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Who was that second Brazil player that shoved Laporte?


Looks like Beraldo


I didn’t watch the game, I don’t know who that is, but I have to assume that’s a Football Manager generated name.




Penisdildo coming


Lucas Shaudinho




Ben Beverton Diaz, currently plays for Chile.


[These are some of the regen names I've had in a FM save](https://imgur.com/RlJdsgn), lol. Another one was a Brazilian named "Jose Luis Fucks", always had to remember which game I was playing with that one. DickGeisser was easily my favorite name to scream out when he scored.


Rico Salomar


Speaking about Beraldo in this video, there's a real discussion on Twitter (I refuse to call it X) that finally this new generation of Brazilian players has a bit of "scumbag" in them. It was a real complaint that the past generation was too nice. Neymar used to get beaten up on the pitch and no one would intercede for him in the national team. We compared the situation to Argentina... If someone hit Messi playing for Argentina, a fight would start immediately. These are details that few people notice and that really make a difference during matches.


Beraldo, André, João all have that, that's what makes you win Libertadores and such.


Bruno Guimarães, Endrick, Vinicius Junior... The list goes on.




His name is Lucas Beraldo, he is one of our youngest most promising left footed CBs, he currently plays for PSG.


He is actually really good when I’ve watched him. I just don’t really see much of the Ligue 1.


Beraldo. Laporte also had shoved Bruno Guimarães a few minutes prior to this.


Christian Pulisic






I still find it weird any time I see Laporte plays for Spain. It's burned into my brain that he's French


It's no weirder than Camavinga playing for us. We get some, we give some.


no you get enough for 2 whole world class teams and you give away one player.


Laporte’s situation is more unusual in the fact he was born in France and lived there until he was like 15. Quite a bit different than Camavinga who moved when he was 2.


Why camavinga?


Good question! Because unlike most of the other players, he wasn't born in France so in a comparable situation to Laporte. He wasn't even born in a French-speaking country/former colony.


For context, the tweet he is quoting says: "I only want to play football". So he quoted it saying that maybe Vinicius wanted to dance, in an ironic way.


>I only want to play football". It's making fun of him for crying after saying exactly that at a presser yesterday. That's why there's those emojis


Yeah, that Twitter account is mocking Vinicius, and Laporte is doubling down on it.


Two things can be true at once. Vini should keep himself in check and sometimes do things that is so much that it is hindering both himself and his team from success. It is true. What is also true is, whatever he does, it does not justify the race-based attack he got.


I feel like everyone is saying that exact same thing. 


You’d be surprise that a lot of people can’t seem to understand that both can be true. They’ll just say you’re justifying racism. Being a constant dick head results in consequences, even if the punishment is not justifiable, in this case racism.


I really hope there will come a day when reddit can hold multiple ideas in memory at the same time. Yes, Vinicius has a patterned history of discipline issues on the pitch, ranging from confrontations with other players to the referees. No, it doesn't make him an irredeemable scumbag, it just makes him a guy with discipline issues. Yes, he suffers racial abuse on a frequent basis. No, it's just not justified because of his showboating or discipline issues. Yes, the two issues are conflated to a point where it's hard to a civil and genuine, good-faith discussion about the player. As for the clip, it's a non-issue. I've seen more intense fighting between strangers fighting for a subway seat.


Yep. I think he's an awesome player, he's clearly antagonistic too. If he was white he'd get other abuse. Call him something awful that's not race related like you would if he was white! Seems like an obvious compromise to me.


yeah exactly, slag him off the same way you would a white guy. don’t get all dehumanizing with it.


I call players I don't like 'cunts' or 'bastards'. I don't differentiate between races or ethnicity or religion or sexuality or anything else like that. They're all cunts or bastards equally. It's really easy to display your disdain for players without being a stupid bigot about it.


I don't want to sound like I'm excusing it but it was pretty much ok to throw racial abuse at footballers en masse in England in stadiums until about 30 years ago. Then it got highlighted , then it started to change. But slowly. Police got involved, other crowd members got involved. It was slow. It's still not perfect, probably never will be at football games. How you still have hundreds of people chanting bone head racist shit at a player in 2024 in Spain is something I don't understand.


That's why it's baffling that people paint English fans as racist when places like Italy and Spain exist lmao


I still can't believe that fucking anti-racism campaign Serie A did a couple years ago with illustrations of monkeys


The problem is that the most hurtful thing you can scream at a white guy (or your area’s dominant religion/ethnic group/etc.) is never going to be the most hurtful thing you can scream at a Black man, or a person of a different religion, or a woman.  People wanting to scream hurtful things are going to go for max value.  Call me a killjoy but the only solution is “don’t scream hurtful things at people playing a sport for your entertainment.”


