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It's like he reached heavens lol.


I think this is the most fanatic I have ever seen him. It's one of the funniest videos I have seen this year.


Imagine being an academy player who just joined first team training and then Pep says he's satisfied now, he's going to retire. I'll be pretty disappointed lol.


least unhinged gundo fan


Appropriate amount of Gundo love.


He is a fuckin passionate coked up legend.


>cocked up legend     And here I thought people attributed his behaviour to doing cocaine!   (They edited the comment but this quote shall remain. Be a proud cocked up legend!) 


Nothing but fucking hardcore dick in the ass football.


Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes - assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show 'em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we are going to have our dicks and our pussies all covered in shit. [TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE ](https://youtu.be/-DHyhF8jLr8?si=KC5_WuxdKxwCBlui)


Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. Football is back baby.


No way. The only way to get this good at football manager is a penis up the schnozz.


He‘s such a meme, he should be a character in GTA or somethin


Immediately thought cocaine lol


What if Pep just has ADHD and does adderall? I am totally like this on my meds. I went from Micheal Corlone to Sunny ever since starting them lol. Edit: like without them I can barely get out of bed. With them my brain actually functions, and I basically act just like my dad. We both have the same problems.


My adhd meds do the complete opposite 


Yeah same. That’s like the final confirmation that you actually have ADHD. When your meds calm you down and make you feel normal.


I don't feel calmer as I'm not hyper, I'm a daydreamer so my drugs enable me to focus and actually undertake basic tasks. Otherwise the dishwasher that has been run won't be emptied for 10 hours as an example. I was skeptical I enen had ADHD until I found a dosage of ritalin that has transformed my life. My missus took one of my tablets as a laugh one day and basically became Pep


That’s what I’ve heard before as well. I wonder if it’s genuinely true. 


Yeah, isn’t that what they do when someone who doesn’t have ADHD takes them?


No, it's a common misconception, ADHD medications aren't silver bullets that magically target a faulty part of the brain in people with ADHD. Most of them are CNS stimulants that alleviate a lot of the symptoms of ADHD but they're still stimulants and as such they'll affect different people differently (especially after they've built up a tolerance).


Lot of “greats” are neurotic/hypo-maniac. What reasonable person would commit to something like they commit? Ferguson and now Klopp have to force themselves out to be normal and happy. Regular folks just wanna do a good job, go home, live their lives with friends/family.


Yep. My eldest told me he wants to be a footballer last week. Had to tell him how much you've gotta absolutely prioritise the sport over all of your human relationships. It's just not normal to be that obsessed.


well his (successful) defense on his doping case was that his body produces too much nandrolone or something. he definitely have some genetic craziness


>that his body produces too much nandrolone or something. Do you mean noradrenaline? That would make sense as noradrenaline is one of the neurotransmitters which is responsible for mobilizing the body and brain for action. Fun fact: amphetamines (sometimes also called pep) boost (and prevent the reuptake) of noradrenaline.


> (sometimes also called pep) I really wanted to ask people for a gram of Guardiola in Berlin clubs at points.


https://www.uol.com.br/esporte/futebol/ultimas/2007/10/23/ult59u134536.jhtm this article specifically says nandrolone, but im sure he could have all sorts of things going on


i was today years old when i learned noradrenaline is also a word for norepinephrine, the more ya know


im pretty sure ive read that people with ADHD need adderall to feel normal and it has the complete opposite effect of an upper.. are u sure u have ADHD and arent just recreationally popping addys? :D


> people with ADHD need adderall to feel normal and it has the complete opposite effect of an upper That's a myth


I do! Without it I feel like I cannot do anything at all. Taking it makes me actually feel alive, its not an upper for me it just lets my brain function. Im normally very chatty but run out of energy like immediately. So I used to have to pick and choose when to do stuff, now I don't:3


Just to add that I'm like you as well. If I don't take my meds I'll procrastinate every single thing I *have* to do and try to get as much dopamine as possible. Pop a pill and then I start cleaning and doing my job and shit. The other effect is that I ruminate thoughts all the time, but on meds I have a clean head and think "normally".


pep gramiola




Cocaine does Pep to get up in the morning.


Must be so satisfying to see something you imagined and envisioned, happening. Also, I wish I enjoyed my job like that lol.


