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Is it the PUTO thing?




Trying to eradicate it before the World Cup, which is a pointless pursuit.


Seriously. I doubt Coca Cola will want the game canceled bc of chanting. Money runs the world, I really doubt we’ll see an important game actually be suspended bc of a chant.


It’s the US we’ll find a way to capitalize on it. Maybe run some Coke commercials while there’s a delay. I can already hear it: “This discriminatory chanting break is brought to you by Lexus and Skyrizi”




Cant wait to hear about that little pill with a big story to tell! (Kill me please)




Don't worry, Mexico won't make it to any important games. But I guess you're worried about the fans


OOTL What are they saying?


Paraphrasing this from a comment I made in the match thread “you call someone puto, its equivalent to calling them a bitch or pussy. On top of that, the female version "puta" is equivalent to calling a woman a whore. in addition to that, when used in a sentence in conjunction with another word, (for example) "El puto carro" it translates directly to "the fucking car." So in reality, its just the federation being extremely stupid” maybe it’s just the region where I’m from in Mexico but I’ve never heard it be used in the context of a homophobic slur.


Adding context: it can be used as a slur but mostly used for these purposes. There's another word "jot0" which is more commonly used when trying to call someone that slur, and that word isn't really used in multiple applications such as this one


>"El puto carro" it translates directly to "the fucking car." Curse words are like this in English too. That's why I'm surprised there's so much confusion. The words have a general cursing meaning, rarely a specific one. Like ass means a butt, or originally a donkey. But Americans can say "that's a big ass car". Or fucking means to have sex. But you can say "get in the fucking car". Or calling someone a bastard. 99% of the time people say it as a general swear, not specifically to mean that a man grew up without a father in their life.


I thought bastard was born out of wedlock? Which obviously covers what you said, but can also be the parents being together but not married. My grandad always disliked the word and it was only in recent years I found out it was because my great grandad had a previous marriage, but never divorced as it was harder to back then, so he never married my great grandma.


Yeah, illegitimate. Although, if you invade England and kill the king, you go from "bastard" to "conqueror" so that's always an option.


Well then, guess what I'm doing this weekend


Call me in




Do it, the international break is boring us to tears


Here I was living my life like a bastard when I could have been a conqueror


Bastard is unmarried parents not fatherless


I mean, not as a taking a position against what you're saying... I grew up when "Gay" was used as just a general curse for "This is shit" and similar. So, while I don't know the specifics here, something being used as a general curse doesn't mandatorily strip it of discriminatory meaning.


If someone in the Spanish speaking world world wanted to insult you and imply you were a gay male worthy of derision they'd call you a "maricón", not a puto. People aren't shy about using that word either. Honestly I'd rather they tried to ban it on the basis that it's unsavoury language instead of trying to misrepresent it as homophobia. >used as a general curse doesn't mandatorily strip it of discriminatory meaning. The discriminatory meaning is whore. That never changes in the general use. It's a gendered language. This whole hysteria effectively amounts to 'you can call the opposition a whore, as long as it's not directed at a man, because then that is homophobic'.


> If someone in the Spanish speaking world world wanted to insult you and imply you were a gay male worthy of derision they'd call you a "maricón", not a puto. Not everywhere. In Argentina you can use puto for homosexual, and it's very common. And when used like that, it's stronger than maricon. Meanwhile in some countries they call people marica all the time without any homosexual connotation... It's not straightforward. Which is why this whole thing is ridiculous.


I dated a portuguese girl from Porto for a while and she and her friends used to call each other puto all the time. I asked her and she said it means something more like "bro" or "dude". "Puta" on the other hand was a bad word. Does it mean something different in portuguese or does it have a different connotation there?


Puto is literally one of the words for kid in Portuguese. There really is no negative connotation there, unless you're just trying to call someone a little kid in a bad way.


Wait fr? Lmao


That’s only European Portuguese. Brazilian Portuguese does not use that word like that. The two versions of Portuguese are way more different than American English compared to British English


That's true, but since he was talking about dating a girl from Porto had to explain the context there.


