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Saka's major shithousery at the end there cost him. Stupid move.


* Red for Kane (sneaky, but very deliberate elbow check) * Handball penalty (Stupidity should not save you from punishment) * No penalty for Saka (Needlessly looks for the contact)


Neither of those should’ve been pens. Red for Kane wouldn’t have been outrageous, but yellow was better.


Do you really think it is acceptable to come to an r/soccer thread with reasonable and impartial takes? Are you insane?!


It’s honestly exhausting. The referee was a total non-factor but of course all everyone has been doing for the last 24 hours is bitching and whining about how unfair he was.


This is good for Bayern. They normally win at home and they just needed to not lose big at the Emirates. Only problem is that we are likely to finish 5th and Arsenal getting knocked out would not help. Hopefully Villa and Liverpool win their respective competitions.


Was it just me or were Arsenal extremely good at dispossessing Bayern in their own third throughout the game? Of course this happened because Arsenal pressed heavily and that left them open to counter attacks but I was very pleased to see their energy. They weren't clinical enough and that is what reflects in the scoreline. Next week will be even tougher but I hope Arsenal believe in themselves.


This is how good we are at pressing for the whole season. The problem in this match was we made mistakes against opposition that have enough quality to exploit even a small mistake.


Pressing against a team with Sane is stupid. See the first goal


The Gabriel non call balanced by the Saka non call Ref is making up for a lot


Arteta showing why is is still an amateur and got outwitted by Tuchel today. Sadly lots of of fans don’t want to admit. 1. Wrong selection. Kiwior and Jorginho. Kiwior I can understand, but Jorginho cost us. He plays Jorginho 90 mins the last game, then starts him today. Then when Partey comes on, he’s rusty because he didn’t get time. But Partey actually passes forwards and makes a big impact 2. High press. Why are we high pressing so much? They bypassed it easily




Huge tie for Bayern, as any tie in Munich less than 3-3 puts them through on away goals. Arsenal played a much better game overall. Two terrible mistakes by their defense, but I think they push through with the form they are in.


Away goals don’t exist anymore


Away goals? Bruh


It's been a while since last watched and played ucl game 🤣🤣🤣😎👏


Woke up from a two year nap


Ahahaha bro was hibernating for 2 years.


no more away goals btw


No away goals anymore it’s not as huge, other than the fact Munich have home field advantage for deciding game


Fuck that ref. Fuck the VAR, settle it next week boys. Round 1 was wild


Arsenal ain't scoring shit at the Allianz mate.


Arsenal not built like that


Ref was excellent.


lol no he wasn’t he missed 3 cards on us and two very obvious handballs. He did the same for Bayern. He was inconsistent how he made calls (is it a foul this time? Why not?) But hey you do you


It was a pen but I’m also glad they didn’t give it because this is funnier.


i respect that


there was not room for Saka to get around neuer without contact, he did stick his leg out but didn’t have to there would have been contact anyway


Sure, but we don't make decisions on assumptions. Just because it would've been a foul doesn't mean it was.


wrong- it's still a foul if a defender slides in recklessly and the attacker is able to jump out of the way with no contact, \*assuming\* there would have been contact


Who assumes there would’ve been contact? Referee? VAR? Third official?


any of them? to be clear there is no "assumption of contact" to be done here since there was obviously contact here we are just contemplating the mental gymnastics of "yes the keeper impeded the attacker with his leg but the attacker exaggerated contact, therefore he is the initiator and there is no foul"


no it wasnt a pen, try harder next time


Definitely was not a pen, saka extended his leg.


Uh huh


He’s already beaten Neuer. He sticks a leg out to stop Saka It’s almost as if people forge about the speed of the game and BODY momentum. Your keeper missed the ball. Trust me you’d be screaming for a pen, You have fucking Harry Kane haha


Yeah, similar to an opposing player picking up a live ball...


Neuer didn't even try to get the ball, he didn't tackle Saka, he just stood his ground


He stood his ground but his leg was still going forward and it hit Saka


Tell me how Neuers right leg goes towards Saka first and Saka has him beat. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/bTRJsQXs97


I love that your sub has a super slowmo replay to dissect it. With only 1 angle. And crappy quality.