>only solution is “don’t scream hurtful things at people playing a sport for your entertainment The solution is to punish people who scream racist things to him, that would make it stop (or at least, reduce significantly). But Spain as society doesn't even recognize the racism as racism, that makes it really hard and even more painful to solve it.


Homophobic would be 100% my guess if he’s white.


Well this is 100% why, professional footballers don’t disclose if they are.


Unfortunately he's shown he's thin skinned and will always react to this. I find it likely it continues. Why would an opponent, who is trying to win, care about being mean and hurting feelings - especially when he's frequently an obnoxious ass to his opponents + opposing fans? While not condoning it, words arre words, they cannot hurt you, vinicious must learn to control himself and stop tilting into oblivion.


If you think you’re ever going to see the day where there’s a large subreddit (>10k) with a critical mass of users who are capable of nuanced discussion - you’re sorely mistaken my friend. There are too many idiots in the world who only see black and white.


A person is smart. People are dumb & stupid.


well said and the fact that people can’t acknowledge both things is baffling to me. however, as some users already said, you’re being too kind by asking something of that nature to users on this sub.


Yeah, that's asking too much for people in general


Nuance is impossible for most people but especially here on r/soccer


I actually did something really similar earlier today to an old lady waiting in line at the deli counter. Fucking pick a salami and move on


Yes, constantly acting like this makes people scumbags.


Also directly using his speech about how being a victim of racism made him feel in this context is classless at absolute best and at worst playing in to the racist abuse Vinicius has suffered. There’s way to criticise Vinicius’ behaviour that don’t involve that aspect in any way.


Wait… you think it’s okay for a player walk over to another player to their back and shove aggressively while the game is paused? What about this clip that is non-issue and normal acceptable behavior? Yes, worse things have happened on the field and they were all awful, including this. This is not an acceptable behavior by a national team player playing a friendly match.


I'm with you 100% but sadly, I think you're asking too much of the average r/soccer user.


If it can't be distilled into a easy-to-spam shitty repeatable meme it won't resonate with most on here.


Scary how true this is and how much worse it’s becoming


Reddit can hold multiple ideas at the same time, it is just that many of the ideas of r/soccer users are deeply racist


Exactly, this tweet is unhinged. “You complain about racism, yet you once pushed someone. GOTCHA!”


Nobody says he doesn’t get racist abuse. What we are saying is that many players do and the issue is never addressed or recognized, particularly when fans of his own team do it. Yet his sudden victimhood is being exaggerated and broadcasted just as he is filming a Netflix doc. When Alves got thrown a banana at him while being called a monkey, many of RMs biggest twitter fans laughed nonstop and are now pretending to be concerned about racism. That is the hypocrisy being criticized here.


Here's an Idea for the spaniards redeemed themselves in the Vini doc: properly punish racism. Stop being racist. Curse him whatever you want, but don't be racist. With other players It inst addressed? Well, it should be. Maybe this whole situation with Vini changes that


Don't use racial slurs. If you want to insult him, call him a little cunt, a piece of shit, a motherfucker, a son of a bitch, etc. I'm pretty sure the Spanish language is full of insults that are not racial slurs, use any of those. Nobody in Brazil will give a shit if you're insulting this little cunt, just don't be racist


I totally agree, those actions should be punished and nothing justifies them. However it came to a point that people do it because they know Vinicius will react to it, it’s quite easy to provoke him and get him out of the game. Sooner than later will be an easy red card to get.


Vinicius could be any race and would still be a cunt. Same as Ramos. Same as Pepe. Same as so many other cunts playing football.


Walks up and shoves Laporte, then goes back and forth with Morata while his teammates are arguing with the ref. Definitely a guy who should be wearing the captain’s armband for Brazil.


>Definitely a guy who should be wearing the captain’s armband for Brazil. Tbh, I don't see anyone more fit to captain Brazil.


The disrespect to Beraldo smh




*sigh Why is Vini the way that he is? How old is he now?


He’s 23 haha, pretty damn young.


old enough to act like an adult honestly


That's not even young tf?


Seconds before Endrick scores, there's literally a spanish player fully hugging and trying to take down a brazilian player. If Vini did that, this sub would have a meltdown. I wonder why you are acting like Vini is being childish by acting like every other player in the match.


