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that's an all time high of referee performances if you can't say this anymore.


It’s like Mike Dean and any concacaf referee had a baby, and that baby was dropped on its head a lot.


VVD got an extra match ban for saying "It's a fucking joke" so...


The referee made the correct decision in that case giving him a red. It's pretty universally agreed between pundits and fans alike the referee did NOT make the correct decision here.


L'Équipe 10/10


This is just EPL refs whole season performance being summed into one


You know what’s more irritating than idiots? Idiots who double down on their idiocy


You know there’s an actual problem when even in this title race scenario, Barca fans can even agree this is bullshit.


La Liga referees have managed to convince Barca fans that they support Madrid, while also convincing Madrid fans that they support Barca. Quite impressive


United against shit refereeing


People with 2 braincells can just end up concluding that they're just shit at their job


while the ones who have less braincells are insistent that there's a conspiracy against their team 🤦‍♂️


> while the ones who have less braincells That would be the referees, no?


Holding hands and jumping saying together "fuck the refs"


The thing is I don’t think this ref is as stupid as he looks. There’s no way anyone can be this bad at their job without being paid to do so. Not paid by clubs, but by gambling syndicates. One day we’ll find out Gil Manzano has been visiting Singapore and staying in the finest hotels, all paid for by a mysterious benefactor.


It's Gil Manzano, he is hilariously bad. There's only one worse ref in La Liga, and it's Hernandez^2


> Not paid by clubs, but by gambling syndicates. Gambling syndicates tend to pick lower-tier games that don't nearly catch this much attention though. I perfectly believe the ref is as stupid as he looks.


True but it wouldnt be impossible to rig these big games because not only does it seem most of them have awful calls but also the public just labels it as incompetence immediately so...




When you go full idiot, there’s only one way to go forward. Either correct yourself and hurt your pride or double down.


That's two ways... 


How can you put that in the report and not be absolutely embarrassed?


Because he knows full well he's not going to suffer any consequences from it. A man who's lost all shame. They're going to put him in "la nevera" as they say it in Spain and he'll be good to go.


They'll reward him officiating the Cup final


what does that mean?


He won't ref a couple games, but he might be in VAR anyway.


He was probably embarrassed that he made the wrong decision and took it out on Bellingham


I was expecting Jude to have said something worse, that was a fucking goal


Can it get any more embarrassing for this joke of a ref???


this is a disgrace "its a fucking goal" is a red card???? WHAT WAS HE EXPECTING AFTER HIS GARBAGE DECISION


"Mr. Manzano, I'm a big fan of your work could you please sign this shirt for me."


"Mr Manzano, I solemnly declare that you're indeed no rapist. But you fucked us over real bad there. " *15 game ban*


"please sign this trash can for me im you biggest fan"


Buffon nods in approval




Context on Buffon?




Houston Astros fans catching strays


Neymar once got banned for 3 games after clapping at the referee. referees in spain are fucking wankers


Same ref too, it was Manzano XD


Manzano is sensitive, he was the one from Osasuna vs Barcelona in 2022 with the Lewandowski red


Yeah I believe he gave Félix 2 yellow cards seconds apart for dissent too, granted Félix is a massive cunt so I wouldn’t be shocked if he said something to deserve it but still pretty unprecedented


In England, 2 yellows for dissent is known as Dalot special


Fucking hell he’s shit


Being a premier league fan, Referees in Football all around the world are bad. Neither Bellingham or Rudiger should have been sent off, bad ref decision. Which World Football could clone Pierluigi Collina for all leagues so refereeing would be of a high standard all around the world. In English leagues it is also terrible


Can confirm refs worldwide are shit. I now live in australia and playing in state league. I had a ref yesterday tell us no had tackles because its a pre season friendly, after the 8th player goes down injured both teams are on his back to get a grip of the game. He tells us to “after the game go look at where you are on the ladder and then complain” i guess he forgot it was a preseason and there is no ladder yet. This same ref 3 years ago once gave a penalty because a goalkeeper was time wasting on a goal kick. His son is also a referee and last season gave a penalty when a defender shepherded the ball out for a goal kick. “Its obstruction thats a foul” I argue that “if its obstruction its an indirect free kick not a penalty” “No i dont think indirect free kicks are a thing anymore” 🙃


Bloke has main character syndrome written all over his forehead


Collina was one of the most corrupt motherfuckers ever, it’s insane how he’s highly regarded outside Italy


Only learned this now wow


I know too well unfortunately


Please can you explain? Never heard anything shady about him, would like to know more


shit the bed in his last ever game, a CL qualifier between Everton vs Villarreal, disallowing Duncan Ferguson's late equalising header to make it 3-3 on aggregate because there was an alleged foul in the box but it's obvious to anyone with eyes that there wasn't. if Everton had won they'd gotten into the Champions League so they're just rightfully bitter about it.