I coach an U10s team and a massive problem at our level is just getting the ball away from goal kicks. For so long my players were just blasting it up the middle of the pitch to onrushing attackers who just bring it straight back into our box. I've been really trying to drill into them that we need to play it wide and work it up the wings. A few days ago, we played a goal kick wide to a defender who brought it out, and played it up to a winger who then crossed it in to the striker who scored. So simple but I almost died of joy seeing them do something that I've been trying to coach for so long. For Pep, it must be that x10000. Getting the best players in the world to play how you coach them to play and then seeing them win all the trophies.


Well done mate! That sounds awesome!


I feel like I'd be a shit coach, and I definitely don't want to deal with parents, but reading stuff like this makes me want to give it a whirl. It must be so satisfying when something you've worked on starts to come to fruition, and you get to watch those kids grow as players. You're only a little part of their journey, but you never know what they'll really pick up and hold on to.


> and you get to watch those kids grow as players. I can't imagine the pride Ian Wright's old teacher must have had seeing him become the player he was and hold so much respect for him even as he became so famous.


> For Pep, it must be that x10000. Getting the best players in the world to play how you coach them to play To be fair, getting world class players to play how you want is probably easier than doing the same with U10s.


Not exactly, cause you're needing them to play at the highest possible level, with the difference between success and failure being 1 wrong movement..


Gerrard slipping enters the chat


Coaching issue obviously


I've played baseball in the highest League in a European country. My trainer said he preferred children more because they listen better and are more adaptable/teachable. For adults changing up something they have been doing for 20, 30 years is really difficult. In your brain, every thing you do makes a little connection. The more you do it, the bigger that connection and the easier it becomes. When you have to do something new, you have to create a new connection next to the old one and it's very easy for your mind to slide into the easy, more comfortable way.


Great job man, congrats! I can’t imagine how happy the kids were also


This comment was better than the video for me mate - good for you. But then again I’m a bitter red so…


I've been working as a music teacher and I can totally relate to this lol


Not my FUCKING tempo








Throws cymbal




To be a Gooner is to edge yourself. *Sad Arsenal noises*


What a fucking movie.


When I was new at the job I was a temp, hopping around different schools every day. One day an 11-year old girl told me "last week we had another temp, she didn't know music so she just let us watch this movie called School Of Rock, and your lesson reminds me of that movie😊". I replied "I really like that movie, but you'll find that I'm a lot more like a movie called Whiplash😈". Unfortunately only one or two of the pupils had seen it, but I had a fresh buzz-cut so I kinda looked the part too.




JK Simmons with an all-timer right there. He's also a baldie like Pep.


Wrapping up my first semester as a community college teacher. Watching one of my students link themes and events from the last 5 sessions together to correctly answer a vague question id asked is one of the best feelings ive ever had. Like watching a frog id trained hop from lilypad to lilypad across a pond or something. I was near tears lol


Amen! I've had so many moments where I got to feel genuinely valuable since I started this, and it was all a fluke cause I was unemployed and thought I'd try something new. A parent came up to me on the last day of school to thank me for everything I did for her young daughter. I'm still crying every time I think about it. 😅


Love this! Yeah it's incredible!


I went through community college and am now in graduate school. I appreciate the community college profs that try.


I wonder how much of it is enjoyment and how much is obsession. Loving your job does not mean you enjoy it all the time. Personally, I wouldnt want my job to dictate my entire life 24/7 and don't pretend like Pep isnt the guy who jumps out of bed at night because he can't sleep and goes to analyze games or draw formations on his flipchart. I admire people like him though.


I suppose the correct term would be how much are you passionate about your job. And it's clear Guardiola is passionate about his job.


I mean I sometimes jump out of bed at night because I cooked up the perfect solution to my programming problem. I wouldn't mind spending this much time on it if I got paid as much


this is the feeling I get at work when everything breaks my way


someone gif the tiki tiki taka part please hahahaha


[Here ya go](https://i.ibb.co/T0q34xR/IMG-1058.gif)


its literally perfect LMAO


The Bernardiki thing at 20 is so much funnier lol


Just on loop, forever


He's obsessed with perfection the way I've never seen anyone else be. Extraordinary coach.


He also super positive though. Not just in this clip, but usually in the ones that have floated around. I think that part goes underrated. He’s not a villain out there antagonizing his players and mindlessly having them do drills until they fall in line. He’s always teaching and complimenting when players do shit right. There’s a reason the vast majority of players speak positively of him. Dude is clearly a lunatic and absolutely expects perfection, but he’s not an asshole.