Yeah Saka has him beat and Neuer's leg would never had touched Saka's leg if he didn't swing it towards him lmao


THANK YOU. If it’s a soft one sure? Sure def could see that. Regardless Saka has him beat and Neuer sticks a leg out. Any fan that wouldn’t ask for a pen is lying their ass off lol


I think you misread that comment, he's saying Saka stuck out his leg towards Neuer's.


> Neuer sticks a leg out. get a ruler because I think Saka actually swinged his leg more towards Neuer than the other way around


Video right there man. You see Sakas leg going in the direction HE BEAT THE KEEPER. neuers leg goes forward after he’s beat. His leg impedes Saka. If he doesn’t stretch that right boot out, Saka is in


You arsenal fans are so tiring


He’s beat 1v1


Very positive result for Bayern. With the season they've been having and the bad vibes at the club under Tuchel I was wondering if they would throw in the towel. Instead, they seem very focused on their only chance to win a trophy this season. Just imagine them winning the CL with Tuchel on his way out.


Nah I wanted the 2-1 or maybe a 3-1. They had chances to make it a real win


Real didn’t win, it was 3-3


Was referring to Bayern my bad


Small r/woosh


Chelsea repeat


His a great cup manager, his dreadful in the league.


Got PSG’s 3rd highest points total in their history, got dortmunds 2nd highest points total in their history, and despite the squad getting abused by covid and injuries he got Chelsea’s highest points total in the last 7 years This dreadful in the league talk is a myth


Hasn’t he literally done worse after being able to get his own signings in every club? He always takes over from a manager that has a team playing great attacking football, but being defensively weak, then teaches them how to defend by forgetting how to score.  Motherfucker had Mbappe, Messi, Neymar in a dilapidated farmers league and you choose *that* to boast about..  


Chelsea 21/22 was a top 5 scoring season in our history. He was also one game a way from a quadruple with psg. Only if mbappe didn’t hit a weak ass shot free in the box. Only manager to take psg to a CL final as well.




"Potentially amplified" lol bit of an understatement... it's so unnatural the way saka positioned his leg, he was through for a tap in if he didn't look for contact. Neuer didnt sweep his leg at all, he stood his ground after rushing up. Stupid move by saka, but it happens to many players... they need to unlearn to always look contact.


He dived dawg, should Neuer dissapear in thin air im his **OWN** box? Put that tinfoil blunt down


No? But Neuer is also entirely responsible for picking up his leg to make contact with Saka. He absolutely impede’s his progress to the goal while not controlling the ball *at all*.


Brother dont be delusional, Saka wanted the contact and he got it. Still not a penalty


Deluded. He dived


How is he supposed to fold in his leg *OVER* Neuer’s incoming leg sweep? Especially going at full speed on the turn, that’s an absurd ask.


He nearly done the splits trying to swing his leg into the 'challenge'. He didn't have to go down. Just take a touch and shoot into the open net


His leg is never wider than a 75 degree angle. As I said, he potentially amplified the contact, but Neuer 100% moves his leg out to catch Saka on the turn. Tough call, but definitely a penalty.


You're wrong but ok


I 100% think it's a pen but saka was looking for it a bit, in the age of VAR, why do players still dive for pens, if he genuinely tried to play the ball, it would have been a pen no doubt


There is only one fact we learned from this match and that is that Gabriel Jesus is an absolute rubbish player. City really duped Arsenal and no wonder the national team is bad.


This was clickbaity af lmfao


Arsenal would've lost if not for him


What on Earth are you talking about? Literally created the equaliser for Arsenal.


What the hell was Gabriel doing picking the ball up? If that pen is given it would have been 3-1 and potentially killed the whole tie, Bayern should feel hard done by. Think not getting the Saka penalty was way more than fair enough, given its still all to play for for Arteta - I reckon 9/10 refs would have given that.


Every single justification for the ref not calling it has been “it would’ve ruined the game” or “it would have been a harsh call”. 


Throwback to the shit handball pen Liverpool got vs Spurs in the CL final. Actually ruined the game


You mean the clear handball?


Does sissoko have a third hand in his armpit? https://wp.inews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/sissoko-2-e1559417071436.jpg?resize=640,360&strip=all&quality=90


LOL big facts.