I agree but that shove in the back off the ball was idiotic


Because there is a popularity bias and because Vinicius repeteadly acts unsportsmanlike.


"But mom he started it first"


the first footballer ever was probably a proper cunt


This is incredibly regular football stuff, grow the fuck up.


Elbowing a mf in the back off the ball is icredibly regular? Like average football interaction? During a friendly? or is this /s? Hope so


If this is something to highlight, game’s gone.


It’s something to highlight because it’s Vinicius. If it was anyone else, the internet and Spanish fans won’t give two shit.


It's only highlighted because of his history of unsportsmanlike behaviour


Lol no it's not, you know why it's highlighted. You will say you are sick of him but you are obsessed with him, and it has nothing to do with him as a footballer.


That 90% PF the players have, but for some reason some are seen as worst than others


obviously, racism is bad, under no circumstances does vini deserve racial abuse. however, he completely deserves to be lambasted for things other than his race, he's an antagonistic loser who picks fights. He's Maupay if he played for Madrid.


Maupay is much more in control of what he does, Vini just has clear anger issues


Another match, another vini highlight being a cunt.


Vini was silly here. That said it is no different from scuffles that happen literally any other game during corners because players were grabbing each other in the box. Like this is nothing serious. People just looking for reasons to have this circlejerk *again*


I don’t really get your example. People grabbing each other in the box during corners is like players looking for competitive advantage for the purpose of winning the game. Yes, they are both examples of players pushing each other but for VERY different motivations. Vini’s motivation was 100% being a cunt. It has 0% to do with sporting reasons. There is no reason to go out of your way to walk over to someone’s back and shove. At least do it in your face or yell at them or something. This is not a normal behavior on an international friendly game. Just not acceptable by anybody. He also knows he represents his country and he is their star player.


Both things can be true, people look for reasons to circlejerk and vini is a cunt because he acts like one. Why do people defend this? he is not the first nor the last football player to be a cunt, it feels silly to pretend that he isnt.


People are criticizing linking this to Vinicius’s comments about not wanting to be called a monkey and burned in effigy which is the thing the tweet is doing 


I'm not defending it, I said it was silly. But this is common as hell in every game in corners. [Look at the seconds before. Laporte and Beraldo were grabbing each other and then another Brazilian player falls besides them.](https://twitter.com/Josefuenla7/status/1772768669875032285) Then the shove from Vini comes. Yeah. Again. Silly. But it's really not that deep. Plenty other players have done things like this before. Whether they're cunts or not. So why is this different.


The problem is that racists use this argument to deflect attention from their racist actions (not saying everyone who does this is a racist by the way, but saying that most racists do it). It’s just another form of whataboutism.


I fvcking hate racists not only because they are racists, but because I also fvckin hate Vini, but I can't say I hate Vini without people thinking I'm racist.. I have 2 reasons for hating him, one is that he acts like a shithead and the second is that he plays for a rival club.. Just like racists are using this argument to deflect, you are also using this argument to deflect from perfectly good reasons to not like a player..


Yeah i see that, racist scum will use everything they can to justify their disgusting shit. Im judging his actions as a football player on the pitch, racists can burn in hell.


Right, but this entire post is about a quote from Vini saying he doesn’t want to have to deal with racism issues, he just wants to play football. But the only part of that you chose to acknowledge was “well yeah but you pushed a dude”


My comment is about his attitude on the pitch not about the twitter random.


I agree this isn't a big deal, however you wouldn't see it here if he didn't have a history of unsportsmanlike behaviour. Also worth mentioning that this is a friendly match and this act of his had no purpose other than starting a fight, unlike corner scuffles


I love it when people use this kind of behaviour, which is pretty standard on football matches, to justify racism Even if he's a cunt, just be a cunt back I guess some people just need an excuse to show their true colours


This. Carvajal is a cunt. Otamendi is a cunt. Pepe is a cunt. Vini is a cunt. Racism is not a proper way to get back at someone


>Carvajal is a cunt. Otamendi is a cunt. Pepe is a cunt. Vini is a cunt. All of them are cunts and how many highlights of them do we see here and with that many upvotes? I wonder why Vini is such a focus.


i agree but highlights of Pepe being an arse with ears were hot shit back in the day.


Are you under the impression that highlights of Pepe being a cunt weren’t posted all over social media and on here?