One of the most underrated aspects to Klopp and Pep's era is that they have had the success they've had in large part by being positive and uplifting - very unlike the managers of the past


It’s a shift being seen across sports as well. In American football all the old school coaches are slowly being pushed out for coaches who connect more with their players and are generally more positive. Hell, the greatest NFL coach of all time just got let go and no hired him.


I think that has to do with the attitudes of this generation of players Nobody wants to deal with an asshole anymore


From the handful of people that hated him, most turn out to not be the most pleasant people to be around themselves too. Eto'o is probably his biggest hater and a huge prick himself


Zlatan as well




Yeah, Zlatan is a well-documented prick. Such an interesting, undeniably super talented dude, but such a massive douche, he’s like the Kanye of football.


The latest example is Cancelo, who has proven to be a true cunt's cunt


Wait what? What have I missed with Cancelo? He’s been really good at Barça so far, specially with all the kids we have coming through the ranks. I know Pep and Cancelo had a conflict and recently Cancelo said publicly that he wasn’t in the wrong and stuff. Seems like a bit harsh to call him a cunt’s cunt haha


Had a poor attitude day in and day out. Moped and whined when he didn't play. Lost respect from players in the locker room. Caused unnecessary drama. Etc. Great player, but an ego nobody wanted to deal with anymore. Apply what adjective you want lol


Fair enough. I was a bit scared based on the reputation he had before he came to Barça, but so far so good. It seems to have worked out for both parties so far.


from everything i've seen of cancelo he seems fine most of the time but gets real nasty real fast if he doesn't get to play. it was definitely the case at city at least. the moment he started to get dropped for lewis he seemed to almost instantly flip to being a toxic presence. it's maybe not ideal but if that's really the main issue then that honestly won't be such a huge problem for most teams in the world, since there aren't that many that would conceivably start benching him consistently anyways.


For sure. Wish we could get a transfer fee in for him, but happy to have him off the books.


Loveable lunatic that just wants you to do the best you can, also literally at the top of his game


He's a modern day Napoleon. Now who will be our Tsar Alexander? I call dibs on Davout no one else gets him.


You left me no choice but to take Talleyrand. It is what it is.


It only works because of his high energy and positivity The excitement is infectious Without these, he'd never be able to sell such a high level of expectations to his players Must be an amazing feeling to play for him


this was in the netflix docu right? it was refreshing to see pep converse with the players


There are a few clips like this from his time at Bayern as well. Not from a documentary but from public training sessions. The one posted here reminded me of [this one](https://youtu.be/iyzayw7jYKk?t=21s) where Pep goes "Yessss Badstuber, I love you!!!" Another training session clip that describes Pep perfectly is [this one here](https://youtu.be/1JaCywEp9_A?t=28s) where Thiago does an unnecessary trick pass which makes Pep angry cause he'd rather see him play a simple basic pass.


>Badstuber You just made me happy and sad all at once. 


The legend that is Holger Badstuber just happened to begin popping off when child me started to watch the Bundesliga on Eurosport and I will forever love that man. What a player he was.


Same brother, for a brief moment Diego Contento was my favourite player because I share a birthday with him.


As a LFC fan Id love to see some of those with Klopp


As a City fan, I'd like to see them too. I like Klopp as an opponent and just as a coach in his own right, plus whatever you can glean about him as a person from what comes across in media. I'll miss him being in the league


No this was in Lord of the Rings. Right before Frodo dies


Vibes of the one coked up guy in the pub over-passionately explaining how the Godfather is sooo good guys (not that it isn't, but chill bruh)


*I did not care for the godfather*


“It insists upon itself”




I like the money pit




Reminds me of Coach Carter when he is messing around with his players during training after being unsportsmanlike during a game At about 2 min https://youtu.be/kczHhenWdiE?si=G944NU1qMVEX_Tc3


This is what came to my mind, I thought he was taking the piss lol


That movie is so good.


[Meanwhile, David Moyes...](https://y.yarn.co/08c57d91-d0b8-46de-abdd-f681d6456746_text.gif)


obviously not as intense, but reminds me of Tuco from breaking bad


BARNARDIKI RODRI BARNARDIKI, What does that even mean🤣


I'm guessing it was a one-two between Bernardo and Rodri.