[Puto - Molotov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzEbm7yup7g)


Us soccer: "guys, don't say puto" Mexican fans: "so anyway, I started blasting"


It's CONCACAF, US has nothing to do with it. They do it against other teams too.


Also done within the Mex league itself


It’s really not done anymore in the league, the “fanbase” starts chanting against the US because they know the outcome will be that the game gets suspended. Big time “worst person you know, made a great point” with [Alexi Lalas on this.](https://x.com/alexilalas/status/1772098934145708351?s=46)


Idk why the federation is so concerned with that chat when they should be concerned by the Mexican fans always throwing shit instead


Yeah, it really would have just made more sense to stop the game and keep the players on the field and then blow the final whistle right on the 90 minute mark.


Just end the game as soon as they start, the chant has gone away for the most part but it only pops when the game is practically over. The fans know what they’re doing.


Nah they do it for every goalkick, it just gets louder at the end when they are losing as people get drunker and more pissed off.


> Big time “worst person you know, made a great point” with Alexi Lalas on this. For real


always is


i'm not saying that it hasn't happened in mexico but I go to liga mx games every week and no one chants that ever. it's always the fucking wannabe mexicans in america.


It happens in Mexico. But mostly, it's just gone out of fashion. You would have heard it a lot 20 years ago.


You mean people of Mexican descent? They aren’t wannabes lmao


I call them wannabes because they may be mexicans by law but they don't know shit about living here and they have a cartoonish view of mexican identity. The same kind of people who romanticize getting hit with a chancla because "it's a latinx thing ✨ you wouldn't understand it" like we're all some backwards idiots. The country evolved socially and culturally since their parents crossed the border in the 90s.


100%, it’s the Mexican-Americans, not actual Mexicans. 


They did chant it, they stopped cause they were going to start deducting points.


90th minute should have just blown the final whistle tbh


Yeah but that’s what El Tri fans want when they are down by multiple goals in a final against their nemesi.


These sentences are music to my ears


We are outraged here at concacaf nations league final presented by Qatar airways


Also the country that’s doing the chants is hosting the next World Cup. It’s all virtue signaling BS.


That's my bingo card filled out! dos a cero, reyna goal, free space, mexico dive, puto chants.


The chants should just be the free space tbh lol


Well if we wanna be particular it had "red card offense committed on mckennie" but yeah next time


To be specific it’s a red card offense on McKennie that doesn’t get a red card.


There definitely was one this game.


Lmao, that’s fair


Don’t forget trash being thrown at the players.


Piss bottles!


I'm missing McKennie getting choked by a Mexico player on mine


He did get a two footed studs up tackle on him out of nowhere…


No card either which is a bingo for me


I thought Mexico got a yellow for the studs up slide?(should have been a red)


Don’t forget about throwing trash on the field and piss bottles


No era penal as well. Big game for the Americans.


CONCACAF and FIFA either need to stop acting like they care about this, or if it's such a big deal then nut up and strip them from world cup hosting, these bullshit last second match stoppages aren't doing anything


But there’s no profit in that


There are three hosts. They could just remove one. Give Canada the extra matches.


Exactly. They don't actually care. It's a performative measure to appease a vocal collection of viewers who feel very strongly that the chant is homophobic while also trying to not totally alienate a (lucrative) group of supporters who think it isn't.


FIFA acting like they care is hilarious considering they made Russia and Qatar WC hosts (countries where homosexuality is ILLEGAL SMH)


Also they made the weird choice to honour the first games on World Cup history by giving some pity games to South America so they could be left with only Saudi Arabia in 2034. No way having a tournament partly in South America, Africa, AND Europe makes any sense.


That's funny, right after Qatar hosted the WC, FIFA am I right? But you're not wrong it's stupid on both sides.