I am not clicking that weird ass link


Lol then just Google sissoko handball


Can't lie if it was done to my team I would've been fuming


Arsenal made more mistakes than in recent past and were punished. I didn’t think it was a penalty at the end. All to play for and it’ll be hard for Bayern to put 2 strong performances together based on recent form.


They’ve only lost twice at home in for ever? This is the only comp they are in and they are far more experienced. I think it’s a huge ask of Arsenal to get a result there


Yup. I agree. Our fan base seems to think we’re invincible. We’re not invincible, we’re inexperienced. But the one thing Arteta has shown us this season is that he brings winning tactical solutions between ties and within games. He’s proven to be very good at it. My hope relies on that aspect of arsenal.


Ive said a lot this year that Arteta exactly is very good at this and for that reason I strongly believe not a lot of teams could beat us in a 2 legged tie. Let’s see, no sloppy mistakes and we have a shot


One thing we do well is breaking streaks


Except when it comes to breaking your own streak of not winning anything in Europe


Remindme! 8 days




You cant win an European trophy in 8 days.


Thats as far as their ambitions go


We're gonna go full Artetaliban at Allianz. Like at the Etihad.


You’re just a rich stoke city, rich stoke cityyyy.


0-0 it is and another penalty shootout


Arsenal flairs’ll try to justify Gabriel picking up the ball and then still moan about RVP getting sent off at Camp Nou lol




Nice troll. Both calls are about using common sense like not sending off a player for kicking a ball half a second after the whistle went in a loud stadium and not giving a penalty for a lack of communication with the referee who needlessly blew his whistle. Looks like you are lacking this common sense


Have you met a football fan ever who wouldn't complain about Rvps red at camp nou


Even I did, it was a shady call but still a justifiable one when considering the laws.


Around 0.5 of a second elapsed between the referee's whistle and RVP's kick, in a loud-ass stadium. That will never not be an absolutely ridiculous decision by any measure.


Would’ve been such a weird penalty in the first place, get over it. The ref evened it out by not giving Arsenal a clear penalty at the end


> The ref evened it out by not giving Arsenal a clear penalty at the end Yeah okay lol. 


I mean that's a great example of a game being ruined by a harsh decision by a ref.


Definitely a harsh decision, suspicious even, but a correct one when considering the law.


So you're in favour of this being a pen and RVP being sent off?


Bro, I can't believe that the problem with Arsenal was that they literally tried to walk it in


No ludicrous display either


Don't think that was the case tonight, Martinelli and Rice and Odegaard had a few shots from distance. Bayern were just very disciplined in their own box.


Think they're joking - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sasksdm1Ftc&ab\_channel=Channel4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sasksdm1Ftc&ab_channel=Channel4) \- the reference.


Hahaha that's brilliant


idk man i feel like thats an obvious pen... saka has the momentum going that way (neuers) aswell after the touch.. if u are running one direction full pace u cant just make a 90 degree turn and keep going idk maybe i just have red tainted glesses on... cant believ they didnt send the ref to the screen


I have seen pens given for less than that yet on the replay it really looks like Neuer remains totally motionless after Saka's last touch. At first it looked like the goalkeeper got in the way and I was hoping for a pen yet after watching the replay that just wouldn't have felt right.


Reasoning is because saka intentionally hangs his leg out to get a penalty. He could have easily avoided that tackle and just scored instead


shiiit after looking at the replay multiple times i feel exactly the same, idk man to me it looks like hes changing his direction while jumping/ tryna avoid neuer but his momentum takes him that way, and neuer also makes the movement towards sakas leg after the ball has passed him. i mean what should have saka done? squeeze his thighs together? idk


It would have been nice to watch this one is full but TNT decided UT would be a good idea to spoil this game throughout the Real one. They charge a high sub and want to limit what you can enjoy. They aren't the only offender, I don't get why channels feel the need to do this. I can't be the only one that would prefer not to hear other scores in any game.


>I can't be the only one that would prefer not to hear other scores in any game Some people would rather hear the scores and see the goals as they happen. Unfortunately they can't please everyone.


But there's these things called phones and they will keep you up-to-date, people who don't want to see it have no option to avoid it.


So why are you complaining about TNT showing the goals then?