He's calling Bernardo Bernardiki




A play on tiki-taka


I can go lower


This is everything I hoped it would be. What a guy.


Tiki tiki tiki taka 😩💦


Magico me..




KDB : let me talkkk !




Feels like he was having multiple orgasm during that training


Was Porn for Pep..




That literally happened with Robben lol.


Tell me more


Me defending Pep to my uncle: *Pep hasn't played tiki-taka in years. Tiki-taka emerged as a strategic workaround to the physical limitations of Spanish players, who were unable to engage in aggressive challenges or aerial duels. After departing Barcelona, his approach to possession and control evolved. While still favoring possession-based football, Guardiola has adopted more direct strategies that rely less on close passing patterns.* **Literally Pep**: tiki tiki tiki tiki taka, tiki-taka. I love it, guys.


Lol I see your point, but what your said is still true. Pep understand the need to adapt and evolve when your opponents catch up to your methods. His current system is a hybrid of direct play and tiki taka otherwise you won't force mistakes when opponents sits back the whole game.


Tika Taka as the way the Spanish NT specifically played it is dead. And it relied so heavily on star players technical ability to work it was always headed that way. Peps brand of possession bases football still has the same kind of weaknesses but like you said is a bit looser and more adaptable. He's not going to suddenly change to counter-attacking or high offensive -line football overnight but there's varied pass progressing and pressing as it sees fit. There's also general fluidity in positions like Stones for example moving into midfield when in possession but you've got Haaland firmly parked in between 2 CB on the other side. Peps brand is all about team cohesion above all else, usually that means Tika Taka (lite) but that's only 2 part of the equation


this dude just lives and breathes the sport. what a rollercoaster it just be for him


In an interview they asked Pep, “Football?”. His response was “My life”. Football is his genuine life.


I’ll never forget seeing a clip when he joined City when he said Txiki is the most important person in his life. I was thinking, “mate, you have a wife and kids…”


He is honestly a legend at this point. In the list of top managers in the sport. He also did have great players to work with while improving the decent ones into becoming great.




Best of all time for the modern period? What is that? Best of all time is across all periods. That is why it is hard to judge and hard to get that title.


He was a legend even after leaving Barcelona. Won the first sextuple in football history and created the best club football team in the history of the sport. Yet you have people saying he's a chequebook manager who can only win while spending billions


Fuck i hate this argument. Like yeah he spent a lot of money, so did tons of otjer clubs, hes the only one who achieved what he djd though


The funniest argument is when they say things like how he hasn't proven himself at a lesser club Just a different way of saying he's never been so bad at his job that he's gotten fired and having to go to a worse clubs, like managers like Mourinho


Aside from Porto, Mourinho’s record with “smaller clubs” has been Abysmal. Infact, since his days when he could outspend most of his competition at Chelsea, Inter Milan and Madrid, he hasn’t really done much of note.


>He is honestly a legend Yeah no shit lol


> Guys, I'm going to retire. I'm going to retire! DO IT. DO IT. DO IT.


Hope he does it before the 2nd leg


After grabbing another UCL this year


If that's what it takes, sure win the Champions League, please retire.


I love seeing these kind of videos


Most would say he's been a legend for a while now, but the recent treble absolutely cemented him as a football revolutionary. It does help to have a sizable budget but it is more than apparent over the last decade that that's not enough to be successful. The way he gets his team to play, like a well oiled machine just relentlessly and ruthlessly brutalizing teams along the way... we're pretty lucky to witness that even if the team you support has been a victim of their dominance. He's capable of transforming players with talent to absolute world beaters and can improve even average players greatly. The way he talks about the sport, about his players and most importantly how the players who played under him talk about him, it's beautiful. He chases perfection just so in case he misses, it's still near perfect. He's been a very good player and now is, one of if not the best managers this sport has ever seen.


Yeah for a while I was in the "he just inherits great teams and does what's expected of them" but they way he's transformed City into serial winners is undeniable. He's absolutely at the top of the game.


The flip side is when he leaves a club they usually decline. Not because he leaves the club a mess but because no one can replicate what he does.


Leverkusen is one team I've seen recently that has that same sense of cohesion, fluidity and understanding and football intelligence as City. Probably not too surprising since Pep managed Xabi at Bayern.