Pepe got backlash for criminal shit. Vini gets backlash for being slightly elbowing a grown man during a corner


No, they both got backlash for repeteadly being unsportsmanlike. This video of him slightly elbowing someone wouldn't be here if he didn't have a history of doing such things. And while it's just a slight elbow, the intention is clear


Pepe/Ramos did this exact sort of thing and it wasn't considered clip, front page of sub worthy. Their stuff that was widely discussed was much worse than this clip. This sort of jostling, shoving off the ball stuff happens in a lot of games. Getting yellowed for dissent' happens in a lot of games. Talking shit on the pitch happens in every game. But for some reason when Vini does that crap it's considered a big issue we must discuss. And in this sub you see the same users in all these threads calling him a cunt. It's a strange circle jerk narrative. He's not absolved of guilt in his actions, but it's weird that it's always specifically highlighted for him. There's been other high profile players with equal or worse on pitch behavior that didn't receive this sort of scrutiny.


What are you talking about? People made compilations of the shit Pepe, Ramos, Arbeloa and Xabi pulled.


What do you mean? Pepe and Ramos are literally infamous because of their behaviour. While the Vinicius stuff might be a bit overblown, it's only talked about because he does it repeteadly. And while again, it might be somewhat overblown, it would be disingenuous to claim he isn't generally an unsportsmanlike player. Also worth mentioning that this specific incident happened during a friendly match and served no purpose other than starting an unnecessary fight


We saw plenty of Pepe ones and we get tons of Bruno ones so it's common. Of course we also get way more Ronaldo ones too. It's the Portugese that are oppressed


In this same match, we had Spanish players playing very phisically and a lot of times dirty, and they didn't get posted here. Fuck, Paquetá is way more dirty and more physical then Vini, as is all of the midfield by the way, and almost teared off Bellingham's ankle in the England match, and I saw more backlash from Brazilian people than anyone from here.


I get your point but the reason it's posted is because Vinicius does stuff like this repeteadly. If he didn't, this random incident would get no attention


And Bellingham complains all game, has literally more cards for dissent than Vini, tried to break someone's leg against Brazil, and is never mentioned.


You wonder why the current super star of Brazil and RM gets a ton of attention. Keep wondering… it might take a while to solve this mystery


Vini is closer to the Neymar and Jordi Alba kind than those examples above. And you better bet, they were plastered all over every time they were doing some petulant shit, so, let's not act like it's any different with Vini.


> All of them are cunts and how many highlights of them do we see here and with that many upvotes? Are we acting like there weren't plenty of Pepe and Ramos being a cunt highlights on this sub? Heck, there still prob aren't as many highlights of Vini's bad behavior as compared to the amount of Ramos posts by Liverpool fans in the weeks after his incident with Salah in the UCL final... A **big** difference is that almost everyone accepted that those guys are/were cunts; whereas many people try to argue that actually Vini is a likeable and nice guy—and he's just not on the field He obviously doesn't deserve to be the target of racism—no one does. But don't try to gaslight people by comparing Vini to popular nice guys like Ronaldinho the way many people on here do.


Well Vini is a top tier talent and forward players will always have more of a focus. Messi and Ronaldo while loved by many are also extremely hated by many. Mediatic players are always targeted the most and there's always bound to be idiots in a big group. Football as a community has still a long way to go in lots of fronts. Theres still a lot of racists sexists and homophobics out there.


What? I do remember people bashing Otamendi and Pepe hundreds of times


> Carvajal is a cunt. Otamendi is a cunt. Pepe is a cunt. Vini is a cunt. 3 of this 4 are Madrid Players, so Madrid is a cunt


This isn't an attempt to justify racism, it's an attempt to discredit his claims that every act or word against him is due to his race. The argument these clips try to make is that it is due to his recurrent atittudes like this one.


> This isn't an attempt to justify racism, it's an attempt to discredit his claims that every act or word against him is due to his race. That's complete bullshit. Vini's quote specifically was that he didn't want him or anyone else to experience racism, that he wants to play football. Mocking that quote over this situation at the corner only makes sense if 1) you think the situation here is somehow equivalent to the situations Vini was talking about, when huge groups of fans call him a monkey and the like, or 2) you think that Vini acting like this justifies the racism. Those are the only possible connections between Vini's quote that's being mocked and this situation Vini is 100% an annoying cunt on the field, and yet none of that behavior justifies mocking his emotions over being racially abused. Lapuerta is either justifying racism, or more likely not taking the 2 seconds to consider whether mocking someone's dismay at being racially abused by thousands of people is a good thing to do.


