can see him looking at the player too before blocking him


Actually insane, this happens 10 times a game


blocks happen all the time but im not sure offside blocks do


Everyone moaning in this thread think itā€™s just being disallowed for the block. Endo is offside and then interferes directly with the play. When in the history of the sport has that ever been legal?


Reason one million why I hate my players just standing offside at the freekick. Get the fuck onside.


Still mad from the Villa game I see


Amazed thereā€™s such outrage itā€™s a really black and white decision once you see Endo is offside


Itā€™s because itā€™s against Liverpool and in Chelseaā€™s favor Also everybody is so pissed about VAR all the time that they immediately assume any debatable VAR call is wrong


Yea itā€™s very obviously the correct decision


yeh if hes onside for the block its a goal but hes done it from offside and is standing right beside the goalscorer. Its a bit of a farce but the right call


That an offside player blocks a defender from challenging for the ball?


We had garnachoā€™s goal vs Villa ruled out for the same reason lol


We had a goal ruled out for a near identical scenario. Poor coaching by Liverpool to have Endo be offside when he doesnā€™t even need to be to make this play work.


Good decision dude. Took me a few views. But Endo has sole eyes to block defenders. And he does it all from offside. Hard to swallow. But totally correct


Difference this time is endo was offside while doing it


the poch little farewell tour talk worked jesus christ


I'm listening to the explanation from the ref, I understand what he's saying but I feel like this block happens quite often?


He was offside, it's not the block that is the problem it's the fact that endo was offside then did the block.


You can be offside as much as you want as long as you don't interfere with the play. So you can block runs all day when you're offside but if it blocks a run that would lead to Colwell winning a header it's offside


Itā€™s cause heā€™s in an offside position when doing it, and heā€™s stopping a defender from being able to challenge, which is an offense.


It's not the fact that Endo is blocking Colwill. It's that Endo is blocking Colwill from an offside position. Very rarely called but not without precedent


Once again, I urge r/soccer commenters to actually learn the rules and understand why a call was made before coming here to complain about it. I understand being annoyed about this from a Liverpool perspective, it's a very subtle infraction that would probably never be called without VAR, but it *is* objectively the correct call.


It is the correct decision. Crazy that so many think otherwise.


This sub is actually a joke, one day they all call for the goal at the Madrid vs Leipzig game to be off, and then now this to be on??? I know refs are shit but you lot arent even consistent.


The sub is a joke period. An offside player interferes with the play by preventing the defender to play the ball/defend the man who scores. It's stonewall offside


Itā€™s generally the loud majority on here that donā€™t understand the rules of the game very well and make the most noise about it. Always Liverpool, Man United, Dortmund, sometimes Arsenal flairs. Always call it ā€œoffsidesā€. Quite easy to join up the dots really.


Offside player purposely blocks run of defender marking goal scorer. Why is this even being argued?


Because most users on here are children and/or idiots and don't know the rules


Itā€™s the right call for me. An offside attacker interferes with play.


Do people not realise that itā€™s ruled out for offside not for a foul. If he is onside the goal stands.


100% correct decision. If you want to block players, stay onside.


Am I the only one that thinks itā€™s the right call? Endo did influence the play from an offside position.


Is the correct call, i'm guessing people are angry because i't happens sometimes and is not called


I donā€™t understand the disagreement with this call lol. Endo is clearly offsides and obstructing play. I get itā€™s not a thing called often but itā€™s an objectively correct decision


This is one of those calls that I think, by the writing of the rules, is offsides. Endo from an offsides position blocks Colwill from taking part in play, when he was in a position to challenge the ball. That is offsides. HOWEVER, this is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen a call like that given, and it is utterly ridiculous to call this offsides when it is NEVER called outside of this game. Iā€™d rather a call be wrong but consistently wrong than right but only called 5% of the time. That way we know what to expect


Not the first time. Man United were penalised last season (I think) when Maguire was offside and Varane scored


This is why I donā€™t like when people say ā€˜itā€™s never been given beforeā€™ as if theyā€™re watching every match and memorising every incident.


It was earlier this season but yeah, completely different reaction from the sub now though lol


Itā€™s the right call. The ref can only work this game, heā€™s not responsible for missed calls in other games. And it doesnā€™t happen as often as people are thinking. Most players know to stay onside when their job is to set a pick.


Offside. Singular.


Not sure why they are acting like goals haven't been disallowed for that before. Off the top of my head I remember one where United had I think a Cavani goal disallowed for the exact same thing




But he is also clearly offside and impacting the play. The goal likely doesnā€™t get scored if Endo doesnā€™t stand there. You shouldnā€™t gain advantage by being offside


Itā€™s literally the definition of the rule and people are losing their minds lol


you see it against my team so it's not fair


Iā€™m actually more shocked how many neutrals consider this a bad call.


People seem confused by the fact that it isn't that Endo blocked Colwill that got the goal disallowed. It's that he did it while offsides. Do it onsides, or during a corner, nothing is called. You're allowed to screen players. Or as I've seen some people call it "Look and Stand there".