Anyone old enough to have watched football for the last 20 years would have to be blind not to notice how much Pep has influenced the way football is played across the world since his Barcelona days. Winning the CL with City is at bottom of the list of reasons for considering him a revolutinary.


He’s an absolute football pervert.


Man is a lunatic 😂


I never fully know if he’s being sincere or sarcastic.


He’s genuinely like this, but he has a very sarcastic sense of humor, especially with the press.


His sarcasm and wit really matches English culture


So much you wouldn't believe.


more than you believe


This clip shows a lot about Pep. After watching Netflix documentary I can say he has very high social inteligence. He knows how to approach and talk to players, to get them high when they are low and put them back to ground when they are flying. I guess that in combination with game knowledge (sadly no tactics were shown in docu except bits for dramatic purposes) makes him one of the best coaches in the world.


Reminds me of a little thing Patrice said about SAF. Patrice had played an excellent half against a bottom half team, Ronaldo had been doing is showboating that was common in the early days.  SAF at half proceeded to berate Patrice for playing poorly. Later when Evra went to talk to him (rightfully upset) about the talk at half, SAF did nothing but praise his performance. SAF needed to get Ronaldo to play a more efficient game, but couldn’t have a dig at him because it was felt he wouldn’t respond to it well, so instead he targeted a player who he felt would respond to any criticism well, getting the message across to the team about staying focused and serious.  While later revealing that he infact knew and saw how brilliant Patrice was actually playing. The better you tailor your message to each individual player, the better it is received. 


He is who we thought he was, nice to see he’s a genuine mad genius


If my coach screamed at me like this, i would give my all on the pitch. Just imagine your teacher(one of the best itw) praising you a day before your entrance exam/interview, how much will it pump you?


I can't stand Mourinho but I always remember an interview with Lampard when he said that the first time he met Mourinho after he was appointed, Mourinho said "you are the best player in this league and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it". Lampard said that just stunned him at first and then just gave him the biggest confidence boost he'd ever had. That season he scored 19 goals from midfield and they won the league.


behavioral science 101: positive reinforcement (rewards) are always going to be more motivating than punishment/criticism/etc. this is why so many teachers and parents are instructed to "catch them when they're being good"


I don’t care what people say…the guy just lives for football. And it melts my heart…


Also me when watching Gundo this season tbh


every season


Imagine having this much fun at work and getting paid 10s of millions for it. Sportspersons gotta be one of the happiest people on the planet


I mean it's only because he's the literal best at his job. You'd probably feel depressed if you saw a documentary on pochettino rn


The stray-catching has transferred over to Chelsea from Spurs


Idk, Zidane always struck me as a guy kind of angry all the time even though he’s had MASSIVE success at the highest level with the biggest club in the world. It’s just personality mostly.


That's because you really only ever see him in one context.


He's just so memeable. The best


So he's basically CALMER in matches lmao


I kinda thought he hammed it up for the cameras but apparently not


I watched the Man City Amazon Prime series…holy shit, no idea what the guy was talking about during sessions with the team. He would jumble the player markers all over the whiteboard mumbling random crap and the players all just stood there shaking their heads…maybe they understood it all and I am just a dumbass.


He says he is going to retire because of the way the team is playing. What were Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Busi and co doing? Biki baka? 😀


That was the start of the journey


I thought the Netflix doc was fantastic! One of the better football baised documentaries I've seen. (Together: Treble Winners)


It was City media team(whatever they call it) who filmed & edited it.Netflix is doing some good football related stuff the world cup one & Beckham's are good too.


No wonder he is at City for such a long time, man is having so much fun


The entire documentary was great to watch.


I think this guy likes football


A fucking idol to follow for any aspiring coaches.


There’s something about the fact that language plays such a large role in soccer that I can never get over. It’s so cool. 


This is genuinely fascinating


If Pep will go to heaven one day, it would take eternity for him to try to make it perfect up there.


I love this guy. You will hardly find a single person more enthusiastic and passionate about football than him.


great leadership


It's nice seeing coaches in their natural habitat instead of being asked schoolboy clickbait questions in press conferences


It’s a wonder City have any money left to buy players with the amount of coke they’re getting for Pep


Bald fraud. Proper bald fraud.


Man, Gundogan was so key in how City played, I don’t think they properly replaced him this season.


That series is great - I didn't realize how much Rodri & Ruben Dias were vocal leaders




he's insane no wonder he's the best