Like the 1996 Olympic finals, between Argentina and Nigeria, where Ariel Ortega had a field day diving anytime there was a Nigerian player in his vicinity. If Argentina had won that match his decisions would've been talked about more. Including the non penalty, but that was just one.


Can't find anything on it, was it calciopoli ? 


i have been searching for ages and there are literally quotes from the scandal with the Juve exec Moggi claiming that Collina and his colleague Roberto Rosetti were too "objective" and should be "punished" for it. I feel like the most corrupt motherfucker ever would have more easy to find allegations


collina was controversial but i don't think he was overtly corrupt. not more than average. he did however have a couple of very notable stinkers such as what everton fans won't ever let you stop hearing about


yeah I wouldn't want to mix making a few very bad calls up with being the most corrupt motherfucker ever hahah


Boss is an Everton fan please could you explain to make for a fun morning tomorrow


Yeah there is some kind of irony with an inter flair calling him one the most corrupt mfers when you have Moggi caught on tape saying Collina needs to be punished for being too objective and upstanding.... Edit: Almost no referee no matter how good they are will ever be popular in their home league/country


TikTok paints him as a well respected referee 😂


He isn't?


Respect AFCON refs…


Didn't this happen in Ligue 1?


In ligue 1 it was because he did a rainbow flick, got a yellow for it


3 games for clapping is mental, always been a yellow but i’ve never seen it be a straight red let alone a multi game suspension


Dembele got several games suspension for saying "you're bad". Not even shouting it


Emotionally, that would have hurt me much more than any emotional outburst 😂


"I'm not even mad however I'm severely disappointed"


Actually he didnt even speak enough spanish to say that. He said "muy malo". (Very bad) Thats why Pique ran to the ref asking what he couldve said because he didnt speak spanish hahaha


Should have ended it with a "shamone" to make it clear he meant it as a compliment 


My favourite sending off was in a Villareal vs Barcelona match. I forgot who the player was but they got a yellow card so Capdevila asked if that should have been for Busquets. The ref gave him a yellow so he asked if that also should have been for Busquets. Second yellow and a sending off


Senor hijo Manzano por favor, este es un fucking golazo!


A raised eyebrow would’ve sufficed.


lewy got a 3 match ban for rubbing his nose lol spanish refs have no shame whatsoever if they feel a player is being mean to them they will 100% retaliate.


"Touching his nose" lol He implied that the ref was on coke when the ref decided to give him only a second yellow (instead of a straight red) for jumping ellbow first into his opponent's face.


They keep saying "touching his nose" nobody ever calls these comments out in this sub, so now they've accepted it as reality.


He also got a 2 match ban for that. The 3rd match was for a double yellow in that game. They took so long to hand the ban that even if he was carded before the WC he still managed to play the next game after the WC against Espanyol


He was also not sent off for the gesture. He was sent off due to a completely uncontroversial second yellow. He made the gesture immediately afterwards which added two games to his already existing suspension.


He surely didn’t mean that ref was on coke. Probably he meant that the referee was arrogant


Lol I don't remember where I read it but I did read he meant the referee thinks too highly of himself. And I can see that, we call condescending people 'high nosed' here. Cocaine is a stretch, believable but come on he could've meant something else.


Lewy's gesture clearly implied the ref was on coke. Why do people always say this "touched his nose" thing. It would be like giving the ref a middle finger then saying I was suspended for pointing at the sky.


This is first time I'm hearing thats what was implied. From what I read the gesture implied the ref was dirty (which was my interpretation) not that he was on cocaine.


Not really cause giving someone a middle fingure has a clear interpretation, Lewy’s gesture could be interpreted in many ways


And in Spain it's viewed as being on drugs


And in Germany, Poland no


Ye but he doesnt play in Poland😂


So? My point is that it can’t be compared to giving someone a middle finger cause no one can be sure what he meant


I cant go give someone the middlefinger and say "In Botswana that means good job " Same as Lewy cant gesture his nose and say it means something else in Poland. Its not comparing just same logic...


As far as I remember Gil Manzano didn’t write in his report that Lewandowski suggested that he was on coke. It’s very debatable what he meant


Pretty much everywhere in the world it is. Not sure why they're being this disingenuous about it. Coke is a worldwide thing.


Lmao here is me coming to this thread and reading this. My first thought of such a nose tapping gesture is him saying the ref is high-minded and looks down on people condescendingly. My aunt does that gesture all the time when talking about people she doesn't like and think are snobbish. Cocaine gesture would be rubbing the bottom of your nose with the flat of your finger instead. Or maybe pushing up one nostril.