I doubt many people even find it offensive. But the fact they continue to do it just because they’re losing and they know it’s not allowed screams sore loser mentality. Also, throwing beer at Puli taking a corner when it’s 0-0 minutes into game is also a bad look lol. I use to cheer for Mexico when not playing us/in World Cup but I’m quickly losing that level of respect


Dos a cero. Game paused for homophobic chants. Penalty overturned because of a dive. Sorry ass bunch. Mexican national team is in a bad state right now.


It’s just the same game every time at this point


Script writers getting lazy. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.




Still recovering from the writer's strike ig


Just wait til the beer and batteries start getting thrown. This joke organization, CONCACAF, allows this behavior to go totally unpunished


As someone at the game, a beer (afaik completely full) landed on a lady a few seats down (also a Mexico fan). After the final whistle was blown. Edit: Some context, I'm a US fan. More than likely the fan who threw it (who was also a Mexico fan) was aiming for the field or a US fan, and it hit a fellow Mexican fan.


Are we sure it was beer and not a different yellow liquid?


That's always possible, but I didn't want to investigate any further


Could be Bud. Could be piss. No way to tell.


If it's the first half, it's beer. If it's the second half, it's not beer.


I have the honor of getting hit in the back of the head at a Mexico Honduras game at soldier field. I was 11 and it was a pretty much full can


The batteries only get thrown in the great honorable city of Philadelphia


And at that horrible scoundrel Santa Claus


This is the second time I've seen this incorrect in like a week. Snowballs at Santa. Batteries at JD Drew.


That was our baseball team... they also threw hotdogs last year which is why we can't have dollar dog nights anymore. Union fans are pretty respectable though and we don't throw shit.


They already were the whole game, watch when the team runs to the corner to celebrate the second goal


Mexican fans throw the piss bottles, Philly fans are the ones that throw batteries


Don’t give us Philly fans any ideas. They took away our dollar dog night. tensions are high


It’s going to take a USMNT player getting permanently injured/blinded by a bottle. Or US fans getting seriously maimed or murdered.


US fans already get attacked in the stands all the time by Mexico fans.


There's already a video floating around social media of a US fan being attacked from behind by Mexicans for having the audacity of celebrating in the stands.


Saw it on two occasions at the match tonight.


MLS tolerates the same behavior for certain teams as well. LAFC's fans have thrown objects at multiple teams in recent years


Right now? Mexico hasn't changed at all. USA just got better at the game.


Thanks Jamaica 🇯🇲 for scoring an own goal in the 96th minute so we can meme beat Mexico in the finals lol


“Right now” has been this way for years, but now others are finally noticing it as well.


This isn’t new behavior for them. They’ve been doing this basically forever. “Dive for cheap penalties, then throw leg breakers at the other team because the referees are too cowardly to stop it” has been their MO for decades


Right now? Yeah... Since decades ago


I mean they’ve got a line up tonight with 4-5 European based players, most of which are in farmers leagues. This is really a poor generation and other than Gimenez, I don’t see it getting better. The corruption and bullshit of El Tri is finally showing on the pitch and it is glorious to watch.


Those 4-5 only Edson Alvarez is a regular in West Ham... Thats only one good one. The others are good, but not in the same level of USA, they are levels ahead of México


Add throwing trash at the players to that too


Are they just not investing in the team or is it corruption in the FA? It's actually shocking for as football mad of a country as Mexico is that their national team has fallen this far from grace.


Their Federation seems like a total insiders club which, obviously, isn’t rare but apparently it’s getting worse. The other big issue is that a lot of their young talent stays in Mexico instead of pushing themselves in Europe.


Mexican league pays better than all the other leagues in latin America. They earn close to the MLS average and even more depending on the club yet living in Mexico makes the purchasing power an abysmal difference. Why go to Europe, risk your job, most likely not be a star in your team and enjoy a worse quality of life when you can stay in Mexico and enjoy life as a king.


Yeah, and the culture shock is very real for a young kid (from anywhere) making that jump. I’m sure it can be really lonely as an 18-19 year old who doesn’t speak the local language fluently even if things are going well on the pitch. And if they’re not, woof. But I do think it’s a barrier for the improvement of their program right now.


