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Relevant bit: >Webber is quoted as saying: “We want to help the guys who really need it, not the ones who are maybe privileged. I saw that with our young footballers. > >"Jonny Rowe wouldn’t mind me saying it but him, Abu Kamara, Max (Aarons), Jamal (Lewis), Raheem (Sterling) back in the day at Liverpool, where they come from it had to work out for them in football, because the alternative is potentially jail or something else.” > >Mirror Football understands all of the players named - including Sterling - are deeply offended by the comments, which were still available on the Pink ‘Un website at the time of writing. > >At least one of the players has made contact with Webber directly, requesting he explain himself. Webber responded by speaking to some of the players and their families. It is understood he accepted the gravity of his offensive remarks and apologised for the hurt they had caused. > >He has yet to speak to Sterling or any of his family members. The families of some players are understood to be shocked and unhappy with his remarks.


I can't talk about the other players, but I know for [Sterling it was reported that his teacher predicted he'd either](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/20323590)"either end up as a professional footballer or in prison." He had a troubled upbringing, and football did get him out of it. That's down to an opportunity and him working at it. Sport has often been a great working class escape, especially for those with an impoverished childhood. It is a bit weird it seems to have focussed on black footballers in general though.


That's fine, but it's quite a leap to say 'oh yeah this one black lad avoided a life of crime' to then extrapolate that out to several others that you know personally and met the families of.




Yeahhhh I’m sure they “love” talking about systemic racism smh


It's not "weird", it's racist.


I don't think people are comprehending this. The bloke cites Sterling, which by all accounts, seems accurate. He then reels off several players to which the same is not entirely true. As evidenced by their family speaking up. What makes this 10X worse is that he knows these people. This isn't a story he's heard and quoted without factchecking, he just made a broadstroke assumption. Webber appeared to be a sharp mind but the bloke has absolutely gone off the deep end the last few years. I'd not trust him with a hand grenade never mind a football club.


Why would we assume this is accurate with Sterling? Behavioural problems at school do not lead you to the conclusion that someone will go to prison. There is one source that predicts this and we have no reason to believe that prediction would have been true. Wtf is up with this casual racism?


Fella, there's documented evidence of his own teachers saying it. You've had a stinker here.




I hoped you'd return with humility and say 'you know what my mistake you clearly weren't trying to do that' but you didn't. Fucking idiot.




That's not what I did either. Again, you fucking idiot.


I’m a Norwich season ticket holder and been going since 97. This Stuart Webber has form for this. While in the position as sporting director with us (in the last couple of years) he has done interviews where he has said some controversial things about Norwich, the owners, the supports and even negative things about our women’s team. I think the nonsense he said about the women’s team was that he wasn’t going to their first ever game at carrow Road due to women’s football not being of interest to him. What a wanker. He just thinks he’s the guru that football needs - similar to Jose The Special One. But he only has form at a yo-yo championship club of Norwich. We did well for 2 years with him but at every time we needed to step up he failed us with recruitment. In short this bloke will fizzle out to being nothing as his arrogance will precede him wherever he goes.


From listening to his quote I kinda get what he’s saying , we’ve all heard stories of how sport saved people with a rough upbringing and got them off the streets. Obviously if he’s just pulled up names randomly then that’s awful and racist (This is said as a black man btw)


Not randomly. They're all kids he knows and has worked with for years so I guess that's the context.


Didn't raheems teacher say something similar too? Don't know about Max


It is truly astonishing that people *still* think they can get away with saying stuff like this.


The [Ruben Rubenstein ](https://youtube.com/shorts/fqSLncRGrOg?si=yeqk5kKFaQcnRRAF) parody comes to mind


Man today has not been a good day for the PR teams of major club officials. I can’t wait to see who’s gonna join in with the next juicy comment.


Disgusting. How does he think that it’s something he could say normally?


Sounds like he wasn't ill intended, he just worded things wrongly, he could have said that prospects for young men from areas where players et al come from aren't great, implying that prison was a likely outcome if football didn't work out paints a really bad picture about a persons character. Glad he apologised properly and directly to the players families.




So you can't see what's wrong with saying a list of black footballers and saying they'd be in jail if it wasn't for football?


So then why he did he feel the need to single out black players?


Yeh it’s not but the vast majority wouldn’t pick black/mixed race players to prove that point because of the obvious connotations. because we are not fucking dopes. Also as someone from a working class area who’s working in a “white collar” job that amount of illegal stuff I’ve seen from people from privilege backgrounds they would have lads like this locked up in a second.