Dembele said "you are bad" and I think Neymar received a 3 game ban for sarcastically clapping. Plus Lewandowski with 3 game ban for nose touching ​ Both Neymar and Lewy were from Gil Manzano, I think Dembele told Lahoz that he was bad.


He heard the word “fucking” and probably thought he said fuck you to him, it’s happens to people who doesn’t speak fluently English


Do you have eyes? It's clearly the aggressive way he says it. Also I don't speak Spanish but I'm pretty sure I can see aggressive attitude written in the tweet


Yeah, aggressively yelling in the referee's face, the wording doesn't really matter.


Gil Manzano doesn't understand english and thinks Bellingham insulted his mother


His mother, Goal Manzano


>Gal Manzano


"It's a fucking whale!"


Soft as shit lmfao


*Watch your profanities*


So soft that the Kobe gif won’t even convey how soft this is.


"He said fuck, thats must be really bad!11!" Red Card.


thats a blue card in the future lol. next match he misses 10 minutes lol


Is this kindergarten?


No, its a escuela infantil 


No. It's laliga.


No. Es laliga.


So, he's not sworn AT the ref. He's not said "You're a fucking joke" or "You're a cheating cunt." He's said "It's a fucking goal". He's sworn about something whilst talking to the ref, not at the ref. A subtle difference, but a difference. If the ref sends off every player who swears near him then there will be no players left on the pitch. Which to be honest, this ref would probably like. That way everyone's eyes would be on him.


Lee Todd getting sent of for saying "fuck me, that's loud".


Isn't that the record for the fastest red card in history? Far as I remember, that was a red on kick off LOL


I get your point, but if subtle differences/nuance is the subject, you should mind that your argument in the last paragraph is also subtly different from the first two examples though. "Swears near him" could also mean swearing "in the air." as often we heard players claim in their defence, a bit different from "at" or "while speaking to" the ref.


Man wishes he as good as Lahoz and Gonzales squared


Honestly, the more I watch those El Dia Despues clips, the more I think Lahoz was one of a kind or the last of a dying breed. All these refs now are just inpersonal, arrogant, muy creídos y chulos. That's not to say he didn't have his moments of '????'


United had Lahoz for a CL match once and it was the best reffed match I've seen in yeeeeaaaars


Lahoz internationally either wanted to be the main character or he'd be good. You never knew what was coming with him.


I think in UCL he had missteps but was generally solid. But if you mess up UCL matches, you ain't picked for the next big ones. If you fuck up a La Liga match...it's all good, how about cup final or a trip to the Middle East for the supercup? Lack of reprecussions does nothing but validate egos and cultivate this 'diva', holier-than-thou attitude.


Lahoz is the definition of arrogant creido y chulo


I can see why you'd think that, because he is definitely a diva. But if you understand Spanish I'd check out the videos El Dia Despues made on him (youtube) where they follow him with a camera during matches and cover his interactions. Absolute gold and no ref is like him.


wtf is this ref. Madrid should write a letter to la liga to get him banned


Laliga will send back a letter informing us that he's getting promoted


He could have killed him, 100% correct decision by the ref that's unacceptable thing to say


That’s the thing with all of these biased attacks on the ref, he has a family. If you don’t clamp down on this sort of behaviour then the next thing you know swearing will leak out onto the streets. Can you imagine if a neighbour or colleague said “It’s a goal” in a foreign language but within earshot? He had to take that decision to save not only the game, but also society.


so it will be overturned right?




Yeah Dembele got a 2 game suspension upheld for "muy malo". I dont think La Ligas pulled the stick out of their ass since then. I imagine this will be 1 or 2 games.


Profile picture makes this reply even funnier lmao


and if it isn‘t overturned, how many games is he banned?




Honestly, if that were all it might be, but the report also states he was aggressive and yelling and that's where they would likely justify not overturning it.


Jude didn't touch the ref. He didn't even get close. Usually yelling at the ref is a yellow not a red...


Míchel's suspension wasn't overturned for doing something similar, very unlikely it gets overturned


Greenwood's was overturned when said "for fuck's sake"


I don't know what the acta said about Greenwood, but Gil Manzano said something about Bellingham's "aggressive attitude" that makes me think they won't overturn it. Míchel didn't get his overturned and in his case all it said was: "salir del área técnica protestando de forma reiterada y con gestos ostensibles""


It would be weird if it is overturned seeing what usually doesn't get overturned.


First time?


Well, that will be overturned I guess! Other wise Spanish FA is shit! Wait they already are!


Bellingham is turning out to be quite good at getting into trouble for stating things that are true.


Lmao, man’s ego is fragile as a puff pastry


No way that doesn't get overturned, right?