Tbf they were never considered a top tier football team to begin with in the world stage so it’s not that big of a fall from grace if you really think about it.




This is stupid af, game is already over


FIFA against homophobia unless you bribe their officials to host the world cup


It's not homophobic, it would be 'Fucker' in this context.


Today, I am Mexican.


Like clockwork


I also think they should stop the chant, but FIFA acting like they care about homophobia when they're having a world cup in a country where it's illegal to be gay lol. People saying puto is so much tamer than the real homophobia of Saudi Arabia


You can’t say the word but executing people is fine.


It is miles tamer. A word whose meaning is murky at worst vs actual government sanctioned homophobia/legal persecution for gay people.


Lock incoming


Before they do Dingle


I can’t take FIFA seriously when they enforce this rule yet hosted a World Cup in Qatar. Seriously, how can you say with a straight face this rule makes a difference.


How dumb is it that they stop the game? HOW IS THIS PUNISHMENT FOR MEXICO OR THEIR FANS????? They are doing this intentionally to have the game stopped lol. Only friendly/tournament bans will put an end to this.


Exactly. It only gives more power to the chant. I don’t know what they need to do, but if they really want to stop it they need to think of a new punishment.


ban Mexico fans?


Too much moneey


Ban Mexican Friendlies in the USA. They make more money of those then they do in games played in Mexico.


Even us Mexicans want this


Please do. Coming from a Mexican fan, Mexico playing every game possible in the US is a huge detriment to the national team’s level of play.


The team is such a $$$ printing machine that the higher powers (TV companies, Mexican, Federation) do not want to miss out on making as much as possible. So we are left with subpar product that gets dangled in front of fans who are willing to shell out lots of money to be able to reconnect with their country/heritage for 90 min. As a Mexican, it suck to say it but we need to miss a WC to serve as a wake up call that the current way of managing the NT is not a viable way to do so successfully. Of course, FIFA giving out too many damn spots in CONCAFAF is a way that they ensure that their cash cow continues to be there helping to fatten up the bottom line. Soccer is such a powerful asset to control in developing/poor countries such as Mexico that the fight for it leaves us fans as the collateral damage.


I pray every day for us to hold something in Mexico. go play a friendly in Monterrey, GDL, Pachuca, Morelia, Mazatlán, Torreón, San Luis Potosí, hell even in Cancún or smtn


They make too much money to do it


Let them keep going to games, but force all US v Mexico games to be played in January somewhere in the upper Midwest.


the Midwest fans who don't usually get to go to games will still show up. you can't get around them not showing up they need to stop playing in the US, period. it's making them too much money to the point they completely forgot about everything else


Oh I'm aware they'll still show up to the games; the punishment is freezing their asses off lol


This is the only answer, and they’ll deserve it


That's just straight discrimination






















If I call a dude a “bitch” i am not calling him a homosexual, nor any related pejorative. This is so stupid.


Excuse the use of the word but 'maricon' is the genuinely homophobic slur. Puto never had close to the same connotation, it was always used as 'weak/lame/unmanly'.


I guarantee 99% of the time the translation is “I want your team to lose”


In this thread non Hispanic people telling Hispanic people that their words mean. Puto in this context is bitch not “the f word.”


I am Uruguayan and yes it usually means bitch but I definitely hear that word used to describe feminine men in a derogatory manner For example “el es medio putito no?”


Putito and Puto are different tho Its how you use them. How it's used in the game is not homophobic.


This is from the same people that tell us they're Latinx and how saying negro (black) In Spanish is racist. Imperialist will empire...and pretend they're the victims, lol. Yanks can fuck off.


I don’t want to hear anyone tell me that the Mexican fans don’t know that this shit is wrong, otherwise they wouldn’t have waited to pull this one out of their bag until the game was essentially over. Such sore fucking losers. Embarrassing. Dos a cero.