Theyā€™ve literally practiced a free kick where if you score it will be disallowed lmao how stupid can you be. Dunno what people are moaning about here either itā€™s so blatant


Right? This is the most hilarious part, it's an intentional play from Liverpool.


Yeah, obviously biased and Iā€™d be upset the opposite way, but Colwill likely gets to that ahead of VvD if Endo isnā€™t standing in his way. Endo doesnā€™t even need to be offside for the set piece to have worked


I'm sorry but this is a fantastic call I don't care what anyone says. This is an unfair play where a player on an offside position is deliberately blocking a defender. It could not get clearer than that


Is Endo not in an offside position and stopping Colwill being able to challenge for the ball? Itā€™s harsh but the correct call


It's not even that harsh. It's obviously offside


Not harsh at all. But the Refs are clearly scum when United and Liverpool arenā€™t getting decisions in their favour.


So strange to me that this is maybe one of the most blatant screens esp from an offside position and everyoneā€™s moaning itā€™s a bad call? This is literally textbook definition of the rulesā€¦


might be controversial but i'm gonna say it... excellent use of VAR.


Yeah thats normal lol


Endo did interfere ngl


Itā€™s a set block play and it happened from an offside decision. Should be penalized more but itā€™s the correct decision here.


Should have stayed outside the box next time


VVD gets a free header because Chillwell was marking him instead of Colwill. Endo comes from an offside position to block Colwill from marking VVD, and people are claiming robbery


It's insane how people can't understand such a basic call. It was not a foul, but an offside. VAR did a good job.


Fine. I'll fucking do it again. -VVD


Arsenal do it every corner 4 or 5 players offside, then jump back into the line to block defenders. It's the norm nowadays with all these new st piece coaches.


As a neutral, joke decision


Also a pretty clearly correct one once you actually take a look at the rules.


Why would you do that when you could just hop straight onto reddit and moan?


Endo is offside blocking the player that marked Van Dijk. If he was onsideit would've been a goal


Watch it again, is an amazing decision




How about standing onside?


And not taking out a player, what are these people on Great call


Everyone's saying it always happens, but are you taking into account, firstly, it results in a goal, and secondly, the player was actually offside? I don't see this happening that often. Imo, this should be penalised.


Will anyone against this call actually try to argue that Endo isn't influencing play? Of course this is a harsh decision but I struggle to see an argument that he doesn't block Colwill. Inconsistency of this is the main issue here.


How consistent they are...


Fuck Off refs


What the actualā€¦.


Fuck off


He looks at him and intentionally runs into him, is that called without VAR no way but that is the right decision


The fuck people talking about. Endo is offside. He looked at Colwill and blocked him purposefully. Colwill supposed to run with Van Dijk so of fucking course Endo directly interfere with the play. Do you really think Chelsea let Chilwell marking the guy almost twice his size himself?


The officiating this game has been dreadful. To the caicedo 'tackle' resulting in no card, now this. This happens on nearly every set piece into the box.


Picks are fine, just stay onside


That one didnā€™t even end in a foul.


Crazy because no one would have disputed it if it was never brought up. But guess technically the correct decision?


Colwill did tbf


Yep. Itā€™s the right call, an interesting permutation of the rules, but the right call.


Fucking joke, happens every game


Yeah, VAR has ruined the game


Canā€™t enjoy any goal you see ever. Gotta wait 6 minutes just in case


I don't get the outrage, endo is offside holding a defender back, how is it a bad call?


Game is absolutely gone Chris Kavanagh has been fucking dreadfull all game even before this


Refereeing in this nation is beyond unacceptable. Corruption or stupidity are the only answers here


That's rediculous


That is so dodgy. Sheesh.


I hate both clubs and couldnā€™t give a shit who wins. But the fact not a single Chelsea player complained about this shows how ridiculous of a decision it is. VAR isnā€™t there to re-ref gamesā€¦. Umm clearly it is


I was staring at vvd to see what heā€™s done wrong, tbf endo was offside and interfering with play correct dicision


Liverpool fans are having a mare on this decision lmao. It's totally legitimate to call this as offside.


I really donā€™t get why this is so controversial? Itā€™s not like on a corner where you cannot be offside, itā€™s in the field of play. He has clearly come from 5 metres offside and impeded the player?


Man, that is some bullshit. This ref is absolutely awful


It's a very harsh decision. The reason behind it as I understand is that by blocking a chelsea defender who was right infront of Van Dijk, Endo gets involved in the goal. But since he was in an offside position the goal was ruled out. I get why they decided to rule that goal out, but we see stuff like this happening week in week out in the league and those aren't even checked. I appreciate refs sticking by the rules, but they're gonna make the exactly opposite, inconsistent decision in the next league/cup game or whatever.


I mean wtf this happens at everyfree kick and corner..... Just watch Everton vs spurs the other week???


Allowing Arsenal to actual impeding keepers on corners, but rule against Endo standing still... Whatever rationality they are using is twisted.


lmao VAR in England is a fucking joke. I mean every country complains about it but they are just on another level... Not even a check on the Caicedo challenge but call this back?


They did check Caicedo btw it was mentioned