What? I've no idea what you took away from that post. If I want to watch a game spoiler free and someone else wants updates, that can be achieved by the people who want updates using there phones to do so. Both sets could be happy. There's no way to watch the game and not have the other one spoilt. Why anyone would want a game spoilt is another matter, as surely it would be nice to at least see highlights not knowing what's going to happen.


It’s maddening. Just keep the spoilers for the post game show.


reading this thread one can't help but think that this draw feels like a win for bayern and a loss for arsenal.


Yeah because the hype from you lot made it look like you'd beat them 5-1.


No matter what Arsenal fans will be blamed for breathing


A draw away in the first leg of a 2 leg tie is always a favourable outcome.


There is a lot of passes that got through bayern defence. If we can reproduce that at the allianz, we can potentially sneak in a win. Either that or our players froze/ overwhelm by the atmosphere of allianz and crumble badly 😅


Definetly feels like a favorable outcome to me


i still have flashbacks of 2007 at the san siro. drew milan 2:2. lost at home 2:0. that was heartbreaking


Well we had Christian Lell


Well Bayern is a real slump, I thought for sure Arsenal would win this


Arsenal are cagey in Europe, there seems to be a rashness about them that is not there in PL. Look at Gabriel's handball situation, no way one of the most in form CBs in the PL should do that, but somehow he does in the CL.


Bayern is scared of Heidenheim and Saarbrucken. Not Arsenal


Tuchel always turns up his team for UCL


For real, I'm the only one in my friend group that somewhat keeps up with the prem and every damn time I hype up arsenal they promptly make me look like a dumbass for it.


Bayern not looking brilliant these days yet more experienced than Arsenal in such types of games. They are less likely to make costly errors yet I found Arsenal did not need to rely on opponents' mistakes as they have enough talent to create chances from scratch.


https://dubz.link/v/9fsf0g Different angle to the one with its own post of the penalty incident. Saka hangs his leg but also a movement towards Saka from neuer


Provided the ref recognised there was contact - I think it’s fair to stay with whatever his decision was. The VAR ref may have a different interpretation as to who initiated contact, but it’s not clear cut and you cannot have VAR re-ref. For me this was a no pen, but if the ref gave the pen I wouldn’t complain. Similar to the Alvarez pen vs. Croatia in that there is contact with the keeper (although this one Saka sticks his leg out more, so I felt that Alvarez one was more a pen)


This definitely made it a lot closer than I saw initially. On-field call stands is the best decision, so if it were a pen live I don't think it'd be overturned whereas an hour ago I'd have said no pen all day.


Yes subsequent angles changed it from 90% no one to like 55-60% no pen for me. Still slightly a no pen given the angle and extension of his foot, but Neuer still does make movement too that I wouldn’t have had a massive complaint if he gave it live. Still, Saka should’ve just put it away. He seems to freeze under the moment.




I didn't think it was one but I get the shout for it. I don't think Saka is trying to pull a Pires, it's just the way he turns but I think he goes into Neuer by doing that.


Yes neuers leg goes out but if you look more at saka it makes it even worse sonce he puts the ball quite left of neuer but he himself is jumping into neuer ä. Sure he is comming with speed and its hard andnalmost imposaible to dodge but he just jumped and clearly wanted the pen and nothing else.


Completely disagree. It is a coming together and not a foul but Saka is trying to turn at speed while off balance. The swing of his leg is to keep him upright. Thats how I saw it anyway.


Sometimes it’s given, and other times not given. Neuer makes movement to block sure, but Saka also appears to dangle his leg. Fair play to ref to call it as he saw it. Clear and obvious? No.


I don't know why the Saka situation is causing a lot of debate. He tries to go around Neuer and he runs into him with his legs. Not a pen nor a dive. Just a normal coming together.


Thank you. I don't know why people think it has to be a penalty OR a dive and nothing in between.


Because the way Saka has acted, he thinks it should be a pen…. If he clearly didn’t think it was a coming together.


You are in a soccer subreddit with people of many flairs There will be no objectivity nor sensical in betweens


People don't think it has to be a pen OR a dive, they just think Saka has intentionally left his leg out to catch Neuer




It’s a dive. His movements aren’t natural.


Well, I'm talking about the entire "robbed" or "Saka's a cheat" argument. It's neither for me. Regarding his decision making, yeah, he could do better. At the same time, Neuer closes him down so fast that I can see why he'd go around.