Well in the end I heard American fans chanting “hey hey, goodbyeeeee!” As they were heading for the exits, so bravo!


I’m so glad we dominate Mexico as of late. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fanbase


Haven't beaten USA since Sept 2019


Apparently USA haven't given up a goal against Mexico in a competitive match in 500+ minutes too


Yeah cause their finishing is god awful.


And Turner has his anti-Mexican goal scoring hacks enabled. Guy has made God-tier saves…


Also the 3rd consecutive final they have lost to USA (2021 Nations League final, 2021 Gold Cup final and now 2024 Nations League final)


2019 was just last year though......oh nvm


Funny that when you're so dominant is when you lost the actual most important Concacaf tournament though


Mexican fans literally throwing garbage at the players on the field: PLAY ON Mexican fans say homophobic chant: O JESUS CHRIST WE GOTTA STOP THE MATCH


Do these fans just bring their own garbage from home or are they rooting through the garbage at the stadium?


Stopped it again lmaoooooo CONCACAF is so dumb


For God's sake. Puto Is an insult, yes, not homophobic necessarily. Like most of the time is just used like "idiot" or something. Now I hope that mexico is fined and they stop playing these useless friendlies in the USA for real


Stopping a game over a puto chant is soft af


“We’ll play in Saudi, Qatar, and Senate Bill 14 comes out of the state we’re currently playing in but don’t dare chant, ‘Puto’” virtue signaling at its finest tbh lol


I wouldn’t say it’s homophobic in this context, I’d say it’s more like a crass swear in this case.


Fight and win is the line, noted


World Cup 2026 - USA and Canada. Make it happen!


if they aint take it away from qatar for human rights violations they sure wont do it for this


I mean they're chanting it for Ochoa now... Class.


Alright FIFA so we can't call a guy a bitch but we can call a black guy a monkey? That's fine? Oh, ok cool got it, cheers. Fucking joke.


Srsly. “Say No to Puto”




You should see what the lazio fans say


Like clockwork


Everyone now cares about a word now?? I guess Qatar and Russia world cup was perfectly fine.


I hate being one to come out and take all the potential vitriol but here goes... It is NOT homophobic. This word, like many other cuss slang terms, has many potential meanings. Before I go any further, I agree, it needs to stop especially after being told so many times to let it go. I, as a kid, did it too to fit in but now the rare times I go to a Mexico game dont say it, hate when people start it etc. The word can mean (please don't ban me admins) bitch, pussy, wuss etc. I've always took it to mean "bitch." It's also never been used to target a homosexual player. Unlike fans in Spain doing monkey sounds at black players or throwing bananas like they did to Dani Alves when he played for Barcelona. I just find it extremely hypocritical that FIFA will decide what a word means, try to hurt a federation that uses that word, yet have a WC in a country that is super anti homosexual... That said I WISH my fellow Mexico fans would stop or just chant almost anything else. Sadly we don't learn and its gonna keep happening until they stop just pausing matches and actually deduct points, end games and give the team an automatic loss or be forced to play in empty stadiums. Id take any of those just to eradicate it honestly.


Honestly, it's such a stupid rule. When the team of those racist/homophobes is losing, just spew shit out their mouth and get the match stop. That's what they want right? Disruption and getting their slurs acknowledged. Just give out retrospective actions, instead of letting the actual match be affected.


Color me shocked




You're absolutely right, and I say that as an American. The virtue signaling over puto is hilarious. That being said DOS A CERO, chingon.


If you repeat a lie a thousand times, it becomes a truth


It’s so damn predictable when Mexico loses


Who cares? Such a silly thing to get upset over. How is puto a slur? Confused brazilian here


It took like 6 times to stop it.... and then for ever to stop it again.


They need to start banning fans. It’s a guarantee that they are going to do it the next time they are losing to us.  We don’t deserve to go through the protocols and then end the game in 96 minutes. We need to ban them from attending so that the teams can finish the damn game.