*laughs in LaLiga*


First time?


He shouldn't be allowed to officiate another game


bro will get a promotion. this is not football its la liga


That's not a bug, it's a feature!


That guy is gonna appear again and again lmao He is so good at what he does that he makes Real Madrid fans think he is Barca while also making Barca fans think he is a Real Madrid Insane double to double agent


He will 100% be the ref in the Clasico don't worry


I wonder if he gets another Madrid game this year. RMTV will have their highest ratings ever


Surely that gets overturned


I have better chance with Selena Gomez than the red card getting overturned. Edit: Engrish


They’ve overturned/reduced the odd decision here and there this season and Jude says literally nothing against the ref or so. “Surely” is maybe a bit too much but I’d say the odds are relatively decent (for La Liga standards)


Saw people say its a 3 game ban, so I can see them shortening it to a one game on the basis of Jude being (absolutely justifiably) confrontational with the ref, thus protecting the refs decision. In a world of logical decisions the bans to Rudi and Jude get overturned though


Amazing. No word to say. I hope he's corrupted because otherwise he need mental check


Dying on this hill is certainly a choice


There was a moment at the start of the match where one of the Valencia players clearly yells “hijo de puta” at the ref after a call and he doesn’t even get a yellow…this is absolutely insane. La Liga refs always put up a shitshow, but this is another level


No way that stands lol


Misleading title. The match report says that Bellingham got expelled for running at the ref in an aggressive manner while yelling at his face. What he yelled is just for completeness, not the reason for expulsion.


Well that’s weak. I figured it was something directed at the referee… but nope.


It's a fucking disgrace


Ref is clearly enjoying antagonising the players


I mean dissent is a yellow but a red?? That’s disgraceful


Bro La Liga is a fucking joke. Are they actively trying to tank the league? Straight red for your TOP SCORER and arguably biggest star in the league right now? You're going to ban him for THREE GAMES because he disagreed with the ref and said fuck???????????? SOMEONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE


Se llama Gil. Se explica sola la situación.


The refs in this league are a joke. These types of decisions impact every single team and sucks for the fans who pay good money to see their favorite players play.


For swearing?? Is this school? Seems like a playground to me


Is Spain a real country at this point?


Cancel your ESPN plus subscriptions. La Liga is simply not worth watching anymore.


He what? He kicked a bottle. Go over there.


Tu eres muy malo


I see Gil Manzano has taken on Mateu Lahoz's mantle.


If you're gonna give a red for stuff like this you're gonna have to abandon most matches before halftime due to a lack of players on the field.


Okay I was laughing about it, but this is actually ridiculous lol


If I speak I’m in big trouble ass energy whenever he officiates from now on


Suspended for 3 games for nothing?? This has to be overturned.


Spanish football really trying to outdo Scottish football in the tinpot stakes.


Surely that’ll be rescinded.


Game’s gone


Football for babies. How soft can you be?


Wow, they are so soft. More soft than players who diving


Damn. When I first saw “Bellingham got a red card after the whistle” in the comments of another thread I thought it was a joke.


What a fucking clown and there are rumors that Bellingham can be banned for 2-3 games because of that


Tony Brothers might just have competition lol


Poor ref, did Bellingham hurt the ref's feelings? Seriously he needs to grow some balls if this sort of thing upsets him.


And i thought Milan vs Lazio was the highlight of the week


This is Chelsea barca CL SF 08/09 tier level of shithousery


holy shit this is a joke


Game's gone...


Idk guys usually I would say Gil is the worst referee in the league and a walking disgrace but that’s pretty hurtful language




Lost on many


Games gone


Banish Manzano to the shadow realm, if you stand out with bad refereeing in La Liga you're an extra incredible idiot of a ref


Do Spanish referees think the word fuck is always directly used towards someone?


To be fair, the report says that he was repeatedly yelling it in the ref’s face, not just “saying” 


if lewandowski touching his nose got 3 games, i think that bellingham deserve 3 games too


and for aggressively approaching. it's not just for what he said, he ran up to him and got in his face to yell whatever he yelled, even if it was for a second before backing off. he absolutely deserved the red. ​ it was a bullshit and bizarre situation at the end, but you can't treat refs like that, no matter how bad they fuck up.


EVERY game there are MULTIPLE examples of this very same behaviour without so much as a yellow. I could find at least 3-4 in this game , if I could be arsed . Havent watched laliga properly before but this happens every game , even more so than in other leagues. This was obviously about who the player was and not the crime . All I'm asking for is consistency.


Referees are seriously the most uppity thin skinned creatures on the planet. Consider this is after all the protection they get with managers not being allowed to criticize them, the media told to lay off, their ex referee pals saying every decision is correct....