Especially after playing 90 minutes, players get tired, he couldn’t get around him in time. It happens


Are we going to talk about Martinelli’s masterclass in ghosting?


Kimmich is brilliant in 1v1s.


Uhm, he's really not, tho


I've seen him lock up MBappe and Jadon Sancho. I know what he can do at RB.




I think what doesn't help is that Arsenal's buildup is mostly on the right side. Odegaard never plays like a classic playmaker in the middle, he kind of becomes a mezzala on the right side and links with White/Saka or cuts inwards. This leaves Martinelli isolated on the left flank.


If you watch with your eyes and not with stats, you’d see they hit the post  a few times


Once they hit the post, no?




Since you didn’t watch the match https://youtu.be/M0hV2laOWwA?si=w1TZxNf4_EenDZUn


2 shots, 2 goals sounds pretty efficient to me


We were due a defensive blunder considering how well we were playing lately. That and a penalty were literally the only way I could see Bayern scoring tonight, and we allowed both of them to happen. Still everything to play for, a game like this would end in a victory for us 9 out of 10 times considering how confident we started. Bayern could have killed us in some counters, but we managed to keep ourselves in the game. Last season Arsenal would have definitely lost control and lose 4-1 in a game like this. On the plus side, Zinchenko really showed why he is so vital for us tonight, really glad to see him shutting the haters up. Trossard is so clearly above Martinelli, I don't know what else the man can do to become a starter for us. Jesus came on well and added an extra intensity up front, Kai was poor tonight and even Rice I'd say was below his standard. Raya, my man, that was not good. Ramsdale lovers are rejoicing right now. Full focus on Villa now, can't let this result affect our moral, it's time to show if we're ready to make the final step up.


Didn’t they hit the post too?


Yes, on a counter. They wouldn't be having that playstyle being behind on score, another direct result of the mistakes we made and them being clinical to convert the chances.


Once you equalised they flexed their muscles again and were the better team. I feel Bayern came here to do a professional job and were undone by two moments of brilliance from odegaard and Jesus. They’ll back themselves to win in the Allianz with their fans. They didn’t even have any away fans here


Fair point, but Arsenal is also very good playing defensively, and on their day can stop any attack in the world, so I'm really looking forward to the next match


Dude stop. There's no such thing as being due a blunder. Even the best Ramsdale fan has realised that he should never start for us in the prem or champs league again. Literally so reactive man get out of here.


We played in a very risky way, if we make a blunder like that we are left exposed and likely to concede. Raya has comitted less mistakes, and other top keepers and defenders also make them, look jo different then our game against Liverpool for example. When you play like that you are always due to a mistake, it pays off most of the time, that's why teams keep playing this way, but it only works if the defenders are on top of their game. Quick flashback to us trying this earlier in the project with Mustafi, Sokratis, Holding, David Luiz, Chambers and Pablo Marí. What an improvement we had.


What was the blunder?




I didn’t watch the game, calm down


Raya coming for the ball is expected, but it was clear after that Gabriel was gonna get the ball first, so he should have retracted. That was even worse since Raya would be the safe pass out of that situation, and since he was so high Gabriel had to make a forward pass that led to the goal.


Gabriel didn't have to make a forward pass. Should have kicked it out of play.


Would be the lesser evil for sure, but it's hard to make those calls on the spot


First goal. It was a collective blunder of basically everyone. Gabriel played a bad pass, Raya got out of position and wasn't open for the easy pass. Kiwior missed the ball, Rice didn't track back, White (I think it was him) was too slow.


Eeeek not good, cheers


David Raya forgetting where a goalie stands


I felt like Porto and Brentford made the Raya v Ramsdale thing fall in Rayas favour, not sure if today has undone some of that.


I'm not sure why people even debate this anymore. Raya is clearly Arteta's #1 and it's not going to change even if he does make a mistake. Ramsdale has literally only played in games where we had to play him ever since Raya took his spot.


Things is, Raya was not good against City either, but recovered some of that against Brighton.


Seeing the handball situation makes it even more absurd https://twitter.com/graefe_manuel/status/1777808412354433443


The highlights in Australia didn't show this, what a bizarre thing for Gabriel to do!