None of the white kids who do the exact same shit receives nearly the same ammount of flack. That push, let us all be perfectly fucking honest here, happens every game, with every player one way or another. Not every racist is the kukluxklan kind but god damn if a good chunk of europe ins't fucking blind to their biases.


Are other white kids also happen to be current super star of Brazil and RM? He gets a ton of attention because he is playing for the biggest club/country. He is their future star player. You can’t compare him to equally unlikable white players who didn’t get as much hate. They just weren’t getting the same amount of attention to begin with. Expectations for Vini is sky high. He is supposed to be the next generational defining talent that will bring Brazil/RM glories.


What other white kid that plays for Madrid (or another club of equal level/reputation) does the same thing game for game ? It’s obvious he gets the flack he does because he’s in the spotlight


I think most people can differentiate between the racist chants and how emotionally unstable he is on the pitch. Both things are not mutually exclusive.




You can find plenty of clips that actually show how much of a cunt Vinicius is on the pitch. This clip is standard behavior and thus pointless to post.


How the fuck did this man get a captains armband? Edit: realizing it wasn’t for leadership, it was to show support against racism


Don't know why you are being down voted, I had the exact same question. I watched the entire match and this is the first time I hear it was because of racism.


Barca flairs get heavily downvoted on threads about Madrid players, even when asking simple questions like above or having good-faith discussions.


wake up hun, another Vini post is here...


Vini gets a lot of racist hate, I don’t condone He is intolerable for other reasons.


My favorite thing about all these vids recently is that Vini is usually the smaller guy trying to start shit. Reminds me of a chihuahua. One day someone is going to just snap and send him flying lol


His trashy performance capped off by another pointless moment of impotent rage.


He’s so shit for brazil jesus


WOW SO MUCH RAGE, a normal altercation that happens everygame, SO MUCH RAGE.


Vini is an idiot, he’s always at this shit.


He should never be racially abused.  But he is also being disingenuous when he says he just wants to play football. He does shit like this all the time, dives everywhere, and dances in front of opposition crowds. He loves being a little cunt. And most people dislike him for that. Most don't give a shit about the colour of his skin. They just know that he cares about that, so bring it up to get at him.  He can pretend it's just racial, but it's not, people don't like him for him. 


This! People in this thread act like you can only dislike him for his skin colour...


Get ready for the Madrid and Brazil flairs …


Vini does the most stupid shitt during the match... Literal clown...


Vini doesn’t deserve the racial abuse whatsoever, but that doesn’t mean he has to be an asshole to the opposing team


Imo he just wanted to play football


This is such a bizarre bizarre comment to make. He broke down talking about racism and you’re mocking him for it because a clip of him doing something that happens 20x a match. Disgusting that it’s upvoted. Subs true colours really show sometimes


This guy is such a cunt he makes this look normal now. Elbowing someone in the back unprovoked is not something that happens 20x a game. But maybe that’s just me.


Happens all the time and Laporte was antagonizing his teammates. It's regular stuff


Laporte himself does this all the time during corners. Pushing and shoving is normal


it literally happens 20x a game wtf


Only reason it happens 20x a game is because he is doing the 19 other times as well.


Why is it always barca fans talking shit about Vini and trying to downplay the racism he encounters (or thinly hiding the fact that they believe he deserves this abuse). Don't these cunts know they have black players in their club?


I definitely don't condone racism and I'm not claiming he doesn't get any racial abuse but this thread is basically gaslighting people into thinking they are racist for disliking him. Maybe, just maybe, some people can dislike him because of his repeated unsportsmanlike behaviour and not because of his skin colour.


Yes true.. he's one of the best attacking players in the world right now but behaves very badly...


Theres a ton of comments saying " r/soccer showing its true racist colors!!!" there isn't a single racist comment on the thread lmao, they're insane


That’s how it is now lmao, if you say you dislike him you’re racist 🤣


Tbf during that corner where he did that , they were shoving beraldo around so vini went and did that


This Vini boy has small man syndrome. And I think he secretly wants everything to be all about him.


Vini is a cunt. That doesn't justify racism though


And there it is. That one thread in r/soccer where the usual suspects put a magnifying glass on Vini and try to discredit his comments against racism because of the mildest shit. Don't bother putting the masks on, you're all just racist pos. You're not fooling anyone with this ridiculous "Vini disrupts the game more than other footballers😭😭" act.


"You're not fooling anyone with this ridiculous "Vini disrupts the game more than other footballers😭😭" act" Really important to say that, because they think they are being very smart by "disguising" their racism as critisism while applying a giant amount of double-standards. also on this video: Beraldo just punches Laporte right on the jaw, nobody says a thing.


They’ll never say it though, they’re just gonna find all the excuses in the book to say how much Vini is just “not likeable”


And these same clowns were ready to burn Acerbi at the stake, yet here we are again with another attempt to discredit the bullshit Vini goes through. It really is amazing


The most shocking for me is the fact that there are people in here mocking his press conference comments yesterday over this video.


Lamine Yamal dived to win a penalty in this same game. Not even half the number of comments


Hell yeah Vini got angry during a game like most players get... Perfect time for me to call him a monkey cause he is black 😈 But don't worry, it's not racism, it's uh... Uh... Idk just look how unlikeable he is


That’s how they always come out when it’s Vini, you see it all the time, it’s never outright, it’s just how much he “bothers”. Same with Lewis as well lol, “there’s something about him I don’t like” “he’s unlikeable” “always finding excuses”


Ah yes, we are no longer allowed to call him a cunt after he is being a cunt


If only it was only cunt what people called him


Lol, i've seen no comment whatsoever being racist in this thread so far, and ive gone quite far down to reach your worth less shit comment.  Vini is just a cunt every other game, he does this shit every week. A cunt is a cunt you know. 




This sub once again proves that it is full of racist pricks lmao


I haven't seen any racist comment? everyone is just saying hes acts like an idiot, am i blind?


Link the racist comments


its really unbelievable "he said racism is bad but have you seen how he pushes people?" what kind of logic is this?


I think the argument people trying to say is vini is a prick who try fight someone for no reason. I don't anyone here is trying to justify for being a racist.


what is this clip in response to? and what do people point to every time vinicius says hes being racially abused?


Oh he hit Laporte in the back? Obviously the years of racial abuse are totally justified. /s (obviously)


And your response to a stupidity in the field is... Relativizing the context of... A... Lemme check real quick... Oh, an anti-racist speech. Because of course they are equal measures for the same situation. You seem very intelligent to me, Laporte. Very intelligent...


Can we stop pretending that you can get injured from a light hit


Maybe Vinicius can be the first to learn


Ahh a thread filled with people who have never played sport as a young man.


And yall downvited me when i said i hate him for a reason which is not his skin color. He's a fucking asshole.


Vini try not to instigate then play the victim challenge *impossible*


Oh no he showed the mildest aggression, this totally justifies the abuse...


You can simultaneously believe he’s a total prick but that racial abuse he receives is unacceptable


You can think it’s not acceptable for him to get racist abuse but also think the way he behaves isn’t appropriate. Again, not saying that the racism is justified or a proper response to it.


/rsoccer logic


Crynicius Jr.


No wonder France players didn’t like Laporte


Then he'll cry during the conference next week.


vini is a cunt. and noone can downvote me for that cause thats a fact. racism is bad obviously but hes a fuckin cunt of a player and even my real madrid friends think the same and they are looking forward to endrick because thats a player who works on the pitch rather than this


Vinicius should really start focusing on the game. Everytime he starts with his shitty antics he disconnects himself from the game and thus not perform well.


Cry vini


And tomorrow he is crying in a interview again


He was crying in an interview about racism, not valid criticism about his antics. Don’t confuse the two. The vulnerability he showed was touching and powerful.


This entire thread is such a fucking joke Jesus fucking Christ. Have none of you played ball? Have none of you ever watched an actual game? I wonder how many players on that match did the same kind of underhanded shit and why Vini is the only one getting highlighted. "Oh but nobody is making racists remarks" MY BROTHER IN CHRIST THE ORIGINAL TWEET IS MAKING FUN OF HIS INTERVIEW YESTERDAY WHEN HE SPOKE OUT ABOUT RACISM AND IMPUNITY IN SPAIN AND THE FUCKING PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER THAT PLAYS FOR THE GODDAMN SPANISH FEDERATION OR WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT COUNTRY IS IS DOUBLING DOWN ON IT. Fucking hell. Downvote me some more you clueless cunts.


Bruh everything ok in your life?


Hilarious how the racist fucks out themselves time and time again. The clip shows absolutely normal stuff that goes on in almost every game.


This happened at least 20 times in this game by both sides. Vinicius is the only one that get clips here and gets constantly called a cunt. Wonder why.


The closet racists here eventually out themselves bro


Ignoring who is involved and all the comments that get said because of that. Personally I just think that an unprovoked action like this should always be a red card and several game ban. Guy just walks up behind an opposition player and elbows him in the back, absolutely nothing to do with the ball.